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Yen, Wei-hung



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  《大智度論》如何影響中國佛學的詮釋? -- 以吉藏為例=How Mahaprajnaparamitopadesa Influenced the Interpretations of Chinese Buddhism? — A Case of Ji-zang 嚴瑋泓 (撰)=Yen, Wei-hung (compose) 哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture 2016.12.01
  《大智度論》對「說一切有部」實在論的批判 -- 以「無相」、「行相」與「所緣」之議題為例證 嚴瑋泓 Conference of Buddhist Epistemology 2009.12.19
  《大智度論》對部派佛教實在論之批判的研究=An Investigation into the Mahaprajnaparamitopadesa's Critique of the Abhidharmic Realism 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 2010
  《大智度論》對智顗之禪學詮釋的影響=The Influence of Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa on Zhiyi's Interpretation of Chan 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 思與言:人文與社會科學雜誌=Thought and Words:Journal of the Humanities and Social Science 2018.03.01
  《維摩詰經》的倫理學型態是結果主義嗎? ──基於「慈悲」與「無我」的批判反思 =Is the Ethics of the Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra a Type of Consequentialism? -- A Critical Reflection Based on the Notions of ‘Compassion’ and ‘Non-Self’ 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies 2016.01
  「迦羅」(Kala)或「三摩耶」(Samaya)? -- 以「時間」議題論《大智度論》批判實在論的哲學問題=Kala or Samaya?: On the Philosophical Problems of the Mahaprajñaparamitopadesa's Critique of Realism regarding the Issue of Time 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 臺大佛學研究=Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies 2010.12
  On the Naturalization of Karma and Rebirth Lin, Chien-te ; Yen, Wei-hung=嚴瑋泓 International Journal of Dharma Studies 2015.12
  The ethical implications of Sengzhao’s concept of the Sage Yen, Wei-hung (著) Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 2019
  二十世紀初期至中期佛教現代化在臺灣的發展 —— 哲學、歷史與文化 嚴瑋泓 (著) 法鼓佛學學報=Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies 2020.12.01
  中國早期中觀哲學的存有論與倫理踅轉=The Ontology and Ethical Shift of Early Mādhyamaka Philosophy in China 嚴瑋泓 中國文哲研究集刊=Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 2020.09.01
  印順法師之《大智度論》詮釋的方法論與哲學立場=The Methodology and Philosophical Stance of Master Yin Shun’s Interpretation of Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa (Da-zhi-du-lun) 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies 2019.03
  印順法師對《大智度論》的詮釋觀點 嚴瑋泓 印順導師思想之理論與實踐兩岸研討會(第十四屆) 2016.05
  印順法師對「聲聞行」與「菩薩行」之 倫理抉擇=Master Yin-Shun’s Ethical Judgment on the Practices of Śrāvaka and Bodhisattva 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism 2021.03.31
  如何理解《六祖壇經》的倫理學型態?=How to Comprehend the Types of Ethical Theories of "The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch"? 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 國立臺灣大學哲學論評=National Taiwan University Philosophical Review 2015.10
  佛教倫理對戰爭的反思=Reflections on War in Buddhist Ethics 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies 2023.09
  東晉慧遠是實在論者嗎?:以其詮解《大智度論》之觀點為線索的哲學研究=Was Huiyuan (Eastern Jin dynasty) a Realist?: A Philosophical Inquiry into his Interpretation of the Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 國立政治大學哲學學報=National Chengchi University Philosophical Journal 2015.07
  知識、解脫與返回人間 ── 印順法師思想的知識學主張芻議 嚴瑋泓 「印順導師思想之理論與實踐」學術會議論文集(第十屆) 2011.03
  假名與空不可說 嚴瑋泓 法光=Dharma Light Monthly 2005.07
  當代新儒家對《大智度論》的理解與詮釋=Contemporary Neo-Confucian Interpretations of the Da-zhi-du-lun (Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa) 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 東吳哲學學報=Soochow Journal of Philosophical Studies 2019.08.01
  聖嚴法師戒律思想之倫理學義蘊=On the Ethical Significance of Master Sheng Yen’s Thoughts on Precepts 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 聖嚴研究:第六輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.6 2015.06
  聖嚴法師禪學詮釋中的倫理向度 嚴瑋泓 第六屆聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 2016.07
  聖嚴法師禪學詮釋中的倫理向度=On the Ethical Dimension of Master Sheng Yen’s Interpretations of Chan 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 聖嚴研究:第十一輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.11 2018.11
  試論牟宗三先生對《大智度論》的哲學詮釋=Mou Tsung-San's Philosophical Interpretation of Dà-zhì-dù-lùn (Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa) 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 鵝湖月刊=Legein Monthly 2013.01
  試論般若波羅蜜多之形上學意涵及其解構理路 -- 以《八千頌般若經》為依據(下) 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 法光=Dharma Light Monthly 2008.02
  試論般若波羅蜜多之形上學意涵及其解構理路 -- 以《八千頌般若經》為依據(上) 嚴瑋泓 法光=Dharma Light Monthly 2008.01
  僧肇的假名論與指涉的不可測度說=Sengzhao’s Theory of Provisional Designation (jiaming) and the Theory of the Inscrutability of Reference 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 東吳哲學學報=Soochow Journal of Philosophical Studies 2015.08.01
  慧影《大智度論疏》的存有論立場析論=An Analysis of Huiying’s Ontological Position in the Dazhi du lun shu 嚴瑋泓 =Yen, Wei-hung 臺灣宗教研究=Taiwan Journal of Religious Studies 2019.06
  論《般若經》的「假名」概念 :以《大般若波羅蜜多經.第四會》〈妙行品〉與《第二會》〈善現品〉的對比作為考察的基礎=Prajñapti in the Prajñāpāramitā Sūtras: A Comparison between the "Sarvākārajñātā-caryā Parivarta" in the Asta and the "Subhūti Parivarta" in the Pañca 嚴瑋泓 =Yen, Wei-hung 中華佛學研究=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies 2006.03.01
  論佛教倫理學的「忍辱」與「寬容」:以「阿難受責」的案例為線索 嚴瑋泓 (著)=Yen, Wei-hung (au.) 揭諦=Aletheia=NHU Journal of Philosophy and Life Education 2013.01.01
  論東晉慧遠詮解《大智度論》的哲學立場 嚴瑋泓 2012東亞佛教思想文化學術論文發表會 2012.11.30
  論龍樹「空義」的證成與其實踐意涵--以《中論》為基礎的探討 嚴瑋泓; 陳啟能 史學理論研究=Historiography Quarterly 2001