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「餓鬼臥」的現代醫學研究=Modern medical studies on the Peta recumbency |
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.); 陳高揚 (著)=Chen, Gau-yang (au.); 楊仁鄰 (著)=Yang, Jen-lin (au.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2003.01.15 |
「臨終八小時」是否為往生淨土的關鍵?=Is “eight hours after death” the key to rebirth to the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism? |
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.); 黃培禎 (著)=Hwang, Pei-jen (au.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2004.07.15 |
不合時宜的八敬法應早日廢除 |
郭正典 (著) |
弘誓=弘誓雙月刊=弘誓通訊 |
2001.08.01 |
不合時宜的八敬法應早日廢除=The outdated astha guru-dharma should be abandoned as soon as possible |
郭正典 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2001.07.15 |
巴米揚大佛不應原址重建=Bamiyan Colossal Buddha Should Not Be Rebuilt at The Same Site |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2002.07.15 |
台灣禪=Taiwan Zen |
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2003.01.15 |
生命的省思 |
郭正典 |
佛學與科學研討會論文集(第1屆) |
1990.07.06 |
生命無價?=Is Life Priceless |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2005.07.15 |
回教的齋戒月與佛教的過午不食=Ramadan of Muslim and no-food-after-midday of Buddhism |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2005.01.15 |
好死不易在台灣=It may not easy to have a good death in Taiwan |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2006.07.15 |
佛教人類胚胎學=Buddhistic Human Embryology |
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2005.01.15 |
佛教人類胚胎學=Buddhistic Human Embryology |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2005.01.15 |
佛教沒有不可培殖人類胚胎的問題=Buddhism has no such problems as to the cloning of human embryos |
郭正典 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2002.01.15 |
佛教的「過午不食」=No-food-after-midday precept(Vikala Bhojana Veramani)in Buddhism |
洪敏榮 =Hung, Ming-jung ; 郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2002.07.15 |
佛教師子王臥對冠狀動脈疾病患者及孕婦自律神經活性的效應=The effect of Lion King recumbency on autonomic nervous activity in patients with coronary artery disease and pregnant women |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2001.01.15 |
佛教徒不會發起聖戰=No Jihad for Buddhists |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2002.01.15 |
佛教徒如何面對誹謗?=How do Buddhists face the slander? |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2006.01.01 |
佛教徒如何對待他人過惡?=How Should Buddhist react to other people's fault? |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2002.01.15 |
佛學與物理世界 -- 專題討論(一) |
郭正典 |
佛學與科學研討會論文集(第5屆) |
1999.04 |
空無及留白的重要性=The Importance of Void and Bland |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2006.07.15 |
科學的非科學基礎 |
郭正典 |
佛學與科學研討會論文集(第5屆) |
1999.04.10 |
站在巨人的肩膀上=Standing on the shoulders of the giants |
郭正典 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2000.07.15 |
素食者如何避免被攙葷素食所騙?=How can vegetarians avoid being mocked with animal meats? |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2004.07.15 |
般若波羅蜜多心經: 一份禪定境界的科學報告=I Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra:a scientific report of profound meditation |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2003.07.15 |
從自律神經活性看佛教的師子王臥 |
郭正典; 陳高揚 |
第四屆佛學與科學研討會論文集 |
1996 |
探討引發慈濟志業的故事=Exploring the origin of Tsu-Chi missions |
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2001.07.15 |
無過失與佛法=No-fault and Buddhism |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2000.07.15 |
碎維與佛法 |
郭正典 |
第二屆佛學與科學研討會論文集 |
1992.07.25 |
道教對臥姿的主張=Taoism's comments on the position during recumbency |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang ; 陳雲卿 =Chen, Yun-ching |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2002.01.15 |
盡在不言中=When you say nothing at all |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2006.01.01 |
誰是生命的主人=Who is the master of life? |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2001.07.15 |
靜坐數息對正常人自律神經活性的效應=The effect of breath-counting meditation on theautonomic nervous modulation in normal subjects |
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2001.07.15 |
臨終的醫學, 法學和佛學 |
郭正典 |
普門=Universal Gate |
1999.04 |
臨終的醫學, 法學與佛學 |
郭正典 |
第四屆佛學與科學研討會論文集 |
1996 |
避談死亡如何了生脫死?=How can we achieve moksa if we avoid talking about death? |
郭正典 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2001.01.15 |