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Kim, Chon-hak  


69 bibliography, 57 full-text accessible.  

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Alternative Names:

金天鶴 = Kim, Cheon-hak = 김천학 = キムチョナク = Kim, Cheon-hag = きむちょんはく


Individual Author

Fulltext Title Author Source Date
  『大乘起信論義記別記』의 성립에 대한 재검토=Investigation into the Period when yijibieji (義記別記) was Written 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학리뷰=Critical Review for Buddhist Studies=仏教学レビュー 2017.12.30
  『法華経論子注』写本の流通と思想=On the Manuscript Circulation and Ideas of Pophwakyongnon chachu (Special Issue : Wonhong and Myopopyonhwakyongnon chachu) 金天鶴=キムチョナク ; 金炳坤=キム, ビョンコン 身延論叢=ミノブ ロンソウ 2020.03.25
  『法鏡論』의 사상적 입장=The Trend of Thought in the Fajinglun [法鏡論] 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학리뷰=Critical Review for Buddhist Studies=仏教学レビュー 2009.12.31
  『법화경론자주』 사본의 유통과 사상=On the manuscript circulation of MyohorengegyoronJaju and its thoughts 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2015.12
  『華嚴宗一乘開心論』의 사상적 특질=A Philosophical Characteristic of Kegonshu-ichijo-kaishin-ron 金天鶴 (著)=김천학 (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2007.08
  『華嚴經問答』에 法藏의 영향은 보이는가?=Does Fazang influence Hwaom-Kyong-Mundap (HKM)? 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hag (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2019.11
  『華厳十玄義私記』 所引の 『三宝章』 の意義 -- 称名寺所蔵 「十玄章」の発見を契機に=Intention of Kegonjugegishiki(華厳十玄義私記) to cite Sanbaozhang(三宝章) 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2017.12
  『華厳十玄義私記』について=The Kegon Fugengi Shiki 金天鶴 =Kim, Chon-hak 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2004.03
  『華厳十玄義私記』の基礎的研究=Fundamental Research on the Kegon-jugengi-shiki 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.); 東アジア仏教研究会 東アジア仏教研究=Journal of East Asian Buddhist Studies=ヒガシアジア ブッキョウ ケンキュウ 2004.05
  『華厳宗所立五教十宗大意略抄』の基礎的研究=A Fundamental research of Kegonshu-shoritsu-gokyojitshu-daiirakusho 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 東洋文化研究所所報=Journal, Research Institute of Eastern Culture=トウヨウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ ショホウ 2013.04.01
  『華厳宗種性義抄』における法相意批判=Criticism of the Hosso Sect in the Kegonshu shushogi 金天鶴 =Kim, Chon-hak 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2004.12
  『신아시아불교사』 전15권에 대한 리뷰 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교와 사회=佛教與社會 2012
  『화엄경』의 연화장세계=World of the Lotus Sanctuary in the Avatamsaka Sutra 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 정토학연구=淨土學硏究=Journal of The Pure Land Buddhism Studies 2010.12
  『화엄십현의사기』에 인용된 신라화엄 문헌의 사상사적 의의=The Doctrinal and Historical Significance of Silla Texts Quoted in the Kegonjugengi-shiki (華嚴十玄義私記, A Personal Commentary on the Ten Profound Meanings of the Huayan Sutra) 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학리뷰=Critical Review for Buddhist Studies=仏教学レビュー 2010.06
  <대승기신론의기>의 무애설 - <탐현기>와의 비교를 중심으로=The theory of non-obstacle in Dashengqixinlunyiji (<大乗起信論義記>) - focusing on the comparison with Huayanjingtanxuanji (<華嚴經探玄記>) 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2018.11
  Kegonshurikkyōgi=華嚴宗立敎義 Kim, Cheon-hak East Asian Buddhist Literature 2020.01
  T85, No.2799 『십지론의소(十地論義疏)』의 텍스트 문제에 대한 고찰=An Examination of the text of the Shidilunyishu in T85 No.2799 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2016.06
  The Cult of the Hwaŏm Pure Land of the Koryŏ Period as Seen through Self-Power and Other-Power Kim, Cheon-hak (著) Journal of Korean Religions 2015.04
  大竹 晋, 唯識說中心とした初期華嚴敎學の硏究 -- 智儼.義湘から法藏へ (東京: 大藏出版社, 2007, 536p.) 김천학 (著) 불교학리뷰=Critical Review for Buddhist Studies=仏教学レビュー 2008.04.21
  中國南北朝佛教研究 張風雷; 金天鶴; 竹村牧男 2014.05.01
  日本華厳における三乗廻心説=Conversion to the Three Vehicles in the Kegon School 金天鶴 =Kim, Chon-hak 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2002.12
  王頌氏のコメントに対する回答 金天鶴 (著) 東アジア仏教学術論集=Proceedings of the International Conference on East Asian Buddhism=中・日・韓国際仏教学術大会論文集 2014.02
  世界に広まる仏教の現状と未来―カナダ、韓国、中国、フランス― Main, Jessica L. ; 金天鶴=Kim, Cheon-hak ; 張文良=Zhang, Wen-liang ; Girard, Frédéric=ジラール, フレデリック 武蔵野大学仏教文化研究所紀要=Journal of Institute of Buddhist Culture, Musashino University=ムサシノ ダイガク ブッキョウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ 2016.03
  古代三国から朝鮮時代までの『維摩経』解釈の変遷 金天鶴 (著) 2015年第二屆「維摩經與東亞文化」國際學術研討會會用論文集 2015
  平安時代における東大寺・薬師寺の華厳学の相違 - 東大寺所蔵の未紹介写本『五教章中巻種子義私記』を通じて (公慶上人三百年御遠忌記念号) 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 南都仏教=Journal of the Nanto Society for Buddhist Studies 2005
  平安時代の私記『華厳宗立教義』の研究=On the Kegonshu rikkyogi 金天鶴 =Kim, Chon-hak 東方学=Eastern Studies=トウホウガク=Tohogaku 2005.01.31
  平安時代の華厳私記類における成仏論=Theory of Attainment to Buddhahood in Kegon Private Records of the Heian Period 金天鶴 =Kim, Chon-hak 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2008.03
  百濟 道藏의 『成實論疏』 逸文에 대해서=The Significance of the Fragments of Dojang’s Commentary on Chengshi lun in Baekje Period 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학리뷰=Critical Review for Buddhist Studies=仏教学レビュー 2008.12.31
  百済道蔵の 『成実論疏』 の逸文について 金天鶴 (著) 불교학리뷰=Critical Review for Buddhist Studies=仏教学レビュー 2008.12.31
  均如の法華経観=Kyun'yo's (均如) View of the Lotus Sutra 金天鶴 =Kim, Chon-hak 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 1999.12
  均如の華厳学における二乗廻心=On the conversion of śravaka in Kyun-yo’s hua-yen 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 韓国仏教学seminar=Journal of Korean Buddhist seminar=カンコク ブッキョウガク seminar=韓国仏教学セミナ- 1998.11.20
  均如の華厳学における三つの法華経観=Kyunyeo’s Three of Views on the “Lotus Sutra” 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 韓国仏教学seminar=Journal of Korean Buddhist seminar=カンコク ブッキョウガク seminar=韓国仏教学セミナ- 2003.08.25
  均如の頓円一乗義の成立と意図について=Formation of Kyunyo's View of ‘One Vehicle of the Sudden and Perfect Teaching' and Its Significances 金天鶴=Kim, Chon-hak 東方=The East=Toho 1997.12.31
  東アジアの華嚴學における定性二乘廻心說=동아시아 화엄학의 정성이승회심설(定性二乘廻心說)=Theories Regarding the Conversion of the Śrāvaka of Determinate Nature in East Asian Huayan Thoughts 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2006.08
  東アジアの華厳思想における無碍説=Huayan Philosophy in East Asia : Focusing on the Theory of Non-obstruction 金天鶴 (著) インド哲学仏教学研究=インド テツガク ブッキョウガク ケンキュウ=Studies of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism, Tokyo University 2005.03
  東大寺創建期における華厳思想と新羅仏教 金天鶴 ザ・グレイトブッダ・シンポジウム論集=Papers from the Great Buddha Symposium 2004.12.18
  東大寺写本、理理円融について =The Todaiji Manuscript of the Ririenyu (理理円融) 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2009.03
  法上『十地論義疏』「加分」釈の三種尽について 金天鶴 (著) 東アジア仏教学術論集=Proceedings of the International Conference on East Asian Buddhism=中・日・韓国際仏教学術大会論文集 2014.02
  法上撰『十地論義疏』についての一考察=An Investigation of the Shidi lun yishu by Fashang 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2013.03
  法藏과 宗密 『起信論疏』의 流傳과 思想的 相違=A Study on the circulation of Fazang’s Qishinlunshu and its Ideological Differences from Zongmi’s 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2018.07
  金沢文庫所蔵、円弘の『妙法蓮華経論子注』について=A Study on Myohorengegyoronshichu by Engu Housed in the Kanazawabunko 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2012.03
  동아시아 화엄사상에서 의상과 법장의 위상=The Status of Uisang and Fazang in East Asian Huayan Studies 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2012.02
  高麗時代の仏教に対する研究 佐藤厚 (著)=Sato, Atsushi (au.); 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 韓国仏教学seminar=Journal of Korean Buddhist seminar=カンコク ブッキョウガク seminar=韓国仏教学セミナ- 2000.07.20
  명혜(明惠)의 『해탈문의(解脫門義)』에 나타난 신(信)과 주(住)의 관계=The Relationship Between Faith and Abode in the Gedatsu-mongi解脫門義 of Myo-e明惠 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2022.07
  現代韓國佛教研究的方向性=The Direction of Contemporary Korean Buddhist Studies 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies 2015.01
  법상(法上) 『십지론의소』 「가분석」의 전개=The Development of Interpretation of Shidi lun yishu on Power Verses by Fashang - in relation to Jinging Huiyuan 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2016.09
  법장 『기신론소』의 간경도감본과 대정장본의 사상적 상위=The Difference between Fazang's Qixinlunshu published by Gangyongdogam and the Daijoshinshu-Tripitaka 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2021.03
  법장의 『화엄교분기』 종성론에 대한 균여의 이해=Kyun-nyo’s Understanding of the Theory of Zhongxing(種性 gotra, clan or lineage) in Fazang’s Huayanjiaofenji(華嚴敎分記) 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2010.04
  雪坂尚彦『十地品私記』における浄影寺慧遠の理解=The Understanding of Jingyingsi Huiyuan in the Sipchip’um sagi by Sŏlpa Sangŏn 金天鶴 (著)=きむちょんはく (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2017.03.20
  朝鮮時代の仏教に対する研究=Japanese Studies of Chosŏn Period Buddhism in Japan 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 韓国仏教学seminar=Journal of Korean Buddhist seminar=カンコク ブッキョウガク seminar=韓国仏教学セミナ- 2000.07.20
  華厳学から見た通摂の実践 金天鶴 (著) 大正大學研究紀要. 人間學部・文學部=Memoirs of Taisho University. Faculty of Human Studies, Faculty of Literature=タイショウ ダイガク ケンキュウ キヨウ‧ ニンゲン ガクブ・ブンガクブ 2015.03
  順高の 『起信論本疏聴集記』 における元暁引用の意義=On Accepting Wonhyo’s Thought in Junko’s Kishinron-honsho-chochuki 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2018.12
  신라불교에서의 혜원 수용 양상 -- 『대승의장』을 중심으로=The Acceptance of Dashengyizhang 大乘義章 in Silla Buddhism 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2014.09
  新羅下代における華厳と禅の宗派意識=The Sectarian Awareness of the Hua-yan and Zen Buddhism in the Late Silla 金天鶴 東洋文化研究=Journal of Asian cultures 2008.03
  義相系の華厳学における一乗義の特質 金天鶴 東洋文化研究=Journal of Asian cultures 2005.03
  원홍은 신라승려인가? -『법화경론자주』의 인용문헌을 중심으로=Another Commentary on the Fahuajinglun composed by a Silla monk 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2014.03
  원효 『판비량론』의 발굴과 연구사 고찰=From Discovery to Recent Studies on Wonhyo's P'anpiryangnon 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2019.12
  원효와 종밀의 사상적 동이 ― 종밀의 원효문헌 인용을 중심으로=The difference and same on thought of wonhyo and Zongmi 김천학 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 불교철학=Journal for the Study Buddhist Philosophy=佛教哲學 2018.10
  의상 후기사상의 실천론 -- 내 몸을 중심으로=A Study on ‘Theory of Practices’ in the Latter Thoughts of Uisang -In the Case of ‘My Body(吾身)’ 김천학 =Kim, Cheon-hag 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies 2013.08.30
  일본화엄문헌에서의 『화엄경문답』인용 경향=The Tendency of Hwaom Kyong Mundap Quotation in Japanese Huayan Literature 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies 2012.04.30
  壽靈의 三乘極果廻心說 批判에 대하여=Jurei(壽靈)’s Criticism on the Conversion of the Three Vehicles after Attaining Ultimate Result 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2001.12
  종밀에 미친 원효의 사상적 영향 -- 『대승기신론소』를 중심으로=Wonhyo’s Effect on Zongmi"s(宗密) Thought : Focusing on Dasheng-qixinlun-shu(大乘起信論疏) 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2015.04
  종밀의 『대승기신론소』와 원효=Zongmi`s(宗密) Dashengqixinlunyishu (『大乘起信論義疏』) and Wonhyo(元曉) 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2014.09
  지눌의 이통현 화엄사상 수용과 변용 - 원돈성불론을 중심으로=Jinul's Understanding of Litongxuan's Huayan Thought in the Wŏndonsŏngbullon 김천학 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2010
  龍女成仏について : 天台宗と華厳宗の解釈比較=On the Dragon-maiden Becoming Buddha: The Comparison of Tiantai school and Huayen school in Interpretation 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 法華文化研究=Journal of Institute for the Comprehensive Study of Lotus Sutra=ホッケ ブンカ ケンキュウ 2012
  韓国華厳における三乗極果廻心説の流れ=Conversion to the Highest Fruit of the Three Vehicles in the Hwaom (華嚴) School of Korea 金天鶴 =Kim, Chon-hak 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2001.12
  円弘は新羅僧侶か : 『法華経論子注』の引用文献を中心として=Another Commentary on the Fǎhuájīnglùn composed by a Silla monk 金天鶴=Kim, Chon-hak ; 金炳坤=Kim, Byungkon 身延山大学仏教学部紀要=Bulletin of Faculty of Buddhism, Minobusan University=ミノブサン ダイガク ブッキョウ ガクブ キヨウ 2019.10.13
  増春『華厳一乗義私記』における一乗の意味 金天鶴 (著)=Kim, Chon-hak (au.) 佛教文化=仏教文化 2005.03
  薬師寺長期の華厳思想について=The Kegon Thought of Choro of Yakushiji 金天鶴 =Kim, Chon-hak 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2007.03