全文 |
タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
《佛陀的話語:巴利經典選集》總導讀 |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; 蔡奇林 |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly |
2009.03.25 |
《遊心法海六十年》英譯本簡介 |
菩提比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Bodhi (au.); 釋長叡 (譯)=Shih, Chang-rui (tr.) |
福嚴會訊=Fuyan Journal |
2011.07 |
A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma -- the Abhidhammattha Sangaha of Acariya Anuruddha (introduction only) |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Narada |
1993 |
A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma: The Abhidhammattha Sangaha of Ācariya Anuruddha |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
2013 |
A Critical Examination Of Nanavira's 'A Note On Paticcasamuppada' (2) |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Buddhist Studies Review |
1998 |
A Critical Examination of Nanavira's A Note on Paticcasamuppada (I) |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Buddhist Studies Review |
1998 |
A Discipline of Sobriety |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1997 |
A discourse of the Buddha: Cūlahatthipadopama-sutta ‘The Shorter Discourse on the Simile of the Elephant's Footprint' |
Bhikkhu Nānamoli; Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2009 |
A Look at the Kalama Sutta |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1988 |
A New Undertaking |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1985 |
A Note on Openness |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1990 |
A Remedy for Despair |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1989 |
A Statement of Conscience |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1988 |
A Summary of the 152 suttas of the Majjhima Nikaya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
A Treatise on the Pāramīs |
Dhammapala, Acariya; Bhikkhu Bodhi |
1996 |
Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time |
Nyanaponika Thera (著)=向智長老 (au.); Bhikkhu Bodhi (引言)=菩提比丘 (introd.) |
1998 |
Aims of Buddhist Education |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1997 |
An Auspicious Month |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1991 |
Association with the Wise |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1994 |
Book Review: "Buddhism without Beliefs: A Contemporary Guide to Awakening," by Stephen Batchelor |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
1998 |
Book Review: "How Buddhism Began: The Conditioned Genesis of the Early Teachings," by Richard F. |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
1997 |
Buddha's Teaching in His Own Words |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
2000 |
Buddhism Comes to the West |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (講述) |
BuddhaNet's Magazine Articles |
DĀNA: The Practice of Giving |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (編); Jootla, Susan Elbaum (著) |
1990 |
Dhamma and Non-duality |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1994/1995 |
Dhamma Without Rebirth? |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1987 |
Discourses of the ancient nuns:Bhikkhuni-samyutta |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
1997 |
Does Rebirth Make Sense? |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Facing the Future: Four Essays on the Social Relevance of Buddhism |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
2000 |
For the Welfare of Many |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1994 |
From Views to Vision |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1994 |
Giving Dignity to Life |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1998 |
Going for Refuge & Taking the Precepts |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
1981 |
Great Disciples of the Buddha: Their Lives, Their Works, Their Legacy |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Hecker, Hellmuth; Nyanaponika Thera |
2003.10 |
In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; 第十四世達賴喇嘛 (前言)=H. H. Dalai Lama (fwd.) |
2005.09 |
Kelahiran Ulang: Ajaran dan Bukti Ilmiah |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著); Bhikkhu Nārada (著); Bhikkhu Ṭhānissaro (著); Story, Francis (著); Santacitta, Tasfan (譯); Vijjānanda, Handaka (編) |
2022.10 |
Khandha and Upādānakkhandha |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Pali Buddhist Review |
1976 |
Laying Down the Rod |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1991 |
Mahākaccāna: Master of Doctrinal Exposition |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
1995 |
Meeting the Divine Messengers |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1996 |
Message for a Globalized World |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1996 |
Nibbana, Transcendence and Language |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Buddhist Studies Review |
1996 |
Nourishing the Roots: Essays on Buddhist Ethics |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
1978 |
Numerical Discourses of Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Bhikkhu Bodhi; Nyanaponika Thera |
2000.05 |
Numerical Discourses of the Buddha |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Nyanaponika Thera |
2000.06.15 |
Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Nyanaponika Thera |
2000 |
Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著); Nyanaponika Thera (著) |
2010.05.25 |
Numerical Discourses of the Buddha:An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya [new ed.] |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; Nyanaponika Thera |
1999 |
Nyanaponika: A Hundred Years from Birth |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
2001 |
On Translating "Buddha" |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies |
2020.11 |
Promoting Buddhism in Europe |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
The Necessity for Promoting Buddhism in Europe |
2000.07.02 |
Purification of Mind |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1986 |
Refuge in the Buddha |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1992 |
Self-transformation |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1990 |
Socially Engaged Buddhism and the Trajectory of Buddhist Ethical Consciousness |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Religion East & West |
2009.10 |
Subrahma's Problem |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1997 |
Susīma's Conversation with the Buddha: A Second Study of the Susīma-sutta |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Journal of the Pali Text Society |
2009 |
Taking Stock of Oneself |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1987 |
Teaching Buddhism In America |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Insight Journal =Full moon Insight Journal |
2006.12 |
The Balanced Way |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1987 |
The Brahmajāla Sutta: The Discourse on the All-embracing Net of Views: The First Sutta of the Dīgha Nikāya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
2013 |
The Buddha and His Dhamma - Two Lectures on Buddhism |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
1999 |
The Buddha and His Message -- Past, Present & Future |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Eastern Horizon |
2000.08 |
The Buddha's Survey of Views |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Recent Researches in Buddhist Studies: Essays in Honour of Professor Y. Karunadasa |
1997 |
The Case for Study |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1986 |
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
2000.10.01 |
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (譯) |
2000 |
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
2002.09 |
The Discourse on Right View: The Sammādiṭṭhi Sutta and its Commentary |
Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli (譯); Bhikkhu Bodhi (編) |
1991 |
The Five Spiritual Faculties |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1993 |
The Guardians of the World |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1993 |
The Lion’s Roar Two Discourses of the Buddha from the Majjhima Nikāya: The Great Discourse on the Lion’s Roar |
Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli (譯); Bhikkhu Bodhi (編) |
1993 |
The Lion’s Roar Two Discourses of the Buddha from the Majjhima Nikāya: The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar |
Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli (著); Bhikkhu Bodhi (編) |
1993 |
The Living Message of the Dhammapada |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Bodhi Leaves |
1993 |
The Mahānidāna Sutta: The Great Discourse on Causation The Fifteenth Sutta of the Dīgha Nikāya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
2013 |
The Meaning of the Word 'Tathāgata' |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Pali Buddhist Review |
1978 |
The middle length discourses of the Buddha : a new translation of the Majjhima Nikaya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi ; Bhikkhu Nanamoli |
2001 |
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya |
Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli (著); Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
1995.11.09 |
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A translation of the Majjhima Nikāya |
Bhikkhu Nanamoli (譯); Bhikkhu Bodhi (譯) |
1995.11.09 |
The Nobility of the Truths |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1992 |
The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to the End of Suffering |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
1984 |
The numerical discourses of the Buddha : a translation of the Aṅguttara Nikāya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
2012 |
The Problem of Conflict |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1989 |
The Purification of Almsfood |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly |
2003.05.15 |
The Quest for Meaning |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1989 |
The Sāmaññaphala Sutta: The Discourse on the Fruits of Recluseship The Second Sutta of the Dīgha Nikāya |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
2013 |
The Search for Security |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1990 |
The Susīma-sutta and the Wisdom-Liberated Arahant |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Journal of the Pali Text Society |
2007 |
The Suttanipāta: An Ancient Collection of the Buddha's Discourses Together with Its Commentaries |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (譯) |
2017.09.26 |
The taste of freedom |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
1976 |
The Vital Link |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1988 |
Tolerance and Diversity |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1993 |
Towards a Threshold of Understanding |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1995 |
Transcendental Dependent Arising: A Translation and Exposition of the Upanisa Sutta |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
1980 |
Two Faces of the Dhamma |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1985 |
Ven. Nyanaponika Mahathera:A Vision of the Damma for Our Time |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society |
1996.02 |
Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera, 1896-1998 |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society |
1998.11 |
Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya:A Personal Appreciation |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society |
1999.05 |
Venerable Piyadassi Nayaka Thera, 1914-1998 |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society |
1998.11 |
Vision and Routine |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1985 |
Walking Even Amidst the Uneven |
Bhikkhu Bodhi (著) |
BPS Newsletter Cover Essays |
1996 |
What Does Mindfulness Really Mean? a Canonical Perspective |
Bhikkhu Bodhi |
Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
2011.05 |
二十一世紀僧伽的挑戰=The Challenge to the Sangha in the 21st Century |
菩提比丘 (講述)=Bhikkhu Bodhi (spk.); 蘇錦坤 (譯)=Su, Ken (tr.) |
福嚴會訊=Fuyan Journal |
2006.07 |
八正道 -- 趣向苦滅的道路=The noble eightfold path way to the end of suffering |
菩提比丘=Bhikkhu Bodhi; 臺灣香光書鄉編譯組 |
2010.01.01 |
正念的真正意思為何 -- 巴利聖典的觀點=What Does Mindfulness Really Mean? A Canonical Perspective |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; 溫宗堃=Wen, Tzung-kuen |
福嚴佛學研究=Fuyan Buddhist Studies |
2014.04 |
再訪「井水喻」 -- 探索SN 12.68 Kosambi《拘睒彌經》的詮釋 |
菩提比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Bodhi (au.); 蘇錦坤 |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly |
2006.09.25 |
自由之味 |
菩提比丘; 何蕙儀 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2011.03.20 |
自由之味:心識對眾生差別的影響 |
菩提比丘; 何蕙儀 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2011.03.20 |
自由之味:功德與提升心靈的關係 |
菩提比丘; 何蕙儀 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2011.03.20 |
自由之味:正見之道 |
菩提比丘; 何蕙儀 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2011.03.20 |
自由之味:善根栽培 |
菩提比丘; 何蕙儀 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2011.03.20 |
佛法的反思: 菩提比丘論文集=Dhamma reflections: collected essays of Bhikkhu Bodhi |
菩提比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Bodhi (au.); 雷叔雲 (譯) |
2022.07 |
沙門行果 -- 沙門果經及其註疏 |
不成道人; 菩提比丘; 德雄 |
2002.10 |
阿毗達摩概要經解 |
菩提比丘=Bhikkhu Bodhi; 尋法比丘=Bhikkhu Dhammagavesaka |
2000.01 |
阿毗達摩概要精解 |
菩提比丘 (編); 尋法比丘 (譯) |
2015.04 |
美國:佛教徒的修行與公民責任(下) |
菩提比丘 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2019.06 |
美國:佛教徒的修行與公民責任(上) |
菩提比丘 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2019.05 |
面對未來:十字路口的僧伽 |
菩提比丘; 何蕙儀 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2011.03.20 |
面對未來:佛教如何回應世界現今的困局 |
菩提比丘; 何蕙儀 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2011.03.20 |
面對未來:佛教對經濟與社會發展的態度 |
菩提比丘; 何蕙儀 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2011.03.20 |
面對未來:提供給新世紀的佛教社會道德 |
菩提比丘; 何蕙儀 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2011.03.20 |
面對未來:變更中的佛教面貌 |
菩提比丘; 何蕙儀 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
2011.03.20 |
乘佛乘穿越歷史——印順法師的教乘教史思想 |
菩提比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Bodhi (au.) |
印順導師百歲嵩壽祝壽文集 |
2004.04.30 |
破除學佛盲點 |
菩提比丘 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2016.12 |
神妙大果報 |
菩提比丘; 陳慈蘭 |
慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly |
2003.05.15 |
僧伽之父大迦葉.佛法守護者阿難 |
向智長老=Nyanaponika Thera; 海克, 何慕斯=Hecker, Hellmuth; 菩提比丘 |
2005.02 |
摩尼頂髻聚落主=Maniculaka |
Bhikkhu Bodhi; 陳慈蘭 |
慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly |
2003.08.15 |
輪迴可有道理?:五十三篇菩提比丘的佛法教導=Dhamma Reflections: Collected Essays of Bhikkhu Bodhi |
菩提比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Bodhi (au.); 雷叔雲 (譯) |
2022.07.14 |
親近善知識=Association with the Wise |
菩提比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Bodhi (au.); 鄭維儀 (譯)=Cheng, Wei-yi (tr.) |
慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly |
2005.08.15 |
薄伽教藏-- 七論與《攝阿毘達磨義論》 |
菩提比丘; 雷瓦達達摩比丘; 香光書鄉香光莊嚴雜誌編輯組 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
1999.12.20 |
釋尊與釋尊的教誨 |
菩提比丘 (著)=Bhikkhu Bodhi (au.) |
美佛慧訊 |
2013.07 |