v.50 n.1 [2023 出版]
v.49 n.1 [2022 出版]
v.48 n.2 [2021 出版]
v.48 n.1 [2021 出版]
v.47 n.2 [2020 出版]
v.47 n.1 [2020 出版]
v.46 n.2 [2019 出版]
v.46 n.1 [2019 出版]
v.45 n.2 [2018 出版]
v.45 n.1 [2018 出版]
v.44 n.2 [2017 出版]
v.44 n.1 [2017 出版]
v.43 n.2 [2016 出版]
v.43 n.1 [2016 出版]
v.42 n.2 [2015 出版]
v.42 n.1 [2015 出版]
v.41 n.2 [2014 出版]
v.41 n.1 [2014 出版]
v.40 n.2 [2013 出版]
v.40 n.1 [2013 出版]
v.39 n.2 [2012 出版]
v.39 n.1 [2012 出版]
v.38 n.2 [2011 出版]
v.38 n.1 [2011 出版]
v.37 n.2 [2010 出版]
v.37 n.1 [2010 出版]
v.36 n.2 [2009 出版]
v.36 n.1 [2009 出版]
v.35 n.2 [2008 出版]
v.35 n.1 [2008 出版]
v.34 n.2 [2007 出版]
v.33 n.2 [2006 出版]
v.33 n.1 [2006 出版]
v.32 n.2 [2005 出版]
v.32 n.1 [2005 出版]
v.31 n.2 [2004 出版]
v.31 n.1 [2004 出版]
v.30 n.3-4 [2003 出版]
v.30 n.1-2 [2003 出版]
v.29 n.3-4 [2002 出版]
v.29 n.1-2 [2002 出版]
v.28 n.3-4 [2001 出版]
v.28 n.1-2 [2001 出版]
v.27 n.3-4 [2000 出版]
v.27 n.1-2 [2000 出版]
v.26 n.3-4 [1999 出版]
v.26 n.1-2 [1999 出版]
v.25 n.3-4 [1998 出版]
v.25 n.1-2 [1998 出版]
v.24 n.3-4 [1997 出版]
v.24 n.1-2 [1997 出版]
v.23 n.3-4 [1996 出版]
v.23 n.1-2 [1996 出版]
v.22 n.3-4 [1995.09-12 出版]
v.22 n.1-2 [1995.03-06 出版]
v.21 n.4 [1994.12 出版]
v.21 n.2-3 [1994.06-09 出版]
v.21 n.1 [1994.03 出版]
v.20 n.4 [1993.12 出版]
v.20 n.2-3 [1993.06-09 出版]
v.20 n.1 [1993.03 出版]
v.19 n.4 [1992.12 出版]
v.19 n.2-3 [1992.06-09 出版]
v.19 n.1 [1992.03 出版]
v.18 n.4 [1991.12 出版]
v.18 n.2-3 [1991.06-09 出版]
v.18 n.1 [1991.03 出版]
v.17 n.4 [1990.12 出版]
v.17 n.2-3 [1990.06-09 出版]
v.17 n.1 [1990.03 出版]
v.16 n.4 [1989.12 出版]
v.16 n.2-3 [1989.06-09 出版]
v.16 n.1 [1989.03 出版]
v.15 n.4 [1988.12 出版]
v.15 n.2-3 [1988.06-09 出版]
v.15 n.1 [1988.03 出版]
v.14 n.4 [1987.12 出版]
v.14 n.2-3 [1987.06-09 出版]
v.14 n.1 [1987.03 出版]
v.13 n.4 [1986.12 出版]
v.13 n.2-3 [1986.06-09 出版]
v.13 n.1 [1986.03 出版]
v.12 n.4 [1985.12 出版]
v.12 n.2-3 [1985.06-09 出版]
v.12 n.1 [1985.03 出版]
v.11 n.4 [1984.12 出版]
v.11 n.2-3 [1984.06-09 出版]
v.11 n.1 [1984.03 出版]
v.10 n.4 [1983.12 出版]
v.10 n.2-3 [1983.06-09 出版]
v.10 n.1 [1983.03 出版]
v.9 n.4 [1982.12 出版]
v.9 n.2-3 [1982.06-09 出版]
v.9 n.1 [1982.03 出版]
v.8 n.3-4 [1981.09-12 出版]
v.8 n.1-2 [1981.03-06 出版]
v.7 n.4 [1980.12 出版]
v.7 n.2-3 [1980.06-09 出版]
v.7 n.1 [1980.03 出版]
v.6 n.4 [1979.12 出版]
v.6 n.3 [1979.09 出版]
v.6 n.1-2 [1979.03-06 出版]
v.5 n.4 [1978.12 出版]
v.5 n.2-3 [1978.06-09 出版]
v.5 n.1 [1978.03 出版]
v.4 n.4 [1977.12 出版]
v.4 n.2-3 [1977.06-09 出版]
v.4 n.1 [1977.03 出版]
v.3 n.4 [1976.12 出版]
v.3 n.2-3 [1976.06-09 出版]
v.3 n.1 [1976.03 出版]
v.2 n.4 [1975.12 出版]
v.2 n.2-3 [1975.06-09 出版]
v.2 n.1 [1975.03 出版]
v.1 n.4 [1974.12 出版]
v.1 n.2-3 [1974.09 出版]
v.1 n.1 [1974.03 出版]
v.50 n.1 [2023出版]
v.49 n.1 [2022出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Reconstructing the Grand Narrative: The Pure Land of Madoka Magica [全文]
Greene, Barbara (著) |
Revealing the Miraculous: Objects Placed inside the Statue of the Kōfukuji Nan’endō Fukūkenjaku Kannon [全文]
Chan, Yen-yi (著)=詹晏怡 (au.) |
Rethinking the Interdependence of Buddhism and the State in Late Edo and Meiji Japan [全文]
Kleine, Christoph (著) |
Religion, Politics, and the Law in Postwar Japan [全文]
Mullins, Mark R. (評論); Thomas, Jolyon Baraka (評論); McMullen, Matthew D. (評論) |
Book Review: The Saga of Zen History & the Power of Legend by John C. Maraldo [全文]
Ó Muireartaigh, Rossa (評論) |
Book Review: Shinbutsu yūgō no Higashi Ajia shi. By Yoshida Kazuhiko=Book Review: 神仏融合の東アジア史 By 吉田一彦 [全文]
Teeuwen, Mark (評論) |
Book Review: A Path into the Mountains: Shugendō and Mount Togakushi. By Caleb Swift Carter [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. (評論) |
v.48 n.2 [2021出版]
v.48 n.1 [2021出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
An Amenable Arrangement: The Unification of the Nichiren Sect in Sixteenth-Century Kyoto [全文]
Sherer, Dan (著) |
Authority and Competition: Shingon Buddhist Monastic Communities in Medieval Japanese Regional Society [全文]
Huang, Xiaolong (著) |
Book Review:Zen Terror in Prewar Japan: Portrait of an Assassin by Brian Daizen Victoria [全文]
O’Leary, Joseph S. (著) |
Book Review:Against Harmony: Progressive and Radical Buddhism in Modern Japan by James Mark Shields [全文]
O’Leary, Joseph S. (著) |
Book Review:Buddhist Literature as Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy as Literature by Rafal K. Stepien [全文]
O’Leary, Joseph S. (著) |
The Human-Fish: Animality, Teratology, and Religion in Premodern Japan [全文]
Castiglioni, Andrea (著) |
The Dharma of Music: Gagaku and Buddhist Salvation in Medieval Japan [全文]
Rambelli, Fabio (著) |
Faith as Authenticity: Kyoto’s Gion Festival in 2020 [全文]
Teeuwen, Mark (著) |
Japanese Food Offerings [全文]
Grapard, Allan G. (著) |
Review: Christian Sorcerers on Trial: Records of the 1827 Osaka Incident by Fumiaki Miyazaki, Kate Wildman Nakai, Mark Teeuwen [全文]
Suter, Rebecca (著) |
Review: Nichirenshugi to wa nan datta no ka: Kindai Nihon no shisō suimyaku 日蓮主義とはなんだったのか―近代日本の思想水脈 by Ōtani Eiichi, 大谷 栄 [全文]
Stone, Jacqueline I. (著) |
Review: “Sōryorashisa” to “joseirashisa” no shūkyō shakaigaku: Nichirenshū josei sōryo no jirei kara 「僧侶らしさ」と「女性らしさ」の宗教社会学—日蓮宗女性僧侶 の事例から by Niwa Nobuko, 丹羽 宣子 [全文]
Kobayashi, Naoko (著); Peterson, Richard (譯) |
Review: Exploring Shinto by Michael Pye [全文]
O’Leary, Joseph S. (著) |
v.47 n.2 [2020出版]
v.47 n.1 [2020出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Editor’s Introduction: Esoteric Buddhist Traditions in Medieval Japan [全文]
McMullen, Matthew |
Buddhist Temple Networks in Medieval Japan: Daigoji, Mt. Kōya, and the Miwa Lineage [全文]
Andreeva, Anna |
The Mountain as Mandala: Kūkai’s Founding of Mt. Kōya [全文]
Bushelle, Ethan |
The Doctrinal Origins of Embryology in the Shingon School [全文]
Kameyama, Takahiko (著)=亀山隆彦 (au.) |
"Deviant Teachings": The Tachikawa Lineage as a Moving Concept in Japanese Buddhism [全文]
Rappo, Gaétan |
Nenbutsu Orthodoxies in Medieval Japan [全文]
Proffitt, Aaron P. |
The Making of an Esoteric Deity: Sannō Discourse in the Keiran shūyōshū [全文]
Park, Yeonjoo |
Reviews: Gaétan Rappo, Rhétoriques de l’hérésie dans le Japon médiéval et moderne: Le moine Monkan (1278–1357) et sa réputation posthume [全文]
Trenson, Steven |
Reviews: Anna Andreeva, Assembling Shinto: Buddhist Approaches to Kami Worship in Medieval Japan [全文]
Porath, Or |
v.46 n.2 [2019出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Finding a Place For Jizō: A Study Of Jizō Statuary In the Buddhist Temples Of Sendai [全文]
Donnere, Alīse Eishō |
Chōgen’s Vision Of Tōdaiji’s Great Buddha As Both Mahāvairocana and Amitābha [全文]
Ingram, Evan S. |
The Fall Peak, Professional Culture, and Document Production In Early Modern Haguro Shugendo [全文]
Clements, Frank |
Book Review: Richard K. Payne, Language In the Buddhist Tantra Of Japan: Indic Roots Of Mantra [全文]
Craig, Ralph H., III |
Book Review: Melissa Anne-Marie Curley, Pure Land, Real World: Modern Buddhism, Japanese Leftists, and the Utopian Imagination [全文]
Conway, Michael |
Book Review: Levi McLaughlin, Soka Gakkai’s Human Revolution: The Rise Of a Mimetic Nation In Modern Japan [全文]
Morris, James Harry |
Book Review: Edward R. Drott, Buddhism and the Transformation Of Old Age In Medieval Japan [全文]
Bushelle, Ethan |
v.46 n.1 [2019出版]
v.45 n.2 [2018出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Rice, Relics, and Jewels: The Network and Agency Of Rice Grains In Medieval Japanese Esoteric Buddhism [全文]
Trenson, Steven |
Mantras and Materialities: Saidaiji Order Kōmyō Shingon Practices [全文]
Quinter, David |
The Materiality Of a Promise: Interworldly Contracts In Medieval Buddhist Promotional Campaign Imagery [全文]
Hirasawa, Caroline |
Book Review: Sherry D. Fowler, Accounts and Images Of Six Kannon In Japan [全文]
Saka, Chihiro |
Book Review: G. Clinton Godart, Darwin, Dharma, and the Divine: Evolutionary Theory and Religion In Modern Japan [全文]
Cheung, Kin |
Book Review: Pamela D. Winfield and Steven Heine, Eds., Zen and Material Culture [全文]
Kubovčáková, Zuzana |
v.45 n.1 [2018出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Mountain Buddhism and the Emergence of a Buddhist Cosmic Imaginary in Ancient Japan [全文]
Bushelle, Ethan |
Japanese Buddhist Astrology and Astral Magic: Mikkyō and Sukuyōdō [全文]
Kotyk, Jeffrey |
Separate Teaching and Separate Transmission: Kokan Shiren’s Zen Polemics [全文]
Licha, Stephan Kigensan |
The Shōkokuji Pagoda: Building the Infrastructure of Buddhist Kingship in Medieval Japan [全文]
Stavros, Matthew; Tomishima, Yoshiyuki |
Book Review: Gregory P. A. Levine, Long Strange Journey: On Modern Zen, Zen Art, and Other Predicaments [全文]
Heller, Natasha |
Book Review: Bryan D. Lowe, Ritualized Writing: Buddhist Practice and Scriptural Cultures in Ancient Japan [全文]
Green, Ronald S. |
v.44 n.2 [2017出版]
v.44 n.1 [2017出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "Promising Practices: Women Volunteers in Contemporary Japanese Religious Civil Society," by Paola Cavaliere [全文]
Muruyama, Yumi |
Book Review: "Women in Japanese Religions," by Barbara R. Ambros [全文]
Kuroki, Masako (著)=黒木雅子 (au.) |
Women Challenging the “Celibate” Buddhist Order: Recent Cases of Progress and Regress in the Sōtō School [全文]
Kawahashi, Noriko (著)=川橋範子 (au.); Peterson, Richard |
Charting Known Territory: Female Buddhist Priests [全文]
Rowe, Mark |
Sacred Mountains and Women in Japan: Fighting a Romanticized Image of Female Ascetic Practitioners [全文]
小林奈央子 (著)=Kobayashi, Naoko (au.) |
Editors’ Introduction: Gendering Religious Practices In Japan: Multiple Voices, Multiple Strategies [全文]
Kawahashi, Noriko =川橋範子 ; Kobayashi, Naoko =小林奈央子 |
v.43 n.2 [2016出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Way to Gyō : Priestly Asceticism on the Shikoku Henro [全文]
Shultz, John A. |
Shinran as “Other” : Revisiting Kurata Hyakuzō’s The Priest and His Disciples [全文]
Ama, Michihiro (著)=阿満道尋 (au.) |
Book Review: "Leaving for the Rising Sun : Chinese Zen Master Yinyuan & the Authenticity Crisis in Early Modern East Asia," by Jiang Wu [全文]
Keyworth, George A. |
Jizō, Healing Rituals, and Women in Japan [全文]
Moto-Sanchez, Milla Micka |
Many Tongues, Many Buddhisms in a Pluralistic World : A Christian Interpretation at the Interreligious Crossroads [全文]
Yong, Amos |
Book Review: "Women in Japanese Religions," Barbara Ambros [全文]
Kim, Sujung |
Book Review: "Nishida Kitarō’s Chiasmatic Chorology : Place of Dialectic and Dialectic of Place,"by John W. M. Krummel [全文]
Kopf, Gereon (著)=コプフゲレオン (au.) |
v.43 n.1 [2016出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Jōkei’s Monju Kōshiki in Five Parts (c. 1196) [全文]
Quinter, David |
Myōe’s Nehan kōshiki: An Annotated Translation [全文]
Mross, Michaela (著) |
Editors’ Introduction: Kōshiki in Japanese Buddhism [全文]
Ambros, Barbara; Ford, James L.; Mross, Michaela |
Materializing and Performing Prajñā: Jōkei’s Mañjuśrī Faith and the Kasagidera Restoration [全文]
Quinter, David |
The Buddhist Affirmation of Poetry and Locating a Thirteenth-century Fugen kōshiki in Liturgical Literature [全文]
Jamentz, Michael |
Vocalizing the Lament over the Buddha’s Passing: A Study of Myōe’s Shiza kōshiki [全文]
Mross, Michaela (著) |
Imagining Rāhula in Medieval Japan: The Raun kōshiki [全文]
Meeks, Lori |
Jingi kōshiki: A Neglected Field of Study [全文]
Guelberg, Niels |
Recognizing the Founder, Seeing Amida Buddha: Kakunyo’s Hōon kōshiki [全文]
Callahan, Christopher |
A Rite of Their Own: Japanese Buddhist Nuns and the Anan kōshiki [全文]
Ambros, Barbara |
Anan kōshiki: An Annotated Translation [全文]
Ambros, Barbara (著) |
v.42 n.2 [2015出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Nichirenism, Utopianism, and Modernity: Rethinking Ishiwara Kanji’s East Asia League Movement [全文]
Godart, Gerard Clinton |
The Inexhaustible Lamp of Faith: Faith and Awakening in the Japanese Rinzai Tradition [全文]
Joskovic, Erez Hekigan |
Book Review: "A Cultural History of Japanese Buddhism," by William E. Deal and Brian Ruppert [全文]
Green, Ronald S. |
Book Review: "Japanese Tree Burial: Ecology, Kinship and the Culture of Death," by Sébastien Penmellen Boret [全文]
Rots, Aike P. |
Book Review: "Facing Up to Real Doctrinal Difference: How Some Thought-Motifs from Derrida can Nourish the Catholic-Buddhist Encounter," by Robert Magliola [全文]
O’Leary, Joseph S. |
v.42 n.1 [2015出版]
v.41 n.2 [2014出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Contingent and Contested: Preliminary Remarks on Buddhist Catalogs and Canons in Early Japan [全文]
Lowe, Bryan D. |
Appendix: Chart of Various Hīnayāna Scriptures in Two Catalogs [全文]
Lowe, Bryan D. |
Dharanis, Talismans, and Straw-Dolls: Ritual Choreographies and Healing Strategies of the Rokujikyōhō in Medieval Japan [全文]
Lomi, Benedetta |
Ticket to Salvation: Nichiren Buddhism in Miyazawa Kenji's Ginga tetsudō no yoru [全文]
Holt, Jon |
Ishii Shūdō's Contributions to Dōgen Studies: Examining Chinese Influences on the Kana and Kanbun Texts [全文]
Heine, Steven |
Book Review: "The Princess Nun: Bunchi, Buddhist Reform, and Gender in Early Edo Japan," by Gina Cogan [全文]
Mitchell, Matthew |
Book Review: "Wondrous Brutal Fictions: Eight Buddhist Tales from the Early Japanese Puppet Theater," by R. Keller Kimbrough [全文]
Lee, William |
Book Review: "Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism: Kūkai and Dōgen on the Art of Enlightenment," by Pamela D. Winfield [全文]
Swanson, Eric Haruki |
Book Review: Tullio Federico Lobetti, Ascetic Practices in Japanese Religion [全文]
Dahl, Shayne A. P. |
Book Review: Ugo Dessì, Japanese Religions and Globalization [全文]
Plasencia, Girardo Rodriguez |
v.41 n.1 [2014出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Editors' Introduction: The Lotus Sutra in Japan [全文]
Groner, Paul; Stone, Jacqueline I. |
The Words of the Lotus Sutra in Nichiren's Thought [全文]
Kitagawa, Zencho (著)=北川前肇 (au.) |
The Lotus Sutra as the Core of Japanese Buddhism: Shifts in Representations of its Fundamental Principle [全文]
Asai, Endo (著)=浅井円道 (au.) |
Ōjōden, the Hokke genki, and Mountain Practices of Devotees of the Sutra [全文]
Kikuchi, Hiroki (著)=菊地大樹 (au.) |
The Identity between the Purport of the Perfect and Esoteric Teachings [全文]
Okubo, Ryoshun (著)=大久保良峻 (au.) |
The Lotus Sutra and the Perfect-Sudden Precepts [全文]
Groner, Paul |
The Tendai Debates of 1131 at Hosshōji [全文]
Minowa, Kenryo =蓑輪顕量 |
The Atsuhara Affair: The Lotus Sutra, Persecution, and Religious Identity in the Early Nichiren Tradition [全文]
Stone, Jacqueline I. |
Interfaith Dialogue and a Lotus Practitioner: Yamada Etai, the Lotus Sutra, and the Religious Summit Meeting on Mt. Hiei [全文]
Covell, Stephen Grover |
v.40 n.2 [2013出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Ritual Narration of Mortuary Art: The Illustrated Story of Emperor Antoku and Its Etoki at Amidaji [全文]
Gunji, Naoko |
Historicizing Japan's Abject Femininity: Reading Women's Bodies in Nihon ryōiki [全文]
Dumas, Raechel |
Neither Nun nor Laywoman: The Good Wives and Wise Mothers of Jōdo Shinshū Temples [全文]
Starling, Jessica |
What's at Stake in Designating Japan's Sacred Mountains as unesco World Heritage Sites?: Shugendo Practices in the Kii Peninsula [全文]
McGuire, Mark Patrick |
Constructing Histories, Thinking Ritual Gatherings, and Rereading “Native” Religion: A Review of Recent Books Published in Japanese on Premodern Japanese Religion (Part Two) [全文]
Ruppert, Brian O. |
Book Review: "Handbook of Contemporary Japanese Religions," eds. by Inken Prohl and John Nelson [全文]
Reader, Ian |
Book Review: "Religion in Japan: Unity and Diversity," by H. Byron Earhart [全文]
Thumas, Jonathan |
Book Review: "From Sovereign to Symbol: An Age of Ritual Determinism in Fourteenth-Century Japan," by Thomas Donald Conlan [全文]
Ruppert, Brian O. |
Book Review: "Hermes und Buddha: Die neureligiöse Bewegung Kōfuku no kagaku in Japan," by Franz Winter [全文]
Ambros, Barbara |
Book Review: "The Seven Tengu Scrolls: Evil and the Rhetoric of Legitimacy in Medieval Japanese Buddhism," by Haruko Wakabayashi [全文]
Kimbrough, R. Keller |
The Overlooked Connection between Ricci's: Tianzhu shiyi and Valignano's Catechismus Japonensis [全文]
Meynard, Thierry |
Book Review: "Nothingness and Desire: An East-West Philosophical Antiphony," by James W. Heisig [全文]
Harding, Christopher |
Book Review: "Investigaciones recientes sobre Nishida Kitarō, fundador de la Escuela de Kioto," by Alternativas filosóficas; ed. by Agustín Jacinto Zavala [全文]
Raquel Bouso García |
v.40 n.1 [2013出版]
v.39 n.2 [2012出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Discipline of Writing: Scribes and Purity in Eighth-Century Japan [全文]
Lowe, Bryan D. |
Buddhist Debate and the Production and Transmission of Shōgyō in Medieval Japan [全文]
Sango, Asuka |
Battling Tengu, Battling Conceit: Visualizing Abstraction in The Tale of the Handcart Priest [全文]
Kimbrough, R. Keller |
Online translation: The Tale of the Handcart Priest [全文]
Kimbrough, R. Keller |
“The Matter of the Zen School”: Fukansai Habian's Myōtei mondō and His Christian Polemic on Buddhism [全文]
Baskind, James |
A Blueprint for Buddhist Revolution: The Radical Buddhism of Seno'o Girō (1889–1961) and the Youth League for Revitalizing Buddhism [全文]
Shields, James Mark |
Spiritual Therapies in Japan [全文]
Gaitanidis, Ioannis |
Book Review: "Bonds of the Dead: Temples, Burial, and the Transformation of Contemporary Japanese Buddhism," by Mark Michael Rowe [全文]
Pinto, Victoria Rose |
Book Review: "Overcoming Modernity and the Kyoto School: Modernity, Empire, and Universality 『「近代の超克」と京都学派 —近代性、帝国、普遍性』," eds. by Sakai Naoki 酒井直樹 and Isomae Jun'ichi 磯前順一 [全文]
Yusa, Michiko |
Book Review: "Celebrity Gods: New Religions, Media, and Authority in Occupied Japan," by Benjamin Dorman [全文]
Nakano, Tsuyoshi |
In memoriam: Jan Swyngedouw (1935–2012) [全文]
Reid, David |
v.39 n.1 [2012出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Editors' Introduction: Impact and Ramifications: The Aftermath of the Aum Affair in the Japanese Religious Context [全文]
Reader, Ian; Baffelli, Erica |
Scholarly Reactions to the Aum and Waco Incidents [全文]
Dorman, Benjamin |
Horrific “Cults” and Comic Religion Manga after Aum [全文]
Thomas, Jolyon Baraka |
The Neo-Nationalist Response to the Aum Crisis: A Return of Civil Religion and Coercion in the Public Sphere? [全文]
Mullins, Mark R. |
Twice Bitten, Once Shy: Religious Organizations and Politics after the Aum Attack [全文]
Klein, Axel |
Did Aum Change Everything? What Soka Gakkai Before, During, and After the Aum Shinrikyō Affair Tells Us About the Persistent “Otherness” of New Religions in Japan [全文]
McLaughlin, Levi |
Hikari no Wa: A New Religion Recovering from Disaster [全文]
Baffelli, Erica |
Globally Aum: The Aum Affair, Counterterrorism, and Religion [全文]
Reader, Ian |
v.38 n.2 [2011出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Training Through Debates in Medieval Tendai and Seizan-ha Temples [全文]
Groner, Paul |
Invoking the Mother of Awakening: An Investigation of Jōkei's and Eison's Monju kōshiki [全文]
Quinter, David |
Tamura Hachidayū and the “Masters of Sacred Dance” [全文]
Groemer, Gerald |
Review of: "Critical Buddhism: Engaging with Modern Japanese Buddhist Thought," James Mark Shields [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Review of: "Issei Buddhism in the Americas," ed. by Duncan Ryuken Williams and Tomoe Moriya [全文]
Tanaka, Kenneth K. |
Review of: "Immigrants to the Pure Land: The Modernization, Acculturation, and Globalization of Shin Buddhism, 1898-1941," by Michihiro Ama [全文]
Amstutz, Galen |
Review of: "Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie, N。18, 2009: Shugendō: I'histoire et la culture drune religion japonaise," ed. Bernard Faure, D. Max Moerman, and Gaynor Sekimori [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Review of: "Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook," ed. by James W. Heisig, Thomas P. Kasulis, and John C. Maraldo [全文]
Arisaka, Yoko |
A Hybrid Form of Spirituality and the Challenge of a Dualistic Gender Role: The Spiritual Quest of a Woman Priest in Tendai Buddhism [全文]
Kuroki, Masako (著)=黒木雅子 (au.) |
The Eight Trigrams and Their Changes: An Inquiry into Japanese Early Modern Divination [全文]
Hayek, Matthias |
v.38 n.1 [2011出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Review of: "Meiji zenki no kyōiku, kyōka, Bukkyō," by Tanigawa Yutaka [全文]
Klautau, Orion=クラウタウ, オリオン |
Review of: 'Weaving and Binding: Immigrant Gods and Female Immortals in Ancient Japan," by Michael Como [全文]
Thal, Sarah |
Who Speaks for Norinaga? Kokugaku Leadership in Nineteenth-Century Japan [全文]
McNally, Mark |
Discourses of the Reappearing: The Reenactment of the “Cloth-Bridge Consecration Rite” at Mt. Tateyama [全文]
Averbuch, Irit |
Redesigning the Death Rite and Redesignating the Tomb: The Separation of Kami and Buddhist Deities at the Mortuary Site for Emperor Antoku [全文]
Gunji, Naoko |
Pieces of Princes: Personalized Relics in Medieval Japan [全文]
Carr, Kevin Gray |
The Yuima-e as Theater of the State [全文]
Bauer, Mikaël |
Beyond the Dark Valley: Reinterpreting Christian Reactions to the 1939 Religious Organizations Law [全文]
Krämer, Hans Martin |
Review of: "The Birth of Orientalism," by Urs App [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Review of: "The Kyoto School's Takeover of Hegel: Nishida, Nishitani, and Tanabe Remake the Philosophy of Spirit" by Peter Suares [全文]
Schultz, Lucy |
Review of: "Le vieil homme qui vendait du thé: Excentricité et retrait du monde dans le Japon du XVIIIe siècle," by François Lachaud [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Review of: "Vocabulaire du bouddhisme japonais, Tome I-Tome II," by Frédéric Girard [全文]
Uehara, Mayuko |
v.37 n.2 [2010出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: Rethinking Medieval Shintō/Respenser le shintō medieval. Special issue, Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 16 (2006–2007) [全文]
Teeuwen, Mark |
Dancing as if Possessed: A Coming Out Party in Edo Spirit Society [全文]
Hansen, Wilburn |
Book Reviews: A New History of Shinto [全文]
Lande, Aasulv |
Book Review: Women Religious Leaders in Japan's Christian Century, 1549–1650 [全文]
Hommes, Jim |
Book Review: Japanese Mythology: Hermeneutics on Scripture [全文]
Maxey, Trent |
Gods, Buddhas, and Organs: Buddhist Physicians and Theories of Longevity in Early Medieval Japan [全文]
Drott, Edward R. |
Social Behavior and Religious Consciousness among Shin Buddhist Practitioners [全文]
Dessi, Ugo |
Book Review: "Yes! We Have No Buddha-Nature Three Recent Publications on Zen Dialogues" [全文]
Heine, Steven |
Book Review: "Hokkeji and the Reemergence of Female Monastic Orders in Premodern Japan," by Lori Meeks [全文]
Londo, William |
Book Review: "With A Single Glance: Buddhist Icon and Early Mikkyō Vision," by Cynthea J. Bogel [全文]
Swanson, Eric Haruki (著) |
Book Review: "Legend and Legitimation: The Formation of Tendai Esoteric Buddhism in Japan," by Jinhua Chen [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Book Review: "Virtual Orientalism: Asian Religions and American Popular Culture," by Jane Naomi Iwamura [全文]
Pak, Su-yon |
Book Review: "Shugendō Now," directed by Jean-Marc Abela and Mark Patrick McGuire; "Where mountains fly," directed by Sandra Roth and Carina Roth; "Shugen Haguro-san Aki no Mine," directed by Kitamura Minao [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Changing the Calendar: Royal Political Theology and the Suppression of the Tachibana Naramaro Conspiracy of 757 [全文]
Bender, Ross |
v.37 n.1 [2010出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Chinese Buddhism and the Anti-Japan War [全文]
Sueki, Fumihiko (著)=末木文美士 (au.) |
Han Yong'un (1879–1944) and Buddhist Reform in Colonial Korea [全文]
Hur, Nam-lin |
“The Future of Korean Buddhism Lies in My Hands”: Takeda Hanshi as a Sōtō Missionary [全文]
Kim, Hwansoo |
Book Review: "The Record of Linji," trans. and comm. by Ruth Fuller Sasaki, ed. by Thomas Yūhō Kirchner, fwd. by Mumon Yamada and Kazuhiro Furuta [全文]
Schlütter, Morten |
Book Review: "Preachers, Poets, Women, and the Way: Izumi Shikibu and the Buddhist Literature of Medieval Japan," by R. Keller Kimbrough [全文]
Deal, William E. |
Book Review: "Asura's Harp: Engagement with Language as Buddhist Path," by Dennis Hirota [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: "The Prince and the Monk: Shōtoku Worship in Shinran's Buddhism," by Kenneth Doo Young Lee [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: Robert Wilkinson, Nishida and Western Philosophy [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
Editor's Introduction: Religion and the Japanese Empire [全文]
Jaffe, Richard |
Book Review: Shoji Yamada, Shots In the Dark: Japan, Zen and the West [全文]
Hori, Victor Sōgen |
Book Review: Marcello Ghilardi, La logica del vedere. Estetica ed etica nel pensiero di Nishida Kitarō [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
Beyond Big Events, Their Heroes, the Nation, and the Sect: A Review of Recent Books Published in Japanese on Premodern Japanese Religion (Part One) [全文]
Ruppert, Brian O. |
v.36 n.2 [2009出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Editors' Introduction: Vernacular Buddhism and Medieval Japanese Literature [全文]
Glassman, Hank; Kimbrough, Keller |
Illustrating the Mind: “Faulty Memory” Setsuwa and the Decorative Sutras of Late Classical and Early Medieval Japan [全文]
Eubanks, Charlotte |
Animating Objects: Tsukumogami ki and the Medieval Illustration of Shingon Truth [全文]
Reider, Noriko T. |
Hachikazuki: Revealing Kannon's Crowning Compassion in Muromachi Fiction [全文]
Dix, Monika |
Demonology and Eroticism: Islands of Women in the Japanese Buddhist Imagination [全文]
Moerman, D. Max |
Book Review: La Centurie du Lotus. Poèmes de Jien (1155–1225) sur le Sūtra du Lotus [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: Death and the Afterlife in Japanese Buddhism [全文]
Kimbrough, R. Keller |
Book Review: A History of Japanese Buddhism [全文]
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
Book Review: Barbara Ambros, Emplacing a Pilgrimage: The Ōyama Cult and Regional Religion in Early Modern Japan [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Officials of the Afterworld: Ono no Takamura and the Ten Kings of Hell in the Chikurinji engi Illustrated Scrolls [全文]
Wakabayashi, Haruko |
Wine, Rice, or Both? Overwriting Sectarian Strife in the Tendai Shuhanron Debate [全文]
Watanabe, Takeshi |
Tonsuring the Performer: Image, Text, and Narrative in the Ballad-Drama Shizuka [全文]
Oyler, Elizabeth |
v.36 n.1 [2009出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Development of the Temple-Parishioner System [全文]
Tamamuro, Fumio (著)=圭室文雄 (au.) |
The Purple Robe Incident and the Formation of the Early Modern Sōtō Zen Institution [全文]
Williams, Duncan |
Invitation to the Secret Buddha of Zenkōji: Kaichō and Religious Culture in Early Modern Japan [全文]
Hur, Nam-lin |
Esoteric Buddhist Theories of Language in Early Kokugaku: The Sōshaku of the Man'yō daishōki [全文]
Murphy, Regan E. |
The Adventures of a Japanese Monk in Colonial Korea: Sōma Shōei's Zen Training with Korean Masters [全文]
Kim, Hwan-soo |
Researching Place, Emplacing the Researcher: Reflections on the Making of a Documentary on a Pilgrimage Confraternity [全文]
Ambros, Barbara |
Editors’ Introduction: Helen Hardacre and the Study of Japanese Religion [全文]
Ambros, Barbara; Williams, Duncan; Murphy, Regan E. |
v.35 n.2 [2008出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Zen and the Art of Nourishing Life: Labor, Exhaustion, and the Malady of Meditation [全文]
Ahn, Juhn Y. |
Against the Ghosts of Recent Past: Meiji Scholarship and the Discourse on Edo-Period Buddhist Decadence [全文]
Klautau, Orion |
Household Altars in Contemporary Japan: Rectifying Buddhist “Ancestor Worship” with Home Décor and Consumer Choice [全文]
Nelson, John |
Review article: A Day in the Life: Two Recent Works on Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō “Gyōji” [Sustained Practice] Fascicle [全文]
Heine, Steven |
Book Review: Iron Eyes: The Life and Teachings of Ōbaku Zen Master Tetsugen Dōkō [全文]
Watt, Paul B. |
Book Review: Dōgen on Meditation and Thinking: A Reflection on His View of Zen [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: Emptiness and Temporality: Buddhism and Medieval Japanese Poetics [全文]
Kimbrough, R. Keller |
Book Review: Sacred Kōyasan: A Pilgrimage to the Mountain Temple of Saint Kōbō Daishi and the Great Sun Buddha [全文]
Reader, Ian |
Book Review: Converging Ways: Conversion and Belonging in Buddhism and Christianity [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Review of: Robert E. Carter, The Japanese Arts and Self-cultivation [全文]
Molle, Andrea |
v.35 n.1 [2008出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
"The Last Missionary To Leave the Temple Should Turn Off the Light": Sociological Remarks on the Decline of Japanese "Immigrant" Buddhism [全文]
Usarski, Frank |
Intellectuals and Japanese Buddhism In Brazil [全文]
De Albuquerque, Eduardo Basto |
All Roads Come From Zen: Busshinji as a Reference to Buddhism [全文]
Rocha, Cristina |
Book review: "Zen in Brazil: the Quest for Cosmopolitan Modernity," by Cristina Rocha [全文]
Usarski, Frank |
The Transplantation of Soka Gakkai to Brazil: Building "the Closest Organization to the Heart of Ikeda-Sensei" [全文]
Pereira, Ronan Alves |
Editors' Introduction: Japanese Religions in Brazil [全文]
Shoji, Rafael; Usarski, Frank |
Japanese Religions, Calendars, and Religious Culture in Brazil [全文]
Nakamaki, Hirochika =中牧弘允 |
v.34 n.2 [2007出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Merōfu Kannon and Her Veneration in Zen and Imperial Circles in Seventeenth-Century Japan [全文]
Fister, Patricia |
Book Review: "Daitokuji: The Visual Cultures of a Zen Monastery," by Gregory P. A. Levine [全文]
Fowler, Sherry D. |
Book Review: "The Wisdom of James: Parallels with Mahāyāna Buddhism," by John P. Keenan [全文]
Yong, Amos |
Book Review: "Transcendence and Violence: The Encounter of Buddhist, Christian and Primal Traditions," by John D'Arcy May [全文]
Yong, Amos |
Book Review: James L. Ford, Jōkei and Buddhist Devotion in Early Medieval Japan [全文]
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Book Review: Stephen G. Covell, Japanese Temple Buddhism: Worldliness In a Religion of Renunciation [全文]
Rowe, Mark |
Book Review: Richard K. Payne, Ed., Tantric Buddhism In East Asia [全文]
Whelan, Christal |
Book Review: Maria Rodríguez del Alisal, Peter Ackerman, and Dolores P. Martinez, Ed., Pilgrimages and Spiritual Quests In Japan [全文]
Ambros, Barbara |
Biography As Scripture: Ōjōden In India, China, and Japan [全文]
Blum, Mark L. |
Exemplary Lives: Form and Function In Pure Land Sacred Biography [全文]
Bathgate, Michael |
In Her Likeness: Female Divinity and Leadership At Medieval Chūgūji [全文]
Meeks, Lori |
Book Review: William R. Lindsey. Fertility and Pleasure: Ritual and Sexual Values In Tokugawa Japan [全文]
Eubanks, Charlotte |
Eulogizing Kūya As More Than a Nenbutsu Practitioner: A Study and Translation of the Kūyarui [全文]
Chilson, Clark |
Ōjōyōshū, Nihon Ōjō Gokuraku-ki, and the Construction of Pure Land Discourse In Heian Japan [全文]
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Book Review: Bernhard Scheid and Mark Teeuwen, Ed., The Culture of Secrecy In Japanese Religion [全文]
Payne, Richard K. |
v.33 n.2 [2006出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Saidaiji Monks and Esoteric Kami Worship at Ise and Miwa [全文]
Andreeva, Anna |
Sannō Miya Mandara: The Iconography of Pure Land on this Earth [全文]
Arichi, Meri |
The Phenomenon of Invoking Fudō for Pure Land Rebirth in Image and Text [全文]
Mack, Karen |
Translation: The Tale of the Fuji Cave [全文]
Kimbrough, R. Keller |
Tourists in Paradise: Writing the Pure Land in Medieval Japanese Fiction [全文]
Kimbrough, R. Keller |
Editors' Introduction: Pure Lands in Japanese Religion [全文]
Amstutz, Galen; Blum, Mark L. |
Entering the Pure Land: Hanamatsuri and the Ōkagura Jōdo-iri Ritual of Okumikawa [全文]
Lee, William |
Ise Sankei Mandara and the Image of the Pure Land [全文]
Knecht, Peter |
Book Review: "Localizing Paradise: Kumano Pilgrimage and the Religious Landscape of Premodern Japan," by D. Max Moerman [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Book Review: "Approaching the Land of Bliss: Religious Praxis in the Cult of Amitābha," ed. by Richard K.Payne and Kenneth K. Tanaka [全文]
Dobbins, James C. |
Kuroda Toshio (1926–1993) on Jōdo Shinshū: Problems in Modern Historiography [全文]
Yoshida, Tomoko |
v.33 n.1 [2006出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "Critical Terms for the Study of Buddhism," ed. by Donald S. Lopez [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. (評論) |
Book Review: "The Other Side of Zen: A Social History of Soto Zen Buddhism in Tokugawa Japan," by Williams, Duncan Ryūken [全文]
Mohr, Michel |
Book Review: "Going Forth: Visions of Buddhist Vinaya," by William Marvin Bodiford [全文]
Powers, John |
Book Review: "Buddhist Inclusivism: Attitudes towards Religious Others," by Kristin Beise Kiblinger [全文]
Yong, Amos |
Book Review: "Wozu also suchen? Zur Einführung in das Denken von Ueda Shizuteru," by Steffen Döll [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
Book Review: "Hōnens religioses Denken. Eine Untersuchung zu Strukturen religioser Erneuerung," Martin Repp [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan |
Book Review: "Nihon no shakai sanka Bukkyō: Hōonji to Risshō Kōseikai no shakai katsudō to shakai rinri," by Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya [全文]
Otani, Eiichi (著)=大谷栄一 (au.) |
Book Review: "Entangling Vines: Zen Koans of the Shūmon Kattōshū," by Thomas Yūhō Kirchner [全文]
Leighton, Taigen Dan |
Book Review: "Explaining Pictures: Buddhist Propaganda and Etoki Storytelling in Japan," by Ikumi Kaminishi [全文]
Kimbrough, R. Keller |
Book Review: "Murōji: Rearranging Art and History at a Japanese Buddhist Temple," by Sherry D. Fowler [全文]
Snodgrass, Adrian |
Book Review: "Ritual Practice in Modern Japan: Ordering Place, People, and Action," by Satsuki Kawano [全文]
Schnell, Scott |
Book Review: "Making Pilgrimages: Meaning and Practice in Shikoku," by Ian Reader [全文]
Shinno, Toshikazu (著)=真野俊和 (au.) |
When Buddhism Became a “Religion”: Religion and Superstition in the Writings of Inoue Enryō [全文]
Josephson, Jason Ananda |
In the Service of the Kaihōgyō Practitioners of Mt. Hiei: The Stopping-Obstacles Confraternity (Sokushō kō) of Kyoto [全文]
Ludvik, Catherine |
To Ise at All Costs: Religious and Economic Implications of Early Modern Nukemairi [全文]
Nenzi, Laura |
Reconfiguring Ritual Authenticity: The Ordination Traditions of Aristocratic Women in Premodern Japan [全文]
Meeks, L. R. |
Miscellaneous Musings on Mūlasarvāstivāda Monks: The Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya Revival in Tokugawa Japan [全文]
Clarke, Shayne |
v.32 n.2 [2005出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Paper Fowl and Wooden Fish: The Separation of Kami and Buddha Worship in Haguro Shugendō, 1869–1875. [全文]
Sekimori, Gaynor |
American Occultism and Japanese Buddhism: Albert J. Edmunds, D. T. Suzuki, and Translocative History. [全文]
Tweed, Thomas A. |
Social Ethics of “New Buddhists” at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: A Comparative Study of Suzuki Daisetsu and Inoue Shūten. [全文]
Moriya, Tomoe (著)=守屋友江 (au.) |
Landscape as Doctrinal Representation: The Sacred Place of Shūyōdan Hōseikai. [全文]
Matsuoka, Hideaki (著)=松岡秀明 (au.) |
Report: Influential Factors in the Intergenerational Transmission of Religion: The Case of Sōka Gakkai in Hokkaido [全文]
Inose Yuri (著)=猪瀬優理 (au.) |
Deconstructing “Japanese Religion”: A Historical Survey [全文]
Isomae Jun’ichi (著)=磯前順一 (au.) |
Editors’ Introduction: Essays From the XIXth World Congress of the IAHR, Tokyo, March 2005 [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. ; Dorman, Benjamin |
Religious Universalism In Modern Japan: Unitarians As Mediators Between Intellectuals and the West [全文]
Yamaguchi, Aki |
Survey On Religion and Higher Education In Japan [全文]
Fujiwara, Satoko |
v.32 n.1 [2005出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Dōgen's Appropriation of Lotus Sutra Ground and Space [全文]
Leighton, Taigen Dan |
Rebirth in the Pure Land or God's Sacrificial Lambs? Religious Interpretations of the Atomic Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki [全文]
Miyamoto, Yuki |
Curing with Kaji: Healing and Esoteric Empowerment in Japan [全文]
Winfield, Pamela D. |
Marriage, Adoption, and Honganji [全文]
Tsang, Carol Richmond |
Reading the Miraculous Powers of Japanese Poetry: Spells, Truth Acts, and a Medieval Buddhist Poetics of the Supernatural [全文]
Kimbrough, Keller R. |
Book Review: "Zheng fa yan zang [Shōbōgenzō]," tran. by He Yansheng [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. =Swanson, Paul Loren ; Liang, Xiao-hong =梁曉虹 |
Book Review: "Political Philosophy in Japan: Nishida, the Kyoto School, and Co-Prosperity," by Christopher S. Goto-Jones [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
Book Review: "Nichiren, der Ausübende des Lotos-Sūtra," by Yukio Matsudo [全文]
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Book Review: "Defending Japan's Pacific War: The Kyoto School Philosophers and Post-White Power," by David Williams [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
v.31 n.2 [2004出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Where the Action Is: Sites of Contemporary Sōtō Buddhism [全文]
Rowe, Mark |
A Brief Overview of Buddhist NGOs in Japan [全文]
Watts, Jonathan S. |
Shut Up, Zen Priest: A Review of Minami Jikisai's The Zen Priest Speaks and Other Works [全文]
Kumamoto, Einin (著)=熊本英人 (au.) |
Fukudenkai: Sewing the Buddha's Robe in Contemporary Japanese Buddhist Practice [全文]
Riggs, Diane E. |
Popular Buddhist Orthodoxy in Contemporary Japan [全文]
Tanabe, George J., Jr. |
Learning to Persevere: The Popular Teachings of Tendai Ascetics [全文]
Covell, Stephen Grover |
Editors' Introduction: Traditional Buddhism in Contemporary Japan [全文]
Covell, Stephen Grover; Rowe, Mark |
Book Review: Sueki Fumihiko, Kindai Nihon No Shisō, Saikō [Rethinking Modern Japanese Thought], 2 Vols; Meiji Shisōka Ron [Essays On Meiji Intellectuals], Kindai Nihon to Bukkyō [Buddhism and Modern Japan] [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Religion and Civil Society In Contemporary Japan [全文]
Hardacre, Helen |
The Current State Of Sectarian Universities [全文]
Round-table Discussion |
v.31 n.1 [2004出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "Buda", by Osamu Tezuka; tran. by Marc Bernabé and Verònica Calafell; "Buddha", by Osama Tezuka [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Book Review: "Zen and the Modern World: A Sequel to Zen and Western Thought", by Abe, Masao; ed. by Steven Heine [全文]
Kopf, Gereon |
Book Review: "Buddhism and Deconstruction: Towards a Comparative Semiotics", by Youxuan Wang [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
The Influence of the Ojoyoshu in Late Tenth- and Early Eleventh-Century Japan [全文]
Horton, Sarah |
Honen's Senchaku Doctrine and His Artistic Agenda [全文]
Kanda, Fusae C. |
Zazen or Not Zazen? The Predicament of Sotoshu's Kaikyoshi in Brazil [全文]
Rocha, Cristina |
Family Resemblances: Memorial Images and the Face Of Kinship [全文]
Schattschneider, Ellen |
Book Review: "Zen Sand: The Book of Capping Phrases for Kōan Practice", by Victor Sōgen Hori [全文]
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Book Review: "Opening a Mountain: Kōans of the Zen Masters", by Steven Heine [全文]
Hori, Victor Sogen |
Book Review: "Zen War Stories", by Brian (Daizen) A. Victoria [全文]
Metraux, Daniel A. |
Book Review: Saburo Shawn Morishita, Teodori: Cosmological Building and Social Consolidation In a Ritual Dance [全文]
Hall, Hazel |
Book Review: "From Salvation to Spirituality: Popular Religious Movements in Modern Japan", by Shimazono Susumu [全文]
Metraux, Daniel A. |
Book Review: "Religion and Society in Nineteenth-Century Japan: A Study of the Southern Kantõ Region, Using Late Edo and Early Meiji Gazetteers", by Helen Hardacre [全文]
Sawada, Janine Tasca |
Between Identity and Difference: Three Ways of Reading Nishida's Non-Dualism [全文]
Kopf, Gereon |
Book Review: Frédéric Girard, Annick Horiuchi, Mieko Macé, Ed., Repenser l'ordre, repenser l'heritage: Paysage intellectuel du Japon [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Nishida's Medieval Bent [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
Book Review: Nishida Kitarō, L'Éveil à soi. Traduction, introduction et notes de Jacynthe Tremblay [全文]
Sakabe, Megumi |
Book Review: Paul Groner, Ryōgen and Mount Hiei: Japanese Tendai In the Tenth Century [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Book Review: Thomas Conlan, In Little Need Of Divine Intervention: Takezaki Suenaga's Scrolls Of the Mongol Invasions Of Japan [全文]
Wakabayashi, Haruko |
v.30 n.3-4 [2003出版]
v.30 n.1-2 [2003出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "A History of Japanese Religion," ed. by Kazuo Kasahara; tran. by Paul McCarthy & Gaynor Sekimori [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Book Review:"Zen and Philosophy: An Intellectual Biography of Nishida Kitaro," by Michiko Yusa [全文]
Kopf, Gereon |
Book Review: "Religion and Social Crisis in Japan: Understanding Japanese Society through the Aum Affair," ed. by Robert J. Kisala & Mark R. Mullins [全文]
Stark, Rodney |
Book Review: "Neither Monk nor Layman: Clerical Marriage in Modern Japanese Buddhism," by Richard M. Jaffe [全文]
Covell, Stephen Grover |
Book Review: "A Buddhist Kaleidoscope: Essays on the Lotus Sutra," ed. by Gene Reeves [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph |
Book Review: "Beyond Personal Identity: Dogen, Nishida, and a Phenomenology of No-Self," by Gereon Kopf [全文]
Matsudo, Yukio |
Book Review: "The Origins and Development of Pure Land Buddhism: A Study and Translation of Gyonen's Jodo Homon Genrusho," by Mark L. Blum [全文]
Hirota, Dennis |
Book Review: "Encounter with Enlightenment: A Study of Japanese Ethics," by Robert E. Carter [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
Local Histories, Anthropological Interpretations, and the Study of a Japanese Pilgrimage [全文]
Reader, Ian |
Did Dogen Go to China? Problematizing Dogen's Relation to Ju-ching and Chinese Ch'an [全文]
Heine, Steven |
Revisioning Religion in Ancient Japan [全文]
Yoshida, Kazuhiko (著)=吉田一彦 (au.) |
Book Review: "Shimada Hiromi, Oumu: Naze Shūkyō Wa Terorizumu O Unda No Ka," by Shimada Hiromi [全文]
Shimazono, Susumu |
Book Review: "Daikokuten hensõ: Bukkyõ shinwagaku I" by Iyanaga Nobumi; "Kannon henyõtan: Bukkyõ shinwagaku I" by Iyanaga Nobumi [全文]
Ruppert, Brian O. |
Book Review: "Sources of Japanese Tradition, Volume One" by Wm. Theodore deBary et al., comps [全文]
Horton, Sarah |
Book Review: "L' Oriente di Heidegger" by Carlo Saviani; "Nichilismo e vacuità del Sé. A cura di Carlo Saviani" by Nishitani Keiji [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
Review Article: On The Brink of Postmodernity: Recent Japanese-Language Publications on The Philosophy of Nishida Kitarõ [全文]
Kopf, Gereon |
Grave Changes: Scattering Ashes In Contemporary Japan [全文]
Rowe, Mark |
Ethnicity, Sagehood, and the Politics of Literacy in Asuka Japan [全文]
Como, Michael |
v.29 n.3-4 [2002出版]
v.29 n.1-2 [2002出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "Saint Francois d'Assise et Maitre Dogen. L'esprit franciscain et le zen - Etude comparative sur quelques aspects de christianisme et de bouddhisme" by Mitchiko Ishigami-Iagolnitzer [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan (評論) |
Book Review: "Philosophers of Nothingness: An Essay on the Kyoto School" by James W. Heisig [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph |
Book Review: "The Gates of Power: Monks, Courtiers, and Warriors in Premodern Japan," by Mikeal S. Adolphson [全文]
Ruppert, Brian O. |
Book Review:"Essays on the Structure of Japanese Folk Religion" by Miyake Hitoshi, Shugendo [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Book Review: "Jewel in the Ashes:Buddha Relics and Power in Early Medieval Japan" by Brian D. Ruppert [全文]
Deal, William E. |
Book Review: "The Oracles of the Three Shrines:Windows on Japanese Religion" by Brian Bocking [全文]
Payne, Richard K. |
Quiet-Sitting and Political Activism: The Thought and Practice of Sato Naokata [全文]
Tucker, John Allen |
Jokei and the Rhetoric of "Other Power" and "Easy Practice" in Medieval Japanese Buddhism [全文]
Ford, James L. |
Pearl in the Shrine: A Genealogy of the Buddhist Jewel of the Japanese Sovereign [全文]
Ruppert, Brian O. |
Book Reviews: "A Study into the Thought of Kõgyõ Daishi Kakuban" by Henny van der Veere [全文]
Londo, William |
The Dharma for Sovereigns and Warriors: Onjõ-ji's Claim for Legitimacy in Tengu zõshi [全文]
Wakabayashi, Haruko (著)=若林晴子 (au.) |
Book Review: Robert E. Carter, The Nothingness Beyond God: An Introduction To the Philosophy Of Nishida Kitaro [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Correction [全文]
Frank, Junko; Frank, Lewis |
v.28 n.3-4 [2001出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Local Society and the Temple-Parishioner Relationship within the Bakufu's Governance Structure. [全文]
Tamamuro, Fumio (著)=圭室文雄 (au.) |
The Intersection of the Local and Translocal At a Sacred Site: The Case Of Osorezan In Tokugawa Japan [全文]
Miyazaki, Fumiko; Williams, Duncan |
Book Review: Nam-lin Hur, Prayer and Play In Tokugawa Japan: Asakusa Sensōji and Edo Society [全文]
Gardner, Richard |
Localized Religious Specialists in Early Modern Japan: The Development of the Õyama Oshi System [全文]
Ambros, Barbara |
Entering the Temple: Priests, Peasants, and Village Contention in Tokugawa Japan [全文]
Vesey, Alexander M. |
Sources for the Study of Religion and Society in the Late Edo Period [全文]
Hardacre, Helen |
Local Religion in Tokugawa History: Editors' Introduction [全文]
Ambros, Barbara; Duncan, Williams |
v.28 n.1-2 [2001出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Sin or Crime? Buddhism, Indebtedness, and the Construction of Social Relations in Early Medieval Japan [全文]
Ruppert, Brian D. |
After the Storm: Matsumoto Shirō's Transition from "Critical Buddhism" to Critical Theology (Review article: Matsumoto, Dōgen shisō ron) [全文]
Heine, Steven |
Book Review: "The Weaving of Mantra: Kukai and the Construction of Esoteric Buddhist Discourse" by Abe Ryuichi [全文]
Tanabe, George J., Jr. |
Book Review: "Cieux et Bouddhas au Japan and Amour, coliere, couleur: Essais sur le bouddhisme au Japan" by Bernard Frank [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: "Obaku Zen: The Emergence of the Third Sect of Zen in Tokugawa Japan" by Helen J. Baroni [全文]
Williams, Duncan Ryuken |
Book Review: "Zen Buddhist Landscape Arts of Early Muromachi Japan (1336-1573)" by Joseph D. Parker [全文]
Addiss, Stephen |
Book Review: "Toward a Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism: Creating a Shin Buddhist Theology in a Religiously Plural World" ed. by Dennis Hirota [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan |
Book Review: "Japanische Religionspolitik in der Mongolei 1932-1945. Reformbestrebungen und Dialog zwischen japanischem und mongolischem Buddhismus" by Li Narangoa [全文]
Knecht, Peter |
Book Review: "Inseiki no Bukkyo," ed. by Hayami Tasuku=Book Review: "院政期の仏教," ed. by 速水侑=Book Review: "Buddhism during the Insei Period," ed. by Hayami Tasuku [全文]
Stone, Jacqueline I. |
The Myth of Zen in the Art of Archery [全文]
山田奨治 (著)=Yamada, Shoji (au.) |
Book Review: Steven Heine, Shifting Shape, Shaping Text: Philosophy and Folklore In the Fox Koan [全文]
Kopf, Gereon |
Book Review: S. A. Thornton, Charisma and Community Formation In Medieval Japan: The Case Of the Yugyo-ha (1300 - 1700) [全文]
Kaufman, Laura S. |
Book Review: Elizabeth Ten Grotenhuis, Japanese Mandalas: Representations Of Sacred Geography [全文]
Tanabe, Willa Jane |
Book Review: Sueki Fumihiko, Kamakura Bukkyō Keisei Ron [全文]
Stone, Jacqueline I. |
Book Review: Scott Schnell, The Rousing Drum: Ritual Practice In a Japanese Community [全文]
Reader, Ian |
Book Review: He Yansheng, Dogen to Chugoku Zen Shiso [全文]
Kawahashi, M. Seishu |
v.27 n.3-4 [2000出版]
v.27 n.1-2 [2000出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Tathagatagarbha Theory Reconsidered: Reflections on Some Recent Issues in Japanese Buddhist Studies [全文]
Takasaki, Jikido (著)=高崎直道 (au.) |
Book Review: "Renegade Monk: Honen and Japanese Pure Land Buddhism," by Machida Soho [全文]
Kleine, Christoph |
Book Review: "American Buddhism: Methods and Findings in Recent Scholarship," Duncan Ryuken Williams and Christopher S. Queen [全文]
Metcalf, Franz Aubrey |
Book Review: "Women Living Zen: Japanese Soto Buddhist Nuns," by Paula Arai [全文]
Kawanami, Hiroko |
Book Review: "The Red Thread: Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality," by Bernard Faure [全文]
Hori, Victor Sogen |
Book Review: "Original Enlightenment and the Transformation of Medieval Japanese Buddhism," by Jacqueline Stone [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Book Review: "Die Japanische Philosophie: Eine Einfuhrung," by Lydia Brull [全文]
Kopf, Gereon |
Book Review: Philip Hammond and David Machacek, Soka Gakkai In America: Accommodation and Conversion [全文]
Métraux, Daniel A. |
Book Review: Senchakushu English Translation Project, Trans. and Ed., Hōnen's Senchakushu: Passages On the Selection Of the Nembutsu In the Original Vow (Senchaku Hongan Numbutsu Shu) [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan |
Book Review: Mark J. Teeuwen and Hendrik van der Veer, Nakatomi Harae Kunge: Purification and Enlightenment in Late-Heian Japan [全文]
Bowring, Richard |
v.26 n.3-4 [1999出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Nichiren's Problematic Works [全文]
Sueki, Fumihiko (著)=末木文美士 (au.) |
Bodily Reading of the Lotus Sutra: Understanding Nichiren's Buddhism [全文]
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Criticism and Appropriation: Nichiren's Attitude toward Esoteric Buddhism [全文]
Dolce, Lucia |
Nichiren Shonin's View of Humanity: The Final Dharma Age and the Three Thousand Realms in One Thought-Moment [全文]
Asai, Endo (著)=浅井円道 (au.) |
Book Review: Biographical Studies of Nichiren [全文]
Stone, Jacqueline I. |
Review Article: The Uses of Nichiren in Modern Japanese History [全文]
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Placing Nichiren in the "Big Picture": Some Ongoing Issues in Scholarship [全文]
Stone, Jacqueline I. |
Nichiren's Risshō ankoku ron and Canon Formation [全文]
Deal, W. E. (著)=Deal, William E. (au.) |
Nichiren's View of Nation and Religion [全文]
Sato, Hiroo (著)=佐藤弘夫 (au.) |
v.26 n.1-2 [1999出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "The Selfless Mind," by Peter Harvey; "Pali Buddhism," ed.by Frank J. Hoffman and Mahinda Deegalle; "The Authority of Experience," by John Pickering; "Altruism and Reality," by Paul Williams [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Jichihan and the Restoration and Innovation of Buddhist Practice [全文]
Buijnsters, Marc |
The Mobilization of Doctrine: Buddhist Contributions to Imperial Ideology in Modern Japan [全文]
Ives, Christopher |
The Soto Sect and Japanese Military Imperialism in Korea [全文]
Hur, Nam-lin |
Book Review: Some Reflections on Critical Buddhism: "Pruning the Bodhi Tree: The Storm over Critical Buddhism," ed. by Jamie Hubbard and Paul L. Swanson [全文]
Stone, Jacqueline (評論) |
Book Review: The Mahaparinirvana Sutra and the Origins of Mahayana Buddhism: "Nehangyd no kenkyu: Daijo kydten no kenkyu hohb shiron," by Shimoda Masahiro [全文]
Sasaki, Shizuka =佐々木閑 |
Book Review: "Practically Religious: Worldly Benefits and the Common Religion of Japan," by Ian Reader and George J. Tanabe, Jr. [全文]
Kisala, Robert |
Book Review: "Re-Visioning 'Kamakura' Buddhism," ed. by Ricahrd K. Payne [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Book Review: "Canonization and Decanonization" ed. by Arie Van der Kooij and Karel van der Toorn [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
At Midlife in Medieval Japan [全文]
Payne, Richard K. |
v.25 n.3-4 [1998出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Preparing for the Pure Land in Late Tenth-Century Japan [全文]
Bowring, Richard |
The Gender of Buddhist Truth: The Female Corpse in a Group of Japanese Paintings [全文]
Chin, Gail |
Buddha no Fukuin: The Deployment of Paul Carus's Gospel of Buddha in Meiji [全文]
Snodgrass, Judith |
Book Review: "The Concept of Hell," by Takeshi Umehara [全文]
Metraux, Daniel A. |
Book Review: "On Deconstructing Life-Worlds: Buddhism, Christianity, Culture and 'A Response'," by Robert Magliola [全文]
Keenan, John |
Book Review: "Bones, Stones and Buddhist Monks: Collected Papers on the Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in India," by Gregory Schopen [全文]
Powers, John |
Book Review: "The Philosophy of Absolute Nothingness: An Introduction to the Philosophy of the Kyoto School," by Ng Yu-kwan [全文]
Lam, Wing-keung |
Book Review: "The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions," by John Bowker [全文]
Metraux, Daniel A. |
Book Review: Helen Hardacre, Marketing the Menacing Fetus In Japan [全文]
Tanabe, George |
Hakusan at Hiraizumi: Notes on a Sacred Geopolitics in the Eastern Provinces [全文]
Yiengpruksawan, Mimi |
v.25 n.1-2 [1998出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Editors' Introduction: Meiji Zen [全文]
Jaffe, Richard ; Mohr, Michel |
Teaching Assemblies and Lay Societies in the Formation of Modern Sectarian [全文]
Ikeda, Eishun (著)=池田英俊 (au.) |
Meiji Religious Policy, Soto Zen, and the Clerical Marriage Problem [全文]
Jaffe, Richard |
The Social Response of Buddhists to the Modernization of Japan: The Contrasting Lives of Two Soto Zen Monks [全文]
Ishikawa, Rikizan (著)=石川力山 (au.) |
Political Waves in the Zen Sea: The Engaku-ji Circle in Early Meiji Japan [全文]
Sawada, Janine Anderson |
"A Lineage of Dullards": Zen Master Toju Reiso and His Associates [全文]
Kato, Shoshun (著)=加藤正俊 (au.) |
Japanese Zen Schools and the Transition to Meiji: A Plurality of Responses in the Nineteenth Century [全文]
Mohr, Michel |
In Memoriam: Ishikawa Rikizan (1943–1997) [全文]
Jaffe, Richard |
v.24 n.3-4 [1997出版]
v.24 n.1-2 [1997出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Wind, Waters, Stupas, Mandalas: Fetal Buddhahood in Shingon [全文]
Sanford, James H. |
The Dogen Canon: Dogen's Pre-Shobogenzo Writings and the Question of Change in His Later Works [全文]
Heine, Steven |
The Religious Consciousness and Activities of Contemporary Japanese Women [全文]
Nakamura, Kyoko (著)=中村恭子 (au.) |
Rethinking the Practice of Mizuko Kuyo in Contemporary Japan: Interviews with Practitioners at a Buddhist Temple in Tokyo [全文]
Anderson, Richard W.; Martin, Elaine |
Unspeakable Things: Sai On's Ambivalent Critique of Language and Buddhism [全文]
Smits, Gregory |
What is Kamakura New Buddhism? Official Monks and Reclusive Monk [全文]
Matsuo, Kenji (著)=松尾剛次 (au.) |
Book Review: "Great Fool: Zen Master Ryokan, Poems, Letters and Other Writings," by Ryuichi Abe and Peter Haskel, translated with Essays [全文]
Watson, Burton |
Book Review: "Visions of Power: Imagining Medieval Japanese Buddhism" by Bernard Faure [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: "The Philosophy of the Kyoto School: Hisamatsu Shin'ic," by Ng Yu-Kwan [全文]
Su, Jun |
Book Review: "A Popular Dictionary of Shinto"; "Nagarjuna in China: A Translation of the Middle Treatise", by Brian Bocking [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: "Understanding Shinran: A Dialogical Approach" by Hee-Sung Keel [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph |
Book Review: David M. O’Brien With Yasuo Ohkoshi, To Dream Of Dreams: Religious Freedom and Constitutional Politics In Postwar Japan [全文]
Métraux, Daniel A. |
In Search Of the Dragon: Mt. Murō’s Sacred Topography [全文]
Fowler, Sherry |
Book Review: Ueda Shizuteru, Nishida Kitarō: Ningen no shōgai to iu koto; Keiken to jikaku: Nishida Tetsugaku no “basho” o motomete [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
v.23 n.3-4 [1996出版]
v.23 n.1-2 [1996出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "A Broader Vision: Perspectives on the Buddha and the Christ," by Richard Henry Drummond [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan |
Book Review: "Mysticism Buddhist and Christian: Encounters with Jan Van Ruusbroec," by Paul Mommaers and Jan Van Bragt [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: "Someone or Nothing? Nishitani’s Religion and Nothingness as a Foundation for Christian-Buddhist Dialogue," by Russell H. Bowers, Jr. [全文]
Blosser, Philip |
Book Review: "ZenBase CD 1," by International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism; "CD-ROM-ban, Taishō shinshū daizōkyō dai-nijūgo-kan, shakukyōron-bu jō," by Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Book Review: "On Being Buddha: The Classical Doctrine of Buddhahood", by Paul J. Griffiths [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: "The Zen Monastic Experience: Buddhist Practice in Contemporary Korea," by Robert E. Buswell, Jr. [全文]
Kruse, Michael |
Book Review: "Japan in Traditional and Postmodern Perspectives," by Charles Wei-hsun Fu and Steven Heine [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: "Rude Awakenings: Zen, the Kyoto School, the Question of Nationalism," by James W. Heisig and John C. Maraldo [全文]
Hubbard, Jamie |
Zen and the Art of Religious Prejudice: Efforts to Reform a Tradition of Social Discrimination [全文]
Bodiford, William Marvin |
Missing Hongan-ji in Japanese Studies [全文]
Amstutz, Galen |
Book Review: Donald F. McCallum, Zenkōji and Its Icon: A Study In Medieval Japanese Religious Art [全文]
Reader, Ian |
An Otogizōshi In Context: Saru No Sōshi and the Hie-Enryaku-ji Religious Multiplex In the Late Sixteenth Century [全文]
Takeuchi, Lone |
The Distinctive Features of Sannō Ichijitsu Shinto [全文]
Sugahara, Shinkai =菅原信海 |
v.22 n.3-4 [1995.09-12出版]
v.22 n.1-2 [1995.03-06出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Medieval Tendai Hongaku Thought and the New KamakuraBuddhism: A Reconsideration [全文]
Stone, Jacqueline |
The Logic of Nonduality and Absolute Affirmation: Deconstructing Tendai Hongaku Writing [全文]
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
The "Separation of Gods and Buddhas" at Omiwa Jinja inMeiji Japan [全文]
Antoni, Klaus |
Jizoku (Priests' Wives) in Soto Zen Buddhism: An Ambiguous Category [全文]
Kawahashi, Noriko (著)=川橋範子 (au.) |
Silences and Censures: Abortion, History, and Buddhismin Japan [全文]
LaFleur, William R. |
Two seemingly contradictory aspects of the teaching of innate enlightenment(hongaku) in medieval Japan [全文]
Sueki, Fumihiko (著)=末木文美士 (au.) |
Book Review: "T'ien-t'ai Buddhism and Early Mādhyamika," by Ng Yu-Kwan [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph |
Book Review: "Mind as Mirror and the Mirroring of Mind: Buddhist Reflections on Western Phenomenology," by Steven W. Laycock [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph |
Saichō and Kūkai: A Conflict of Interpretations [全文]
Abe, Ryuichi |
A Medieval Japanese Reading of the Mo-lio chih-kuan: Placing the Kanko ruiju in Historical Context [全文]
Groner, Paul |
Book Review: Bryan Wilson and Karel Dobbelaere, A Time To Chant: The Soka Gakkai Buddhists In Britain [全文]
Reader, Ian (著) |
Sounds and Silences: A Counterresponse [全文]
Tanabe, George |
v.21 n.4 [1994.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
True Words, Silence, and the Adamantine Dance: OnJapanese Mikkyo and the Formation of the ShingonDiscourse [全文]
Rambelli, Fabio |
Tenchi Seikyo: A Messianic Buddhist Cult [全文]
Pearce, Thomas H. |
Zen Buddhism during the Tokugawa Period: The Challengeto Go beyond Sectarian Consciousness [全文]
Mohr, Michel |
Book Review: "The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-chi," ed. By Linji's Evergreens, trans. by A review of Burton Watson [全文]
App, Urs |
Book Review: "Liquid Life: Abortion and Buddhism in Japan," by William R. LaFleur [全文]
Tanabe, George |
Book Review: Rita M. Gross, Buddhism After Patriarchy: A Feminist History, Analysis, and Reconstruction Of Buddhism [全文]
Kawahashi, Noriko (著) |
Book Review: Arthur H. Thornhill III, Six Circles, One Dewdrop: The Religio-Aesthetic World Of Komparu Zenchiku [全文]
Reasoner, Paul |
v.21 n.2-3 [1994.06-09出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Rebuking the enemies of the Lotus: Nichirenist exclusivism in historical perspective [全文]
Stone, Jacqueline |
Rissho Koseikai and the Bodhisattva Way: Religious Ideals, Conflict, Gender, and Status [全文]
Anderson, Richard W. |
Religious Conflict in Bakumatsu Japan: Zen master Imakita Kosen and Confucian Scholar Higashi Takusha [全文]
Sawada, Janine Anderson |
Bottled Anger: Episodes in Obaku Conflict in the Tokugawa Period [全文]
Baroni, Helen J. |
Attacks On the New Religions: Risshō Kōseikai and the “Yomiuri Affair” [全文]
Morioka, Kiyomi |
Editors’ Introduction [全文]
Reader, Ian; Tanabe, George J. |
v.21 n.1 [1994.03出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Contemporary Karma: Interprretations of Karma in Tenrikyo and Rissho Koseikai [全文]
Kisala, Robert |
"Critical Buddhism"(Hihan Bukkyo)and the debate Concerning the 75-fascicle and 12-fascicle shobogenzo Texts [全文]
Heine, Steven |
Soto Zen in a Japanese Town: Field Notes on a Once-Every-Thirty-Three-Years Kannon Festival [全文]
Bodiford, William Marvin (著)=Bodiford, William M. (au.) |
Book Review: "Dogen and the Koan Tradition: A Tale of Two Shobogenzotexts" by Steven Heine [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: Michael A. Williams, Collett Cox, and Martin S. Jaffee, Eds., Innovation In Religious Traditions: Essays In the Interpretation Of Religious Change [全文]
O’Sullivan, Michael A. |
Book Review: Catherine Bell, Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice [全文]
Gardner, Richard |
v.20 n.4 [1993.12出版]
v.20 n.2-3 [1993.06-09出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Recent Japanese Publications on the New Religious -- The Work of Shimazono Susumu [全文]
Reader, Ian |
Book Review: "Tanabe Tetsugaku Kenkyū: Shūkyōtetsugaku no Kanten Kara," by Himi Kiyoshi [全文]
Horo, Atsuhiko |
Book Review: "Shūkyōkeiken no Tetsugaku: Jōdokyō Sekai no Kaimei," by Keta Masako [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan |
Editor's Introduction [全文]
Kirchner, Thomas L. ; Swanson, Paul L. |
The Adaptation of Max Weber's Theories of Religion in Japan [全文]
Hayashi, Makoto (著)=林淳 (au.); Yamanaka, Hiroshi (著)=山中弘 (au.) |
From Minkan-shinko to Minzoku-shukyo: Reflections on the Study of Folk Buddhism [全文]
Shinno, Toshikazu (著)=真野俊和 (au.) |
Book Review: "Jikaku Daishi den: The Biography of Jikaku Daishi Ennin," trans. by Saito Enshin [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
v.20 n.1 [1993.03出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "A History of Buddhist Philosophy: Continuities and Discontinuities," by David J. Kalupahana [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: "Flowing Traces: Buddhism in the Literary and Visual Arts of Japan," by James H. Sanford, William R. LaFleur; ed. by Masatoshi Nagatomi [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Book Review: "Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender," ed. By Jose Ignacio Cabezon [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Downloading the Lotus: From the Public to the Private at Kiyohira's Chuson-ji [全文]
Yiengpruksawan, Mimi Hall |
Early Chinese Zen Reexamined: A Supplement to Zen Buddhism: A History [全文]
Dumoulin, Heinrich |
Book Review: Han F. de Wit, Contemplative Psychology [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan |
v.19 n.4 [1992.12出版]
v.19 n.2-3 [1992.06-09出版]
v.19 n.1 [1992.03出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "New Mahayana: Buddhism for a Post-Modern World," tran. by James W. Heisig and Paul L. Swanson, ed. by Akizuki Ryomin [全文]
Fitzgerald, Timothy |
Premodern, Modern, and Postmodern: Doctrine and the Study of Japanese Religion [全文]
Hubbard, Jamie |
Book Review: "Nihon yugyō shūkyōron," by Shinno Toshikazu [全文]
Reader, Ian |
Book Review: "The Meaning of Christ: A Mahayana Theology," by John P.Keenan [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Which Doctrine? Whose “Religion”? A Rejoinder [全文]
McMullin, Neil |
Book Review: Graham Parkes, ed., Nietzsche and Asian Thought. [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
v.18 n.4 [1991.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Mystique of Martial Arts: A Reply to ProfessorKeenan's Response [全文]
McFarlane, Stewart |
A Report on Newly Discovered Buddhist Texts at Nanatsu-dera [全文]
Hubbard, Jamie |
Book Review: "The Buddhist Poetry of the Great Kamo Priestess: Daisaiin Senshi and Hosshin Wakashū," by Edward Kamens [全文]
Tyler, Royall |
Mizuko kuyo: Notulae on the most important "New Religion" of Japan [全文]
Werblowsky, R.J. Zwi |
Book Review: "Zen Buddhism: A History," by Heinrich Dumoulin [全文]
Jorgensen, John |
What Constitutes Religious Activity? (II) [全文]
Reader, Ian |
Book Review: Jean-Noël Robert, Les Doctrines de l’école Japanaise Tendaï au début du IXe siècle: Gishin et le Hokke-shū gishū [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
What Constitutes Religious Activity? (I) [全文]
Anderson, Richard W. |
Book Review: Nishitani Keiji, The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism [全文]
Fox, Stephen S. |
v.18 n.2-3 [1991.06-09出版]
v.18 n.1 [1991.03出版]
v.17 n.4 [1990.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "An Introduction to His Thought," ed. By Ueda Yoshifumi and Dennis Hirota, Shinran [全文]
Gira, Dennis |
Mushin, Morals, and Martial Arts: A Discussion of Keenan's Yogacara Critique [全文]
McFarlane, Stewart |
Book Review: "The Three Jewels: A Study and Translation of Minamoto Tamenori's Sanboe," by Edward Kamens [全文]
Tanabe, George J., Jr. |
Katō Genchi: A Neglected Pioneer In Comparative Religion [全文]
Hylkema-Vos, Naomi |
Japanese Pentecostalism and the World of the Dead: A Study of Cultural Adaptation in Iesu no Mitama Kyōkai [全文]
Mullins, Mark R. |
v.17 n.2-3 [1990.06-09出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Buddhist Monarch: Go-Shirakawa and the Rebuilding of Todai-ji [全文]
Goodwin, Janet R. |
Editor's Introduction [全文]
Nosco, Peter |
Accession Rituals and Buddhism in Medieval Japan [全文]
Kamikawa, Michio (著)=上川通夫 (au.) |
Some Reflections On Japanese Religion and Its Relationship To the Imperial System [全文]
Kitagawa, Joseph M. |
Priest, Shaman, King [全文]
Sasaki, Kōkan |
Book Review: Gary L Ebersole, Ritual Poetry and the Politics Of Death In Early Japan [全文]
Gardner, Richard |
In Memoriam: Yanagawa Keiichi (1926 - 1990) [全文]
Swyngedouw, Jan |
v.17 n.1 [1990.03出版]
v.16 n.4 [1989.12出版]
v.16 n.2-3 [1989.06-09出版]
v.16 n.1 [1989.03出版]
v.15 n.4 [1988.12出版]
v.15 n.2-3 [1988.06-09出版]
v.15 n.1 [1988.03出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Development of Mappo Thought in Japan (I) [全文]
Marra, Michele |
Book Review: "On Being Mindless: Buddhist Meditation and the Mind-Body Problem," by Paul J. Griffiths [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Buddhism and Abortion in Contemporary Japan: Mizuko Kuyo and the Confrontation with Death [全文]
Smith, Bardwell |
Book Review: "The True Teaching, Practice and Realization of the Pure Land Way. A Translation of Shinran's Kyogyoshinsho," by Yoshifumi Ueda [全文]
Blum, Mark |
Book Review: "Young Man Shiran: A Reappraisal of Shinran's Life," by Takamichi Takahatake [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan |
Book Review: Joseph M. Kitagawa, On Understanding Japanese Religion [全文]
Odin, Steve |
v.14 n.4 [1987.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "The Christ and the Bodhisattva," by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. and Steven C. Rockefeller [全文]
O'Leary, Joseph S. |
Some Reflections on Two-Way Traffic, or Incarnation / Avatara and Apotheosis [全文]
Werblowsky, R.J. Zwi |
Indebtedness and Comfort:the Undercurrents of Mizuko Kuyo in Contemporary Japan [全文]
Hoshino, Eiki ; Takeda, Dosho ; Swanson, Paul L. |
Book Review: Tanabe Hajime, Philosophy As Metanoetics [全文]
Odin, Steve |
The Life-cycle Of Ethnic Churches In Sociological Perspective [全文]
Mullins, Mark R. |
Back to the Future: Images of Nostalgia and Renewal in a Japanese Religious Context [全文]
Reader, Ian |
v.14 n.2-3 [1987.06-09出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Characteristics of Japanese Tendai [全文]
Hazama, Jiko |
The Enryaku-ji and the Gion Shrine-Temple complex in the Mid-Heian Period [全文]
McMullin, Neil |
Japanese Culture and the Tendai Concept of Original Englightenment [全文]
Tamura, Yoshiro |
Kuden: The Oral Hermeneutics of Tendai Tantric Buddhism [全文]
Saso, Michael |
Linguistic Cubism: A Singularity of Pluralism in the Sanno Cult [全文]
Grapard, Allan G. |
Editor's Introduction [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
Inherent Enlightenment (hongaku shiso) and Saicho's Acceptance of the Bodhisattva Precepts [全文]
Shirato, Waka |
The Kaihogyo Practice of Mt. Hiei [全文]
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Annen, Tankei, Henjo, and Monasitc Discipline in the Tendai School: The Background of the 'Futsu jubosatsukai koshaku [全文]
Groner, Paul |
Why the Lotus Sutra? On the Historic Significance ofTendai [全文]
Lai, Whalen |
Is Tendai Buddhism Relevant to the Modern World? [全文]
Chappell, David W. |
Book Review: Ikeda Rosan, Makashikan Kenkyū Josetsu [全文]
Yamano, Toshirō |
Book Review: Hirai Shun’ei, Hokke Mongu No Seiritsu Ni Kansuru Kenkyū [全文]
Swanson, Paul L. |
v.14 n.1 [1987.03出版]
v.13 n.4 [1986.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
"Primeval Chaos" and "Mental Void" in Early Tokugawa Ideology: Fujiwara Seika, Suzuki Shosan and Yamazaki Ansai [全文]
Ooms, Herman |
Religious Rites in a Japanse Factory [全文]
Lewis, David C. |
An Interpretation of the Anjin Ketsujosho [全文]
King, Winston L. |
Book Review: "Sand and Pebbles (Shasekishū): The Tales of Mujū Ichien, A Voice for Pluralism in Kamakura Buddhism," by Robert E. Morrell [全文]
Keenan, John P. |
Book Review: Dennis Gira, Le sens de la conversion dans l’enseignement de Shinran [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan |
Book Review: Richard Wentz, The Contemplation Of Otherness: The Critical Vision Of Religion [全文]
Reid, David |
v.13 n.2-3 [1986.06-09出版]
v.13 n.1 [1986.03出版]
v.12 n.4 [1985.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "Lay Buddhism in Contemporary Japan: Reiyukai Kyodan," by Helen Hardacre [全文]
Lai, Whalen |
Chan and Mysticism in Later Times [全文]
Nakamura, Hajime |
The Conquest of Mappo: Jien and Kitabatake Chikafusa [全文]
Marra, Michele |
The Conquered Self: Emptiness and God in a Buddhist-Christian Dialogue [全文]
Thurston, Bonnie Bowman |
Book Review: Robert Magliola, Derrida On the Mend [全文]
O’Leary, Joseph S.; Keenan, John P. |
Book Review: Nagao Gadjin, Bukkyō No Genryū: Indo [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
v.12 n.2-3 [1985.06-09出版]
v.12 n.1 [1985.03出版]
v.11 n.4 [1984.12出版]
v.11 n.2-3 [1984.06-09出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Religious Ideas in Japan: Introductory Remarks [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan |
The Person in Buddhism: Religious and Artistic Aspects [全文]
Dumoulin, Heinrich; Van Bragt, Jan |
Knowledge and Transcendence: Modern Idealist Philosophy and Yogacara Buddhism(Part 2) [全文]
Hase, Shoto; Van Bragt, Jan |
Shingon's Kakukai on the Immanence of the Pure Land [全文]
Morrell, Robert E. |
Paradigm Change in Japanese Buddhism [全文]
Kitagawa, Joseph M. |
The Core of Shinshu [全文]
Soga, Ryojin; Van Bragt, Jan |
Critique of Original Awakening Thought in Shoshin and Dogen [全文]
Tamura, Yoshiro; Van Bragt, Jan |
v.11 n.1 [1984.03出版]
v.10 n.4 [1983.12出版]
v.10 n.2-3 [1983.06-09出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
"Menstruation Sutra" Belief in Japan [全文]
Takemi, Momoko; Kelsey, W. Michael |
The Cave and the Womb World [全文]
Hardacre, Helen |
The Status Elevation Process of Soto Sect Nuns in Modern Japan [全文]
Uchino, Kumiko |
Women and Religion in Japan: Introductory Remarks [全文]
Nakamura, Kyoko |
Sanctuary: Kamakura's Tokeiji Convent [全文]
Kaneko, Sachiko; Morrell, Robert E. |
Religion in the Life of Higuchi Ichiyō [全文]
Takagi, Kiyoko; Nakamura, Kyoko |
The Image of Woman in Sermons: Anju in "Sanshō Dayū" [全文]
Igeta, Midori; Nakamura, Kyoko |
v.10 n.1 [1983.03出版]
v.9 n.4 [1982.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "Absolute Nothingness: Foundations for a Buddhist-Christian Dialogue," by Hans Waldenfels [全文]
Knitter, Paul F. |
Book Review: "Early Buddhism and Christianity: A Comparative Study of the Founders' Authority, the Community, and the Discipline," by Chai-Shin Yu [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
Book Review: "Gedatsukai: Its Theory and Pratice," by Minoru Kiyota [全文]
Heisig, James W. |
From a Science Of “Behavior” To a Science Of “Understanding” [全文]
Yanagawa, Keiichi |
Book Review: K. L. Seshagiri Rao, Mahatma Gandhi and Comparative Religion. [全文]
Swyngedouw, Jan |
The Study Of Religion As a Human Science [全文]
Sonoda, Minoru |
Book Review: H. Byron Earhart, Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity. [全文]
Reid, David |
v.9 n.2-3 [1982.06-09出版]
v.9 n.1 [1982.03出版]
v.8 n.3-4 [1981.09-12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Religion and political order in Nichiren's Buddhism [全文]
Shinohara, Koichi |
The Sociology of Knowledge and Buddhist-Christianforms of Faith, Practice and Knowledge [全文]
Augustine, Morris J. |
Religious Influences on Japan's Modernization [全文]
Shimazono, Susumu |
Revelatory Experience In the Female Life Cycle: A Biographical Study Of Women Religionists In Modern Japan [全文]
Nakamura, Kyōko |
Sociology Of Religion In the U.S.: The State Of the Art [全文]
Gannon, Thomas M. |
Book Review: Religion and Art. A Review Of Thomas R. Martland, Religion As Art: An Interpretation [全文]
Franck, Frederick |
Mizuko Kuyō and Japanese Buddhism [全文]
Brooks, Anne Page |
Book Review: William Johnston, The Inner Eye of Love: Mysticism and Religion [全文]
Van Bragt, Jan |
v.8 n.1-2 [1981.03-06出版]
v.7 n.4 [1980.12出版]
v.7 n.2-3 [1980.06-09出版]
v.7 n.1 [1980.03出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
"Modernization" and "Secularization" in Japan: A Polemical Essay [全文]
Eger, Max |
Book Review: "Shūkyō To Shakai Hendō," by Yanagawa Keiichi and Anzai Shin [全文]
Komoto, Mitsugi |
Book Review: "Shūkyō No Imi Sekai," by Shūkyō Shakaigaku Kenkyūkai [全文]
Inoue, Nobutaka |
Book Review: "Meiji shūkyō shichō no kenkyū: Shūkyōgaku kotohajime," by Suzuki Norihisa [全文]
Shimazono, Susumu |
Soka Gakkai on the Alleged Compatibility between Nichiren Buddhism and Modern Science [全文]
Solomon, Ted J. |
Comparative Hermeneutics: A Brief Statement [全文]
Pye, Michael |
Why Did Ikeda Quit? [全文]
Métraux, Daniel A. |
Book Review: Murakami Shigeyoshi, Japanese Religion In the Modern Century [全文]
Reid, David |
v.6 n.4 [1979.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Emperor of Japan: A Historical Study in Religious Symbolism [全文]
Mori, Koichi |
Frame, Flow and Reflection: Ritual and Drama As Public Liminality [全文]
Turner, Victor |
Book Review: Delmer M. Brown and Ishida Ichirō, The Future and the Past: A Translation and Study of the Gukanshō, an Interpretative History Of Japan Written In 1219 [全文]
Reid, David |
Between Unity and Separation: Religion and Politics In Japan, 1965 – 1977 [全文]
Yanagawa, Keiichi; Reid, David |
Book Review: Kokubo Kazuo, Den Shingon’in Mandara: Sekai Bunmei no Shukuzu [全文]
Suleski, Ronald |
v.6 n.3 [1979.09出版]
v.6 n.1-2 [1979.03-06出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
The Problem of Secularization: A Preliminary Analysis [全文]
Tamaru, Noriyoshi |
Secularization Theory and Japanese Christianity: The Case of the Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan [全文]
Reid, David |
Reflections on the Secularization Thesis in the Sociology of Religion in Japan [全文]
Swyngedouw, Jan |
The Vitalistic Conception of Salvation in Japanese New Religions: An Aspect of Modern Religious Consciousness [全文]
Nishiyama, Shigeru; Shimazono, Susumu; Shiramizu, Hiroko; Tsushima, Michihito |
The New Religions: Some Preliminary Considerations [全文]
Wilson, Bryan R. |
Conflict within the Development of Buddhism [全文]
Matsunami, Yoshihiro |
After Prophecy Fails: A Reappraisal Of a Japanese Case [全文]
Sanada, Takaaki |
The Cultural Politics Of Established Churches [全文]
Martin, David A. |
The Identity Model Of Religion: How It Compares With Nine Other Theories Of Religion and How It Might Apply To Japan [全文]
Mol, Hans |
Professionalization and Secularization In the Belgian Catholic Pillar [全文]
Dobbelaere, Karel |
The Structural Conditions Of Religious Consciousness In Modern Societies [全文]
Luckmann, Thomas |
v.5 n.4 [1978.12出版]
v.5 n.2-3 [1978.06-09出版]
v.5 n.1 [1978.03出版]
v.4 n.4 [1977.12出版]
v.4 n.2-3 [1977.06-09出版]
v.4 n.1 [1977.03出版]
v.3 n.4 [1976.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Book Review: "The Eagle and the Rising Sun: Americans and the New Religions of Japan," by Robert S. Ellwood, Jr. [全文]
Davis, Winston |
A Critical Rejoinder [全文]
Luckmann, Thomas |
Secularization in a Japanese Context [全文]
Swyngedouw, Jan |
Book Review:"The threefold lotus sutra: The sutra of innumerable meanings, the sutra of the lotus flower o f the wonderful law, the sutra o f meditation on the bodhisattva universal virtue," trans. by Bunno Kato, Yoshiro Tamura, and Kojiro Miyasaka with revisions by W.E, Soothill, Wilhelm Schiffer, and Pier P. Del Campana. N [全文]
Metraus, Danial A. |
Aspects of Secularization in the West [全文]
Wilson, Bryan R. |
Statistics On Religious Organizations In Japan, 1947 – 1972. (6) [全文]
Ministry of Education |
Comments By a Japanese Sociologist [全文]
Morioka, Kiyomi |
v.3 n.2-3 [1976.06-09出版]
v.3 n.1 [1976.03出版]
v.2 n.4 [1975.12出版]
v.2 n.2-3 [1975.06-09出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
Suzuki, Hartshorne, and Becoming-now [全文]
Willson, Lawrence |
Book Review: "Tennōsei to nihon shūkyō," by Tokoro Shigemoto [全文]
Abe, Yoshiya |
Book Review: "Nihonjin no shūkyō, Vol.1: Jonen no sekai," by Tamaru Noriyoshi, Muraoka Kū, Miyata Noburu [全文]
Reid, David |
Book Review: "Nihonjin no shūkyō, Vol. 2: Girei no kōzō," by Tamaru Noriyoshi, Muraoka Kū, Miyata Noburu [全文]
Yanagawa, Keiichi |
Book Review: "Nihonjin no shūkyō, Vol. 3: Kindai to no kaiko," by Tamaru Noriyoshi, Muraoka Kū, Miyata Noburu [全文]
Morioka, Kiyomi |
Book Review: "Nihonjin no shūkyō, Vol. 4: Kindai nihon shūkyōshi shiryō," by Tamaru Noriyoshi, Muraoka Kū, Miyata Noburu [全文]
Morioka, Kiyomi |
Book Review: Kenneth J. Dale, Circle Of Harmony [全文]
Skoglund, Herbert |
The Traditional Festival In Urban Society [全文]
Sonoda, Minoru |
Statistics On Religious Organizations In Japan, 1947 – 1972. (2) [全文]
Ministry of Education |
Some Reflections On Contemporary Theories Of Religion [全文]
Tamaru, Noriyoshi |
v.2 n.1 [1975.03出版]
v.1 n.4 [1974.12出版]
v.1 n.2-3 [1974.09出版]
v.1 n.1 [1974.03出版]