

Gethin, Rupert  (本名)


43 件著作が収録され、29 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2014.03.04 登録



Gethin, R. M. L. (別名) = Gethin, R. (別名) = Gethin, Rupert Mark Lovell (本名) = 葛汀, 魯柏 (別名)



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Note on Some Current Projects of The Pali Text Society Gethin, Rupert パーリ学仏教文化学=Journal of Pali and Buddhist Studies=パーリガク ブッキョウ ブンカガク 2013.12
  A Note on the Mahākammavibhaṅga-sutta and its Commentary Gethin, Rupert=Gethin, R. M. L. Journal of the Pali Text Society 2015
  Body, Mind and Sleepiness : On the Abhidharma understanding of styāna and middha Gethin, Rupert=葛汀, 魯柏 国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要=Journal of the International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies=コクサイ ブッキョウガク ダイガクイン ダイガク ケンキュウ キヨウ 2017.03.31
  Book Review: "Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time," by Ven. Nyanaponika Thera Gethin, Rupert Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2000
  Book Review: "An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices", by Peter Harvey Gethin, Rupert The Times Literary Supplement 1991.01.11
  Book Review: "Buddhist Cosmology: Philosophy and Origins," by Akira Sadakata Gethin, Rupert Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1998
  Book Review: "Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism under Colonialism", by D.S. Lopez Gethin, Rupert Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1998.06
  Book Review: "The Selfless Mind: Personality, Consciousness and Nirvāṇa in Early Buddhism," by Peter Harvey Gethin, Rupert Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1997
  Book Review: Book Reviews Norman, K. R. ; Hahn, Michael ; Ruegg, D. Seyfort ; Werner, Karel ; Gethin, Rupert ; Tarocco, Francesca Buddhist Studies Review 2003
  Book Review: Book Reviews Norman, K. R. ; Heirman, Ann ; Gethin, Rupert ; Lindtner, Chr. ; Strong, John ; Bhikkhu Pāsādika Buddhist Studies Review 1999
  Book Review: The Story of Gotama Buddha (Jatakanidana) Translated By N. A. Jayawickrama Gethin, Rupert Religion 1993.04
  Book Reviews: On Being Mindfulness: Buddhist Meditation and the Mind-Body Problem By Paul J. Griffiths Gethin, R. M. L. History of Religions 1991.08
  Can Killing A Living Being ever be An Act of Compassion? The Analysis of the Act Killing in the Abhidhamma and Pali Commentaries=殺生可能是慈悲行嗎? 根據上座部論典談殺生與慈悲 Gethin, Rupert The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism: The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century=第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」 2002.01.20
  Can Killing a Living Being Ever Be an Act of Compassion? The Analysis of the Act of Killing in the Abhidhamma and Pali Commentaries Gethin, Rupert Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2004
  Cosmology Gethin, Rupert ; Buswell, Robert E., Jr. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism v.1 2003.10
  Cosmology and Meditation: From the Aggañña-Sutta to the Mahāyāna Gethin, Rupert History of Religions 1997.02
  Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism under Colonialism by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Gethin, Rupert Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1998
  Emptiness and Unknowing: An Essay in Comparative Mysticism Gethin, Rupert Buddhist Studies Review 2018
  He Who Sees Dhamma Sees Dhammas: Dhamma In Early Buddhism Gethin, Rupert Journal of Indian Philosophy 2004.12
  Keeping the Buddha's Rules: The View from the Sutra Pitaka Gethin, Rupert Buddhism and Law: An Introduction 2014.07.31
  Lance Selwyn Cousins, 1942-2015 Gethin, R. M. L.=Gethin, Rupert Journal of the Pali Text Society 2015
  Mythology as Meditation: From the Mahāsudassana Sutta to the Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra Gethin, Rupert Journal of the Pali Text Society 2006
  On Some Definitions of Mindfulness Gethin, Rupert Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2011.05
  On the Nature of dhammas: A Review Article Gethin, Rupert Buddhist Studies Review 2005
  On the Practice of Buddhist Meditation According to the Pali Nikāyas and Exegetical Sources Gethin, R. (著) Buddhismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart 2004.11
  Śāntideva, The Bodhicaryāvatāra by Kate Crosby, Andrew Skilton Gethin, Rupert Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1999
  Sayings of the Buddha: New Translations from the Pali Nikayas (Oxford World's Classics) Gethin, Rupert 2008.12.01
  Steven Collins, 1951–2018 Gethin, Rupert Journal of the Pali Text Society 2021
  Tales of Miraculous Teachings: Miracles in Early Indian Buddhism Gethin, Rupert ; Twelftree, Graham The Cambridge Companion to Miracles 2011.05
  The Buddhist path to awakening: a study of the Bodhi-Pakkhiya Dhamma Gethin, R. M. L. 1992
  The Buddhist Path to Awakening: A Study of the Bodhi-pakkhiya Dhamma Gethin, Rupert 2001; 2002.02
  The Five khandhas: their treatment in the Nikayas and early Abhidhamma Gethin, R. Journal of Indian Philosophy 1986.03
  The Foundation of Buddhism Gethin, Rupert (著) 1998.07.16
  The foundations of Buddhism Gethin, Rupert (著) 1998.07.16
  The Foundations of Buddhism Gethin, Rupert 2000
  The matikas: memorization, mindfulness, and the list Gethin, Rupert In the mirror of memory 1992
  Vain Debates: The Buddhist-Christian Controversies of Nineteenth-Century Ceylon by R. F. Young, G. P. V. Somaratna Gethin, Rupert Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1999
  What's in a Repetition? On Counting the Suttas of the Saṃyutta-nikāya Gethin, Rupert Journal of the Pali Text Society 2007
  Wrong view (miccha-ditthi) and right view (samma-ditthi) in the Theravada Abhidhamma Gethin, Rupert Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2004.05
  本母:記憶,正念,數目表列 Gethin, Rupert (著); 李玉涵 (譯); 林倩 (譯) 正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly 2024.03.25
  佛教基本通 : 佛教的修行路徑導覽=The Foundations of Buddhism 葛汀, 魯柏 (著)=Gethin, Rupert (au.); 賴隆彥 (譯) 2009.08.11
  見達磨則見諸法 : 早期佛教"法"之意義考察 Gethin, Rupert ; 林明強 正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly 2007.09.25
  南傳阿毗達摩關於有分心與輪迴再生的學說 Gethin, Rupert ; 林倩 正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly 2006.06.25