成大宗教與文化學報=Journal of Religion and Culture of National Cheng Kung University     Go to E-Journal     Journals included

Publisher: 國立成功大學中國文學系宗教與文化研究室 Place of Publication: 臺南市, 臺灣 [Tainan shih, Taiwan] ISSN: 18136400
Frequency: 半年刊=Semiannual Website: https://reurl.cc/nLp3y6
Journal Title Change:
Journal Description: 本刊為研究宗教與文化之學術性刊物,內容以儒、釋、道、耶、回之研究為主,並包涵各類新興宗教及原始宗教和文化論述等,希望能促進各種宗教間的相互溝通和對話,以創造新時代的宗教文化,增進世界和平,達到真、善、美、聖的境界。研究室於2001年開始自費發行《成大宗教與文化學報》,至96年7月,已刊行八期,具有一定的學術地位,於96年9月申請設置佛學研究中心。

n.27 [2021 Published]

n.21 [2014.12 Published]

n.20 [2013.12 Published]

n.19 [2012.12 Published]

n.18 [2012.07 Published]

n.17 [2011.12 Published]

n.16 [2011.06 Published]

n.12 [2009.06 Published]

n.11 [2008.12 Published]

n.10 [2008.06 Published]

n.9 [2007.12 Published]

n.8 [2007.08 Published]

n.7 [2006.12 Published]

n.6 [2006.06 Published]

n.5 [2005.12 Published]

n.4 [2004.12 Published]

n.3 [2003.12 Published]

n.2 [2002.12 Published]

n.1 [2001.12 Published]

n.27 [2021Published]

Title Author
 新書《現代東亞批判禪學思想四百年》導論=The Intruction to the New Book ”The Four Hundred Years of the Critical Thoughts on the East Asia Zen Buddhism [Fulltext]
江燦騰 (著)=Jiang, Can-teng (au.)


n.21 [2014.12Published]

Title Author
 慈濟宗門的經典詮釋與環境思想 -- 從故事佛學視角的考察=The Environmental Thoughts and Interpretation of Buddhist Canon in the Essence Tzuchi Foundation Stories--An Analysis of the Narration of Buddhist Stories [Fulltext]
林朝成 (著)=Lin, Chao-cheng (au.)


n.20 [2013.12Published]

Title Author
 關帝與佛教伽藍神之關係,兼論關帝神格屬性應歸於道而非佛 =The Relationship Guan Di and the Buddhist Deity Sangharama: To Attribute the Character of Guan Di to Taoism, Not the Buddhism [Fulltext]
蕭登福 (著)=Hsiao Teng-fu (au.)


n.19 [2012.12Published]

Title Author
 論《阿含經》與《莊子》於「命觀」之相通處=The Similarities in the Fatal Concept between “Nikaya ” and “Zhuang Zi” [Fulltext]
楊琇惠 (著)=Yang, Hsiu-hui (au.)


n.18 [2012.07Published]

Title Author
 民國百年民間宗教與新興宗教研究回顧=A Review of Folklore and Derivation Religion During A Century of Republic of China [Fulltext]
鄭志明 (著)=Cheng, Chih-ming (au.)
 佛教反對死刑及其對應報律與世俗權力的態度=Buddhist Attitude Against the Death Penalty and Its Corresponding Report Law and Secular Powers [Fulltext]
溫金柯 (著)=Wen, Jin-ke (au.)
 海峽兩岸現代性佛學研究的百年開展=A hundred years to carry out cross-strait modern Buddhist Studies [Fulltext]
 賴永海主編十五卷本《中國佛教通史》撰述商榷=A Book Review of "Chinese Buddihism History" Edited by Lai Yong-Hai [Fulltext]
侯坤宏 (著)=Hou, Kun-hong (au.)


n.17 [2011.12Published]

Title Author
 新眼光讀日本淨土宗法然上人的《選擇本願念佛集》=Reading Hōnen's Senchaku Hongan Nembutsu Shu with New Eyes [Fulltext]
溫金柯 (著)=Wen, Jin-ke (au.)


n.16 [2011.06Published]

Title Author
 評江燦騰主編《戰後臺灣漢傳佛教史:從雙源匯流到逆中心互動傳播的開展歷程》=On the Book "The History of Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan Post World War II" Edited by Chiang Tsan-teng [Fulltext]
邱敏捷 (著)=Ciou, Min Jie (au.)


n.12 [2009.06Published]

Title Author
 石頭禪的哲學分析=A Zen Philosophical Anaysis of Master Stone [Fulltext]
歐崇敬 (著)=Ou, Chung-ching (au.)


n.11 [2008.12Published]

Title Author
 東西方心理學對話之可能 -- 以佛性、如來藏心與薩提爾模式之對話為例=A Possible Dialogue Between the Eastern and Western: Example of the dialogue between Buddhata,Tathagatagarbhacita and the Satir Model [Fulltext]
釋見曄 (著)=Shih, Jen-yeh (au.)


n.10 [2008.06Published]

Title Author
 《維摩詰經》中世尊與維摩詰之主從關係探究=Study of Primary and Secondary Relationship Betweenthe Master and Wei Mo Chieh in “Wei Mo ChiehScripture” [Fulltext]
許宗興 (著)=Hsu, Chung-hsing (au.)
 從《摩訶止觀》之〈正修止觀〉論「不可思議境」之定義與觀行=Definition and Observation of “Unthinkable Circumstances”: From Perspective of “Cheng Hsiu Chih Kuan” of “Mo He Chih Kuan” [Fulltext]
釋法緣 (著)=Shih, Fa-yuan (au.)


n.9 [2007.12Published]

Title Author
 唐末以後西方彌陀法門的轉變=The Modification of the Amitabha Teaching after [Fulltext]
釋道昱 (著)=Shih, Dao-yu (au.)
 《華嚴經》中的毘盧遮那佛=The Vairocana-buddha in "Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya-sultra [Fulltext]
曹郁美 (著)=Tsao, Yu-mai (au.)


n.8 [2007.08Published]

Title Author
 《維摩詰經‧入不二法門品》論析 -- 以水平詮釋架構為論述依據=Discussion on “Vimalakirtinirdesa-Sutra.Commentary on Non-duality Dharma Door”: Using the Structure of Horizontal Interpretation as the Basis for Discourse [Fulltext]
許宗興 (著)=Hsu, Chung-hsing (au.)
 敦煌禪籍的發現對中國禪宗史研究的影響=The Discovery of Dunhuang Manuscripts Affected the History of Chinese Chan Buddhism [Fulltext]
黃青萍 (著)=Huang, Ching-ping (au.)


n.7 [2006.12Published]

Title Author
 天台宗對觀音靈驗記的詮釋 -- 以智者大師的《觀音義疏》為根據=T'en-Tai interpretation of Kuan-yin's miracle tales - on Master Chih -i's Kuan- yin-i-su Summary [Fulltext]
釋大參 (著)=Shi, Da-shan (au.)
 論龍樹中觀學的涅槃學說=The Concept of Nirvāna in Mādhyamika [Fulltext]
單正齊 (著)=Shan, Zen-qi (au.)


n.6 [2006.06Published]

Title Author
 近代以前臺灣佛教的源流與特徵 -- 以台灣北部的新竹地區為例=The Source and Characteristics of Taiwan Buddhism before Modern Times [Fulltext]
江燦騰 (著)=Jiang, Cian-teng (au.)
 混合主義的迷思 -- 析論艾香德以耶釋佛的嘗試與根據=Rethinking of Syncretism: Discussion of How Karl Ludvig Reichelt Used the Elements [Fulltext]
李智浩 (著)=Lee, Chi-ho (au.)


n.5 [2005.12Published]

Title Author
 隋唐初期的彌勒信仰=The Maitreya cult in T'ang Dynasty [Fulltext]
釋道昱 (著)=Shih, Dao-yu (au.)
 從佛教立場論複製人問題=Discussing the clone problem from the Buddhism position [Fulltext]
楊琇惠 (著)=Yang, Hsiu-hui (au.)
 佛教走向土地倫理 --「人間淨土」的省思=A Buddhist Ethic View for the Land: A Reflection of the Concept “Pure Land in the Human Realm” [Fulltext]
林朝成 (著)=Lin, Chao-cheng (au.)


n.4 [2004.12Published]

Title Author
 宗派與燈統 -- 論隋唐佛教宗派觀念的發展=Buddhism's Faction and Pedigree: the Development of Buddhism Faction Idea in Sui and Tang Dynasties [Fulltext]
藍日昌 (著)=Lan, Jih-chang (au.)
 《釋禪波羅密‧通明觀》的身體圖象=The Discourse of the Body about "Supernatural Power and Insight" in Zhiyi's "Shi Chan Boluomi Tsidi Famen" [Fulltext]
方素真 (著)=Fang, Janus (au.)
 智者大師的禪法 -- 以「通明觀」為中心的論述=The Meditation System of Zhiyi: with a Focus on“Tongming guan” [Fulltext]
林惠勝 (著)=Lin, Hui-sheng (au.)
 魏晉南北朝佛學的脈絡發展構造與歷程 -- 中國佛學的基礎形構=Wei-gin South-North Dynasty's Buddhism System Development and Process: Chinese Buddhism's Foundation Building [Fulltext]
歐崇敬 (著)=Ou, Chung-ching (au.)
 『天台靈應圖本傳集』所收之李善註「遊天台山賦」=A study of the Tendai Reio Hondenshu [Fulltext]
 戰後臺灣觀音感應錄的製作與內容=Collections of Postwar Guan-Yin Inspirations in Taiwan Production and Content [Fulltext]
李世偉 (著)=Li, Shyh-wei (au.)
 臺南開元寺法燈錄三百年史〔上卷〕=The Three-hundred Year Past of Dama Lanterns of Kai-Yuan Temple in Tainan Volume I. [Fulltext]
江燦騰 (著)=Jiang, Cian-teng (au.)


n.3 [2003.12Published]

Title Author
 漢譯佛經中的印度民間故事及其本土化途徑 -- 以愚人故事、智慧故事為中心 [Fulltext]
 《漢譯南傳大藏經》譯文問題舉示.評析 -- 兼為巴利三藏的新譯催生=A Critique and Analysis of the Problems in the Hàn-Yì Nán-Chuán Dà-Zàng-Jīng (Chinese Translation of the Pali Tipitaka ): Calling for a New Chinese Translation of the Pali Tipitaka [Fulltext]
蔡奇林 (著)=Tsai, Chi-lin (au.)
 智者大師早期止觀架構之基礎 -- 以《釋禪波羅蜜次第法門》中的「四禪」為中心 [Fulltext]
王慧昕 (著)=Wang, Huei-hsin (au.)


n.2 [2002.12Published]

Title Author
 唯識宗的「解構與超解構型態存有學」與創造轉化的重塑敘述=The “Deconstructive and Super deconstructive Existentialism” of Yogacara Thought and a Creative Transformation of Yogacara Discourse [Fulltext]
歐崇敬 (著)=Ou, Chung-ching (au.)
 破解偶像 -- 從《維摩詰所說經通論》談佛教經典的詮釋方法=Destroy idols: Talk about annotation of Buddhism Sutra from the review of Vimalakirti-Nivdesa Sutra [Fulltext]
孫勁松 (著)=Sung, Jin-song (au.)
 從宗教名山的形成看佛道交融的契機 -- 以唐代天台山佛道二教的發展為例=Sacred Mountains as Locations of Interaction between Buddhism and Daoism: The Development of Buddhism and Daoism in Tiantai Mountain during the Tang Dynasty [Fulltext]
林佳蓉 (著)=Lin, Chia-jung (au.)
 般若學與玄學的交匯及選擇 -- 以《維摩詰經》為核心=On the Intersection and Choice of Prajna School and Hsuan-Hsueh [Fulltext]
施穗鈺 (著)=Shi, Suei-yu (au.)
 論憲法上的宗教自由=On Religious Freedom in Constitutions [Fulltext]
周敬凡 (著)=Chou, Ching-fan (au.); 許育典 (著)=Hsu, Yu-tien (au.)
 乾隆刻本《全像顯法降蛇海遊記傳》的發現=The Discovery of “Quanxiang Xianfa Xiangshe Haiyiu Jizhuan (A Complete Illustrated Account of the Manifestation of Spiritual Power in a Journey to the Ocean in which a Serpent was Tamed)” Printed in Qianlong Era [Fulltext]
胡紅波 (著)=Hu, Hong-bo (au.)


n.1 [2001.12Published]

Title Author
 燃指焚身 -- 中國中世法華信仰之ㄧ面向=Self-burning of Fingers and Body: One Important Facet of The Lotus(法華)Belief in Middle Age of China [Fulltext]
林惠勝 (著)=Lin, Hui-sheng (au.)
 由道入佛 --《自知錄》功過格研究=From Daoism to Buddhism: A Study on the Merit Ledger in the Zizhi lu [Fulltext]
李雅雯 (著)=Li, Ya-wen (au.)
 佛教對基督宗教在華的本色化的啟迪=The Buddhist Inspiration for the Indigenization of Christianity in China [Fulltext]
何建明 (著)=He, Jian-ming (au.); 賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.)