法鼓佛學學報=Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies     ジャーナルリストへ     登録誌ガイダンス

出版社: 法鼓文理學院 出版地: 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] I  S  S  N : 19968000
刊行頻度: 半年刊=Semiannual ウェブサイト: https://sp.dila.edu.tw/journal.htm
内容紹介: 《法鼓佛學學報》的前身是《中華佛學學報》,創刊於1987年,2007年,原本的《中華佛學學報》轉為《法鼓佛學學報》。《中華佛學學報》雖保留,但轉型為以英文為主的學報。 《法鼓佛學學報》是以佛學為專業的半年刊學報,於每年6月及12月出刊。期望能達到出版優良學術論文之目的外,更能鼓勵佛教研究風氣。透過作者與讀者的互動,培養更多有志於佛教學術研究的人才。同時,也藉由國際各佛學研究機構的出版品相互交流,進而提高國內佛教研究的國際學術地位。創刊以來,《法鼓佛學學報》一直秉持著佛學專業的特色,投稿者須具備曾任或現任國內外大專院校、研究機構之學者身分,或博士班研究生。而所收錄的論文皆經專家學者評審,採雙匿名審查。所收錄的文章雖以中文為主,但不限於中文,也收錄優良英、日文學術論文。

n.33 [2023.12 出版]

n.32 [2023.06 出版]

n.31 [2022.12 出版]

n.30 [2022.06.01 出版]

n.29 [2021.12.01 出版]

n.28 [2021.06.01 出版]

n.27 [2020.12.01 出版]

n.26 [2020.06.01 出版]

n.25 [2019.12.01 出版]

n.24 [2019.06.01 出版]

n.23 [2018.12.01 出版]

n.22 [2018.06.01 出版]

n.21 [2017.12.01 出版]

n.20 [2017.06.01 出版]

n.19 [2016.12.01 出版]

n.18 [2016.06.01 出版]

n.17 [2015.12.01 出版]

n.16 [2015.06.01 出版]

n.15 [2014.12.01 出版]

n.14 [2014.06.01 出版]

n.13 [2013.12.01 出版]

n.12 [2013.06.01 出版]

n.11 [2012.12.01 出版]

n.10 [2012.06.01 出版]

n.9 [2011.12.01 出版]

n.8 [2011.06.01 出版]

n.7 [2010.12.01 出版]

n.6 [2010.06.01 出版]

n.5 [2009.12.01 出版]

n.4 [2009.06.01 出版]

n.3 [2008.12.01 出版]

n.2 [2008.06.01 出版]

n.1 [2007.12.01 出版]

n.33 [2023.12出版]

タイトル 著者
 《陰持入經》中「所」字用法研究=A Study on the Usage of the Word “suo” (所) in Yin Chi Ru Jing [全文]
劉勁松 (著)
 早期禪宗是一種本覺思想嗎?=Is Early Chan a Kind of Original Enlightenment Thinking? [全文]
 北宋末臨濟宗楊岐派佛眼清遠 〈坐禪銘〉和黃龍派佛心本才 〈坐禪儀〉的回歸坐禪=The Return of Seated Meditation in the “Seated Meditation Inscription” by Qingyuan of the Yangchi Branch and the “Seated Meditation Etiquette” by Bencai of the Huanglong Branch in the Linji School in the Late Northern Song Dynasty [全文]
黃敬家 (著)=Huang, Jing-jia (au.)


n.32 [2023.06出版]

タイトル 著者
 從雪峰慧空禪師書簡 看兩宋之際福建禪宗之復甦=The Revivification of Chan Buddhism in Fujian during the Northern and Southern Song Transition Period: With a Special Reference to Xuefeng Huikong’s Letters [全文]
黃啟江 (著)
 天台教觀的理觀與事修統合模式: 智顗與遵式之二種範式的探討=On the Integration Patterns of Wisdom Contemplation and Religious Practice in Tien-tai Teaching and Meditation Tradition: Two Main Paradigms Represented by Zhi-I and Zun-Shi [全文]
黃國清 (著)=Huang, Guo-qing (au.)
 從《佛說大安般守意經》 論漢末佛教禪法之「守意」 與道教「守一」修持法門關係=An Analysis of the “Shouyi” (守意) of Buddhist Zen and the “Shouyi”(守一) Practice of Taoism from the Foshou Da Anban Shouyi Jing(佛說大安般守意經) at the end of the Han Dynasty [全文]
李宗定 (著)=Tsungting Lee (au.)


n.31 [2022.12出版]

タイトル 著者
 求那跋摩(367-431)遺偈之「唯佛能證知,那波阿毘曇,說五因緣果」試解=A Trial Interpretation of "Nava-abhidharma (Jiufen Pitan)" and "Five hetu-pratyaya-phala" in the Last Verses of Guṇavarman (367-431) [全文]
釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin Bhikshu (au.)
 飲水由波:隱伏於紫柏真可禪教觀中的本質主義=Drinking Water from Waves: Essentialism in Zibo Zhenke's Perspective on the Relationship between Chan and Doctrine [全文]
林悟石 (著)=Lin, Wu-shi (au.)


n.30 [2022.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 《雪峰空和尚外集》版本考論=An Analytical Study of the Various Editions of Xuefeng Kong Heshang Waiji [全文]
黃啟江 =Huang, Chi-chiang
 以詩證禪:仁山寂震〈廣寒山詩〉揭顯之三峰宗風=Sanfeng Lineage’s Thought Manifested in Renshan Jizhen’s “Expanded Hanshan Poetry” [全文]
張雅雯 =Chang, Ya-wen
 佛學數位分析《華嚴》「心」:初探「直心」與「深心」的詞義轉變=A Digital Analysis of “Mind” in the Avataṃsaka-sūtra: A Preliminary Examination into the Semantic Change of “Intention” and “Resolute Intention” [全文]
洪振洲 =Hung, Jen-jou ; 林采蓉 =Lin, Tsai-Jung
 敦煌文獻中的地論學派「十地」詮釋=The Interpretation of the “Ten Stages” by the Dilun School in Dunhuang Manuscripts [全文]


n.29 [2021.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 僧肇「會萬物以成己者」、「天地同根萬物一體」 在禪門的公案傳衍與啟悟=“Present Yourself Through All Things” and “the Heaven and Earth Are of the Same Source and All Things Are One”: Spread and Realization of Sengzhao’s Gongans in the Chan School [全文]
蘇美文 (著)=Su, Mei-wen (au.)
 無盡傳燈《幽溪文集》初探=Preliminary Research into the Youxi Wenji by Wujin Chuandeng [全文]
曾堯民 (著)=Tseng, Yao-min (au.)
 三峰派參禪鍛鍊:論仁山寂震之參禪第一步要訣=Renshan Jizhen's "Essence of the First Step in Chan Practice": Research on Chan Practice in the Sanfeng Lineage [全文]
張雅雯 (著)=Chang, Ya-wen (au.)
 《華嚴綸貫》之批判論述分析=A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Huayan Lunguan [全文]
釋堅融 =Shi, Jian-rong


n.28 [2021.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 中古時期的禪經觀 - 以大、小乘的分判為主=Views on the Chan Scriptures of Medieval China - The Question of Mahāyāna or Hīnayāna Affiliation [全文]
曾堯民 (著)=Tseng, Yao-min (au.)
 宋代曹洞宗真歇清了禪師新材料的發現及其生平行履考=Discovery of New Material Regarding the Chan Master Zhenxie Qingliao in the Song Dynasty and Textual Research on His Biography [全文]
孔雁 (著)=Kong, Yan (au.)


n.27 [2020.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 臺灣殖民時期「佛教教化」與「迷信陋習」改革 的推動 ─ 以曾景來(1902-1977)為中心 [全文]
闞正宗 (著)=Kan, Cheng-tsung (au.)
 戰後初期臺灣佛教勢力的競合 ── 以玄奘靈骨來臺為例=Xuanzang’s Bones in Taiwan ─ The Buddhist Community in Postwar Taiwan [全文]
林韻柔 (著)=Lin, Yun-jo (au.)
 二十世紀初期至中期佛教現代化在臺灣的發展 —— 哲學、歷史與文化 [全文]
嚴瑋泓 (著)
 日本禪學的近代化與臺灣佛教 ── 以忽滑谷快天與井上秀天為中心=The Modernization of Japanese Zen and Taiwanese Buddhism ─ The Cases of Nukariya Kaiten and Inoue Shuten [全文]
廖欽彬 ; 石井公成 =Ishii, Kosei
 曾景來的宗教哲學 ── 近代日本佛教研究與佛陀觀=Zeng Jing-lai’s Philosophy of Religion ─ Contemporary Japanese Buddhist Studies and the Concept of “Buddha” [全文]
廖欽彬 (著)=Liao, Chin-ping (au.)
 試探臺灣日治時期之「宗教批判」── 以曾景來為例的審視與反思=“Religious Criticism” in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation Period ─ A Case Study on Zeng Jing-lai [全文]
林建德=Lin, Chien-te


n.26 [2020.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 僧肇《肇論》文字般若化 ── 以「自虛」、「參玄」、「寂用」、「會萬物以成己者」為焦點=Stylistic Means of Conveying Prajnā in Seng-zhao's Zhao Lun: Focusing on Concepts of "Self Empty", "Investigating Mystery", "Depolarization and Benevolence" and "Self and All Things Arising from Conditioned Causation" [全文]
蘇美文 (著)=Su, Mei-wen (au.)
 杜順初祖說的考察=Investigating the Question of Master Dushun's Status as the First Huayan Patriarch [全文]
平燕紅 (著)=Ping, Yan-Hong (au.)
 親鸞の仏道観:大乗仏教としての浄土真宗=Shinran’s Buddhology: The Mahāyāna School of Jōdo Shinshū=親鸞的佛道觀:作為大乘佛教的淨土真宗 [全文]
河智義邦 (著)=Kouchi, Yoshikuni (au.)
 印順法師對陽明學說的評論=Master Yin Shun's Comments on Yangming's Philosophy [全文]
黃文樹 (著)=Huang, Wen-shu (au.)


n.25 [2019.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 《瑜伽師地論》與《清淨道論》之「所緣/業處」 - 聚焦論述其理論架構與教學特色=A discussion on "objects of meditation" and "meditation subjects" in the Yogācārabhūmi-śāstra and Visuddhimagga - focusing on theoretical framework and key concepts in both treatises [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hwei (au.)
 「處」義探源 - 以初期佛教文獻為中心=Exploring the Meaning of āyatana in Early Buddhist Literature [全文]
劉勁松 (著)=Liu, Jin-song (au.)
 從四禪禪法中的尋伺功能來探析 天台止觀的學術性格 ── 以通明禪為例=A discussion of the scholastic character of Tiantai zhiguan in relation to the function of vitarka/vitakka and vicāra in the four dhyāna-s-taking tongmin chan as an example [全文]
廖永賢 (著)=Liao, Yung-hsien (au.)


n.24 [2019.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 《法句經》(T210)的初譯偈頌與後譯偈頌=Early and Late Translations in the Faju Jing (T210) [全文]
蘇錦坤 =Su, Ken
 圜悟克勤之公案教學 ── 女眾參禪之案例分析=Yuanwu Keqin's Chan Praxis - Teaching for Women [全文]
吳芬錦 =Wu, Fen-jin
 故事創傷敘事的解構與療癒 ── 以《經律異相》為例=Deconstruction of Trauma Narratives and Healing in the Stories from the Jing Lu Yi Xiang [全文]
簡意娟 =Chien, Yi-chuan


n.23 [2018.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 大正藏本〈諸經要抄〉與《七祖法寶記》=The Zhujingyaochao and the Qizufabaoji from the Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō [全文]
鄧星亮 =Deng, Xing-liang
 《達磨胎息論》諸本的成立 ── 以敦煌本為中心=The Damo Taixi Lun: A Study of the Dunhuang Texts [全文]
曹凌 =Cao, Ling
 早期禪宗秘傳觀念研究=The Concept of Secret Transmission in Early Chan Buddhism [全文]
白照傑 =Bai, Zhao-jie


n.22 [2018.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 「如何觀看眾生」的佛法教學──以吉藏《維摩詰所說經》疏義為主要論據= The Buddhist Teaching on “How to View Sentient Beings”– Based Primarily on Jizang’s Explanation of the Vimalakīrti Sutra [全文]
陳平坤 (著)=Chen, Ping-kun (au.)
 Epistemology of the “Six Causes” ( 六因 ) in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Logic Based on Kuiji’s Commentary=窺基注疏中「六因」的知識論探討 [全文]
Teng, Wei-Jen =鄧偉仁
 A Translation of the Quotations in Śamathadeva’s Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 231, 238, 240, 245, 252 and 255=安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》 (Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā)中對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第231、238、240、245、252及255經之譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā (著)=法施比丘尼 (au.)


n.21 [2017.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 The Self-Imposed Textual Organization (Kepan 科判) of the Qixinlun: Some Major Forms and a Few Possible Problems=《大乘起信論》科判研究 [全文]
Jin, Tao=金濤
 《大方廣佛華嚴經》的時空哲學=The Philosophy of Time and Space in the Avataṃsaka-sūtra [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming
 中華念佛禪教及其修學義理 -- 念佛禪法的安心學理=Chinese Nianfo Chan Teachings and Their Theories on Practice: Pacifying the Mind in the Nianfo Chan [全文]
陳平坤 (著)=Chen, Ping-kun (au.)
 試論聖嚴法師對「空性」與「佛性」之詮解與貫通=Ven. Sheng-Yen’s Exposition and Integration of the Concepts of Śūnyatā and Buddhatā [全文]
林建德 (著)=Lin, Kent Chien-te (au.)


n.20 [2017.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 靈源枝派:明清時期佛教文獻與研究專刊導言=Preface [全文]
廖肇亨 =Liao, Chao-heng
 高泉與溫泉:從高泉性潡看晚明清初渡日華僧的異文化接觸=Gaoquan Xingdun: Exploring Cultural Contacts Between Chinese and Japanese Monks During the End of the Ming Dynasty and Beginning of the Qing Dynasty [全文]
廖肇亨 (著)=Liao, Chao-heng (au.)
 湛然圓澄師徒三人之行止與「茶話」禪風=The Chan “Tea Words” of Zhan-Ran Yuan-Cheng and Two of His Dharma Heirs [全文]
釋果鏡 (著)=Shih, Guo-jing (au.)
 震旦弘法,扶事為急:曾大奇《通翼》初探=Re-establishing the Importance of Dharmic Phenomena: A Preliminary Study of Zeng Dayi’s Tongyi [全文]
吳孟謙 (著)=Wu, Meng-chien (au.)
 從五臺山到徑山:密藏道開與《嘉興藏》初期經場成立論考=From Mount Wutai to Mount Jingshan: Mizang Daokai and the Founding of the Early Printing Sites of the Jiaxing Canon [全文]
王啟元 (著)=Wang, Qi-yuan (au.)


n.19 [2016.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 Selected Madhyama-āgama Discourse Passages and their Pāli Parallels=《中阿含經》摘選經文與其《巴利藏》對應經文之比較 [全文]
Bhikkhu Anālayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 From a Liberated One to a Liberated One: An avadāna Quotation in the Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā=從一個解脫者到另一個解脫者:《俱舍論註雜錄》中《譬喻經》的引文 [全文]
Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā (著)=法施比丘尼 (au.)
 《法句經》的「校讀」與「誤譯」=Issues with Translation Errors and Collation of the Faju jing (T210) [全文]
蘇錦坤 (著)=Su, Ken (au.)


n.18 [2016.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 On the Six Sense-spheres (1): A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 188 to 229 (Fascicle 8)=六根品:漢譯《雜阿含經》(卷八)188至229經英文譯注 [全文]
Bhikkhu Anālayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 A Translation of the Quotations in Śamathadevaʼs Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to the Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 212, 222, 223, 224, 225 and 229=安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》(Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā)中對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第212、222、223、224、225及229 經之譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā =法施比丘尼
 以不空如來藏為骨幹理解諸佛如來誕生宣言=“The Tathāgata Within in Terms of Not-emptiness” as a Framework for Understanding the Buddha’s Declaration at the Time of Birth [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming


n.17 [2015.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 On Rādha and Views:A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 111 to 138 (Fascicle 6)=羅陀與見:漢譯《雜阿含經》(卷六)111至138經英文譯注 [全文]
Bhikkhu Anālayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 On Views and Penetrative Knowledge:A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 139 to 187 (Fascicle 7)=見與正慧:漢譯《雜阿含經》(卷七)139至187經英文譯注 [全文]
Bhikkhu Anālayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 A folio of the Ratnakūṭa (Kāśyapaparivarta) in Khotanese=和闐寫本《寶積經》(大迦葉品)殘葉 [全文]
Maggi, Mauro=馬紀, 茂羅
 《舍利弗阿毘曇論》安般念十六勝行詮釋之分析:以《瑜伽師地論》為參照=An Analysis of the Interpretation about 16-bases of Breathing in Shelifu Apitanlun with Yuqie Shidilun as a Reference [全文]
張慧芳=Chang, Huey-fang
 《大乘莊嚴經論.安慧釋》譯注與考察:第十七品「供養」與「依止」=Study of Sthiramati’s commentary on the Mahāyāna- sūtrālamkāra-kārikā:Chapter 17: offering and refuge [全文]
蘇南望傑=Sonam Wanggyal
 一念三千、意義意志與生命意義的開展=Three Thousand Realms in a Single Thought:the Will to Meaning and the Revealing of the Meaning of Life [全文]
唐秀連 (著)=Tong Sau Lin (au.)


n.16 [2015.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 《阿含經》與《尼柯耶》中的悲憫=Compassion in the Āgamas and Nikāyas [全文]
無著比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Analayo (au.)
 《菩薩地》與《大乘莊嚴經綸》之四無量心及其運用於心理學量表與腦影像之研究=The Four Immeasurables in the Bodhisattvabhūmi and Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra and their Implementation in a Measuring Scale for a Study of Brain Imaging [全文]
釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin, Bhikkhu (au.)
 無量心法門:《達摩多羅禪經》的論述及其在日本佛教的發展=Immeasurable Devices: Their Treatment in the Damoduoluo chanjing and Further Distillation in Japanese Zen [全文]
Mohr, Michel=モール, ミッシェル
 合流:慈悲修行在佛教與世俗脈絡下的接受與調適=Confluence: Adoption and Adaptation of Loving-Kindness and Compassion Practice in Buddhist and Secular Contexts [全文]
倪丹恩 (著)=Dawn P. Neal (au.)
 慈悲與腦神經科學:挑戰與契機=Neuroscience of Compassion: Challenges and Opportunities [全文]
漢迪歐 (著)=Diego Hangartner (au.)
 自他的利益:佛教倫理學中個人與自利的重要性=Benefit of Self and Other: The Importance of Persons and their Self-Interest in Buddhist Ethics [全文]
詹金斯, 史蒂芬=Jenkins, Stephen Lynn


n.15 [2014.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 PSE Economics: From Inner Peace toGlobal Peace=心靈環保經濟學:二十一世紀的心經濟主張 [全文]
 「讚佛偈」:兼論《雜阿含經》、《別譯雜阿含經》與《相應部》異同 [全文]
蘇錦坤 (著)=Su, Ken (au.)
 On the Five Aggregates (5):ATranslation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 103 to 110=五蘊之研究:漢譯《雜阿含經》103 至110 經之英文譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhu Analayo (著)=Ven. Analayo (au.)


n.14 [2014.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 On the Five Aggregates (4) ─ A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 33 to 58=五蘊之研究 ──漢譯《雜阿含經》33至58經之英文譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhu Analayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 A Translation of a Discourse Quotation in the Tibetan Translation of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya Parallel to Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourse 36 and of the Discourse Quotations in Śamathadeva's Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 39, 42, 45, 46, 55, 56, 57 and 58=藏譯《根本說一切有部毗奈耶》中《阿含經》引文對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第36經暨安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》中對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第39、42、45、46、55、56、57、58經之譯註 [全文]
Dhammadinnā, Sāmaṇerī (著)=沙彌尼法樂 (au.)
 How Free is the Bodhisattva in Deliberate Rebirth?=菩薩如願轉生 [全文]
宗玉媺 (著)=Choong, Yoke-meei (au.)
 欲識玄玄公案,黃粱未熟以前:從《谷響集》看明季滇僧徹庸周理的思想淵源與精神境界 =To Understand the Mysteriously Abstruse Gong'an, Before the Yellow Millet is Cooked: The Source of the Late-Ming Yunan Monk Cheyong Zhouli's Thought and His Mental State from the Viewpoint of Collection of the Valley's Echo [全文]
廖肇亨 (著)=Liao, Chao-heng (au.)


n.13 [2013.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 On the Five Aggregates (3): A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 59 to 87=五蘊之研究:漢譯《雜阿含經》59至87經之英文譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhu Analayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
 梵本《大乘莊嚴經論》慈悲喜捨(17 品.第 17-28 偈)譯注與考察=A Study and Annotated Translation of Verses 17-28-regarding Loving-kindness, Compassion, Empathic Joy, and Equanimity-in Chapter 17 of the Sanskrit Text Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra [全文]
釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin, Bhikkhu (au.)
 A Translation of the Quotations in Śamathadevaʼs Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to the Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 61, 71, 73, 77, 79 and 81=安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》中對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第61、71、73、77、79、81經之譯註 [全文]
Dhammadinnā, Sāmaṇerī (著)=沙彌尼法樂 (au.)
 The Maiden Who Fell in Love with a Thief: Considerations on the Story of the Nun Bhaddā Kuṇḍalakesā=愛上竊賊的女子:跋陀比丘尼故事的探究 [全文]
Alberto, Todeschini (著)=阿爾伯特.托德斯基尼 (au.)


n.12 [2013.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 A Translation of the Quotation in Śamathadeva's Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to the Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourse 265=安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》中對應漢譯《雜阿含經》第265經之 譯註 [全文]
Dhammadinnā, Sāmaṇerī (著)=沙彌尼法樂 (au.)
 中國佛教寺廟志數位典藏系統之建置=The Construction of Digital Archive of Chinese Buddhist Temple Gazetteers [全文]
洪振洲 (著)=Hung, Jen-jou (au.)
 《華嚴經》 四十卷本中的勇猛菩薩行:兼參八十卷本〈離世間品〉=The Vigorous Practice of the Bodhisattva in the Forty-Fascicle Huayan Jing with Reference to the Chapter on the “Other-worldly” in the Eighty-Fascicle Huayan Jing [全文]
張文玲 (著)=Chang, Wen-ling (au.)
 On the Five Aggregates (2): A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 256 to 272=五蘊之研究:漢譯《雜阿含經》256至272經之英文譯註 [全文]
Bhikkhu Analayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)


n.11 [2012.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 A Translation of the Quotations in Śamathadeva's— Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā Parallel to the Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 8, 9, 11, 12, 17 and 28—=安止天所著《俱舍論註雜錄》(Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā)中與漢譯《雜阿含經》第8、9、11、12、17、28 經對應之譯註 [全文]
Dhammadinnā, Sāmaṇerī (著)=沙彌尼法樂 (au.)
 On the Five Aggregates (1):A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 1 to 32 =漢譯《雜阿含經》1至32經之英文譯註 [全文]
無著比丘 (譯)=Bhikkhu Analayo (tr.); 釋惠敏 (前言)=Shih, Hui-min (fwd.)
 東晉「敬王之爭」考評=Re-examining the Debate over a Buddhist Monastic's Bowing to the Emperor in the Eastern Jin Dynasty [全文]


n.10 [2012.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 心不相應行「得法」之研究 [全文]
周柔含 (著)=Chou, Jou-han (au.)
 論天台、華嚴「觀心」思想之交涉與轉變:以《華嚴經》及《大乘起信論》的詮釋為中心 [全文]
郭朝順 (著)=Guo, Chao-shun (au.)
 《釋摩訶衍論》考:兼論《大乘起信論》的真偽 [全文]
 佛學數位資源的建置與開展 [全文]
杜正民 (著)=Tu, Aming (au.)


n.9 [2011.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 以心身安頓為著眼對「住地」的哲學檢視:做為佛教住地學說的奠基工程 [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming
 所知障是無明或無知?:在東亞唯識學與印-藏中觀學之間(下) [全文]
劉宇光 =Lau, Lawrence Y. K.
 甘肅卓尼藏族「魯神」圖形核心內涵之研究 [全文]


n.8 [2011.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 漢譯佛典語法之「相違釋」複合詞考察:以玄奘所譯《瑜伽師地論》為主=An Inquiry into the Chinese Translations of Sanskrit Coordinative Compounds in the Buddhist Canon: Based Mainly on Xuanzang?s Translation of the Yogācāra-bhūmi-?āstra [全文]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 從圖像學角度探討成都南朝佛像與犍陀羅、秣菟羅、笈多佛像造型藝術流派的關係 =An Iconographic Comparative Study of Buddhist Sculptures from Chengdu during the Chinese Southern Dynasties and Buddhist Sculptures of Gandhāra, Mathurā, and Gupta [全文]
胡文成 (著)=Hu, Wen-cheng (au.); 胡文和 (著)=Hu, Wen-he (au.)
 所知障是無明或無知?在東亞唯識學與印-藏中觀學之間(上)=Is Obstruction of Knowledge Misconception or Not-knowing? From the Perspectives of East Asian Vijñānavāda and Indo-Tibetan Mādhyamika (Part I) [全文]
劉宇光 (著)=Liu, Lawrence Yu-guang (au.)


n.7 [2010.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 上座部觀禪的原動力=The Dynamics of Theravāda Insight Meditation [全文]
無著比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Analayo (au.)
 說一切有部的世俗道斷惑論=The Theory of Laukikamārga Destroying Delusion in the Sarvāstivādin School [全文]
周柔含 (著)=Chou, Jou-han (au.)
 二諦之區別與空之三要點:以《明句論》第二十四章為主 [全文]
釋見弘 (著)=Shih, Jien-hong (au.)
 空際無影,香中有情:八指頭陀詠梅詩中的禪境 [全文]
黃敬家 (著)=Huang, Jing-jia (au.)


n.6 [2010.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 『佛説大安般守意經』における「本文」と「註」の解明(三):「五力」から「四解依」まで=『佛説大安般守意經』之「經文」與「註」的解明(三):從「五力」到「四解依」=Distinguishing Text from Annotations in "Foshou Da Anban Shouyi Jing T602" (Part Three) [全文]
釋果暉 (著)=Shi, Guo-huei (au.)
 佛學數位資源的服務功能:以藏經目錄資料庫的建置為例=Functionality of A Buddhist Digital Resource Service: Using the Construction of the Tripitaka Catalogues Database as an Example [全文]
杜正民 (著)=Tu, Aming (au.)
 《入楞伽經》的心身不二的實相學說:從排除障礙的一面著手 [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming


n.5 [2009.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 「淨名杜口」之理趣:通析《維摩詰經》之「入不二法門」之義蘊=The Significance of Vimalakīrti's Silence: An Analysis of "Advayadharmamukhaprave?a" in the Vimalakīrtinirde?a [全文]
唐秀連 (著)=Tang, Xiu-lian (au.)
 道綽、善導的懺悔觀:以末法觀念及念佛三昧為核心=Dàochuò and Shàndǎo's Concept of Repentance: The End of Dharma and the Samādhi of Buddha Recitation as the Core of Discussion [全文]
陳劍鍠 (著)=Chen, Chien-huang (au.)
 人間佛教的道家觀點:以聖嚴法師為例=Taoist Thoughts in Master Sheng Yen's Philosophy [全文]
高毓婷 (著)=Kao, Yu-ting (au.)
 『佛說大安般守意經』における 「本文」と「註」の解明(二) ── 「淨」から「五根」まで=Distinguishing Text from Annotations in "Foshou Da Anban Shouyi Jing T602"(Part Two)=『佛説大安般守意經』之「經文」與「註」的解明(二) ── 從「淨」到「五根」 [全文]
釋果暉 (著)


n.4 [2009.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 說一切有部的斷惑理論=Sarvāstivādin's Theory on the Destruction of Delusion [全文]
周柔含 (著)=Chou, Jou-han (au.)
 佛教懺悔法門之「逆轉」情節 -- 以《大方等陀羅尼經》為例=The Conversely-transformed Episodes in Buddhist Confession Methods: basing on The Da fangdeng tuoluoni jing [全文]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 七世紀中葉至八世紀初地藏造像論考=Textual Research on Ti-tsang's Images in the period of 651-712 C.E. [全文]
尹富 (著)=Yin, Fu (au.)
 王陽明與蕅益智旭《大學》功夫論之研究=A Study in Interpretation by Wang Yangming(王陽明)and Ouyi Zhixu(蕅益智旭)of the Theory of Practice in the Great Learning [全文]
王和群 (著)=Wang, He-chun (au.)
 佛學的宇宙觀與人工智慧的哲學問題=Buddhists Cosmology and Philosophical Issues of Artificial Intelligence [全文]
歐陽彥正 (著)=Oyang, Yen-Jen (au.)


n.3 [2008.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 『佛說大安般守意經』における「本文」と「註」の解明=To Distinguish Text from Annotations in “Foshou Da Anban Shouyi Jing T602” [全文]
釋果暉 (著)=Shi, Guo-huei (au.)
 宋初天臺宗對「請觀音懺」的檢討=A Review of Tiantai sect's Ritual of Invoking Kwan-yin (Avalokite?vara) for Repentance in Early Sung China [全文]
蔣義斌 (著)=Chiang, Yi-bin (au.)
 中亞西半部七世紀前後佛教藝術風貌 -- 以《大唐西域記》與近代考古為依據=The Style and Features of the Buddhist Art in the West-Central Asia around the 7th Century: Based on the Da Tang Xi Yu Ji and Modern Archeological Findings [全文]
張文玲 (著)=Chang, Wen-ling (au.)
 唐代《佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經》的譯傳與信仰=The Translation and Popularization of Buddhoṣṇīṣavijayadhāraṇī Sūtra in T’ang Dynasty [全文]
林韻柔 (著)=Lin, Yun-jo (au.)
 生死輪圖像的水車起源及其在大乘佛教裏的演變=The Origin of Waterwheel in the Saṃsāracakra (Wheel of Life) and its Transformations in Mahāyāna Buddhism [全文]
朱天舒 (著)=Zhu, Tian-shu (au.)
 兩宋社會菁英家庭婦女佛教信仰之再思考(下篇)=Rethinking Women's Piety towards Buddhism: The Case of Song Elite Families, Part II [全文]
黃啟江 (著)=Huang, Chi-chiang (au.)


n.2 [2008.06.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 「菩提心」用語成形前後的涵義探究 -- 以《般若波羅蜜經》前二品為主=The Pre-Terminological Expressions of Bodhicitta and Their Meanings in the First Two Chapters of the Prajñāpāramitā Sutras [全文]
宗玉媺 (著)=Choong, Yoke-meei (au.)
 龍樹語言策略之哲學詮解 -- 從漢譯《中論》之「說」字作線索=A Philosophical Interpretation of Nāgārjuna's Linguistic Strategy: With Special Focus on the Term “Speak” (shuo) in the Chinese Version of the Mūlamadhyamakākarikā [全文]
林建德=Lin, Kent Chien-te
 慧思禪觀體系中之般若觀行法門 -- 以慧思傳記及其著作中對《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》之引用及詮釋為中心=Huisi's Meditation System in Terms of his Interpretation and Practice of the Mohe bore boluomi jing 摩訶般若波羅蜜經 (Pañcaviṃ?atisāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā sūtra) [全文]
王晴薇 (著)=Wang, Ching-wei (au.)
 論天台觀心詮釋的「理解」與「前見」問題=“Understanding”and “Prejudice”According to the Hermeneutics in the Tiantai “Contemplation of Mental Activity” [全文]
郭朝順 (著)=Kuo, Chao-shun (au.)
 兩宋社會菁英家庭婦女佛教信仰之再思考(上篇)=Rethinking Women's Piety towards Buddhism: The Case of Song Elite Families, Part I [全文]
黃啟江 (著)=Huang, Chi-chiang (au.)
 大足寶頂「毗盧道場」和「圓覺道場」圖像內容、源流新探索 -- 破譯「六代祖師傳密印」謎底=A New Exploration of the Contents and Origins of the Vairocana Practice Hall and the Perfect Enlightenment Practice Hall: An Answer to the Riddle of the “Sixth Huayan Patriarch's Transmission of the Esoteric Seal” [全文]
胡文和 (著)=Hu, Wen-he (au.)
 《清文繙譯全藏經》書名、修書機構、翻譯刊刻時間考=The Title, Publisher, and Dates of Translation and Printing of the Qingwen fanyi quan zangjing [全文]
章宏偉 (著)=Zhang, Hong-wei (au.)


n.1 [2007.12.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 關於 Candrakīrti 的二諦說中的幾個問題(下) -- 以世俗諦與自性為中心=Several Issues Regarding Candrakīrti's Theory of Two Truths (Part II): Conventional Truth and Svabhāva [全文]
釋見弘 (著)=Shih, Jien-hong (au.)
 佛名經典和佛教禮懺的關係=The Relationship between Buddha-Name Sūtras and Buddhist Repentance Rituals [全文]
汪娟 (著)=Wang, chuan (au.)
 敦煌寫本六祖壇經的發現與文字校訂方法芻議=The Discovery of the Dunhuang Manuscripts of the Platform Sutra and Methods of Textual Revision [全文]
黃連忠 (著)=Huang, Lian-zhong (au.)
 慈雲遵式與天竺寺=Zunshi (964–1032) and Tianzhu Monastery [全文]
釋果鏡 (著)=Shih, Guo-jing (au.)
 大足石刻「報父母恩德經變」查考與辨正 -- 寶頂山「報德經變」軌範探本窮源=An Identification and Correction Regarding the Bao fumu ende jingbian in the Dazu Buddhist Caves: Tracing the Source Material of the “Repaying Parental Love” Tableaus at Baodingshan [全文]
陳明光 (著)=Chen, Ming-guang (au.)
 合川淶灘鷲峰禪窟內容探疑=An Investigation of the Chan Imagery in the Jiufeng Grottoes [全文]
李巳生 (著)=Li, Yi-sheng (au.)
 「如是我聞」か「如是我聞一時」か : 六朝隋唐の「如是我聞」解釋史への新視角=“Thus Have I Heard” or “Thus Have I Heard at One Time”?: New Perspectives on the Exegetical History of “Thus Have I Heard” in the Six Dynasties, Sui and Tang Periods [全文]
船山徹 (著)=Funayama, Toru (au.)
