
Swanson, Paul Loren  


已收錄 86 篇著作,其中有50 篇全文  

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Swanson, Paul L. = Swanson, Paul = 史萬森, 保羅 = スワンソン, P. = スワンソン, ポール



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  "Zen Is Not Buddhism"--Recent Japanese Critiques of Buddha Nature Swanson, Paul Loren Numen: International Review for the History of Religions 1993.05
  「摩詞止観」における経典の使用 (1) -新「引用学」の試み-=Zhiyi's use of scripture in the Mohe zhiguan (I) スワンソン, ポール =Swanson, Paul Loren 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 1993.03.25
  Book Review: "A History of Japanese Religion," ed. by Kazuo Kasahara; tran. by Paul McCarthy & Gaynor Sekimori Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2003
  Book Review: "Buda", by Osamu Tezuka; tran. by Marc Bernabé and Verònica Calafell; "Buddha", by Osama Tezuka Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2004
  Book Review: "Buddhist Theology: Critical Reflections by Contemporary Buddhist Scholars", edited by Roger Jackson and John Markransky Swanson, Paul L. The Journal of Religion 2001.07
  Book Review: "Hongaku Shiso Hihan," by Hakamaya Noriaki Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1990.03
  Book Review: "Jikaku Daishi den: The Biography of Jikaku Daishi Ennin," trans. by Saito Enshin Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1993.06-09
  Book Review: "Legend and Legitimation: The Formation of Tendai Esoteric Buddhism in Japan," by Jinhua Chen Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2010
  Book Review: "Localizing Paradise: Kumano Pilgrimage and the Religious Landscape of Premodern Japan," by D. Max Moerman Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2006
  Book Review: "Original Enlightenment and the Transformation of Medieval Japanese Buddhism," by Jacqueline Stone Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2000
  Book Review: "Re-Visioning 'Kamakura' Buddhism," ed. by Ricahrd K. Payne Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1999
  Book Review: "Shapers of Japanese Buddhism", by Yusen Kashiwahara, Koyu Sonoda Swanson, Paul L. The Japan Christian Review 1996
  Book Review: "Shugendō Now," directed by Jean-Marc Abela and Mark Patrick McGuire; "Where mountains fly," directed by Sandra Roth and Carina Roth; "Shugen Haguro-san Aki no Mine," directed by Kitamura Minao Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2010
  Book Review: "ZenBase CD 1," by International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism; "CD-ROM-ban, Taishō shinshū daizōkyō dai-nijūgo-kan, shakukyōron-bu jō," by Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1996
  Book Review: "Zheng fa yan zang [Shōbōgenzō]," tran. by He Yansheng Swanson, Paul L. =Swanson, Paul Loren ; Liang, Xiao-hong =梁曉虹 Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2005
  Book Review: A Path into the Mountains: Shugendō and Mount Togakushi. By Caleb Swift Carter Swanson, Paul L. (評論) Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2022
  Book Review: Barbara Ambros, Emplacing a Pilgrimage: The Ōyama Cult and Regional Religion in Early Modern Japan Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2009
  Book Review: Donald S. Lopez, Jr., The Lotus Sutra: A Biography Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2017
  Book Review: Hirai Shun’ei, Hokke Mongu No Seiritsu Ni Kansuru Kenkyū Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1987.06-09
  Book Review: Jean-Noël Robert, Les Doctrines de l’école Japanaise Tendaï au début du IXe siècle: Gishin et le Hokke-shū gishū Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1991.12
  Book Review: Kyoko Nakamura, Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition ; Yoshiko Dykstra, Miraculous Tales of the Lotus Sutra from Ancient Japan ; Robert E . Morrell, Sand and Pebbles Swanson, Paul L. The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1986
  Book Review: Paul Groner, Ryōgen and Mount Hiei: Japanese Tendai In the Tenth Century Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2004
  Book Review: Saichō: The Establishment of the Japanese Tendai School by Paul Groner Swanson, Paul L. The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1988
  Book Review: Sueki Fumihiko, Kindai Nihon No Shisō, Saikō [Rethinking Modern Japanese Thought], 2 Vols; Meiji Shisōka Ron [Essays On Meiji Intellectuals], Kindai Nihon to Bukkyō [Buddhism and Modern Japan] Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2004
  Book Review: T'ien-t'ai Buddhism: An Outline of the Fourfold Teachings Editied by David W. Chappell Swanson, Paul The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1984
  Book Review:"Buddha Nature", by Sallie B. King Swanson, Paul L. =史萬森, 保羅 The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1991
  Book Review:"Essays on the Structure of Japanese Folk Religion" by Miyake Hitoshi, Shugendo Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2002
  Buddhism in Sikkim, Ladakh, and Bhutan Swanson, Paul L. The Light of Buddha 1960
  Buddhist spirituality: Later China, Korea, Japan, and the Modern World (World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest: V.9) Swanson, Paul Loren ; Takeuchi, Yoshinori ; Cousins, Ewert ; Heisig, James W. ; O'Leary, Joseph Stephen 1999.04
  Chih-i, the Lotus, and the Lotus Sutra Swanson, Paul Loren Studies on T'ien-t'ai thought and East Asian culture- A memorial collection for Shioiri Ryodo sensei 1991
  Chih-I's Interpretation of Jñeyāvaraṇa an Application of the Three-Fold Truth Concept Swanson, Paul L. 大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究所紀要=Annual memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute 1984.03.31
  Chih-i's Interpretation of the Four Noble Truths in the Fa Hua Hsüan I Swanson, Paul L. 大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究所紀要=Annual memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute 1986.01.31
  Collected Teachings of the Tendai Lotus School Gishin (著)=義真 (au.); Swanson, Paul Loren (譯) 1995
  Dandala, Dhāraṇi, and Denarii: A T'ien-t'ai Perspective on The Great Vaipulya Dhāraṇi Sūtra (from the Chinese) Swanson, Paul Loren Journal of Buddhist Literature 2000
  Dandala, Dhāraṇi, and Denarii: A T'ien-t'ai Perspective on The Great Vaipulya Dhāraṇi Sūtra Swanson, Paul L. (譯) Journal of Buddhist Literature 2000
  Dlaczego Głoszą, że Zen Nie Jest Buddyzmem: Współczesna Japońska Krytyka Idei Natury Buddy Swanson, Paul Loren (著); Jakubczak, Krzysztof (譯) Politeja 2011
  Editor's Introduction Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1987.06-09
  Editor's Introduction Kirchner, Thomas L. ; Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1993.06-09
  Editors' Introduction: Pilgrimage in the Japanese Religious Tradition Reader, Ian ; Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1997
  Editors’ Introduction Tyler, Royall ; Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1989.06-09
  Editors’ Introduction: Essays From the XIXth World Congress of the IAHR, Tokyo, March 2005 Swanson, Paul L. ; Dorman, Benjamin Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2005
  Ennin Swanson, Paul L. Encyclopedia of Religion 1986
  Foundations of Tʻien-Tʻai Philosophy: The Flowering of the Two Truths Theory in Chinese Buddhism Swanson, Paul Loren 1989.06
  Geography, Environment, Pilgrimage Ambros, Barbara ; Chilson, Clark ; Swanson, Paul Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions 2006
  Indebtedness and Comfort:the Undercurrents of Mizuko Kuyo in Contemporary Japan Hoshino, Eiki ; Takeda, Dosho ; Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1987.12
  Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Swanson, Paul Buddhist-Christian Studies 2001
  Japan Society For Buddhist-Christian Studies Swanson, Paul Buddhist-Christian Studies 2002
  Japan Society For Buddhist-Christian Studies 2005 Annual Meeting Swanson, Paul Buddhist-Christian Studies 2006
  Modern Buddhism in Japan Hayashi, Makoto ; Otani, Eiichi ; Swanson, Paul L. 2014
  Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions Swanson, Paul L. ; Chilson, Clark 2006
  New Mahayana: Buddhism for a Post-Modern World Swanson, Paul L. ; Heisig, James W. ; Akizuki, Ryomin 1991.03
  Pruning the Bodhi Tree: The Storm Over Critical Buddhism Hubbard, Jamie ; Swanson, Paul Loren 1997.07
  Religion and Society in Modern Japan Mullins, Mark R. ; Susumu, Shimazono ; Swanson, Paul L. 1993.12.01
  Report on the 10-year Project to Produce a Fully Annotated Translation of the Mo ho chih kuan in Western Languages Swanson, Paul Loren Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture 1991
  Report on the Tenth Meeting of the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Swanson, Paul L. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1992
  Review of: "Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie, N。18, 2009: Shugendō: I'histoire et la culture drune religion japonaise," ed. Bernard Faure, D. Max Moerman, and Gaynor Sekimori Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2011
  Secrecy’s Power: Covert Shin Buddhists in Japan and Contradictions of Concealment Chilson, Clark; Swanson, Paul L. 2014.07
  Tapping the Source Directly: A Japanese Shugendo Apocryphical Text Swanson, Paul L. Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 1993.07
  Tapping the Source Directly:A Japanese Shugendo Apocryphal Text Swanson, Paul Loren Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 1993.07
  Tendai Buddhism in Japan:a special issue commemorating 1200 years of the Tendai tradition Swanson, Paul Loren 1987
  The Great Cessation and Contemplation=Mo-ho Chih-kuan Swanson, Paul Loren =スワンソン, P. 2004
  The Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions Swanson, Paul L. ; Chilson, Clark 2005.10
  The Realm Of Awakening: A Translation And Study Of The Tenth Chapter Of Asaṅga's Mahāyānasaṅgraha Griffiths, Paul J. ; Hakamaya, Noriaki ; Keenan, John P. ; Swanson, Paul L. 1989
  The spirituality of emptiness in early Chinese Buddhism Swanson, Paul L. (著) Buddhist Spirituality: Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, and Early Chinese 1993
  The two truths controversy in China and Chih-I's threefold truth concept Swanson, Paul Loren 1987, 1985
  The Two Truths Controversy in China and Chih-I's Threefold Truth Concept (Buddhism, Religion, Lotus Sutra, T'ien-T'ai, Tendai) Swanson, Paul Loren 1985
  The two truths controversy in China and Chin-I's threefold truth concept Swanson, Paul Loren 1985
  Thoughts on the Translation of Buddhist Texts into English Swanson, Paul 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2001.12
  T'ien-t'ai Chih-i's Concept of Threefold Buddha Nature—A Synergy of Reality, Wisdom, and Practice Swanson, Paul L. (著) Buddha Nature: A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota 1990
  T'ien-t'ai Studies in Japan Swanson, Paul Loren Cahiers d'Extême-Asie 1986
  Understanding Chih-i: Through a glass, darkly? Swanson, Paul L. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1994
  Views & Reviews: Absolute Nothingness and Emptiness in Nishitani Keiji : An Essay from the Perspective of Classical Buddhist Thought Swanson, Paul L. =史萬森, 保羅 The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1996
  What's Going on Here? Chih-i's Use (and Abuse) of Scripture Swanson, Paul L. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1997
  Why They Say Zen Is Not Buddhism:Recent Japanese Critiques of Buddha-Nature Swanson, Paul L. Pruning the Bodhi Tree: the Storm over Critical Buddhism 1997
  シンポジウム〈討論會の概要〉 『天台三大部』の思想=Discussion in the Symposium Robert, Jean-Noel ; Swanson, Paul L. ; 一島正真 =Ichishima, Shoshin ; 多田孝文 =Tada, Kobun ; 星宮智光 =Hoshimiya Chiko ; 清田寂天 =Kiyota, Jakuten 天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 1993.10.16
  シンポジウム〈基調講演〉 『天台三大部』の思想--引用經典をめぐつて=The Keynote Lecture of the Symposium--The Central Philosophy of T'ien-t'ai Buddhism and a look at Chihi's(538-597)Use of Scripture Swanson, Paul L. 天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 1993.10.16
  公開講演 ダルマと「壁観」と梵漢合成語 Swanson, Paul L. 駒澤大学佛教学部論集=Journal of Buddhist Studies=コマザワ ダイガク ブッキョウ ガクブ ロンシュウ 2004.10
  天台学入門書としての「天台四教儀」と「天台法華宗義集」 Swanson, Paul =スワンソン, P. 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 1985.12.25
  天臺哲學的基礎 -- 二諦論在中國佛教中的成熟 史萬森, 保羅 =Swanson, Paul L. ; 史文 ; 羅同兵 2009.02.01
  南山宗教研究所研究所報 B.ドーマン ; スワンソン, ポール ; 寺尾寿芳 ; 岩本明美 ; 鷲見朗子 ; 大谷栄一 2008.09.05
  修剪菩提樹- “批判佛教” 的風暴=Pruning the Bodhi Tree: The Storm Over Critical Buddhism 霍巴德, 杰米 =Hubbard, Jamie ; 史萬森, 保羅 =Swanson, Paul L. ; 周貴華 ; 季羨林 2004.11.01
  書評と紹介 Shugendo: The History and Culture of a Japanese Religion (L'histoire et la culture d'une religion japonaise)="Shugendo: The History and Culture of a Japanese Religion (L'histoire et la culture d'une religion japonaise)", edite par Bernard Faure, D. Max Moerman, Gaynor Sekimori, Cahier d'Extreme-Asie 18 (2009) スワンソン, ポール =Swanson, Paul 宗教研究=Journal of Religious Studies=シュウキョウ ケンキュウ 2011.12.30
  現実肯定でいいのか - 「仕方が無い主義」批判」 スワンソン, P. 仏教=季刊仏教=ブッキョウ 1996.04
  異文化から見た日本宗教の世界 スワンソン, P. ; 林淳 2000.09.30
  仏典の英訳と『摩訶止観』 : その課題とチャレンジ=Challenges and Issues in Translating Buddhist Texts and the Makashikan スワンソン, ポール =Swanson, Paul 天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 2018.12.28
  禅と止観:天台智顗の禅観と『法華経』における実践=Ch'an and Chi-kuan:T'ien-t'ai Chih-i's View of "Zen" and the Practice of the Lotus Sutra Swanson, Paul L. 天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 2007.10.30