

Shields, James Mark  


17 件著作が収録され、13 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録




全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Blueprint for Buddhist Revolution: The Radical Buddhism of Seno'o Girō (1889–1961) and the Youth League for Revitalizing Buddhism Shields, James Mark Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2012
  After the Fall: Tsuji Zennosuke and the Creation of Bukkyōshugi Kokushi Shields, James Mark (著) Journal of Religion in Japan 2018.12
  Against Harmony: Progressive and Radical Buddhism in Modern Japan Shields, James Mark (著) 2017.05.18
  Book Review: "Empire of the Dharma: Korean and Japanese Buddhism, 1877–1912," by Hwansoo Ilmee Kim Shields, James Mark (著) Monumenta Nipponica 2015
  Book Review: "Encounter with Enlightenment : A Study of Japanese Ethics", by Robert E. Carter Shields, James Mark The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2002
  Book Review: Kindai bukkyo to iu shiza: Senso, ajia, shakaishugi [The Perspective of Modern Buddhism: War, Asia, Socialism], by Otani Eiichi Shields, James Mark Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 2014.01
  Critical Buddhism: A Buddhist Hermeneutics of Practice Shields, James Mark (著) Dissertation Abstracts International 2006
  Critical Buddhism: Engaging with Modern Japanese Buddhist Thought Shields, James Mark (著) 2011.03.18
  Future Perfect: Tolstoy and the Structures of Agrarian-Buddhist Utopianism in Taishō Japan Shields, James Mark (著) Religions 2018.05
  Immanent Frames: Meiji New Buddhism, Pantheism, and the "Religious Secular"=内在的枠組み:明治の新仏教、汎神論、「世俗信仰」 Shields, James Mark Japan Review: Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies=日本研究=Nichibunken Japan Review=Bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies 2017.07
  Liberation as Revolutionary Praxis: Rethinking Buddhist Materialism Shields, James Mark Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2013
  Peasant Revolts as Anti-Authoritarian Archetypes for Radical Buddhism in Modern Japan Shields, James Mark Journal of Religion in Japan 2016.01
  Sceptical Buddhism as Provenance and Project Shields, James Mark (著) 2020
  Smashing the Mirror of Yamato: Sakaguchi Ango, Decadence and a (Post-metaphysical) Buddhist Critique of Culture=大和の鏡を打ち砕く:坂口安吾、デカダンス、(ポスト観念論的な)仏教的文化批評 Shields, James Mark Japan Review: Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies=日本研究=Nichibunken Japan Review=Bulletin of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies 2011.08
  Teaching Buddhism in the West: From the Wheel to the Web Hayes, Richard P. (編); Hori, Victor Sogen (編); Shields, James Mark (編) 2002.06.13
  The Art of Aidagara: Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Quest for an Ontology of Social Existence in Watsuji Tetsurō's Rinrigaku Shields, James Mark Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 2009.11
  Zen Terror in Prewar Japan: Portrait of an Assassin Victoria, Brian Daizen (著); Shields, James Mark (前言) 2019