佛光人文學報=Fo Guang Journal of Humanities     ジャーナルリストへ     登録誌ガイダンス

出版社: 佛光大學人文學院 出版地: 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] I  S  S  N : 27890082
刊行頻度: 年刊=Annual ウェブサイト: https://coh.fgu.edu.tw/zh_tw/12
内容紹介: 本刊為佛光大學人文學院發行之學術刊物,刊登內容以發表人文領域學術研究為主,文獻評論為輔,包含文學、文化、哲學、歷史、宗教、語言、藝術及其相關領域之研究

n.5 [2022.01.01 出版]

n.4 [2021.01.01 出版]

n.3 [2020.01.01 出版]

n.2 [2019.04.15 出版]

n.1 [2018.01.01 出版]

n.5 [2022.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 《大唐西域記》的觀音文學=Guanyin Literature in " Da Tang Xi Yu Ji " [全文]
蕭麗華 (著)=Hsiao, Li-hua (au.)
 朝鮮帝王之書法探索=An Exploration of the Calligraphic Works of Joseon Kings [全文]
趙太順 (著)=Joh, Tae-Son (au.)
 袾宏自性思想之研究:以《起信論》一心二門之運用為主=A Study of Zhuhong's Thought on Self-nature: With Focus on Application of One Mind and Two Aspects from Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna [全文]
釋養行 (著)=Shih, Yang-sing (au.)
 新發現虛雲老和尚十二份書信手稿相關問題考述=Research on the Issues Related to the Newly Discovered Twelve Handwritten Letters of Elder Master Hsu Yun [全文]
釋永東 (著)=Shih, Yung-dong (au.)
 跨國佛教組織的在地發展:以馬來西亞佛光山為例=The Transnational Development of Buddhist Organization in Local Society: A Case of Fo Guang Shan, Malaysia [全文]
官遠程 (著)=Guan, Yuan-Cheng (au.); 黃文斌 (著)=Wong, Wun-Bin (au.)


n.4 [2021.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 星雲大師詩歌創作的人間佛教關懷=The Humanistic Buddhism Care in Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Poetry [全文]
蕭麗華 =Hsiao, Li-hua
 道教醫學的瘟疫預測、治療與人文關懷-以《黃帝內經》五運六氣學說為例=The Plague Prediction, Treatment and Humanistic Care in Taoist Medicine [全文]
張美櫻=Chang, May-ying
 蘇軾第二次仕杭之天災與疫情管理=Natural Disaster and Epidemic Management of Su Shi's Second Official Service in Hangzhou [全文]
 Caring the Human lives in the Age of Global Pandemic, Covid-19 From Globalization to Localization: Coronavirus and the Excluded=在新冠全球流行病年代裡關懷全球與在地人類生命:新冠病毒與被摒棄者 [全文]
Huang, Yao-Hung =黃耀弘
 佛陀紀念館「佛陀行化本事圖」圖像探析=An Iconographical Exploration of the Bas-Relieves Picture of "Stories of the Buddha's Life" at Buddha Museum [全文]
釋永東 =Shih, Yung-dong
 《蘭亭詩》的佛教意象=Buddhist Images in Lanting's Poems [全文]
廖呈峯 =Liao, Cheng-feng
 圓測《解深密經疏》之性質與體例析論-以與傳統儒家經疏對照為中心=An Analysis of the Nature and Style of Yuan Ce's Commentary on samdhinirmocana sūtra : With a Focus on its Contrast to Traditional Confucian Commentaries of Classics [全文]
周延燕 =Chou, Yen-Yen
 在經學脈絡下的《易經》詮釋=The Hermeneutics of Yi-ching in Classics Context [全文]
張惠敏 =Chang, Hui-ming
 對厭女論普適化的疑議與探究 - 以多元交織性作為考察尺度=Inspecting the Universalized Misogynism-An Inquiry with View of Intersectionality [全文]
林香君 =Lin, Hsiang-Chun
 由漢語「爽」字觀察「不爽」之語義演變-基於語料庫=Observing the semantic evolution of "Bushuang (不爽)" from the Chinese character "Shuang (爽)" - A Corpus-based [全文]
張筱儀=Chang, Hsiao-yi ; 張泰源
 飲食文學的耕耘者-焦桐於當代飲食文學之貢獻=Cultivator of diet literature - Jiao Tong's contribution to contemporary dietary literature [全文]
柯乃文=Ko, Nai-wen


n.3 [2020.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 從星雲大師「人間佛教」理念探討《法華》七喻的人間性=On the Mundane World of the Lotus Sutra Seven Metaphor from Humanistic Buddhism with Master Hsing Yun [全文]
 越南李陳時代禪詩的多元意涵=Diversification of Vietnamese Zen Poetry During the Li and Tran Dynasties [全文]
 雲棲袾宏《答淨土四十八問》初探=Research on Master Lianchi's Answer on the Forty-Eight Doubts of Pure Land [全文]


n.2 [2019.04.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 星雲大師「人間佛教」的文學觀與文學實踐=Research on Master Hsing Yun’s Literary View and Practice in “Humanistic Buddhism” [全文]
 星雲大師「人間佛教」的文字般若=The Text Prajna in Human Buddhism with Master Hsing Yun [全文]
 黃庭堅〈士大夫食時五觀〉之養生禪觀=The research in Huang Tingjian’s Health meditation [全文]
 辛稼軒詩中的佛道儒面向=The Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism in the Metrical Poems of Xin Jia-xuan [全文]


n.1 [2018.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 初期僧人文學創作的流變與影響 [全文]
 論王安石詩的佛寺書寫 [全文]
 覺浪道盛與方以智師生的「不二社」=Juelang Daosheng and Fang Yi-zhi, the teacher and the student's Bu-er club [全文]
