The Sanskrit-English Exercise Key (Lesson 18):


1. Let the buffalo be given grass.

2. Find a teacher and perform an expiation," order the twice-borns to a sinner.

3. "Let us compose poetry, let us get fame and let us seek refuge in kings," is the decision of poets.

4. "For the sake of the righteousness let us sacrifice to the gods and for the sake of wealth and fame let us converse with scholars in assemblies," say brahmin's sons (Du.).

5. Await the time for food.

6. Let the Kalidasa's play be performed even today.

7. Let the sacrifice be now performed in the temple.

8. Le teachers be everywhere followed by students and well served to.

9. Let the truth be always spoken.

10. Let brahmin's daughter be married only to a brahmin.

11. Between a bad man and a snake, a bad man is worse, not a snake; a snake bites only sometimes, but a bad man on every step.

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The English-Sanskrit Exercise Key (Lesson 18):


1. brahmanaih samudro matikramyatam |

2. roganmopeksadhvam |

3. dvijo dvijasya kanyaj parinayatu |

4. evaj bhavatu |

5. yatirnaribhih saha ma sajbhasatam |

6. nrpatih sada prajanaj raksanaj mopeksatam |

7. wivasya stotrani giyantam |

8. naryah wiwavawca yuddhe ma ghatyantam |

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