

Bodde, Derk  


9 件著作が収録され、1 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録




全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A History of Chinese Philosophy, V.2: The Period of Classical Learning (from the Second Century B.C. to the Twentieth Century A.D.) [Chapter Ix: Buddhism During The Sui and T'ang Dynasties Part II) Fung, Yu-lan; Bodde, Derk 1953
  Completion of the Doctrine of Mere Ideation=玄奘之成唯識論 Fung, Yu-lan (著)=馮友蘭 (au.); Bodde, Derk (譯) A History of Chinese Philosophy 1953
  Essay on the Gold Lion=法藏之金師子論 Fung, Yu-lan (著)=馮友蘭 (au.); Bodde, Derk (譯) A History of Chinese Philosophy 1953
  Mahayana Method of Cessation and Contemplation=天台宗之大乘止觀法門 Fung, Yu-lan (著)=馮友蘭 (au.); Bodde, Derk (譯) A History of Chinese Philosophy 1953
  The Ch'an School=慧能、神會、宗密 Fung, Yu-lan (著)=馮友蘭 (au.); Bodde, Derk (譯) A History of Chinese Philosophy 1953
  The Chinese View of Immortality: Its Expression by Chu Hsi and Its Relationship to Buddhist Thought Bodde, Derk 2010.09.10
  The Chinese View of Immortality; Its Expression by Chu Hsi and Its Relationship to Buddhist Thought Bodde, Derk Review of Religion 1942
  The Rise of Neo-Confucianism and Its Borrowings from Buddhism and Taoism, by Fung, Yu-lan(1895-) Bodde, Derk Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 1942.07
  Theory of Double Truth=吉藏之二諦論 Fung, Yu-lan (著)=馮友蘭 (au.); Bodde, Derk (譯) A History of Chinese Philosophy 1953