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34 bibliography, 24 full-text accessible.  

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Alternative Names:

Nasu, Eisho


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Fulltext Title Author Source Date
  「七難消滅の誦文」考=A Brief Note on the Hymn Expelling Seven Hardships 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2010.12
  「仏教の未来」 Blum, Mark Laurence =マーク ‧L‧ブラム ; 三角洋一 =Misumi, Yoichi ; 蓑輪顕量 =Minowa, Kenryo ; 那須英勝 =Nasu, Eisho ; 赤松徹真 =Akamatusu, Tetushin ; 中川修 =Nakagawa, Osamu 龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要=Bulletin of Research Institute for Buddhist Culture, Ryukoku University=ブッキョウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ 2011.12.26
  『私聚百因縁集』の「仏法王法縁起由来」に見える中世日本仏教僧の重層的世界観 (川添泰信教授定年退職記念特集號 : 浄土仏教と親鸞教義)="The Origin Story of the Buddha's Law and King's Law" (Buppo Obo no Engi Yurai) : The Multi-layered Worldview of a Medieval Japanese Priest as Told in the Shiju Hyakuinnen Shu (Hundred Tales of Buddhism Collected Personally) 那須英勝 真宗学=Shinshugaku : Journal of Studies in Shin Buddhism=シンシュウガク 2018.03
  『教行信証』(文明本)の研究=A Study Of the Bunmei Edition Of the Kyōgyōshinshō 川添泰信 (著); 那須英勝 (著); 高田文英 (著); 田中無量 (著); 四夷法顕 (著); 西河唯 (著) 龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要=Bulletin of Research Institute for Buddhist Culture, Ryukoku University=ブッキョウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ 2018.03.30
  『選擇註解鈔』の研究=A Study of Senjaku Chūgeshō 川添泰信 (著)=Kawazoe, Taishin (au.); 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.); 杉岡孝紀 (著)=Sugioka, Takanori (au.); 玉木興慈 (著)=Tamaki, Koji (au.); 高田文英 (著)=Takada, Bunei (au.); 三栗章夫 (著)=Mikuri, Akio (au.) 龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要=Bulletin of Research Institute for Buddhist Culture, Ryukoku University=ブッキョウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ 2014.03.26
  A Critical Review of Joseph Kitagawa’s Methodology for the History of Religions in Japanese Religious Studies Nasu, Eisho Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 1994
  Belief and Slander : Seikaku Hoin (1167-1235) in Shinran's Work and Life Nasu, Eisho (著) 真宗学=Shinshugaku : Journal of Studies in Shin Buddhism=シンシュウガク 2021.03
  Book Review: "The Collected Works of Shinran. 2 vols," by Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Nasu, Eisho (著)=那須英勝 (au.) Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 2000
  Book Review: Aspiring to Enlightenment: Pure Land Buddhism in Silla Korea. By Richard D. McBride II Nasu, Eisho (著) The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series 2023.01
  Book Review: Genshin’s Ōjōyōshū and the Construction of Pure Land Discourse in Heian Japan by Robert F. Rhodes Nasu, Eisho (評論) Journal of Religion in Japan 2017.06
  Book Review: Guardians of the Buddha's Home: Domestic Religion in Contemporary Jōdo Shinshū by Jessica Starling Nasu, Eisho (評論) Journal of Japanese Studies 2021
  Doctrine and Institution in Japanese Tendai Buddhism: A Study of Jie Daishi Ryogen (912-985) Nasu, Eisho 1997.01
  Doctrine and institution in Japanese Tendai Buddhism: A study of Jie Daishi Ryogen (912-985) Nasu, Eisho Dissertation Abstracts International 1996
  Engaged Pure Land Buddhism: The Challenges Facing Joodo-Shinshu in the Contemporary World: Essays in Honor of Professor Alfred Bloom Nasu, Eisho ; Tanaka, Kenneth Kenichi 1998
  Genshin's Discovery of the Easy Way to Receive Confirmation for Enlightenment in the Present Life Nasu, Eisho (著) 真宗学=Shinshugaku : Journal of Studies in Shin Buddhism=シンシュウガク 2020.03
  Introduction of the Chinese god of the dead into medieval Japanese religious culture Nasu, Eisho (著)=那須英勝 (au.) 2004.03
  Joy of Shinran: Rethinking the Traditional Shinshu Views on the Concept of the Stage of Truly Settled Murakami, Sokusui; Nasu, Eisho Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 2001
  Pacific World n.11 Payne, Richard K.; Matsumoto, David; Nasu, Eisho; Quli, Natalie; Mitchell, Scott A. 2009
  Rennyo’s Theory on Amida Buddha’s Name:A Comparison with Shinran (Part 1) Fugen, Koju; Nasu, Eisho Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 2001
  The Teaching of Hearing-the-Name in the Larger Sukhavatvyuha Sutra Ota, Risho; Nasu, Eisho Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 2000
  パネルの主旨とまとめ - 宗教多元時代における宗教間教育の実践とその課題=Summary of Panel Presentations - Practices and Challenges for Interfaith Education in a Religiously Pluralistic Age 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.) 宗教研究. 別冊=Journal of religious studies. Supplement 2015.03.30
  ヨーロッパの妙好人と「無対辞」の思想 ― ハーリー・ピーパー師の事績を通して ― =A European Myokonin and His "Non-antithetical" Thought : Brief Notes on the Life of Rev. Harry Pieper 那須英勝 真宗学=Shinshugaku : Journal of Studies in Shin Buddhism=シンシュウガク 2016.03
  ヨーロッパの妙好人と「無対辞」の思想=A European Myokonin and His Non-antithetical Thought 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.) 宗教研究=Journal of Religious Studies=シュウキョウ ケンキュウ 2014.03.30
  人間・科学・宗教オープン・リサーチ・センター 仏教の実践的研究のための新視座 : ハーバード神学大学院仏教伝道者養成に学ぶ=New Vision for Practical Buddhist Studies: Learning from Buddhist Ministry Initiative at Harvard Divinity School 鍋島直樹 (著)=Nabeshima, Naoki (au.); 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.) 龍谷大学世界仏教文化研究論叢=Bulletin of Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryukoku University 2019.03.30
  不干斎ハビアンの一向宗批判: キリシタン知識人の見た徳川黎明期の浄土真宗=Fucan Fabian's Critique of the Ikko-shu:A Christian intellectual's view of Jodo Shinshu at the dawn of the Tokugawa period 那須英勝 =Nasu, Eisho 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2005.03
  不干斎ハビアンの浄土教批判 :『妙貞問答』における浄土四義説の受容=Fucan Fabian's Critique of the Pure Land Teaching:The Use of the Pure Land Theory of the Fourfold Essence in the Myotei Mondo 那須英勝 =Nasu, Eisho 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2002.03
  中世浄土信仰と破地獄文 : 「玄通蘇生譚」の流伝について=Medieval Pure Land Buddhist Practice and Spells for Safety in Hell : The Transmission of the Tale of Xuantong's Resurrection 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2015.03
  玄智『考信録』の基礎的研究=A Fundamental Research of the Koshinroku by Genchi 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.); 内田准心 (著)=Uchida, Junshin (au.); 内手弘太 (著)=Uchide, Kota (au.) 龍谷大学世界仏教文化研究論叢=Bulletin of Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryukoku University 2022.03.12
  妙好人の言葉と行動への現代的アプローチ 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2011.03
  宗教間教育の実践とその評価 : 海外の事例との比較を通じて=Conducting and Evaluating Interfaith Education : Understanding Its Significance from an International Perspective 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.) 宗教研究. 別冊=Journal of religious studies. Supplement 2015.03.30
  書評と紹介 Clark CHILSON, Secrecy's Power: Covert Shin Buddhists in Japan and Contradictions of Concealment=Clark CHILSON, Secrecy's Power: Covert Shin Buddhists in Japan and Contradictions of Concealment 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.) 宗教研究=Journal of Religious Studies=シュウキョウ ケンキュウ 2015.06.30
  現代アメリカ仏教徒の宗教観と真宗の伝道の課題 - ピュー・フォーラム「全米宗教実勢調査」に学ぶ - 那須英勝 真宗学=Shinshugaku : Journal of Studies in Shin Buddhism=シンシュウガク 2011.03
  無量壽經諸異本における本願思想の展開 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.) 龍谷大学大学院研究紀要 人文科学 1987.03.22
  聖覚法印の妹浄意尼の事跡について=Brief Notes on the Records of Seikaku Hoin's Sister, the Nun Joi 那須英勝 (著)=Nasu, Eisho (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2012.12