


已收錄 7 篇著作,其中有7 篇全文  

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Kang, Ho-sun = 姜好願 = 姜好鮮



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  고려말 幻庵混修의 활동과 그 의미=Achievements of Seon Monk Hwan’am Honsu (幻庵混修) in the late Goryeo Dynasty and Its Historical Meaning 강호선 (著)=Kang, Ho-sun (au.) 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies 2016.04.30
  고려시대 水陸齋의 전개와공민왕대 國行水陸齋설행의 의미=A Study on Development of the Buddhist Rite for the Beings of Water and Land(水陸齋) During Goryo Dynasty and Historical Meaning of the National Ritual for the Beings of Water and Land(國行水陸齋) in the Reign of King Gongmin 강호선 (著)=Kang, Ho-sun (au.) 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu 2013.02.28
  고려후기 백련결사에 대한 재검토=A Review of White Lotus Community (白蓮結社) in the Late Goryeo Period 강호선 (著)=Kang, Ho-sun (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2019.03
  몽산화상 보설의 내용과 고려후기불교계와의 관계=A Study on Mengshan De-yi's Activity and His Relation with the Korean Buddhism in Late 13th Century Shown in Mengshan heshang pushuo 최연식 (著)=Che, Yeon-shik (au.); 강호선 (著)=Kang, Ho-sun (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2003
  여말선초 幻庵混脩 문도의 활동과 千峯卍雨=A Study on Disciples of Seon Monk Hwan’am-Honsu Focusing on Cheon-bong Manwoo in Early Joseon Period 강호선 (著)=Kang, Ho-sun (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2022.03
  역사학에서의 보조사상과 수선사 연구 30년 - 성과와 과제=A Review of Historical Studies on the Bojo Jinul’s Thought and Suseon-Gyeolsa in 1987~2017 강호선 (著)=Kang, Ho-sun (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2018.03
  원간섭기 천태종단의 변화 - 충렬 • 충선왕대 묘련사계를 중섬으로=The Changes Occurred inside the Koryõ Ch'õnt'ai School during the reigns of King Ch'ungnyõl and Ch'ungsõn 姜好鮮 (著)=Kang, Ho-sun (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2001.08