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題名 |
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出處 |
出版日期 |
《三曼陀跋陀羅菩薩經》與《普賢行願品》之比較研究=A Comparative Study between the Samantabhadrabodhisattvasutra and the Aspiration of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2013.06 |
《勝鬘經》生命教育意涵探討=An Exploration of the Life Educational Contents of the Srimalasutra |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
生命教育國際學術研討會(第四屆) |
2008.11 |
An Overview of Social Well-being in Humanistic Buddhism |
Yung-dong |
Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism=西來人間佛教學報 |
2004 |
Buddhism and its Contributions to Culture |
Yung-dong |
Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism=西來人間佛教學報 |
2005 |
Buddhism: Education for a Modern World |
Yung-dong |
Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism=西來人間佛教學報 |
2003 |
Chinese Buddhism and Economic Progress |
Yung-dong (著)=釋永東 (au.) |
Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism=西來人間佛教學報 |
2006 |
The Origin of Bodhicitta and Its Development in Chinese Buddhism=菩提心探源及其在中國佛教的發展 |
Yung-dong (著)=釋永東 (au.) |
2005 |
人間佛教世界展望 |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
2016.01.01 |
西晉聶道真居士譯經考 |
釋永東 |
2014.05 |
佛光山佛事革新與人間佛教的實踐=Reformation of Buddhist Practice by Fo Guang Shan and the Implementation of Humanistic Buddhism |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
人間佛教學術研討會=Academic Conference on Humanistic Buddhism |
2009.05.19 |
佛陀紀念館〈佛陀行化本事圖〉立體浮雕之生命教育蘊義=The Life Education Implicated in the Bas-Relieves of ";Stories of the Buddha's Life";at Buddha Memorial Center |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
2017 |
佛陀紀念館「佛陀行化本事圖」圖像探析=An Iconographical Exploration of the Bas-Relieves Picture of "Stories of the Buddha's Life" at Buddha Museum |
釋永東 =Shih, Yung-dong |
佛光人文學報=Fo Guang Journal of Humanities |
2021.01.01 |
佛教「供佛齋天」儀式的療育意涵探討=A Research on the Therapeutic and Educational Significance of the Buddha and Heavenly Offering |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2008.12 |
佛教九品往生之生命教育對大學生之啟發 -- 以佛光大學佛學系104-1學期「淨七」課程學生為例=How Elements of Life Education with the Nine-Levels Rebirth of Buddhism, inspire university students -- As seen in the students of the Department of Buddhist Students of Fo Guang University participating in the "7-Day Meditation Retreat" in the 104-1 Semester |
釋永東 |
2016「人間佛教與生命教育」國際學術研討會 |
2016.05.21 |
佛教人性與療育觀 |
釋永東 |
2009.04.01 |
佛教社會理論與當前危機探討=Buddhist Theory of Society and its Current Crisis |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
台海兩岸四地公民社會研討會(第二屆) |
2007.11 |
佛教禪修戒毒實例之比較研究=A Comparative Case Study of the Buddhist Meditation to Drug Rehabilitation |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2009.06 |
佛教譬喻的現代詮釋與運用 |
釋永東 |
世界佛教論壇論文集(第2屆) |
2009.03.28 |
明.蓮池大師《緇門崇行錄》與現代實踐典範 |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
2016.12.01 |
武則天與佛教互動關係探討=An Exploration of the Interaction between Wu Zetian and Buddhism |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2008.03 |
星雲人間佛教對老人關懷之探討:以宜蘭仁愛之家日托班為例 |
釋永東 |
2013星雲大師人間佛教理論實踐研究(上) |
2013.08 |
祈禱對大學生之療癒功能探討 -- 以佛光大學97-2與98-1兩學期通識課程「宗教與信仰」學生為例 |
釋永東 |
生命與宗教學術研討會(第1屆) |
2010.06.04 |
無垢施與維摩詰問難之比較研究=A Comparative Study of the Queries of Vimaladattā and Vimalakirti |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2015.06 |
新發現虛雲老和尚十二份書信手稿相關問題考述=Research on the Issues Related to the Newly Discovered Twelve Handwritten Letters of Elder Master Hsu Yun |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
佛光人文學報=Fo Guang Journal of Humanities |
2022.01.01 |
當代台灣佛教發展趨勢 |
釋永東 |
2010.02 |
當代學佛趣徑:人間佛教 |
釋永東 |
二○一四‧人間佛教高峰論壇輯二:人間佛教宗要 |
2015.09 |
臺灣三十三番觀音靈場之現況研究=A Research on the Current Situation of the 33-GuanYin Spiritual Temple in Taiwan |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
臺灣文獻=Taiwan Historica |
2012.09 |
論《金剛經》之定慧修行次第=A Discussion on the Cultivation Order between Concentration and Wisdom of the Diamond sūtra |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2010.12 |
論《菩薩受齋經》之生命轉化教育=A Discussion on the Life ransformation Education from the Bodhisattva Fasting Sutra |
釋永東 |
比較宗教學國際學術研討會(第2屆)=Annual International Conference of Comparative Religions(6nd) |
2009.06.10 |
論《菩薩受齋經》之生命轉化教育=A Discussion on the Life Transformation Education of the Bodhisattva Fasting Sutra |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2009.12 |
礁溪協天廟圓醮與佛光山水陸法會社會教化意義之比較研究=A Comparative Study of the Social Educational Significance to Hsieh-Tian Temples’ Perfect Jiao and FoGuangShan’s Water-Land Dharma Function |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
兩岸宗教儀式與地方社會學術研討會 |
2009.05 |
聶道真之譯經研究=A Research on the Sutras Translated by Nieh, Tao-chen |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2014.06 |
聶道真錄之研究=A Research on the Nie Dao Zhen Catalogue |
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2014.03 |