
Stcherbatsky, Th.  (簡稱)

+1866-09-11 ~ +1942-03-18

已收錄 69 篇著作,其中有15 篇全文  

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Shcherbatskoy, Fyodor Ippolitovich (本名) = Stcherbatsky, F. Th. (簡稱) = 徹爾巴茨基 = 舍爾巴茨基 = 斯徹巴斯基 = Фёдор Ипполи́тович Щербатско́й



wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fyodor_Shcherbatskoy
全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  「中國與日本的佛教邏輯」及「西藏與蒙古的佛教邏輯」 姚南強 ; 徹爾巴茨基 世界宗教資料=Shijie Zongjiao Ziliao=Shih Chieh Tsung Chiao Tzu Liao 1994.12
  「絕對」之雙重人格 Stcherbatsky, Th. =Shcherbatskoy, Fyodor Ippolitovich ; 甘源 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1989.04.25
  Abhidharmakosa Stcherbatsky, Th. Bulletin de l'Académie des sciences de l'URSS=Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR 1919
  Abhidharmakosa Stcherbatsky, Th. Soul Theory of the Buddhists 1970
  Abhidharmakosa Stcherbatsky, Th. Buddhist Logic and Epistemology 1986
  Abhisamayalankara-Prajnaparamita-Upadesa-sastra: The Work of Bodhisattva Maitreya Obermiller, E. ; Stcherbatsky, Th. 1992
  Buddhist Logic Stcherbatsky, Th. 2000.12.01
  Buddhist Logic Stcherbatsky, Th. 2008.08.30
  Buddhist Logic Stcherbatsky, Th. 1962
  Buddhist Logic Stcherbatsky, F. Th. 1999.10
  Buddhist Logic Stcherbatsky, Th. 1984.06
  Buddhist Logic Stcherbatsky, Th. 1958.06
  Buddhist Logic Stcherbatsky, Th. 1993.07.01
  Buddhist Logic (2 volume set) Stcherbatsky, F. Th. 2000.12.01; 1993.07.01
  Buddhist Logic I-I Stcherbatsky, Th. 1958
  Buddhist Logic Part One 1930 Stcherbatsky, Th. 2004.10
  Buddhist Logic Part Two 1930 Stcherbatsky, Th. 2004.10
  Buddhist Logic V1 1930 Stcherbatsky, Th. 2010.09.10
  Buddhist Logic V2 1930 Stcherbatsky, Th. 2010.09.10
  Buddhist Logic, Part 2 Stcherbatsky, F. Th. 2003.08
  Dignaga's Theory of Perception Stcherbatsky, F. Th. 大正大學々報 =タイショウ ダイガク ガクホウ=大正大學學報 : 佛教學部・文學部研究紀要=Journal of Taisho University 1930.05
  Establishment of the Existence of Other's Minds Stcherbatsky, F. Th. Papers of Th. Stcherbatsky 1969
  Establishment of the Existence of Others' Minds Stcherbatsky, F. Th. Soviet Indology Series 1969
  La Litterature Yogacara d'apres Bouston Stcherbatsky, Th. Le Muséon: Revue d'Études Orientales =The Muséon: Journal of Oriental Studies 1905
  La theorie de la connaissance et la logique chez les bouddhistes tardifs Stcherbatsky, Th. 1926
  Le Temps(kala) Stcherbatsky, Th. Essays on Time in Buddhism 1991
  Madhyanata-vibganga discourse on discrimination between middle and extremes Stcherbatsky, F. Th. 1978
  Madhyanta Vibhanga: Discourse on Discrimination Between Middle and Extremes Ascribed to Bodhisattva Maitreya and Commented by Vasubandhu and Sthiramati Stcherbatsky, Th. 1978
  Madhyanta-Vibhanga Stcherbatsky, Th. 1992
  Philosophical Doctrine of Buddhism Stcherbatsky, F. Th. Further Papers of Stcherbatsky 1971
  The Central Conception of Buddhism Stcherbatsky, Th. 1991
  The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word "Dharma"=佛教的中心概念和法的意義 Stcherbatsky, F. Th. 1994.12
  The 'Dharmas' of the Buddhists and the 'Gunas' of the Samkhyas Stcherbatsky, Th. Indian Historical Quarterly 1934
  The Doctrine of the Buddha Shcherbatskoy, Fyodor Ippolitovich Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London 1932
  The Soul Theory of the Buddhists Stcherbatsky, F. Th. Извѣстія Россійской академіи наук=Bulletin de l'Académie des sciences de Russie 1919
  The Theory of Instantaneous Being Stcherbatsky, F. Th. Buddhist Logic and Epistemology 1986
  The Theory of Instantaneous Being(ksanabhanga-vada) Stcherbatsky, F. Th. Essays on Time in Buddhism 1991
  Ueber den Begriff Vijnana im Buddhismus Stcherbatsky, Th. Zeitschrift für Indologie und Iranistik 1929
  Vasubandhu on the Fundamental Principle of the Sarvastivada School Stcherbatsky, F. Th. Essays on Time in Buddhism 1991
  Vasubandhu on the Fundamental Principle of the the Sarvastivada School Stcherbatsky, F. Th. The Central Conception of Buddhism and theMeaning of the Word "Dharma" 1923
  大乘佛學 -- 佛教的涅槃概念=The Buddhist conception of Nirvana 舍爾巴茨基 =Stcherbatsky, F. Th. ; 立人 1994
  小乘佛學 -- 佛教的中心概念和法的意義=The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word "Dharma" 舍爾巴茨基 =Stcherbatsky, F. Th. ; 立人 1994
  小乘佛學:佛教的中心概念及法的意義=The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word Dharma 舍爾巴茨基 =Stcherbatsky, F. Th. ; 宋立道 1998
  佛陀是不可知論者嗎? Stcherbatsky, Th. =Shcherbatskoy, Fyodor Ippolitovich ; 甘源 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1989.01.25
  佛家哲學 虞愚 ; 徹爾巴茨基 現代佛學 1959.02.13
  佛家涅槃論 孑農 ; Stcherbatsky, Th. 現代佛學 1950.09.15
  佛家涅槃論(續一) Stcherbatsky, Th. ; 孑農 現代佛學 1950.10.15
  佛家涅槃論(續二) Stcherbatsky, Th. ; 孑農 現代佛學 1950.11.15
  佛家涅槃論(續三) Stcherbatsky, Th. ; 孑農 現代佛學 1950.12.15
  佛家涅槃論(續五) Stcherbatsky, Th. ; 孑農 現代佛學 1951.02.15
  佛家涅槃論(續四) Stcherbatsky, Th. ; 孑農 現代佛學 1951.01.15
  佛教對人格永恒性的信仰 Stcherbatsky, Th. =Shcherbatskoy, Fyodor Ippolitovich ; 甘源 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1988.04.25
  佛教邏輯 舍爾巴茨基 =Stcherbatsky, F. Th. ; 宋立道 ; 舒曉煒 1997
  佛教邏輯 舍爾巴茨基 ; 宋立道 2013.12.01
  法稱的邏輯著作及其流派 景行 ; 徹爾巴茨基 現代佛學 1962.08.25
  法稱的邏輯著述及其流派 徹爾巴茨基 現代佛教學術叢刊(四十二) -- 佛教邏輯之發展 1978.08
  法稱的邏輯著述及其流派=On Dharmakirti's Understanding of Pramnnahhuta and His Definition of Promana 徹爾巴茨基 =Stcherbatsky, Th. ; 景行 普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal 2010.03
  後期小乘諸部派的立場 Stcherbatsky, Th. =Shcherbatskoy, Fyodor Ippolitovich ; 甘源 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1988.10.25
  毘婆沙派 Stcherbatsky, Th. =Shcherbatskoy, Fyodor Ippolitovich ; 甘源 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1989.07.25
  真實與知識 徹爾巴茨基 現代佛教學術叢刊(二十一) -- 佛教邏輯與辯證法 1980.10
  神祕的直觀 Stcherbatsky, Th. =Shcherbatskoy, Fyodor Ippolitovich ; 甘源 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1988.01.25
  現代世界佛學文庫:小乘佛學 舍爾巴茨基 =Stcherbatsky, F. Th. 2013.12.01
  現代佛教學術叢刊(二十一) -- 佛教邏輯與辯證法 張曼濤 ; 虞愚 ; 呂澂 ; 李潤生 ; 霍韜晦 ; 徹爾巴茨基 =Stcherbatsky, Th. 1978.02
  瑜珈與佛教 Stcherbatsky, Th. =Shcherbatskoy, Fyodor Ippolitovich ; 甘源 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1987.10.25
  經量部 Stcherbatsky, Th. =Shcherbatskoy, Fyodor Ippolitovich ; 甘源 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1990.04.25
  實在與知識=Reality and Knowledge Stcherbatsky, Th. ; 張尚德 華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal 1968.08
  談實相義(中譯)=Ultimate Reality 徹爾巴茨基 (著)=Stcherbatsky, Th. (au.); 林潤根 (譯) 法相學會集刊=The Dharmalaksana Buddhist Institute=法相集刊 1973.06
  關於《阿毗達磨俱舍論破我品》 巫白慧 ; 徹爾巴茨基 現代佛學 1964.06.10
  關於阿毘達磨俱舍論破我品 徹爾巴茨基 現代佛教學術叢刊(二十二) -- 俱舍論研究(上) 1978.02