bibliography, 13 full-text accessible.
ID: |
22847 |
Alternative Names: |
俞永峰 = 俞永峯 |
Category: |
Individual Author |
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Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
(Book Reviews)A Pure Mind in a Clean Body: Bodily Care in the Buddhist Monasteries of Ancient India and China |
Yu, Jimmy (著)=俞永峰 (au.) |
Journal of Chinese Religions=中國宗教研究集刊 |
2013.11 |
A Tentative Exploration into the Development of Master Sheng Yen's Chan Teachings=初探聖嚴法師禪法之演化 |
Yu, Jimmy |
Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=中華佛學學報 |
2010.07 |
Book Review: "Contextualizing the Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Chan/Zen Narratives: Steven Heine's Academic Contributions to the Field" |
Yu, Jimmy |
Religious Studies Review |
2011.09.14 |
Book Review: "The Teaching of Wuzhu: Zen and Religion of No-Religion," By Wendi L. Adamek. |
Yu, Jimmy |
Religious Studies Review |
2013.03.07 |
Book Review: "Zen Buddhist Rhetoric in China, Korea, and Japan," Edited by Christoph Anderl. |
Yu, Jimmy |
Religious Studies Review |
2014.09.12 |
Book Review: "Zongmi on Cha," By Jeffrey Lyle Broughton |
Yu, Jimmy |
Religious Studies Review |
2010.06.02 |
Book Review: Living Karma: The Religious Practices of Ouyi Zhixu by Beverley Foulks McGuire |
Yu, Jimmy (評論) |
Review of Religion and Chinese Society |
2015.11 |
Master Sheng Yen and the Modern Construction of Chan Buddhism |
Yu, Jimmy |
聖嚴思想國際學術研討會(第3屆)暨法鼓山信眾論壇 -- 聖嚴法師的教導與時代意義 |
2010.05.30/31 |
Master Sheng Yen’s life and the Embodiment of his Religious Vision=聖嚴法師的一生及其宗教觀的體現 |
Yu, Jimmy (著)=俞永峰 (au.) |
2018 第七屆近現代漢傳佛教論壇議程 |
2018.12.17 |
Reflections on Violence in Asian Religions |
Yu, Jimmy (著) |
Journal of Religion and Violence |
2018 |
Reimagining Chan Buddhism: Sheng Yen and the Creation of the Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan |
Yu, Jimmy (著) |
2022 |
Revisiting the Notion of Zong: Contextualizing the Dharma Drum Lineage of Modern Chan Buddhism=再訪「宗」的概念 -- 現代禪佛教的法鼓宗 |
Yu, Jimmy (著)=俞永峰 (au.) |
Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=中華佛學學報 |
2013.07 |
The Polemics of Passivity and Yuanwu’s Usage of It=負面詞彙的論辯及圓悟禪師對此詞彙的運用 |
Yu, Jimmy (著)=俞永峯 (au.) |
Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies=中華佛學學報 |
2023.08 |
Venerable Sheng Yen’s Scholarship on Late Ming Buddhism |
Yu, Jimmy (著)=俞永峰 (au.) |
聖嚴研究:第一輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen No.1 |
2010.03 |
Venerable Shengyan’s Self-Representation in Relation to His Formulation of Chan Buddhism |
Yu, Jimmy (著) |
불교학리뷰=Critical Review for Buddhist Studies=仏教学レビュー |
2023.04 |
三波浪潮之後 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2016.12 |
不離教理的禪法建構 - 聖嚴法師與禪宗之現代化建構 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2010.06 |
致力教育的時代背景探究 - 聖嚴法師與禪宗之現代化建構 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2010.05 |
從歷史高點探討聖嚴禪法演變 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2010.07 |
發現更多問題,得到更多答案 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2011.08 |
聖嚴法師的現代化禪法=The Historical Circumstances of Master Sheng Yen’s Chan Teachings |
俞永峰 (著)=Yu, Jimmy (au.) |
第四屆近現代漢傳佛教論壇 |
2018.01 |
聖嚴法師禪法的演變 - 以禪法為教育的最後階段 - 聖嚴法師與禪宗之現代化建構 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2011.02 |
聖嚴法師禪法的演變 - 改良兩種禪法的時期──聖嚴法師與禪宗之現代化建構 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2011.01 |
聖嚴法師禪法的演變 - 教授禪法初期(下) - 聖嚴法師與禪宗之現代化建構 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2010.11 |
聖嚴法師禪法的演變 - 教授禪法初期(上) - 聖嚴法師與禪宗之現代化建構 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2010.10 |
聖嚴法師禪法的演變 - 實驗時期──聖嚴法師與禪宗之現代化建構 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2010.12 |
聖嚴思想的形成因緣 - 聖嚴法師與禪宗之現代化建構 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2010.08 |
對現代日本禪的回應 - 聖嚴法師與禪宗之現代化建構 |
俞永峰 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2010.08 |