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Blazing Splendor: Memoirs of the Dzogchen Yogi Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche |
2005.09 |
Blazing Splendor: The Memoirs of the Dzogchen Yogi Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche: As Told to Erik Pema Kunsang & Marcia Binder Schmidt |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (著); Erik Pema Kunsang (講述); Binder Schmidt, Marcia (講述) |
2005.09 |
Die Worte des Buddha |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche |
2004.11 |
Preliminary Teachings |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche=祖古烏金仁波切; Erik Pema Kunzang |
Buddhist Himalaya |
1989 |
Quintessential Dzogchen: Confusion Dawns as Wisdom |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche; Erik Pema Kunsang; Binder Schmidt, Marcia |
2006.08.07 |
Rainbow Painting: A Collection of Miscellaneous Aspects of Development and Completion |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche |
1995.09.09 |
Rainbow painting:a collection of miscellaneous aspects of development and completion [1st ed.] |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche |
1995 |
Regenbogenbilder |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche |
2003 |
Repeating the words of the Buddha |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche |
1992, 1991 |
Repeating the Words of the Buddha |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche |
1996.12 |
Repeating the Words of the Buddha[2 edition] |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche; Erik Pema Kunsang |
2006.08.07 |
The True Foundation of Practice[excerpt fr Rainbow Painting,1995; por] |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche |
Shambhala Sun |
1996.05 |
Treasures from Juniper Ridge: The Profound Instructions of Padmasambhava to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal |
Padmasambhava; Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche; Schmidt, Marcia; Erik Pema Kunsang |
2008.11.04 |
大圓滿之歌=Quintessential Dzogchen: Confusion Dawns As Wisdom |
祖古烏金仁波切 (著)=H. E. Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (au.); 項慧齡 (譯)=Xiang, Hui-ling (tr.) |
2011.12.19 |
立斷:祖古烏金仁波切直指本覺 |
祖古烏金仁波切 (著); 項慧齡 (譯) |
2022.11 |
再捻佛語妙花:祖古.烏金仁波切的實修直指竅訣=Repeating the Words of the Buddha |
祖古烏金仁波切 (著)=Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (au.); 王淑華 (譯); 普賢法譯小組 (校閱) |
2012.05.21 |
如是 (下):實修問答篇=As it is |
祖古烏金仁波切 (著)=H. E. Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (au.); 項慧齡 (譯)=Xiang, Hui-ling (tr.) |
2010.09.20 |
如是(上):心要口訣篇=As it is |
祖古烏金仁波切 (著)=H. E. Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (au.); 項慧齡 (譯)=Xiang, Hui-ling (tr.) |
2010.09.20 |
你的水燒開了沒?:認出心性的大圓滿之道=The Dzogchen Primer: An Anthology of Writings by Masters of the Great Perfection |
寂天菩薩 (著); 蓮花生大士 (著); 祖古烏金仁波切 (著); 瑪西亞・賓德・史密特 (彙編)=Binder Schmidt, Marcia (compile); 項慧齡 (譯) |
2024.11.01 |
我就是本尊:大圓滿斷惑之道=Dzogchen Essentials:The path that clarifies confusion |
蓮花生大士 (著)=Guru Rinpoche (au.); 頂果欽哲仁波切 (著)=Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (au.); 祖古烏金仁波切 (著)=H. E. Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (au.); 項慧齡 (譯)=Xiang, Hui-ling (tr.) |
2023.09.01 |
松嶺寶藏:蓮師向空行母伊喜.措嘉開示之甚深寶藏口訣=Treasures from Juniper Ridge: The Profound Instructions of Padmasambhava to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal |
蓮花生 (著)=Padmasambhava (au.); 祖古烏金仁波切 (著)=Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (au.); 黃靜慧 (譯); 普賢法譯小組 (校閱) |
2013.05.17 |
空行母事業:證悟之路與利他事業的貴人 |
蓮花生大士; 秋吉德千林巴; 第一世蔣揚欽哲旺波; 祖古烏金仁波切; 鄔金督佳仁波切; 多多, 扎西拉姆 |
2021.08.01 |
空行法教 -- 蓮師親授空行母伊喜.措嘉之教言合集=Dakini Teachings: Padmasambhava's oral instrctions to Lady Tsogyal |
劉婉俐 ; 祖古烏金仁波切 ; 劉婉俐 ; 娘・尼瑪韋色 ; 伊喜・措嘉佛母 ; 桑傑林巴 |
2007.12.22 |
金剛語:大圓滿瑜伽士的竅訣指引=VAJRA SPEECH pith instructionsfor the dzogchen yogi |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (著)=祖古烏金仁波切 (au.); 連德禮 (譯); 徐世華 (編) |
2018.10.01 |
修行之道 |
祖古烏金仁波切=Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche; Yeh, David; 李仁豐; 林昌錦 |
2006.07 |
朗然明性:藏傳佛教大手印及大圓滿教法選集=Perfect Clarity: A Tibetan Buddhist Anthology of Mahamudra and Dzogchen |
蓮花生大士 (著); 伊喜・措嘉 (著); 龍欽巴尊者 (著); 密勒日巴 (著); 祖古烏金仁波切 (著); 普賢法譯小組 (譯) |
2023.01.11 |
桑給契吉 (佛陀密續唯一的法嗣)密續之意義和利益的簡介=A Short Explanation on the Meaning and Benefit of the Sang Gyay Say Chig Tantra |
林昌錦; 林昌錦; 祖古烏金仁波切=Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche |
2008.08 |
除障第一:蓮師伏藏法「普巴金剛」暨「金剛薩埵」實修引導=The Powerful Transformation |
蓮花生大士; 秋吉林巴仁波切; 頂果欽哲法王; 祖古烏金仁波切; 釋妙琳; 喇嘛貝瑪 |
2018.08 |
彩虹丹青:融合見地與修持的成就口訣=Rainbow Painting: A Collection of Miscellaneous Aspects of Development and Completion |
祖古烏金仁波切 (著)=Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche (au.); 楊書婷 (譯) |
2011.11.26 |
綠度母寶藏 -- 伏藏大師秋吉.林巴之度母心要與修持=Skillful Grace: Tara Practice for Our Times |
秋吉林巴仁波切=Chokgyur Lingpa Rinpoche; 祖古烏金仁波切=Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche; 楚喜阿帝仁波切=Tr lshik Adeu Rinpoche; 楊書婷 |
2009.07.21 |
釋迦牟尼佛祈請法 -- 加持之寶 |
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche=祖古烏金仁波切; 米滂仁波切=Mipham Rinpoche; 李仁豐 |
2007.10 |