全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
《入行論》詳釋 藏文版 |
寂天 (著) |
1990.09 |
《入菩薩行論》第七品——〈精進〉 |
寂天 (著) |
慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly |
2023.07.15 |
A Guide to the Bodhisattava's Way of Life: Sanskrit: Bodhisattvacharyavatara: Tibetan: Byang-Chub Sems-Pa'i Spyod-Pa-La 'Jug-Pa |
Shantideva; Batchelor, Stephen |
2010.12.31 |
Anleitung zum Leben als Bodhisattva |
Schmidt, Richard; Shantideva |
2005.05 |
Bodhicaryavatara:Introduction a la pratique des futurs Bouddhas, poeme de Cantideva |
Santideva |
1993, 1907 |
Bodhicaryavatara:introduction a la pratique des futurs Bouddhas, poeme deCantideva |
Santideva |
1986, 1907 |
Bodhicharyavatara: The Way of the Bodhisattva |
Shantideva; Richardson, Christopher |
1999.12 |
Der Weg des Lebens zur Erleuchtung: Das Bodhicaryavatara |
Shantideva=寂天菩薩 ; Steinkellner, Ernst |
2005 |
Die Lebensführung im Geiste der Erleuchtung: Das Bodhisattvacharyavatara |
Shantideva |
2004.09 |
Eintritt in das Leben zur Erleuchtung(Bodhicaryavatara):Lehrgedicht des Mahayana |
Santideva |
1981 |
Engaging in the Conduct of the Bodhisattvas |
Chodron, Ani Kunga; Lama Kalsang Gyaltsen; Shantideva |
2006 |
Entering the Path of Enlightenment: The Bodhicaryāvatāra of the Buddhist Poet Śantideva |
Matics, Marion L. (譯); Shantideva (著) |
1972 |
Guide to Bodhisattva's Way of Life |
Stephen, Batchelor; 寂天=Santideva |
1999.08 |
Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life: How to Enjoy a Life of Great Meaning and Altruism |
Shantideva |
2003.01 |
La marche a la lumiercBodhicaryavatra; poeme sankrit de Cantideva, |
Santideva |
1920 |
Śāntideva, il Bodhicaryāvatāra e le kārikā del Śikṣāsamuccaya |
Pezzali, Amalia (譯); Śāntideva (著) |
1982 |
Santideva's Bodhicharyavatara |
Sharma, Parmananda; 寂天=Santideva |
1990.10.01 |
The Bodhicaryavatara: A Guide to the Buddhist Path to Awakening |
Santideva; Crosby, Kate; Skilton, Andrew; Williams, Paul |
1996.04 |
The Bodhicaryavatara: A Guide to the Buddhist Path to Awakening |
Crosby, Kate; Skilton, Andrew; Shantideva (著)=Santideva (au.); Williams, Paul |
2003.07 |
The Mongolian Tanjur version of the Bodhicaryavatara |
Rachewiltz, Igor de.; 搠思吉斡節兒=Chos-kyi hod-zer; Santideva=寂天 |
1996 |
The Way of the Bodhisattva |
Shantideva |
2008.10.14 |
The Way of the Bodhisattva (Book and Audio-CD Set) |
Shantideva; Padmakara Translation Group; Fletcher, Wulstan |
2007.11 |
The Way of the Bodhisattva : A Translation of the Bodhicharyavatara |
Padmakara Translation Group; His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (著)=第十四世達賴喇嘛 (au.); Shantideva (著)=寂天 (au.) |
2003.06.10 |
The Way of the Bodhisattva : A Translation of the Bodhicharyavatara |
Shantideva |
1997.02.04 |
The Way of the Bodhisattva: Revised Edition |
Shantideva |
2006.09.12 |
入菩薩行 |
釋如石; 寂天 |
1998.12 |
入菩薩行集要 |
寂天; 石編 |
2004.05 |
入菩薩行論 |
寂天菩薩; 張惠娟; 大堪布貢噶旺秋仁波切 |
2001 |
入菩薩行論頌 |
寂天菩薩 |
1996 |
入菩薩行論廣解 |
寂天菩薩; 釋隆蓮; 傑操大師 |
2002.09 |
入菩薩行論廣解 |
寂天; 釋隆蓮; 杰操 |
2005.12 |
入菩薩行論廣釋 |
寂天菩薩; 堪布索達吉仁波切 |
2005.12 |
入菩薩行導論 |
寂天; 釋如石 |
1992 |
入菩薩行譯注 |
寂天=Santideva; 釋如石=Shih, Ru-shi |
1992.01 |
大乘寶要義論 |
寂天菩薩; 法護 |
1996.12 |
丙子息災法會特刊第三號:菩薩戒根本罪頌 |
湯薌銘; 寂天 |
佛學半月刊 |
1936.06 |
你的水燒開了沒?:認出心性的大圓滿之道=The Dzogchen Primer: An Anthology of Writings by Masters of the Great Perfection |
寂天菩薩 (著); 蓮花生大士 (著); 祖古烏金仁波切 (著); 瑪西亞・賓德・史密特 (彙編)=Binder Schmidt, Marcia (compile); 項慧齡 (譯) |
2024.11.01 |
得此道心,成為無畏:《菩薩生活建言錄詳解.深廣無邊大乘法海之精髓》第一部=སྤྱོད་འཇུག་རྣམ་བཤད་ཐེག་ཆེན་ཆོས་ཀྱི་རྒྱ་མཚོ། |
寂天菩薩 (著); 巴沃祖拉稱瓦 (著); 羅卓仁謙 (編譯) |
2025.02.10 |
菩提道次第略論釋(四冊) |
法護; 寂天菩薩; 郭和卿; 釋惟淨 |
1994 |
菩薩行的祕密:《入菩薩行論》講解 |
佛子希瓦拉 (著)=寂天菩薩 (au.); 宗薩堪布彭措郎加 (講解); 貢絨埃薩 (記錄) |
2011.02.24 |
達賴喇嘛講授入菩薩行論(下) |
寂天菩薩; 第十四世達賴喇嘛 |
2015.07 |
達賴喇嘛講授入菩薩行論(上) |
寂天菩薩; 第十四世達賴喇嘛 |
2015.07 |