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61537 |
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Lai, Wen-ying |
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「普賢行」與「文殊願」 ── 文殊、普賢二聖信仰探源 |
賴文英 |
2015華嚴專宗國際學術研討會論文集上冊 |
2018.11 |
中土早期《維摩詰經》的圖像詮釋=Iconographic Evidences Related to the Vimalakirti Sutra in Early Medieval China |
賴文英 (著)=Lai, Wen-ying (au.) |
佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2017.07 |
中唐敦煌石窟造像的涅槃思想 |
賴文英 (著)=Lai, Wen-ying (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2007 |
六、七世紀高昌佛教的淨土禪觀 -- 以吐峪溝禪觀圖為例=The Pure Land Meditation View of Kaochang Buddhism of the 6th-7th Century Based on the Example of the Meditation View Diagram of the Tuyukou Grottos |
賴文英 =Lai, Wen-ying |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2002.12 |
六世紀中國華北地區的法華「十六王子」信仰=The Belief of ‘the Sixteenth Prience' in the Saddharmapundarika Sutra around the Northern Area of China in Sixth Century |
賴文英 =Lai, Wen-ying |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2006.04 |
六世紀後葉法華與淨土觀行之融攝 -- 以南、北響堂石窟為例=The Merger of the Lotus Belief with the Pure-land Practice at the Late of the Sixth Century--with the North and South Xiang-tang-shan Caves as an Example |
賴文英 =Lai, Wen-ying |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2004.12 |
北朝造像碑之維摩變 |
賴文英 (著) |
全國佛學論文聯合發表會論文集(第9屆) |
1998.07.31 |
北傳早期的法華三昧禪法與造像=The "Lotus Samadhi" Ch'an Method in Early Northern Buddhism and Image-making |
賴文英 =Lai, Wen-ying |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2001.12 |
安西榆林25窟初探 |
賴文英 (著)=Lai, Wen-ying (au.) |
全國佛學論文聯合發表會論文集(第10屆) |
1999.08.20 |
佛教藝術與身心療癒 |
賴文英 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2021.09 |
典藏觀音 -- 賴鵬舉先生觀音文物收藏特輯 |
郭祐孟; 劉又銑; 賴文英; 釋圓仁 |
2011.01.09 |
南北朝「涅槃」學與「般若」、「法華」的會通=A Discussion on the Merging of Nirvana Theory with the Doctrines of Prajna and Lotus Sects during the North and South Dynasties |
賴文英 (著)=Lai, Wen-ying (au.) |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2003.12 |
唐代安西榆林25窟之盧舍那佛=The Rocana Buddha in the 25th An–shi-yu-lin Sculptures of Tang Dynasty |
賴文英 =Lai, Wen-ying |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
1999.12 |
唐代華嚴法界救度思想的開展 -- 兼論榆林窟第25窟盧舍那佛與藥師、地藏的組合 |
賴文英 (著)=Lai, Wen-ying (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2013 |
涇川王母宮石窟造像思想探析 |
賴文英 (著)=Lai, Wen-ying (au.) |
敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies |
2011 |
採訪石窟藝術之美 |
賴文英 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2005.03 |
絲路佛教的圖像與禪法 |
賴文英 (著)=Lai, Wen-ying (au.) |
覺風季刊=覺風會訊 |
2009.09.01 |
臺灣「觀音媽聯」圖像研究=A Study on the Iconography of “Guan-yin-ma-lian “in Taiwan |
賴文英 (著)=Lai, Wen-ying (au.) |
2008 |
論新疆阿艾石窟的盧舍那佛=The Vairocana Buddha of the Ah-ai Grottos in Xinjiang |
賴文英 (著)=Lai, Wen-ying (au.) |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2010.11 |
賴鵬舉居士以「般若」建立的義學體系 |
賴文英=Lai, Wen-ying |
東宗的呼喚 -- 2010賴鵬舉居士逝世周年學術研討會 |
2010.04.24/25 |
續高僧傳感通篇譯注(三):釋道豐傳=Interpretation and Comments on Xu Gao Seng Zhuan 3: Shi Dao-feng |
郭珮君 (著); 陳怡安 (著); 賴文英 (著) |
古今論衡=Disquisitions on the Past & Present |
2019.12 |