
Heine, S.  

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Heine, Steven



wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Heine
全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  "Critical Buddhism"(Hihan Bukkyo)and the debate Concerning the 75-fascicle and 12-fascicle shobogenzo Texts Heine, Steven Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1994.03
  “For the First Time in Japan”: The Main Elements of Hangzhou‑Based Zen That Dōgen Transmitted Heine, Steven (著) Religions 2023.08
  “When Mountains Can No Longer Be Seen”: A Critical History of Interpretations of an Ambiguous Shōbōgenzō Sentence Heine, Steven (著) Journal of Chan Buddhism=禪學案 2020
  A Critical Survey of Works on Zen since Yampolsky Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2007.10
  A Review of The Other Side of Zen: A Social History of Sōtō Zen Buddhism in Tokugawa Heine, Steven Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2005
  A Study of Dogen: His Philosophy and Religion Abe, Masao; Heine, Steven 1991.11
  A Study of Dogen; His Philosophy and Religion Abe, Masao; Heine, Steven 1992
  After the Storm: Matsumoto Shirō's Transition from "Critical Buddhism" to Critical Theology (Review article: Matsumoto, Dōgen shisō ron) Heine, Steven Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2001
  'Before the Empty Eon' versus 'A Dog has no Buddha-nature':Kung-an Use in the Ts'ao-tung Tradition and Ta-hui's Kung-an Introspection Ch'an Schlutter, Morten; Heine, Steven; Wright, Dale S. The Koan: Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism 2000
  Book Review: Lack and Transcendence: The Problem of Death and Life in Psychotherapy, Existentialism, and Buddhism by David Loy Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 1998.10
  Book Review: "Beyond Personal Identity: Dogen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-Self", by Gereon Kopf Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2004.10
  Book Review: "Bonds of the Dead: Temples, Burial, and the Transformation of Contemporary Japanese Buddhism," by Mark Michael Rowe Heine, Steven Journal of Japanese Studies 2013
  Book Review: "Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds", by Mary Evelyn Tucker and Duncan Ryuken Williams Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2001.01
  Book Review: "Buddhisms and Deconstructions", by Jin Y. Park; Robert Magliola Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2008.10
  Book Review: "Dogen et les Paradoxes de la Bouddheite: Introduction, Traduction, et Commentaire du Volume de la Bouddheite (Tresor de l'Oeil de la loi Authentique)," by Pierre Nakimovitch Heine, Steven The Journal of Asian Studies 2001.02
  Book Review: "Dōgen et les Paradoxes de la Bouddhéité: Introduction, traduction, et commentaire du volume de la Bouddhéité (Trésor de l'Oeil de la loi authentique)," by Pierre Nakimovitch Heine, Steven The Journal of Asian Studies 2001.02
  Book Review: "Dogen on Meditation and Thinking: A Reflection on His View of Zen" by Hee Jin Kim Heine, Steven The Journal of Religion 2009.01.01
  Book Review: "Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses", by Bernard Faure Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2006.01
  Book Review: "Great Fool: Zen Master Ryokan-Poems, Letters, and Other Writings," by Ryuichi Abe and Peter Haskel Heine, Steven The Journal of Asian Studies 1997.05
  Book Review: "Historical Hermeneutics of Zen Buddhist Discourse: On Contesting the Mu Kōan" Heine, Steven Religious Studies Review 2011.09.14
  Book Review: "Japanese Buddhism: A Cultural History", By Yoshiro Tamura Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2005.01
  Book Review: "Japanese Religions: Past and Present" Heine, Steven Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1996.09
  Book Review: "Leaving for the Rising Sun: Chinese Zen Master Yinyuan and the Authenticity Crisis in Early Modern East Asia," by Jiang Wu Heine, Steven (著) Monumenta Nipponica 2016
  Book Review: "Letting Go: The Story of Zen Master Tosui", translated by Peter Haskel; "Critical Sermons of the Zen Tradition: Hisamatsu's Talk on Linji", translated and edited by Christopher Ives and Tokiwa Gishin Heine, Steven Monumenta Nipponica 2003
  Book Review: "Liberating Intimacy: Enlightenment and Social Virtuosity in Ch'an Buddhism," by Peter D. Hershock Heine, Steven (著) Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1998
  Book Review: "Mind as Mirror and the Mirroring of Mind: Buddhist Reflections on Western Phenomenology", by Steven W. Laycock Heine, Steven Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1995.12
  Book Review: "Not So Quiet on the Eastern Front: On Deconstructing and Reconstructing Traditional Zen Narratives" Heine, Steven Religious Studies Review 2011.09.14
  Book Review: "Obaku Zen: The Emergence of the Third Sect of Zen in Tokugawa, Japan", by Helen J. Baroni Heine, Steven Journal of Japanese Studies 2001
  Book Review: "Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism," by Dale S. Wright Heine, Steven Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1999
  Book Review: "Purifying Zen: Watsuji Tetsurō's Shamon Dōgen," Translated and with Commentary by Steve Bein Heine, Steven Religious Studies Review 2011.12.08
  Book Review: "Selected Works of D. T. Suzuki, Volume I: Zen," edited by Richard M. Jaffe and "Zen Dust: The History of the Koan and Koan Study in Rinzai (Lin-chi) Zen," by Isshū Miura Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2017.04
  Book Review: "Shōbōgenzō: Zen Essays by Dōgen", by Thomas Cleary Heine, Steven Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1986
  Book Review: "The Buddha Eye: an Anthology of the Kyoto school", by Frederick Franck Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 1984.10
  Book Review: "The Karma of Words: Buddhism and the Literary Arts in Medieval Japan", by William R. LaFleur Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 1985.07
  Book Review: "The Power of Denial: Buddhism, Purity, and Gender", by Bernard Faure Heine, Steven Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2004.09
  Book Review: "the Weaving of Mantra: Kukai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse," by Ryuichi Abe Heine, Steven The Journal of Asian Studies 2001.05
  Book Review: "the Weaving of Mantra: Kuukai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse," by Ryuuichi Abe Heine, Steven The Journal of Asian Studies 2001.05
  Book Review: "Visions of Power: Imagining Medieval Japanese Buddhism", by Faure, B. Heine, S. (評論) Monumenta Nipponica 1996
  Book Review: "Yes! We Have No Buddha-Nature Three Recent Publications on Zen Dialogues" Heine, Steven Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2010
  Book Review: "Zen War Stories", by Brian Daizen Victoria Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2006.04
  Book Review: A New Book of Japanese Sources, "Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook", edited by James W. Heisig, Thomas P. Kasulis, John C. Maraldo Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2013.01
  Book review: Critical Buddhism: Engaging with Modern Japanese Buddhist Thought by James Mark Shields Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2015.07
  Book Review: Death and Social Order in Tokugawa Japan: Buddhism, Anti-Christianity, and the Danka System by Nam-lin Hur Heine, Steven (評論) Journal of Law and Religion 2008/2009
  Book Review: Five Mountains: The Rinzai Zen Monastic Institution in Medieval Japan by Martin Collcutt Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 1984.07
  Book Review: Impermanence Is Buddha-Nature: Dogen's Understanding Of Temporality By Joan Stambaugh Heine, Steven Journal of Japanese Studies 1991
  Book Review: Living Skillfully: Buddhist Philosophy of Life from the Vimalakirti Sutra by Dale S. Wright Heine, Steven (評論) The Journal of Religion 2023.10
  Book Review: Self and Liberation: The Jung/Buddhism Dialogue by Daniel J. Meckel, Robert L. Moore Heine, Steven (評論) The Tibet Journal 1993
  Book Review: Spreading Buddha's Word in East Asia: The Formation and Transformation of the Chinese Buddhist Canon. Sheng Yen Series in Chinese Buddhist Studies, eds. by Jiang Wu and Lucille Chia Heine, Steven Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies=華裔學志 2017.05.31
  Book review: The Chan Whip Anthology: A Companion to Zen Practice by Jeffrey L. Broughton Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2015.10
  Book Review: The Heart of Buddhism: In Search of the Timeless Spirit of Primitive Buddhism by Takeuchi Yoshinori, James W. Heisig Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 1985.04
  Book review: The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism ed. by Robert E. Buswell Jr. and Donald S. Lopez Jr. Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2015.04
  Book Review: Two Recent Works on Japanese Buddhism and Comparative Philosophical Studies Heine, Steven (著) Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1997
  Book Review: Zen Action, Zen Person by T. P. Kasulis Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 1982.07
  Book Review:"Dogen's Manuals of Zen Meditation", by Carl Bielefeldt Heine, Steven Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1992.12
  Book Review:"Eloquent Zen: Daito and Early Japanese Zen," by Kenneth Kraft Heine, Steven The Journal of Asian Studies 1994.02
  Book Review:"Entangling Vines: A Classic Collection of Zen Koans Translated and Annotated," by Thomas Yūhō Kirchner Heine, Steven Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 2016.12
  Book Review:"The Three Jewels:A Study and Translation of Minamoto Tamenori's Sanboe", by Edward Kamens Heine, Steven Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1993.03
  Book Review:"Zen:Tradition and Transition", by Kenneth Kraft Heine, Steven Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1989.06
  Book Reviews: Beyond Personal Identity: Dogen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-Self By Gereon Kopf Heine, Steven H-Net Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences 2003.12
  Book Reviews: Handbook of Contemporary Japanese Religion By Inken Prohl and John Nelson (eds.) Heine, Steven Journal of Religion in Japan 2015
  Book Reviews: Japanese Buddhism: A Cultural History By Yoshiro Tamura Heine, Steven H-Net Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences 2003.09
  Book Reviews: Zen War Stories By Brian Daizen Victoria Heine, S. H-Net Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences 2005.08
  Buddhism and Interfaith Dialogue: Part One of A Two-Volume Sequel to Zen and Western Thought Abe, Masao (著); Heine, Steven (編) 1995
  Buddhism in the Modern World: Adaptation of an Ancient Tradition Heine, Steven; Prebish, Charles S. 2003.10.09
  Buddhism in the Modern World: Adaptations of an Ancient Tradition Heine, Steven; Pebish, Chales S. 2003.09.11
  Ch'an Buddhist Kung-ans as Models for Interpersonal Behavior Heine, Steven Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2003.09
  Critical Buddhism and Dogen's Shobogenzo:The Debate over the 75-Fascicle and 12-Fascicle Texts Heine, Steven Pruning the Bodhi Tree: the Storm over Critical Buddhism 1997
  Did Dogen Go to China? Problematizing Dogen's Relation to Ju-ching and Chinese Ch'an Heine, Steven Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2003
  Dionysus against the Buddha:Nietzsche's 'Yes' and the Buddhist 'No' Heine, Steven Buddhist and Western Philosophy 1981
  Does Even a Rat Have Buddha-Nature? Analyzing Key-Phrase (Huatou) Rhetoric for the Wu Gongan Heine, Steven Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2014.09-12
  Does the koan have Buddha-nature? The Zen koan asreligious symbol Heine, Steven Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1990.09
  Dōgen and Sōtō Zen Heine, Steven (編) 2015
  Dōgen and the Japanese Religio-Aesthetic Tradition Heine, Steven The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1989
  Dogen and the Koan Tradition: A Tale of Two "Shobogenzo" Texts Heine, Steven Journal of Japanese Studies 1995
  Dogen and the Koan Tradition: A Tale of Two Shobogenzo Texts Heine, Steven 1994
  Dōgen Casts Off "What": An Analysis of Shinjin Datsuraku Heine, Steven Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1986
  Dogen: Japan’s Original Zen Teacher Heine, Steven (著) 2021.12.21
  Dogen: Japan's Original Zen Teacher Heine, Steven (著) 2021.12.21
  Dogen: Textual and Historical Studies Heine, Steven 2012.03.01
  Existential and ontological dimensions of time in Heidegger and Dogen Heine, Steven 1980
  Existential and Ontological Dimensions of Time in Heidegger and Dogen Heine, Steven 1985.06.30
  Flowers Blooming on a Withered Tree: Giun's Verse Comments on Dōgen's Treasury of the True Dharma Eye Heine, Steven (著) 2020.10.06
  From "the Beautiful" to "the Dubious": Japanese Traditionalism, Modernism, Postmodernism Fu, Charles Wei-hsun; Heine, Steven Japan in Traditional and Postmodern Perspectives 1995.07
  From Art of War to Attila the Hun: A Critical Survey of Recent Works on Philosophy/Spirituality and Business Leadership Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2008.01
  From Rice Cultivation to Mind Contemplation: The Meaning of Impermanence in Japanese Religion Heine, Steven History of Religions 1991.05
  History, Transhistory, and Narrative History: A Postmodern View of Nishitani's Philosophy of Zen Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 1994.04
  Ideal Time and Utopian Space in the Chan Pivot Experience Heine, Steven Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2015.12
  Ie-ism("sacred familism")and the Discourse of Postmodernism in Relation to Nativism/ Nationalism/ Nihonism Heine, Steven; Fu, Charles Wei-hsun Japan in Traditional and Postmodern Perspectives 1995.07
  Introduction: canon and canonicity in the history of the Zen literary tradition Heine, Steven; Wright, Dale S. The Zen canon: understanding the classic texts 2004
  Introduction: Fourth-Wave Studies of Chan/Zen Buddhist Discourse Heine, Steven Frontiers of History in China 2013
  Is Masao Abe an Original Thinker? Heine, Steven Buddhist-Christian Studies 2008
  Ishii Shūdō's Contributions to Dōgen Studies: Examining Chinese Influences on the Kana and Kanbun Texts Heine, Steven Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2014
  Japan in traditional and postmodern perspectives [bibliogs, diags, index, maps, tables; indexed selectively] Fu, Charles Wei-hsun; Heine, Steven 1995
  Just Sitting and Just Saying: The Hermeneutics of Dōgen’s Realization-Based View of Language Heine, Steven (著) Religions 2021.02
  Koans in the Dogen Tradition: How and Why Dogen Does What He Does with Koans Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 2004.01
  Like Cats and Dogs: Contesting the Mu Kōan in Zen Buddhism Heine, Steven (著) 2014
  Motion and Emotion in Medieval Japanese Buddhism Heine, Steven Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1998.06
  Multiple Dimensions of Impermanence in Dōgen's "Genjōkōan" Heine, Steven Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1981
  Opening a Mountain:Koans of the Zen Masters Heine, Steven 2004
  Opening a Mountain:Koans of the Zen Masters Heine, Steven 2002.01
  Philosophical and Rhetorical Modes In Zen Discourse: Contrasting Nishida's Logic and Koan Poetry Heine, Steven Buddhist-Christian Studies 1997
  Philosophy for an "Age of Death": The Critique of Science and Technology in Heidegger and Nishitani Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 1990.04
  Poetry as Philosophy in Song-Dynasty Chan Buddhist Discourse Heine, Steven (著) Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2023
  Postwar issues in Japanese Buddhism bibliog, glossary Heine, Steven Religious issues & interrelig dialogues 1989
  Putting the "Fox" back in the "Wild Fox Koan": The Intersection of Philosophical and Popular Religious Elements in The Ch'an-Zen Koan Tradition Heine, Steven Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 1996.12
  Readings of Dōgen's "Treasury of the True Dharma Eye" Heine, Steven (著) 2020.05
  Reply to La Fleur's Response to Heine's Review of "the Karma of Words" Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 1986.07
  Review article: A Day in the Life: Two Recent Works on Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō “Gyōji” [Sustained Practice] Fascicle Heine, Steven Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2008
  Shifting Shape, Shaping Text: Philosophy and Folklore in the Fox Koan Heine, Steven =Heine, S. 1999
  Shifting Shape, Shaping Text:Philosophy and Folklore in the Fox Kooan Heine, Steven 1999
  Soto Zen and the Inari Cult: Symbiotic and Exorcistic Trends in Buddhist and Folk Religious Amalgamations Heine, Steven Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 1994
  Temporality of Hermeneutics in Dogen's "Shobogenzo" Heine, Steven Philosophy East and West 1983.04
  The Buddha or the Bomb:Ethical Implications in Nishitani Keiji's View of Science Heine, Steven (著) Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society: An International Symposium 1991
  The Dogen Canon: Dogen's Pre-Shobogenzo Writings and the Question of Change in His Later Works Heine, Steven Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1997
  The Eihei koroku: the record of Dogen's later period at Eihei-ji Temple Heine, Steven The Zen canon: understanding the classic texts 2004
  The Flower Blossoms "Without Why" : Beyond the Heidegger-Kuki Dialogue on Contemplative Laguage Heine, Steven The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1990
  The Koan: Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism Heine, Steven; Wright, Dale S. 2000
  The Koan:Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism Wright, Dale S.; Heine, Steven 2000
  The meaning of death in psychoanalysis, existential phenomenology and Dogen Zen Heine, Steven (著) Buddhist and Western Psychology 1983
  The Role of LivePerformance in the Gongan Commentary of the Blue Cliff Record : Reflections on John McRae’s Remarks about a Seminal Chan Buddhist Text Heine, Steven Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 2016
  The Zen Canon: Understanding the Classic Texts Heine, Steven; Wright, Dale S. 2004.02.25
  The Zen Notion of 'Mind'--or, Is It 'No-Mind': Critical Reflections on Dale Wright's Philosophical Meditations Heine, Steven Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 2004.12
  Tragedy and Salvation in the Floating World: Chikamatsu's Double Suicide Drama as Millenarian Discourse Heine, Steven The Journal of Asian Studies 1994.05
  Truth and Method in Dōgen Scholarship: A Review of Recent Works Heine, Steven The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1987
  Unintended Baggage? Rethinking Yuanwu Keqin's View of the Role of Language in Chan Gongan Discourse Heine, Steven Frontiers of History in China 2013
  When There Are No More Cats to Argue About: Chan Buddhist Views of Animals in Relation to Universal Buddha‐Nature Heine, Steven Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2016.09-12
  White Collar Zen: Using Zen Principles to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Your Career Goals Heine, Steven 2005.05
  Wisdom Within Words: An Annotated Translation of Dōgen's Chinese-Style Poetry Heine, Steven (著); Heine, Steven (譯) 2022.09
  Zen and Comparative Studies Abe, Masao (著); Heine, Steven (編) 2006.06
  Zen and Comparative Studies: Part Two of A Two-Volume Sequel to Zen and Western Thought Abe, Masao; Heine, Steven 1997
  Zen and Material Culture Winfield, Pamela D. (編); Heine, Steven (編) 2018.01.18
  Zen and the Modern World: A Third Sequel to Zen and Western Thought Abe, Masao; Heine, Steven 2003.09
  Zen Classics: Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism Heine, Steven; Wright, Dale S. 2005.10
  Zen Koans Heine, Steven (著) 2014.08
  Zen Masters Heine, Steven; Wright, Dale 2010.04.22
  Zen Ritual: Studies of Zen Buddhist Theory in Practice Heine, Steven; Wright, Dale S. 2007.10.15
  Zen Ritual: Studies of Zen Theory in Practice Heine, Steven; Wright, Dale S. 2007.11.14
  Zen Skin, Zen Marrow: Will the Real Zen Buddhism Please Stand Up? Heine, Steven 2007.12.31
  Zen Texts: Essentials of the Transmission of Mind; A Treatise on Letting Zen Flourish to Protect the State; A Universal Recommendation for True Zazen; Advice on the Practice of Zazen Heine, Steven ; McRae, John R. ; Tokiwa, Gishin ; Yoshida, Osamu 2005
  石井修道の道元研究への貢献 : 道元の仮名・漢文テキストに見える中国禅の影響の検証 Heine, Steven; 若山悠光 (譯)=Wakayama, Yuko (tr.); 古瀬珠水 (譯)=Furuse, Tamami (tr.) 駒澤大学禅研究所年報=Annual Report of the Zen Institute=コマザワ ダイガク ゼン ケンキュウジョ ネンポウ 2016.12
  禪話傳統中的敘事與修辭結構 Heine, S.; 呂凱文 中印佛學泛論--傅偉勳教授六十大壽祝壽論文集 1993