bibliography, 13 full-text accessible.
ID: |
61556 |
Alternative Names: |
Lai, Pan-chiu = Lại, Phẩm Siêu |
Category: |
Individual Author |
Website: |
wiki: |
https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E8%B3%B4%E5%93%81%E8%B6%85 |
Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
A Mahāyāna Reading of Chalcedon Christology: A Chinese Response to John Keenan |
Lai, Pan-chiu |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2004 |
Buddhist-Christian Complementarity in the Perspective of Quantum Physics |
Lai, Pan-chiu |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2002 |
Buddhist-Christian Studies in a Scientific Age: A Case Study of Burnett Hillman Streeter (1874-1937) |
Lai, Pan-chiu (著) |
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue |
2009 |
Inter-religious Dialogue and Social Justice: Cobb's Wesleyan Process Theology in East Asian Perspective |
Lai, Pan-chiu |
Asia Journal of Theology |
2011.04 |
Mahāyāna Interpretation of Christianity: A Case Study of Zhang Chunyi (1871-1955) |
Lai, Pan-chiu; So, Yuen-tai |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2007 |
Timothy Richard's Buddhist-Christian Studies |
Lai, Pan-chiu |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2009 |
天國、淨土與人間 -- 耶佛對話與社會關懷 |
賴品超 |
2009.01.06 |
出世與入世 -- 佛教的現代關懷 |
學愚 (主編); 賴品超 (著); 譚偉倫 (著) |
2010.02.01 |
佛耶對話 -- 近代中國佛教與基督宗教的相遇 |
賴品超=Lai, Pan-chiu |
2008.12.01 |
佛教、基督宗教與科學 -- 斯特裏特(Burnett Hillman Streeter)與中西文化交流=Buddhism, Christianity and Science: Burnett Hillman Streeter and Cultural Exchange between China and the West |
賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.) |
輔仁宗教研究=Fujen Religious Studies |
2009.03 |
佛教對基督宗教在華的本色化的啟迪=The Buddhist Inspiration for the Indigenization of Christianity in China |
何建明 (著)=He, Jian-ming (au.); 賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.) |
成大宗教與文化學報=Journal of Religion and Culture of National Cheng Kung University |
2001.12 |
佛教對基督宗教的回應:一個個案分析 |
何建明 (著); 賴品超 (編) |
近代中國佛教與基督宗教的相遇 |
2003 |
佛教與基督教對話 |
王曉朝; 吳言生; 賴品超 |
2005.11 |
宗教對話的生態轉向:從儒耶對話到耶佛對話 =Ecological Turn of Inter-religious Dialogue: From Christian-Confucian Dialogue to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue |
賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2005.12 |
近代中國佛教與基督宗教的相遇=Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Modern China |
賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.); 賴品超 (編)=Lai, Pan-chiu (ed.) |
2003 |
基督宗教與近代中國佛教的改革運動 |
何建明 (著); 賴品超 (編) |
近代中國佛教與基督宗教的相遇 |
2003 |
基督教對佛教與現代中國相適應的意義 |
何建明; 賴品超; 吳梓明 |
宗教社會角色重探 |
2002 |
從《人間覺半月刊》看近代中國佛教對基督宗教的回應=Modern Chinese Buddhist Response to Christianity: A Study of "Jen Chien Chueh (bimonthly magazine)" |
何建明 (著)=He, Jian-ming (au.); 賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.) |
輔仁宗教研究=Fujen Religious Studies |
2001.12 |
從大乘佛學看迦克墩基督論 |
賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.) |
輔仁宗教研究=Fujen Religious Studies |
2000.12 |
從文化全球化看中國佛教對現代科學及基督宗教的回應 |
賴品超 |
世界宗教文化=The Religious Cultures in the World |
2010.06 |
從佛教反思基督宗教上帝觀 -- 取道保羅.蒂利希的「終極關切」=Reflecting on the Christian Doctrine God through Buddhism: Via Paul Tillich's "Ultimate Concern" |
賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.) |
輔仁宗教研究=Fujen Religious Studies |
2013.03 |
從利他主義的演化看人間佛教與人類的未來 |
賴品超 |
人間佛教學報‧藝文=Humanistic Buddhism Journal, Arts, and Culture |
2020.03.16 |
從利他主義的演化看人間佛教與人類的未來 |
賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.) |
二0一九.人間佛教高峰論壇輯七:人間佛教與未來學 |
2021.01.17 |
從量子物理看基督教與佛教的互補 |
賴品超 |
宗教哲學=Journal of Religious Philosophy |
2001.03 |
寬恕與和解 — 人間佛教與宗教對話 |
賴品超 |
二○一八‧人間佛教高峰論壇輯四:人間佛教社會思想 |
2019.10 |
論宗教間的和諧與交流 |
賴品超 (著)=Lai, Pan-chiu (au.) |
中國宗教=Religions in China |
2007 |