シリアル番号: |
65423 |
別名: |
義淨 = Gijo = I-ching = Yi-jing = I-Tsing = 義浄 = ギジョウ |
種類: |
個人著者 |
個人サイト: |
全文 |
タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
《一百五十讚佛頌》白話譯注=The Ṡatapañcāśatka Of Mātŗceţa: Translation & Commentary In Mandarin Chinese |
義淨 (譯); 後學居士 (編譯)=宗超居士 (Translate and Edit) |
2020.07.13 |
A record of Buddhist religion as practiced in India and the Maylay Archipelago(A.D. 671-695)[2nd Indian ed.] |
I-ching |
1982, 1966 |
A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in India and the Malay Archipelago |
I-ching (著); Takakusu, J. (譯) |
A Record Of The Buddhist Religion As Practised In India And The Malay Archipelago (A. D. 671-695) |
I-ching |
2009.04.10 |
A record of the Buddhist religion as practised in India and the Malay archipelago(A. D. 671-695) |
I-ching |
1896 |
A record of the Buddhist religion as practised inIndia and the Malay archipelago(A.D. 671-695) |
I-ching |
1900, 1983 |
A record of the Buddhist religion: as practised in India and the Malay Archipelago(A.D. 671-695) |
I-ching |
1970, 1896 |
A record of the Buddhist religion: as practised in India and the Malay Archipelago(A.D. 671-695) |
I-ching |
1982, 1966 |
A record of the Buddhist religion:as practised in India and the Malay archipelago, A.D. 671-695 |
I-ching |
1972 |
Bongo Senjimon |
I-ching |
1773, 1889 |
Chinese monks in India: biography of eminent monks who went to the western world in search of the law during the great Tang dynasty=大唐西域求法高僧傳 |
Lahiri, Latika; I-ching; Lahiri, Latika |
1986 |
Daito Saiiki guho koso den |
I-ching |
1942 |
Mémoire composé à l’époque de la Grande Dynastie T’ang sur les religieux éminents que allèrent chercher la Loi dans les pays d’occident=大唐西域求法高僧傳 |
I-Tsing (著)=釋義淨 (au.); Chavannes, Édouard (譯) |
1894 |
Record of the Buddhist religion as practised in India and the Malay archipelago(A.D. 671-695) |
I-ching |
1982, 1896 |
Record of the Buddhist religion as practised in India andthe Malay archipelago(A.D. 671-695) |
I-ching |
1970 |
大唐西域求法高僧伝 |
釋義淨 (著); 足立喜六 (譯)=Adachi, Kiroku (tr.); 足立喜六 (註釋)=Adachi, Kiroku (comm.) |
1942.05 |
大唐西域求法高僧傳校注 |
王邦維; 王邦維; 釋義淨 |
1988.09.01 |
大寶積經佛說入胎藏會附佛說入胎藏會與胎生學之比較研究 |
陳欽銘; 釋義淨 |
1985 |
少林寺戒壇銘並序 |
釋義淨 (著) |
金石萃編 |
少林寺戒壇銘並序 |
釋義淨 (著) |
全唐文 |
因明正理門論本證文:附錄義淨補譯理門論釋文 |
義淨 |
內學 |
佛說無常經 |
釋義淨 (譯) |
因明=因明雜誌 |
1978.02-03 |
佛說彌勒下生成佛經 |
釋義淨 |
1960 |
佛說療痔病經 |
義淨 |
弘法社刊 |
法蔵館文庫 現代語訳 南海寄帰内法伝:七世紀インド仏教僧伽の日常生活 |
義浄 (著)=Yi-jing (au.); 宮林昭彦 (譯)=Miyabayashi, Shogen (tr.); 加藤栄司 (譯)=Kato, Eiji (tr.) |
2022.11.15 |
金剛般若波羅密經論摘錄 |
義淨; 無著菩薩; 世親菩薩; 菩提支流 |
北平佛教會月刊 |
南海寄歸內法傳 |
釋義淨 |
1959 |
南海寄歸內法傳 四卷=Nan-kai-ki-ki-nai-ho-den. 4 Fascicles=Nan-hai-chi-kuei-nei-fa-ch'uan |
釋義淨 (著)=Gijo (au.) |
2003 |
南海寄歸內法傳 卷第四殘簡 |
釋義淨 |
1943 |
南海寄歸內法傳校注 |
王邦維; 王邦維; 釋義淨 |
1995.04 |
南海寄歸內法傳校注(繁體版) |
釋義淨 (著); 王邦維 (註釋)=Wang, Bang-wei (comm.); 王邦維 (校對)=Wang, Bang-wei (proofr.) |
1995.04.01 |
唐義淨法師西域取經傳 |
義淨 (著) |
海潮音=Hai Ch'ao Yin |
1943.05 |
根本說一切有部毗奈耶外4部 |
釋義淨 |
1982 |
根本薩婆多部律攝12部 |
釋義淨 |
1982 |
唯識文獻全編(第七冊) |
王聯章; 波羅頗蜜多羅; 佛陀扇多; 真諦; 釋義淨 |
2013 |
唯識文獻全編(第十一冊) |
王聯章; 義淨; 真諦; 玄奘; 法護 |
2013 |
現代語訳 南海寄帰内法伝:七世紀インド仏教僧伽の日常生活 |
義浄 (著)=Yi-jing (au.); 宮林昭彦 (譯)=Miyabayashi, Shogen (tr.); 加藤栄司 (譯)=Kato, Eiji (tr.) |
2004.04.20 |
藥師琉璃光七佛本願功德經 |
釋義淨 |
觀總相論頌 |
陳那菩薩 (著); 釋義淨 (譯) |
因明=因明雜誌 |
1979.06 |