Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
365 Gems of Wisdom |
Thubten Chodron ; Sravasti Abbey monastics |
2022.12 |
365 Gems of Wisdom: A Gem a Day Keeps the Worries Away |
Ven Thubten Chodron (著); The Community of Sravasti Abbey (著) |
2023.05 |
37 Praktik Bodhisattwa |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2011 |
Agama Buddha: Satu Guru, Beragam Tradisi |
Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
Alabanza a la Gran Compasión=In Praise of Great Compassion |
El Dalai Lama (著); Thubten Chodron (著); Hernández, Fernando (譯); Gómez, Celia (譯) |
2022.02 |
An Open-Hearted Life : Transformative Methods for Compassionate Living from a Clinical Psychologist and a Buddhist Nun |
Kolts, Russell L.; Thubten Chodron=圖丹丘準 |
2013 |
Appearing and Empty |
Dalai Lama (著); Thubten Chodron (著) |
2023.08.29 |
Approaching the Buddhist Path |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama =第十四世達賴喇嘛 ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2017 |
Awaken Every Day 365 Buddhist Reflections To Invite Mindfulness and Joy |
Thubten Chodron |
2019 |
Bảy Bí Quyết Sống Hạnh Phúc=Seven Tips for a Happy Life |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 ; Diệu Liên Lý Thu Linh |
2015.05 |
Be a Lamp Upon Yourself |
Thubten Chodron |
2008.02 |
Bebas dari Ketakutan Sebuah Pelindungan dari Bhagawati Arya Tara |
Thubten Chodron |
Bebas dari Ketakutan: Sebuah Perlindungan dari Bhagawati Arya Tara |
Thubten Chodron (著) |
2018.08 |
Beteugeling Van De Geest |
Thubten Chodron |
Blossoms of the Dharma: Living as a Buddhist Nun=法華繁茂 -- 活如比丘尼 |
Boorstein, Sylvia ; Thubten Chodron |
1999.12.28 |
Blossums of the Dharma |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1999 |
Bodhisattva Vows |
Thubten Chodron |
Buddhist Himalaya |
1992 |
Bolehkah Aku Bertanya |
Thubten Chodron |
Bouddhisme pour les débutants |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2001 |
Bridging life to life |
Thubten Chodron |
1988 |
Buddhism |
The Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
2014 |
Buddhism For Beginners |
Thubten Chodron |
2001 |
Buddhism for Beginners: Advice for Newcomers to the Dharma |
Thubten Chodron |
Mandala Magazine |
2004.12 |
Buddhismus. Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2003 |
Buddhismus: Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2003.01 |
Buddhist Education for Women in Western Countries=西方女性的佛教教育 |
圖丹丘準 =Thubten Chodron |
佛教僧伽教育國際研討會 -- 現代尼僧伽教育之回顧與前瞻=International Conference for Buddhist Sangha Education: Exploration on Education for Contemporary Female Sangha |
2009.05.31 |
Buddhist Monastics Get Together |
Thubten Chodron |
Mandala Magazine |
2007.08 |
Buddyzm dla początkujących |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2003 |
Buddyzm Jeden nauczyciel, wiele tradycji |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama =第十四世達賴喇嘛 ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2015 |
Budismo para principiantes |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2013 |
Budismo: Un Maestro, Muchas Tradiciones |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 ; His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama =第十四世達賴喇嘛 |
2016 |
Che cosa è il Buddhismo Un maestro e molte tradizioni |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 ; His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama =第十四世達賴喇嘛 |
2016 |
Choosing Simplicity: A commentary on the “Bhikshuni Pratimoksha” |
Bhikshuni Wu Yin ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2001 |
Choosing Simplicity:A Commentary on the Bhikshuni Pratimoksha |
Bhikshuni Jendy ; Bhikshuni Wu Yin ; Thubten Chodron |
2001.01 |
Coeur ouvert esprit clair : La Pratique du bouddhisme tibetain au quotidien |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1999 |
Come liberare la mente: Tara la liberatrice |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2006 |
Compasión Valerosa |
El Dalai Lama (著); Thubten Chodron (著); Hernández, Fernando (譯); Gómez, Celia (著) |
2023 |
Connaître la vacuité=Insight Into Emptiness |
Khensur Jampa Tegchok ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹卻准 |
2022.06 |
Coração Aberto, Mente Limpa |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2007 |
Corazon Abierto, Mente Lucida |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1993 |
Courageous Compassion |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chödron |
2021.05 |
Cultivating a Compassionate Heart : The Yoga Method of Chenrezig |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 ; His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama =第十四世達賴喇嘛 |
2006.03.13 |
De essentie van het boeddhisme : boeddhisme voor beginners |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2001 |
Dealing with Life's Issues |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2008 |
Despertar cada día |
Thubten Chodron |
2021.11 |
Die Kunst des spirituellen Alltags |
Thubten Chodron |
2005.04 |
Die Weisheit eines offenen Herzens |
Kolts, Russell L.; Thubten Chodron=圖丹丘準 |
2016 |
Đối Mặt Với Các Vấn Đề Trong Cuộc Sống Theo Quan Điểm Phật Giáo=Dealing with Life's Issues: A Buddhist Perspective |
Thubten Chodron ; Diệu Liên Lý Thu Linh |
2018 |
Don't Believe Everything You Think: Living with Wisdom and Compassion |
Thubten Chodron |
2012 |
Đừng Quá Tin Mọi Điều Bạn Nghĩ: Sống Với Từ Bi Và Trí Huệ=Don't Believe Everything You Think: Living with Wisdom and Compassion |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 ; Thái An |
2016.04 |
El Camino a la felicidad |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2012 |
Es ist Dein Ärger : Methoden zum Umgang mit starken Gefühlen |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2008 |
Following in the Buddha's Footsteps |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
2019.10.15 |
Fundamentos de la Práctica Budista=The Foundation of Buddhist Practice |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron ; Hernandez, Fernando ; Gómez, Celia ; Gordi, Isidro |
2019.03.10 |
Gavin Discovers the Secret to Happiness |
Ramos, Albert ; Thubten Chodron |
2021.08 |
Gavin Menemukan Rahasia Kebahagiaan |
Ramos, Albert ; Thubten Chodron |
2022.03 |
Giải Thoát Tâm Thức: thực hành pháp môn Lục độ mẫu Tara=How to Free Your Mind: The Practice of Tara the Liberator |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 ; Nguyễn, Tiến Văn |
2015.08 |
Good Karma : How to Create the Causes of Happiness and Avoid the Causes of Suffering |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2016 |
Guided Buddhist Meditations: Essential Practices on the Stages of the Path |
Thubten Chodron ; His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama |
2019.07.30 |
Guided Meditations on The Stages of The Path |
Thubten Chodron ; H. H. Dalai Lama |
2007.09.05 |
Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2007 |
Gutes Karma |
Thubten Chodron |
Hidup Bahagia dalam Perkawinan |
Thubten Chodron |
Hidup dengan Kebijaksanaan dan Welas Asih |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2013 |
How to Free Your Mind : The Practice of Tara the Liberator |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2013 |
How to Free Your Mind: Tara the Liberator |
Thubten Chodron |
2005.04 |
I primi passi sul sentiero buddhista |
Thubten Chodron |
2021 |
I wonder why |
Thubten Chodron |
1987?, 1997 |
I Wonder Why |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1988 |
Il Sentiero per la Felicità |
Thubten Chödron |
2003 |
In Praise of Great Compassion |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
2020.08.11 |
In Praise of Great Compassion |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
2020.08.11 |
Insight Into Emptiness |
Khensur Jampa Tegchok ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2012 |
Interview: Disappointment and Delight: The Eight Worldly Concerns |
Thubten Chodron ; Blumenthal, Sara |
Mandala Magazine |
2007.12 |
Introduction:Religious Diversity and Religious Harmony |
Thubten Chodron |
Spiritual Sisters |
1996 |
Jalan Menuju Kebahagiaan |
Thubten Chodron |
Karmans for the Creation of Virtue : The Prescriptive Precepts in the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya |
Vinaya Master Bhiksu Benyin ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 ; Bhikshuni Jendy ; Bhiksuni Ruxiong ; Mallinson, Lynne |
2015 |
Lamrim Teachings, Volume I |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2015 |
Lamrim Teachings, Volume II |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2015 |
Lamrim Teachings, Volume III |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2015 |
Lamrim Teachings, Volume IV |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2015 |
Lavorare sulla rabbia |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2002 |
L'Enseignement du Bouddha : Un seul maître, de nombreux disciples |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama =第十四世達賴喇嘛 ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2016 |
Living with an Open Heart : Cultivating Compassion in Everyday Life |
Kolts, Russell L.; Thubten Chodron=圖丹丘準 |
2013 |
Los Factores Mentales |
Thubten Chodron |
Los Siete Consejos para la Felicidad |
Thubten Chodron |
2014.10.02 |
Meditazioni Buddhiste Guidate: Le Pratiche Essenziali sul Sentiero Graduale |
Thubten Chodron (著); Tenzin Gyatso (著)=Dalai Lama (au.); Rogora, Luigi (譯) |
2023.03.17 |
Membuka Hati,Menjernihkan Pikiran |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2011 |
Mengenali Kemarahan |
Thubten Chodron |
Monastic Conference: Renunciation and Simplicity |
Thubten Chodron |
Mandala Magazine |
2005.02 |
Nueng Sasda…Laai Saai Dham=หนึ่งศาสดา…หลายสายธรรม=Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
2020 |
O Que e Budismo |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2006 |
Open Hart, Heldere Geest : Boeddhisme in ons dagelijks leven |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1993 |
Open heart, clear mind |
Thubten Chodron |
1990 |
Open heart, clear mind |
Thubten Chodron |
1998 |
Open Heart, Clear Mind |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1990 |
Pearl of Wisdom, Buddhist Prayers and Practices Book I |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2011 |
Pearl of Wisdom, Buddhist Prayers and Practices Book II |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2014 |
Pearl of Wisdom, Buddhist Prayers and Practices Book III |
Thubten Chodron |
2020.08 |
Pearl of wisdom:Buddhist prayers and practices |
Thubten Chodron |
1991 |
Phật Giáo Một Bậc Đạo Sư, Nhiều Truyền Thống=One Teacher, Many Traditions |
Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron ; Thích, Đạo Tỉnh ; Giới Hương |
2019 |
Phương Pháp Tu Tập Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát - Vun Bồi Trái Tim Nhân Ái |
Thubten Chodron ; Thế Anh |
2013.06 |
Podążaj ścieżką Buddy Niech Twoją religią stanie się życzliwość! |
Dalajlama ; Thubten Chodron |
2018 |
Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness: A Commentary on Nagarjuna's "Precious Garland" |
Tegchok, Jampa ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2017 |
Praktik Penyempurnaan Welas Asih |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2015 |
Preparing for Ordination : Reflections for Westerners Considering Monastic Ordination in the Western Buddhist Tradition |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1996 |
Realizing the Profound View |
H. H. Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
2022.12.20 |
Refuge Resource Book |
Thubten Chodron |
Rộng mở tâm hồn và phát triển trí tuệ=Open Heart, Clear Mind |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 ; Hoàng, Nguyên ; Nguyễn, Minh Tiến ; Nguyễn, Minh Tiến |
2012 |
Sadhana, Tsog and Oral Commentary Of the Generation Stage Practice Of Heruka Body Mandala : According To the System Of Mahasiddha Ghantapa |
Rinpoche, Lati ; Thupten Jinpa ; Thubten Chodron |
1990 |
Sahabat Sejati |
Thubten Chodron |
Samsara, Nirvana Y Naturaleza De Buda=Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature |
H. H. Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron ; Hernandez, Fernando ; Gordi, Isidro |
2020.03.27 |
Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature (The Library Of Wisdom and Compassion Vol. 3) |
Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
Sangha: Introducing Full Ordination for Women into the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition |
Thubten Chodron |
Mandala Magazine |
2006.06 |
Sangha: Nuns in the West |
Thubten Chodron |
Mandala Magazine |
2005.10 |
Searching for the Self, Library of Wisdom and Compassion Vol. 7 |
Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
2022.05 |
Sept Conseils pour une Vie Heureuse |
Thubten Chodron |
thubtenchodron.org |
2022.04 |
Seven Tips for a Happy Life |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2015 |
Spiritual Sisters:A Benedictine and a Buddhist Nun inDialogue |
Thubten Chodron ; Corcoran, Sister Donald |
Spiritual Sisters |
1996 |
Tâm Rộng Mở Trí Sáng Suốt=Open Heart, Clear Mind: An Introduction to Buddha’s Teachings=開闊心.清淨心 |
Bá Thủy ; Khôi Nguyên ; Thubten Chodron |
2012 |
Taming the Mind |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2004 |
Taming the monkey mind |
Thubten Chodron |
1990 |
Taming the Monkey Mind |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1999 |
Tara – die Befreierin : Hommage für eine Erwachte |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2006 |
The Compassionate Kitchen: Buddhist Practices For Eating With Mindfulness and Gratitude |
Thubten Chodron |
The Foundation Of Buddhist Practice |
The Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
2018 |
The Path to Happiness |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1999 |
Thirty-seven Practices of Bodhisattvas |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2009 |
Thuần Hóa Tâm Hồn=Taming the Monkey Mind |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 ; Thích, Minh Thành |
2003 |
Trabajando con la ira y el enojo |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
Trabalhe Sua Raiva |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2007 |
Transformer la Colere=Working with Anger |
Thubten Chodron |
2022.12 |
Transforming Adversity into Joy and Courage |
Geshe Jampa Tegchok ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2005 |
Transforming Our Daily Activities |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2005 |
Tras las Huellas del Buda=Following in the Buddha's Footsteps |
El Dalai Lama (著); Thubten Chodron (著); Hernández, Fernando (譯); Gómez, Celia (譯) |
2022 |
Travailler sur la colère : Une approche bouddhiste |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2003 |
Tujuh Tips Hidup Bahagia |
Thubten Chodron |
Un Acercamiento al Sendero Budista |
The Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
Unlocking Your Potential How To Get Out Of Your Own Way |
Thubten Chodron ; Malone, Calvin |
2019 |
Vivir con el corazón |
Thubten Chodron=圖丹丘準; Kolts, Russell L. |
2017 |
Vorbereitung auf die Ordination |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1996 |
Werken met woede : Een boeddhistische aanpak |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2003 |
What color is your mind [1st ed.] |
Thubten Chodron |
1993 |
What Color Is Your Mind? |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1993 |
Working with Anger |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2001 |
Working with Anger (Transcribed Talk) |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1990 |
Xử lý Nóng Giận=Working with Anger |
Thubten Chodron |
Буддизм для начинающих |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2012 |
Буддизм: один учитель, много традиций |
Dalai Lama ; Thubten Chodron |
Дыхание и доброта |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2016 |
Тренировка ума: руководство практикующего |
Thubten Chodron |
Укрощение обезьяньего ума |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2014 |
התמודדות עם כעס |
Thubten Chödron |
2020 |
התמרת השגרה: מדריך מעשי לתרגול בודהיזם בחיי היומיום |
Thubten Chödron |
2020 |
לב פתוח, תודעה צלולה |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
1990 |
שבע עצות לחיים מאושרים |
Thubten Chödron |
2020 |
البوذية للمبتدئين |
توتتنتشودرون |
以慈悲化解暴力 |
圖丹卻准 |
人生=Humanity |
2020.10 |
以願導航,創造共善能量場 |
圖丹卻准 |
人生=Humanity |
2018.03 |
如來藏,藏如來:達賴喇嘛給初發心修行人的第二個錦囊=Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature |
第十四世達賴喇嘛 =丹增嘉措 ; 圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chodron ; 項慧齡 =Xiang, Hui-ling |
2020.07.03 |
收拾書包成佛去!:達賴喇嘛給初發心修行人的第一個錦囊=The Foundation of Buddhist Practice |
第十四世達賴喇嘛 =His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama ; 圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chodron ; 項慧齡 |
2019.07.01 |
佛教宗教師應扮演社會良知 |
圖丹卻准 |
人生=Humanity |
2019.02 |
我想知道什麼是佛法=Buddhism For Beginners |
圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chodron ; 黃盛璟 |
2007.10 |
我該怎麼辦 - 逆轉生命的智慧 |
圖丹卻准 |
人生=Humanity |
2010.12 |
我該怎麼辦?:49則逆轉生命的智慧 |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2010 |
幸福人生的7個訣竅=Seven Tips For a Happy Life |
圖丹却准 |
2017 |
달라이 라마의 불교 강의 |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama =第十四世達賴喇嘛 ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2015 |
培養慈悲心:觀世音菩薩相應法=Cultivating A Compassionate Heart: The Yoga Method of Chenrezig |
圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chodron ; 郭淑清 ; 楊書婷 |
2008.01.20 |
處理憤怒的方法 |
圖丹卻准 ; 錢掌珠 |
人生=Humanity |
2005.09 |
尊者達賴喇嘛開示成佛之道 |
第十四世達賴喇嘛 =His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama ; 圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chodron ; 廖本聖 =Liao, Ben-sheng |
2020.01.09 |
菩提心起:達賴喇嘛給初發心修行人的第四個錦囊=In Praise of Great Compassion |
第十四世達賴喇嘛 =Tenzin Gyatso ; 圖丹卻准 ; 呂家茵 |
2022.07 |
菩薩就是這樣成佛:達賴喇嘛給初發心修行人的第五個錦囊=Courageous Compassion |
第十四世達賴喇嘛 (著)=丹增嘉措 (au.); 圖丹・卻准 (著)=Thubten Chodron (au.); 林姿瑩 (譯); 楊書婷 (審譯) |
2023.10.06 |
開闊心‧清淨心=Open heart, clear mind |
圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chodron ; 菩提心譯經組 |
2000.10.15 |
業力覺醒:揪出我執和自我中心,擺脫輪迴束縛的根源=Good Karma: How to Create the Causes of Happiness and Avoid the Causes of Suffering |
圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chödron |
2021.03 |
當囚徒遇見佛陀 |
圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chodron ; 雷叔雲 |
2006.01 |
當囚徒遇見佛陀=When Life Meets Dharma |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2006 |
達賴喇嘛說止觀:達賴喇嘛給初發心修行人的第三個錦囊=Following in the Buddha's Footsteps |
第十四世達賴喇嘛 =Tenzin Gyatso ; 圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chodron ; 項慧齡 =Xiang, Hui-ling |
2021.07 |
達賴喇嘛說佛教:探索南傳、漢傳、藏傳的佛陀教義 |
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama =第十四世達賴喇嘛 ; Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2016 |
욱하는 순간에 대한 이야기 화, |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2007 |
調伏自心 -- 快樂生活的智慧=Taming the Mind |
圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chodron ; 俞靜靜 |
2007.12.01 |
調伏自心 : 快樂生活的智慧 |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2007 |
誰惹你生氣? |
Thubten Chodron =圖丹丘準 |
2005 |
誰惹你生氣? 66招消氣祕方 |
圖丹卻准 =Thubten Chodron ; 錢掌珠 |
2005.06 |
瞭解我們的憤怒及其由來 |
圖丹卻准 ; 錢掌珠 |
人生=Humanity |
2005.09 |
藏系西方僧人的修學生活-- 「戒」內「戒」外 :與達賴喇嘛談西方僧人的入眾與教育 |
Thubten Chodron ; 釋見胤 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
1996.06.20 |