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《維摩詰經》導讀=Introduction to Vimalakīrti Sūtra |
許鶴齡 (著)=Hsu, Ho-ling (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2008.11 |
「世界神明聯誼會」體現宗教的生命終極關懷 |
許鶴齡 |
人間佛教學報‧藝文=Humanistic Buddhism Journal, Arts, and Culture |
2017.07.16 |
Interpretation of the Movie “Peaceful Warrior” From the Views of Ch’an Philosophy and Logic-Based Therapy (LBT) |
Hsu, Ho-ling |
International Journal of Philosophical Practice(IJPP) |
2015.09 |
六祖惠能思想研究=On Study of The Sixth Patriarch Hui-neng's Thought |
許鶴齡 (著)=Shiu, He-ling (au.) |
六祖慧能的禪學思想 |
許鶴齡 |
2001.08 |
六祖壇經導讀 |
許鶴齡 |
2003.07 |
由《華嚴經》「善用其心」論正向思考的生命哲思=Applying the Skillful Use of the Mind in the Avatamsaka Sutra to Develop a Positive Thinking in Life Philosophizing |
許鶴齡 (著)=Hsu, Ho-ling (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2010.12.01 |
由《華嚴經》之「善用其心」言正向思考的生命管理 |
許鶴齡 |
生命與宗教學術研討會(第1屆) |
2010.06.04 |
由善財五十三參之人文關懷與哲學向度闡釋佛教的品格教育=Education on Virtues--from the perspective of the Stories of Sudana's Visitings |
許鶴齡 |
比較宗教學國際學術研討會(第2屆)=Annual International Conference of Comparative Religions(7nd) |
2009.06.10 |
百喻經之哲學諮商與生命教育之應用 |
許鶴齡 |
宗教經典之詮釋與應用研討會 |
2008.05 |
佛教的藍海樂齡 - 以《華嚴經・入法界品》為例 |
許鶴齡 |
2016未來與樂活產業研討會 |
2016.04 |
佛教哲學諮商對生命的療癒=The Healing Effects of Buddhist Philosophical Counseling on Life |
許鶴齡 (著)=Hsu, Ho-ling (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2011.03.01 |
佛教經典在生命關懷上的運用 |
許鶴齡 |
2011.05 |
李二曲與顧寧人論證「體用」二字探析兼論其「體用全學」與惠能「定慧等學」之會通=Discussion of "Ti Yong" by Li Erqu and Gu Yanwu, and its Connection with Hui Neg's thought |
許鶴齡 =Hsu, Ho-ling |
哲學論集=Fu Jen Philosophical Studies |
2003.07 |
為藏傳佛教的現代弘傳另闢蹊徑 - 以宗薩蔣揚欽哲諾布所執導之「旅行者與魔術師」一片為例 |
許鶴齡 (著) |
輔仁學誌. 人文藝術之部=Fu Jen Studies. Colleges of Liberal Art |
2005.07 |
哲學諮商中的生命教育對話 -- 以佛教《百喻經》之「譬喻」為例 |
許鶴齡 (著)=Xu, He-ling (au.) |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal |
2009.07.01 |
書評:劉貴傑、李開濟<佛學概論>=Liu, Kuei Chieh and Lee, Kai Gei, An Introduction to Buddhism |
許鶴齡 =Hsu, Ho-ling |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2003.07 |
從佛化婚禮看人間佛教的婚姻倫理=Study of Marriage Ethics of Humanistic Buddhism from the Buddhist Wedding |
許鶴齡 (著)=Hsu, Ho-ling (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2006.12 |
從佛教典籍試析哲學諮商的關懷模式=An Attempted Analysis of Philosophical Counseling's Caring Model: from Buddhist Scriptures's Respects |
許鶴齡 (撰)=Hsu, Ho-ling (compose) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2016.07.01 |
從黃牛、解牛到牧牛 ——談儒釋道人生設計思考的創意思維=From Understanding the Bull, Dissecting the Bull, to Herding the Bull: A Study of the Creativity in the Design Thinking in Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism |
許鶴齡 (著)=Hsu, Ho-ling (au.) |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies |
2022.03 |
探討佛教哲學諮商對仇恨的轉化與療癒之道:以「密勒日巴」(Milarepa)影片為例=On How Buddhist Counseling Transforms and Heals Hatred-Milarepa |
許鶴齡 (著)=Hsu, Ho-ling (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2014.04.01 |
陽明《傳習錄》與惠能《壇經》之義理交涉=A Comprehensive Understanding of Yang-ming's Chuan His Lu(the Record of Instructions)and Hui-Neng's Liu-tsu Tan Ching(The Platform Scripture oh the Sixth Patriarch) |
許鶴齡 =Hsu, Ho-ling |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2002.03 |
試依《華嚴經》建構生命境遇的哲學諮商與靈性關懷模式=The Experimental Construction of Philosophical Counseling and Spiritual Caring Model Based on the Gandavyūhasūtra |
許鶴齡 =Hsu, Ho-ling |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2020.04.01 |
試探華嚴因陀羅網與世界咖啡館的翻轉教學模式=Exploring the Flip Teaching Mode of Huayan Indra's Net and "World Café" |
許鶴齡 =Hsu, Ho-ling |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2019.06.01 |
試闡佛教的品格教育 -- 以善財五十三參之人文關懷與哲學向度為主軸=On Buddhist Character Education Informed by the Humanistic Concern and Philosophical Dimension of the Fifty-three Visits of Sudhana |
許鶴齡 (著)=Hsu, Ho-ling (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2010.02 |
試闡佛教哲學諮商對生命的療癒 |
許鶴齡 |
哲學諮商與人文療癒研討會 |
2010.11.14 |
禪宗哲學諮商與生命教育 - 迷時師度,悟時自度 |
許鶴齡 |
第十一屆輔大人大哲學論壇:學術思辨與跨界對話研討會 |
2008.05 |
禪門師徒對話的生命教育意涵 -- 「迷時師度,悟時自度」=The Underline Life Education of Dialogue among the Chan Masters and Their Disciples "Mentors Bridge Confused Disciples over the life-death Water, While Enlightened Disciples Bridge Themselves!" |
許鶴齡 (著)=Hsu, Ho-ling (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2008.11 |
禪道生死之鏡 -- 從哲學諮商方法淺談惠能與莊子之生死觀 |
許鶴齡 |
比較佛教文化學術研討會 |
2004.11.27 |
禪道生死之鏡 -- 從哲學諮商方法淺談惠能與莊子之生死觀=Zen as a Mirror of Life and Death -- On Hui Neng's and Zhuang Zi's Views about Life and Death through Their Respective Methods of Philosophical Counseling |
許鶴齡 =Hsu, Ho-ling |
哲學論集=Fu Jen Philosophical Studies |
2005.07 |