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Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
A Note on Some Aspects of Mi skyod rdo rie's Critique of dGe lugs pa Madhyamaka |
Williams, Paul |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1983.06 |
A Response to John Pettit |
Williams, Paul |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
1999 |
A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence of the Reflexive Nature of Awareness(Rang Rig) |
Williams, Paul |
Adaptability and Morality--on Truth and Belief in a Buddhist Setting |
Williams, Paul |
World Religions in Education 1992/1993 |
1992 |
Altruism and reality : studies in the philosophy of the Bodhicaryavatara |
Williams, Paul |
1998 |
Altruism and Reality:Studies in the Philosophy of the Bodhicaryavatara |
Williams, Paul |
1997.10.29 |
An Argument for Cittamatra:Reflections on Bodhicaryavatara 9:28(Tib. 27)cd |
Williams, Paul |
Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the International Association for Tibetan Studies |
1994 |
Book Review: "Karl Potter, Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology" |
Williams, Paul (著) |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1978.11 |
Book Review: "Mervyn Sprung (trans.) Lucid Exposition of the Middle Way" |
Williams, Paul |
Buddhist Quarterly |
1980 |
Book Review: "Tsong Khapa's Speech of Gold in the Essence of True Eloquence", by Robert A.F. Thurman |
Williams, Paul |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 |
1986.06 |
Book Review: Book Reviews |
Mullens, James G. (著); Keown, Damien (著); Williams, Paul (著); Norman, K. R. (著); Bhikkhu Pāsādika (著) |
Buddhist Studies Review |
1985 |
Book Review: Book Reviews |
Phra Khantipalo ; Harvey, Peter ; Norman, K. R. ; Bhikkhu Pāsādika ; Williams, Paul ; De Jong, J. W. |
Buddhist Studies Review |
1986 |
Book Review: Book Reviews |
Norman, K. R.; Walshe, Maurice; Sole-Leris, Amadeo; Cheetham, Eric; Williams, Paul; Werner, Karel |
Buddhist Studies Review |
1991 |
Book Review: Book Reviews |
Phra Khantipalo; Norman, K. R.; Sole-Leris, Amadeo; Williams, Paul; Cheetham, Eric; Hunn, Richard |
Buddhist Studies Review |
1992 |
Book Review: Book Reviews |
Norman, K. R.; Williams, Paul; Bhikkhu Pāsādika; Keown, Damien; Kilty, Gavin; Walshe, Maurice |
Buddhist Studies Review |
1992 |
Book Review: Book Reviews |
Williams, Paul; Prebish, Charles S.; Sole-Leris, Amadeo; Bancroft, Richard; W., R. B.; Mills, Laurence |
Buddhist Studies Review |
1994 |
Book Review: Book Reviews |
Norman, K. R. ; Barrett, T. H. ; Lindtner, Chr. ; Williams, Paul ; Werner, Karel ; Ireland, John D. |
Buddhist Studies Review |
1998 |
Book Review: Buddhist Hermeneutics by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. |
Williams, Paul (評論) |
Literature and Theology |
1990.03 |
Book Review: Nāgārjuna's 'Twelve Gate Treatise'. By Hsueh-li Cheng |
Williams, Paul (著) |
Religious Studies |
1983.12 |
Book Review: Nagarjuniana: Studies in the Writings and Philosophy of Nagarjuna" by Chr. Lindtner |
Williams, Paul (著) |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1984.03 |
Book Review: The American Encounter with Buddhism, 1844–1912: Victorian Culture and the Limits of Dissent. By Thomas A. Tweed |
Williams, Paul (評論) |
Church History=Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture |
1993.09 |
Buddhism |
Williams, Paul |
Turning points in religious studies |
1990 |
Buddhism and Sexuality — Some Notes |
Williams, Paul |
The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society |
1991.08 |
Buddhism, 8-Vols/Set.佛教 |
Williams, Paul |
2005 |
Buddhism: Critical Concepts in Religious Studies |
Williams, Paul; Williams, Paul |
2005.07 |
Buddhist Funeral Cultures of Southeast Asia and China |
Williams, Paul; Ladwig, Patrice |
2012 |
Buddhist Thought: A Complete Introduction to the Indian Tradition |
Williams, Paul ; Tribe, Anthony=Dharmachari Anandajyoti |
2000 |
Development of faith and the perception of truth-the Use of the Visual Arts in Buddhism |
Williams, Paul |
World Religions in Education |
1991 |
Identifying the Object of Negation:on Bodhicaryavatara 9:140(Tib. 139) |
Williams, Paul |
Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde=Etudes asiatiques : revue de la Société Suisse d'études asiatiques |
1995 |
Il Buddhismo Mahayana |
Williams, Paul |
1990 |
Indian Philosophy |
Williams, Paul |
1998 |
Introduction to the Study of Religion |
Clark, Francis; Williams, Paul |
1981 |
Introduction-Some Random Reflections on the Study of Tibetan Madhyamaka |
Williams, Paul (著) |
The Tibet Journal |
1989 |
Madhyamaka for Midwives [Practicing Buddhism in the West; 2 Pts; Bibliog] |
Williams, Paul |
The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society |
1992.02 |
Madhyamaka for Midwives:Part 2 |
Williams, Paul |
The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society |
1992 |
Mahayana Buddhism (The Library of Religious Beliefs & Practices) |
Williams, Paul |
2005.04.30 |
Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations |
Williams, Paul |
2008.08.29 |
Mahāyāna Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations |
Williams, Paul |
2008.08.31 |
Mahāyāna Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations |
Williams, Paul |
2008.07.11 |
Mahᾱyᾱna Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations |
Williams, Paul (著) |
1989 |
Nagarjuna:Selections from the Madhyamakakarika Together with Extracts from the Commentaries |
Williams, Paul |
The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society |
1977 |
Non-Conceptuality, Critical Reasoning and Religious Experience:Some Tibetan Buddhist Discussions |
Williams, Paul |
Philosophy |
1992 |
Non-conceptuality, critical reasoning and religious Experience:some Tibetan Buddhist discussions [bibliog] |
Williams, Paul |
Philosophy, religion and the spiritual life |
1992 |
On Altruism and Rebirth Philosophical Comments on Bodhicaryāvatāra 8: 97–8 |
Williams, Paul |
The Buddhist Forum |
1994 |
On Minds and Mind-transformation:The Buddhist Perspective |
Williams, Paul |
Teaching World Religions: A Teacher's Handbook |
1993 |
On Prakrtinirvana/Prakrtinirvrta in the Bodhicaryavatara:A Study in the Indo-Tibetan Commentarial Tradition |
Williams, Paul |
Etudes Bouddhiques Offerters a Jacques May (Asiatische Studien/Tudes Asiatiques XLVI, 1, 1992) |
1983 |
On Rang Ring |
Williams, Paul |
Contributions on Tibetan and Buddhist Religion and Philosophy |
1983 |
On the interpretation of Madhyamaka thought |
Williams, Paul |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1991.06 |
Response to Mark Siderits' Review |
Williams, Paul |
Philosophy East and West |
2000.07 |
Rma Bya Pa Byang Chub Brtson 'Grus on Madhyamaka method |
Williams, Paul |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1985.09 |
Silence and Truth-Some Aspects of Madhyamika Philosophy of Tibet |
Williams, Paul (著) |
The Tibet Journal |
1982 |
Some Aspects of Language and Construction in theMadhyamaka |
Williams, Paul |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1980.03 |
Some Buddhist Reflections of Hans Kung's Treatment of Mahayana Buddhism in Christianity and the WorldReligions |
Williams, Paul |
World Faiths Insight |
1989 |
Some Dimensions of the Recent Work of Raimundo Panikkar: A Buddhist Perspective |
Williams, Paul (著) |
Religious Studies |
1991.12 |
Some Dimensions of the Recent work of Raimundo Panikkar:Buddhist Perspective |
Williams, Paul |
Religious Studies |
1991.12 |
Some Mahayana Buddhist Perspectives on the Body |
Williams, Paul |
Religion and the Body |
1997 |
Teaching World Religions:A TeacherUs Handbook Produced by the Shap Working Party on World Religions in Education |
Kadodwala, Dilip; Williams, Paul; Brown, Alan; Erricker, Clive; Hayward, Mary |
1993 |
The Bodhicaryavatara: A Guide to the Buddhist Path to Awakening |
Crosby, Kate; Santideva; Skilton, Andrew; Williams, Paul |
1996.03.01 |
The Bodhicaryavatara: A Guide to the Buddhist Path to Awakening |
Santideva; Crosby, Kate; Skilton, Andrew; Williams, Paul |
1996.04 |
The Bodhicaryavatara: A Guide to the Buddhist Path to Awakening |
Crosby, Kate; Skilton, Andrew; Shantideva (著)=Santideva (au.); Williams, Paul |
2003.07 |
The Great Path of Awakening -- The Classic Guide to Lojong, a Tibetan Buddhist Practice for Cultivating theHeart of Compassion |
Williams, Paul |
2005.04 |
The Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence |
Williams, Paul |
1997.10.29 |
The Unexpected Way: On Converting from Buddhism to Catholicism |
Williams, Paul |
2002.07.06 |
Trust, Self-Abandonment and Devotion: The Cults of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas |
Williams, Paul |
Mahāyāna Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations 2d ed |
2009 |
Tsong Kha Pa on Kun Rdzob Bden Pa |
Williams, Paul |
Tibetan Studies in honour of Hugh Richardson |
1980 |