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*Vajramaṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī-mahāyānasūtraサンスクリット本の引用箇所について=Citations of the *Vajramaṇḍa-nāma-dhāraṇī-mahāyānasūtra
長尾杏樹 (著)
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“Rights of the Earth” and “Care for the Earth”: Two Paradigms for a Buddhist-Christian Ecological Ethic
May, John D'Arcy (著)
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〈大般涅槃経〉における天行について=Tian-xing 天行 in the Mahāparinirvāṇa-mahāsūtra
安川真由 (著)
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『サーダナ・マーラー』におけるサラスヴァティー成就法=Sarasvatī in the Sādhanamālā
園田沙弥佳 (著)=Sonoda, Sayaka (au.)
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『大般涅槃経集解』における空・有・中道の問題=The Problem of Existence, Non-existence and the Middle Way in the Da banniepan jing jijie 大般涅槃經集解
菅野博史 (著)=Kanno, Hiroshi (au.)
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『文殊師利根本儀軌経』の関連文献について:『大陀羅尼末法中一字心呪経』を中心として=The Translations of the Mañjuśriyamūlakalpa: The Da tuoluoni mofa zhong yizi xinzhou jing 大陀羅尼末法中一字心呪経
鈴木政宏 (著)
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『法華経』「見宝塔品」における多宝如来の姿:「乾枯」(pariśuṣka)と「不乾枯」(apariśuṣka)をめぐって=The Appearance of Prabhūtaratna Tathāgata in the Stūpadarśana Chapter of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra: On the Concepts of “Withered” (pariśuṣka) and “Unwithered” (apariśuṣka)
白景皓 (著)=Bai, Jinghao (au.)
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『法華経』における総授記=The Prophecy for the Whole Audience in the Lotus Sūtra
木村光仁 (著)
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『楞伽経』における「三縁合生」(trisaṃgatipratyaya)について=The “Convergence of Three Conditions” (trisaṃgatipratyaya) in the Laṅkāvatārasūtra
蒋天任 (著)
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『楞伽経』の新出写本からみた成立史問題について=The Formation of Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra from the Viewpoint of Newly Discovered Manuscripts
石橋丈史 (著)=Ishibashi, Takeshi (au.)
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『摩尼十万語』の「護法王ソンツェン・ガンポによって著された成就法」:第2巻第44章から=“Sādhana Composed by the Dharma-Protecting King Srong-btsan sgam-po” in Volume 2, Chapter 44, of the Maṇi bka’-’bum
佐久間留理子 (著)=Sakuma, Ruriko (au.)
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Believing and Seeing: The Roles of Faith, Reason, and Experience in Theravada Buddhism
Burford, Grace G. (著)
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Book Review: A Buddhist-Christian Logic of the Heart: Nishida's Kyoto School and Lonergan's “Spiritual Genome” as World Bridge by John Raymaker
Soko, Keith (評論)
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Book Review: A History of Religious Ideas: Volume 2: From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity by Mircea Eliade
Carney, Gerald T. (評論)
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Book Review: Being Benevolence: The Social Ethics of Engaged Buddhism by Sallie B. King
Knitter, Paul F. (評論)
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Book Review: Beside Still Waters: Jews, Christians, and the Way of the Buddha Edited by Harold Kasimow, John P. Keenan, and Linda Klepinger Keenan
Biallas, Leonard J. (評論)
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Book Review: Buddhism and Christianity: Their Inner Affinity by Antony Fernando
Swidler, Leonard (評論)
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Book Review: Buddhism Made Plain: An Introduction for Christians and Jews by Antony Fernando with Leonard Swidler
Swearer, D. K. (評論)
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Book Review: Buddhism, Christianity and the Future of Man by Douglas A. Fox
J. E. B. (評論)
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Book Review: Buddhist Nonduality, Paschal Paradox: A Christian Commentary on the Teaching of Vimalakīrti (Vimalakīrtinirdeśa) by Joseph S. O'Leary=Four Perspectives: IV
Hur, Won-Jae (評論)
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Book Review: Buddhist Spirituality: Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, and Early Chinese Edited by Takeuchi Yoshinori
Fredericks, James L. (評論)
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Book Review: Buddhists and Christians: Through Comparative Theology to Solidarity by James L. Fredericks
Grosnick, William (評論)
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Book Review: Christianity and Buddhism: A Multicultural History of Their Dialogue by Whalen Lai and Michael von Bruck (Translated by Phyllis Jestice)
Trapnell, Judson B. (評論)
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Book Review: Collected Writings on Shin Buddhism by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki; The Kyogyoshinsho by Gutoku Shaku Shinran (Translated by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki)
Sadler, A. W. (評論)
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Book Review: Comparative Ethics in Hindu and Buddhist Traditions by Roderick Hindery
Maguire, Marjorie Reiley (評論)
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Book Review: Comparative Religion: An Introduction through Source Materials by Michael Pye; The Lion's Roar of Queen Śrīmālā: A Buddhist Scripture on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory by Alex and Hideko Wayman; Unsui: A Diary of Zen Monastic Life by Giei Satō
Sadler, A. W. (評論)
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Book Review: Faith in the Midst of Faiths: Reflections on Dialogue in Community Edited by S. J. Samartha; Buddhism: A Way of Life and Thought by Nancy Wilson Ross; Absolute Nothingness: Foundations for a Buddhist-Christian Dialogue by Hans Waldenfels; The Mirror Mind: Spirituality and Transformation by William Johnston; Beyond TM: A Practical Guide to the Lost Traditions of Christian Meditation by Marilyn Morgan Helleberg
Fittipaldi, Silvio E. (評論)
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Book Review: For the Sake of the World: The Spirit of Buddhist and Christian Monasticism by Patrick G. Henry and Donald K. Swearer
Benavides, Gustavo (評論)
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Book Review: Gautama the Buddha: An Essay in Religious Understanding by Richard H. Drummond
Fasano, Anthony J. (評論)
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Book Review: Grounding Our Faith in a Pluralistic World—with a Little Help from Nāgārjuna by John Keenan, Sydney Copp, Lansing Davis, and Buster G. Smith
Knitter, Paul F. (評論)
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Book Review: Healing Breath: Zen Spirituality for a Wounded Earth by Ruben L. F. Habito
Chapple, Christopher Key (評論)
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Book Review: Hooked! Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume Edited by Stephanie Kaza
Knitter, Paul F. (評論)
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Book Review: How to Raise an Ox: Zen Practice as Taught in Zen Master Dogen's Shobogenzo including Ten Newly Translated Essays by Francis Dojun Cook; Zen and the Bible: A Priest's Experience by J. K. Kadowaki, S.J.; Third-Eye Theology: Theology in Formation in Asian Settings by Choan-Seng Song; No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth by Ken Wilber
Fittipaldi, Silvio E. (評論)
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Book Review: Introducing Buddhism by Kodo Matsunami
Sadler, Albert William (評論)
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Book Review: Love Meets Wisdom: A Christian Experience of Buddhism by Aloysius Pieris, S.J.
Carney, Gerald T. (評論)
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Book Review: Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition: The “Nihon ryōiki” of the Monk Kyōkai by Kyoko Motomachi Nakamura
Sadler, A. W. (評論)
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Book Review: Namu Dai Bosa: A Transmission of Zen Buddhism to America by Nyogen Senzaki, Soen Nakagawa, and Eido Shimano
Sadler, Albert William (評論)
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Book Review: Process Theology as Political Theology by John B. Cobb, Jr.; Beyond Dialogue: Toward a Mutual Transformation of Christianity and Buddhism by John B. Cobb, Jr.
Thompson, William M. (評論)
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Book Review: Religious Diversity—What's the Problem? Buddhist Advice for Flourishing with Religious Diversity by Rita M. Gross. Eugene
Walsh, Maureen L. (評論)
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Book Review: Self and Liberation: The Jung-Buddhism Dialogue Edited by Daniel Meckel and Robert L. Moore; The Fires of Desire: Erotic Energies and the Spiritual Quest Edited by Fredrica R. Halligan and John J. Shea
Sears, Robert T. (評論)
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Book Review: Spirituality in Interfaith Dialogue Edited by Rosh Arai and Wesley Ariarajah
Biallas, Leonard J. (評論)
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Book Review: Subverting Greed: Religious Perspectives on the Global Economy Edited by Paul F. Knitter and Chandra Muzaffar
Thompson, J. Milburn (評論)
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Book Review: The Cardinal Meaning: Essays in Comparative Hermeneutics: Buddhism and Christianity Edited by Michael Pye and Robert Morgan
Frick, Eugene G. (評論)
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Book Review: The Emptying God: A Buddhist-Jewish-Christian Conversation Edited by John B. Cobb, Jr., and Christopher Ives; Buddhist Emptiness and Christian Trinity: Essays and Explorations Edited by Robert Corless and Paul F. Knitter
Benavides, Gustavo (評論)
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Book Review: The Heart of Buddhism by Takeuchi Yoshinori
Fittipaldi, Silvio E. (評論)
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Book Review: The Problem of the Self in Buddhism and Christianity by Lynn A. de Silva
Grosnick, William (評論)
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Book Review: The Silence of God: The Answer of the Buddha by Raimundo Panikkar
Sheridan, Daniel P. (評論)
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Book Review: We Walk the Path Together: Learning from Thich Nhat Hanh and Meister Eckhart by Brian J. Pierce
Egan, Robert J. (評論)
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Book Review: Without Buddha I Could Not Be a Christian by Paul F. Knitter
Chapple, Christopher Key (評論)
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Book Review: Zen and the Comic Spirit by Conrad Hyers; Zen Comments on the Mumonkan by Zenkei Shibayama
Kenney, J. Frank (評論)