シリアル番号: |
15174 |
別名: |
朴鎔辰 = ぱくよんじん = 박용진 |
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出版年月日 |
An Analytical Study on Pure Land Concept in Mahāyāna Buddhism: A Case Study of Junto Society in Korea |
Park, Yong-jin (著); Mahatthanadull, Sanu (著) |
The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities |
2019 |
元代『科註妙法蓮華経』の刊行と流通=Publication and Distribution of the Kezhu Miaofa lianhua jing in the Yuan Period |
朴鎔辰 (著)=Park, Yong-jin (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2016.03 |
고려시대 교장(敎藏)의 일본 교류와 유통=Exchange and distribution of Goryeo-gyojang in Japan during the Goryeo Dynasty |
박용진 (著)=Park, Yong-jin (au.) |
불교학보=佛教學報 |
2020.09 |
고려후기 『法華經三昧懺助宣講儀』의 간행과 그 의의=Publication and Significance of Beobhwagyeongsammaecham Joseongangui (法華經三昧懺助宣講儀) in the Late Goryeo Dynasty |
박용진 (著)=Park, Yong-jin (au.) |
불교학보=佛教學報 |
2021.06 |
고려후기『科註妙法蓮華經』의 刊行과 천태종 章疏=Tiantai Zhiyi(天台智顗)"s Commentary and Publication of the 『Kezhu miaofa lianhua jing(科註妙法蓮華經)』 in the Late Goryeo Dynasty |
남권희 (著)=Nam, Kwon-heui (au.); 박용진 (著)=Park, Yong-jin (au.) |
불교학보=佛教學報 |
2016.09 |
東アジア漢文佛敎文化圈の華嚴章疏の傳承と現狀 --『新編諸宗敎藏總錄』と日本章疏目錄の比較を中心に=The Transmission and Present Conditions of Huayan Commentaries in the Cultural Circles of East Asia |
朴鎔辰 (著)=Park, Yong-jin (au.) |
불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2018.12 |
高麗義天撰『円宗文類』の日本伝承と交流史的意義=The Transmission of the Wonjong munryu Written by Uichon in Japan and Its Significance from the Perspective of the History of Exchange during the Koryo Period |
朴鎔辰 (著)=Park, Yong-jin (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2014.12 |
新出 松廣寺藏『無常經新鈔』斷簡について=A Study of a Fragment of the Wuchangjing xinchao 無常經新鈔 preserved in Songgwangsa 松廣寺 Temple in Korea |
朴鎔辰 (著)=Park, Yong-jin (au.); 佐藤厚 (譯)=Sato, Atsushi (tr.); 東アジア仏教研究会 (編) |
東アジア仏教研究=Journal of East Asian Buddhist Studies=ヒガシアジア ブッキョウ ケンキュウ |
2019.05 |
新羅 太賢撰 『藥師經古迹記』의 유통과 의의=The Significance and Distribution of Shilla Taehyeon"s Yaksagyeong-Gojukgi |
박용진 (著)=Park, Yong-jin (au.) |
불교학보=佛教學報 |
2018.03 |
한국 현대기 1963-68년 고려대장경의 인경과 특징=Printing and Characteristics of the Tripitaka Koreana in 1963-68 |
박용진 (著)=Park, Yong-jin (au.) |
동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture |
2022.12 |
麗元交流期 高麗蔵と趙城蔵=A Comparative Study of the Bieyi Za ahan jing in the Koryŏ Canon and the Chosŏng Canon |
朴鎔辰 (著)=ぱくよんじん (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2017.03.20 |
応之の『五杉練若新学備用』編纂とその仏教史的意義 (愛知学院大学における第五十九回〔日本印度学仏教学会〕学術大会紀要(2))=The Significance of Yingzhi's Compilation of the Wushan Lianruo-xinxue-beiyong |
朴鎔辰 =Park, Yong-jin |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2009.03 |