

Walshe, M. O'C  


18 件著作が収録され、4 件全文を含む 

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Walshe, Maurice O'Connell


全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  An anthology from the Samyutta Nikaya Walshe, M. O'C=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell 1985
  Book Review: "Identity and Experience: The Constitution of the Human Being According to Early Buddhism", by S. Hamilton Walshe, M. O'C (著)=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell (au.) The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1997.11
  Buddhism and Christianity:A Positive Approach Walshe, M. O'C (著)=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell (au.) 1980
  Buddhism and Christianity:a positive approach [bibliog] Walshe, M. O'C=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell Dialogue 1982
  Buddhism and Death Walshe, M. O'C =Walshe, Maurice O'Connell 1978
  Buddhism and Meister Eckhart Walshe, M. O'C (著)=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell (au.) The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1989.08
  Buddhism and Sex Walshe, M. O'C (著) 1975
  Buddhism for Today Walshe, Maurice O'Connell 1962
  Buddhism for today. Walshe, M. O'C=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell 1963, 1962
  Buddhist Reflections Walshe, M. O'C=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell; Lama Anagarika Govinda 1991.03.01
  Buddhist Reflections Walshe, M. O'C=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell; Lama Anagarika Govinda 1994.12
  King Ajatasattu, the Chinese Dots, and the Date of the Buddha's Enlightenment Walshe, M. O'C (著)=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell (au.) The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1991.05
  Pathways of Buddhist Thought: Essays from the Wheel Nyanaponika Thera (編); Walshe, M. O'C (選) 1971
  Saṃyutta Nikāya: An Anthology (Part III) Walshe, M. O'C (著) 1984
  The Middle Way and other essays Walshe, M. O'C=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell 1984
  The Mirror of Dhamma(Excerpt from 'Thus Have I Heard:The Long Discourses of the Buddha, Mahaparinibbana-Sutta) Walshe, M. O'C (著)=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell (au.) The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1998.08
  This self business and other essays Walshe, M. O'C=Walshe, Maurice O'Connell 1969
  Thus have I heard : the long discourses of the Buddha Digha Nikaya Walshe, Maurice O'Connell 1987