+1937-07-20 ~ |
件著作が収録され、6 件全文を含む
シリアル番号: |
16880 |
別名: |
ウィットフィールド, ロデリック = 韋陀 |
種類: |
個人著者 |
個人サイト: |
全文 |
タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
An Art Treasury of China and Mankind: Some Recent Studies on the Dunhuang Caves |
Whitfield, Roderick=韋陀 |
Orientations |
1989.03 |
An art treasury of China and mankind:some recent studieson the Dunhuang caves |
Whitfield, Roderick |
Orientations |
1989.03 |
Budda Preaching Under a Tree |
Whitfield, Roderick |
敦煌學國際學術討論會文集 -- 紀念敦煌藏經洞發現暨敦煌學百年 |
2000.07.25 |
Buddhist Monuments in China and some Recent Finds |
Whitfield, Roderick |
The Buddhist Heritage |
1989 |
Buddhist paintings from Dunhuang in the Aurel Stein Collection |
Whitfield, Roderick |
Orientations |
1983.05 |
Buddhist Sculpture |
Pak, Young-sook; Whitfield, Roderick |
2003 |
Buddhist Sculpture: Handbooks of Korean Art |
Pak, Young-sook; Whitfield, Roderick |
2002.10.01 |
Caves Of the Thousand Buddhas: Chinese Art from the Silk Route |
Whitfield, Roderick (著); Farrer, Anne (著); Vainker, Shelagh J. (編); Rawson, Jessica (編) |
1990 |
Dunhuang: Caves of the Singing Sands: Buddhist Art from the Silk Road |
Whitfield, Roderick |
1996 |
Early Buddha Images from Hebei |
Whitfield, Roderick=韋陀 |
Artibus Asiae |
2005 |
Esoteric Buddhist Elements in the Famensi Reliquary Deposit |
Whitfield, Roderick |
Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde=Etudes asiatiques : revue de la Société Suisse d'études asiatiques |
1990 |
The Lohan in China |
Whitfield, Roderick |
Mahayanist Art |
1977 |
The Lohan in China plates |
Whitfield, Roderick |
Mahayanist art after A.D. 900: proceedings of a colloquy held 28 June-1 July 1971 at the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London |
1972 |
The Monk Liu Sahe and the Dunhuang Paintings |
Whitfield, Roderick |
Orientations |
1989.03 |
The Significance of the Famensi Deposit |
Whitfield, Roderick |
Orientations |
1990.05 |
Visions of the Buddha world: paintings from Dunhuang |
Whitfield, Roderick |
Apollo: The International Art Magazine |
1984.07 |
Visions of the Buddha World: Paintings from Dunhuang [Stein Collection, British Museum, London] |
Whitfield, Roderick=韋陀 |
Apollo: The International Art Magazine |
1984.07 |
Zen [Museum Rietberg, Zurich] |
Whitfield, Roderick=韋陀 |
The Burlington Magazine |
1993.06 |
ZenAugmented title:Museum Rietberg, Zurich |
Whitfield, Roderick |
The Burlington Magazine |
1993.06 |
大英博物館所蔵の敦煌絵画断片について=Fragments fo Dunhuang Painting in the Collection of the British Museum |
Whitfield, Roderick=ウィットフィールド, ロデリック ; 有地芽浬 |
佛敎藝術=Ars buddhica=仏教芸術=佛教藝術 |
2003.11 |
大英圖書館東方部收藏品中四件未公布過的煌繪畫作品=Four Unpublished Paintings from Dunhuang in the Oriental Collections of the British Library |
韋陀; 魏文捷 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2001.05 |
北齊佛教造像的色彩 |
韋陀 (著); 劉勤 (著) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2024 |
武威博物館藏喜金剛與大黑天金銅像考=Hevajra Mahakala:A pair of Tantric gilt bronze Buddhist images from Wuwei Museum Gansu |
韋陀; 常紅紅 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2011.02 |
敦煌繪畫中的取經僧形象 |
韋陀; 包菁萍; 楊富學 |
敦煌學國際研討會文集:石窟藝術卷(2000年) |
2003.09 |
敦煌絵画 |
Whitfield, Roderick ; Whitfield, Roderick |
1982.03-1982.09 |
瑞像圖 |
Whitfield, Roderick |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
1988.05 |
瑞像圖 |
Whitfield, Roderick |
敦煌國際討論會文集(石窟藝術編) |
1987 |
瑞像圖(摘要) |
Whitfield, Roderick=韋陀 |
敦煌石窟研究國際討論會文集(石窟藝術編) |
1990 |