序號: |
76156 |
別名: |
Kabat-Zinn, Jon |
分類: |
個人著者 |
網站: |
全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness |
Kabat-Zinn, Jon |
1990 |
Guided Mindfulness Meditation (Guided Mindfulness) [UNABRIDGED] (Audio CD) |
Kabat-Zinn, Jon |
2005.09 |
Mindfulness for Beginners [UNABRIDGED] (Audio CD) |
Kabat-Zinn, Jon |
2006.07 |
Mindfulness for Beginners [With Earphones] (Playaway Adult Nonfiction) (Unknown Binding) |
Kabat-Zinn, Jon |
2009.04 |
Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectives on Its Meaning, Origins, and Multiple Applications at the Intersection of Science and Dharma |
G. Williams, J. Mark; Kabat-Zinn, Jon |
Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
2011.05 |
Some Reflections on the Origins of MBSR, Skillful Means, and the Trouble with Maps |
Kabat-Zinn, Jon |
Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
2011.05 |
The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness |
Williams, Mark (著); Teasdale, John (著); Segal, Zindel V. (著); Kabat-Zinn, Jon (著) |
2007.06.02 |
正念減壓初學者手冊 |
喬‧卡巴金 (著)=Kabat-Zinn, Jon (au.); 溫宗堃 (譯); 陳德中 (譯) |
2013.10.25 |
前言:一個必然的全球文化復興的種子正在 形成:在人類關鍵的轉折點上,透過正念及 其起源的鏡頭,錘煉心理學對心智、自我和 具身的本質之理解 |
喬‧卡巴金 (著); 溫宗堃 (譯)=Wen, Tzung-kuen (tr.); 洪文艷 (譯) |
福嚴佛學研究=Fuyan Buddhist Studies |
2020.09 |
當下,繁花盛開=Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation In Everyday Life |
喬‧卡巴金; 雷叔雲 |
2008.03.28 |
關於MBSR的起源、善巧方便與地圖問題的一些思考=Some Reflections on the Origins of MBSR, Skillful and the Trouble with Maps |
喬‧卡巴金 (著)=Kabat-Zinn, Jon (au.); 溫宗堃 (譯)=Wen, Tzung-kuen (tr.) |
福嚴佛學研究=Fuyan Buddhist Studies |
2013.04 |
