敦煌學=Studies on Tun-huang     Go to E-Journal     Journals included

Publisher: 南華大學敦煌學研究中心 Place of Publication: 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] ISSN: 10159339
Frequency: 年刊=Annual Website: https://nhdh.nhu.edu.tw/Web/Pages?mid=8867&n=%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E8%AB%96%E8%91%97
Journal Title Change:
Journal Description:

n.37 [2021.08.01 Published]

n.36 [2020.08.01 Published]

n.35 [2019.08.01 Published]

n.34 [2018.08 Published]

n.33 [2017.08 Published]

n.32 [2016.08.01 Published]

n.31 [2015.03 Published]

n.27 [2008.02.01 Published]

n.24 [2003.06.01 Published]

n.21 [1998.06.01 Published]

n.20 [1995.12.01 Published]

n.37 [2021.08.01Published]

Title Author
 霞浦文書《摩尼光佛》科冊重訂本=The New Re-edited Version of Xiapu Manuscript Mani the Buddha of Light [Fulltext]
汪娟 (著)=Wang, chuan (au.); 馬小鶴 (著)=Ma, Xiao-he (au.)
 從大王窟看曹議金護國壇場的意義-兼論四角天王為金光明經變的一種樣式=A Look at Cao Yijin's State Protection Awareness from the Cave of the Great King - Also on whether the four-cornered heavenly kings are a form of the Mural of the Golden Light Sūtra [Fulltext]
許絹惠 (著)=Hsu, Chuan-hui (au.)
 敦煌寫卷「包首題」符號的研究及其方法論價值=Research on the Symbol of Baoshou Titles in Dunhuang Manuscripts and the Methodological Values of the Study [Fulltext]
黃威 (著)=Hwang, Wei (au.)
 敦煌僧讚文學寫本與壁畫的互釋-以P.2775寫本原生態為例=The Entangled Interpretations on the Manuscripts on the Monastic Eulogies and their Related Murals from Dunhuang: With Special Reference to the Original Form of P. 2775 [Fulltext]
鄭阿財 (著)=Cheng, A-tsai (au.)
 敦煌本《蒙求》與六種注本徵引書目同異情況之分析=Analysis of Similarities and Differences between Dunhuang Manuscript Mengqiu and the Six Types of Annotated Bibliography [Fulltext]
鄭亦寧 (著)=Zheng, Yi-ning (au.)


n.36 [2020.08.01Published]

Title Author
 對中國佛教研究的幾點思考=Some Thoughts on the Study of Chinese Buddhism [Fulltext]
方廣錩 (著)=Fang, Guang-chang (au.)
 從司馬溫公《書儀》看唐宋禮俗之變-以「表奏公文私書家書」及「冠婚儀」為例=To Investigate the Tang-Song Etiquette's Transformation in the viewpoint of Shu Yi by Sima Guang: Taking "Biaozo Gongwen, Sishu, Jiashu", and "Guan Hun Yi" as Examples [Fulltext]
王三慶 (著)=Wang, San-ching (au.)
 絲路運作與唐朝制度=The Operation of Silk Road and the System of Tang China [Fulltext]
王小甫 (著)=Wang, Xiao-fu (au.)
 唐代書法文化的東傳-以空海、最澄為中心=The Spread of Tang Calligraphy Culture in East Asia: A Study Centered on the Japanese Monks Kūkai and Saichō [Fulltext]
史睿 (著)=Shi, Rui (au.)
 佛教與摩尼教的接觸-一件新刊粟特文本的再研究=Manichaeism Meets Buddhism: Traces in a Recently Published Sogdian Text [Fulltext]
吉田豊 (著)=Yoshida, Yutaka (au.); 山本孝子 (譯)=Yamamoto, Takako (tr.)
 庫車丁谷山獻疑=Misunderstanding of the Dinggu Mountain in Kutcha [Fulltext]
朱玉麒 (著)=Zhu, Yu-qi (au.)
 潘重規先生敦煌賦研究的特色與貢獻=The Features and Inspirations of Pan Chung-kwei's Studies on Dunhaung Fu [Fulltext]
朱鳳玉 (著)=Chu, Feng-yu (au.)
 關於P.2968書狀的再思考=Study on the Dunhuang Manuscript P.2968 [Fulltext]
吳麗娛 (著)=Wu, Li-yu (au.); 楊寶玉 (著)=Yang, Bao-yu (au.)
 漢譯《摩尼教殘經》的體式及其佚文的新探索:以佛經體式為參照=A New Study on the Stylistic Form [體式] of the Chinese Traité Manichéen [摩尼教殘經] and its Missing Words by Consulting the Stylistic Form of the Buddhist Sutras [Fulltext]
汪娟 (著)=Wang, chuan (au.)


n.35 [2019.08.01Published]

Title Author
 冉雲華先生傳略及論著目錄=Prof. Jan Yunhua's Biography and Catalogue [Fulltext]
汪娟 =Wang, chuan
 一生恩遇 雋永如斯 ── 緬懷恩師冉雲華先生=In Memory Prof. Jan Yunhua [Fulltext]
汪娟 =Wang, chuan
 敦煌變文寫本原生態及其文本講唱特徵析論 ── 以今存寫本原題有「變」為中心=The Original Form of the Transformation Texts from Dunhuang and an Analysis of their Lecturing Features: With Special Reference to the Texts with the Character "Bian" in their Titles [Fulltext]
朱鳳玉 =Chu, Feng-yu
 敦煌道教寫卷P.3899之年代與內容考=The Dunhuang Scroll P.3899: It's Dating and Interpretation [Fulltext]
周西波 =Chou, Hsi-po
 曹元忠文殊堂的顯密融合=Exoteric Buddhism and Esoteric Buddhism Fusion in Cao Yuanzhong's Manjushri Temple [Fulltext]
許絹惠 =Hsu, Chuan-hui
 敦煌寫本所見的「道安」及其相關著作=Daoan and Daoan's Writings in Dunhuang Documents [Fulltext]
楊明璋 =Yang, Ming-chang
 書評:怎樣讀懂敦煌 ── 以《圖說敦煌二五四窟》為例=Book Review: How to understand Dunhuang: taking The Illustrated Book on Cave 254 in Dunhuang as an Example [Fulltext]
柴劍虹 =Chai, Jian-hong


n.34 [2018.08Published]

Title Author
 語文教育視角下的敦煌本《正名要錄》=A Study on the Dunhuang Manuscript “Zhengming Yaolu” from the Perspective of the Philological Education [Fulltext]
朱鳳玉 (著)=Chu, Feng-yu (au.)
 敦煌 P.3216、P.2483 等卷「阿彌陀讚文」樣貌與應用探究=A Study on Miscellaneous Copies and Applications of “The Eulogy of Amitabha” in Dunhuang Manuscripts P.3216, P.2483 and others [Fulltext]
林仁昱 (著)=Lin, Jen-yu (au.)
 《兔園策府》作者杜嗣先墓誌略論=On the text of “Du Sixian's Epitaph” [Fulltext]
郭長城 (著)=Kuo Changcheng (au.)
 《太子須大拏經講經文》考述 —— 以 ДX.285 等六殘片與 BD.8006 號為中心=Research on the Literary Lecture on Taizi Xudana Jing: Centering on six pieces, such as ДX.285, and BD.8006 [Fulltext]
計曉雲 (著)=Ji Xiaoyun (au.)
 吉田豐之摩尼教文獻漢字音寫研究=Yoshida Yutaka’s Research on Middle Iranian Transliterated into Chinese Characters in Manichaean Texts - [Fulltext]
馬小鶴 (著)=Ma, Xiao-he (au.); 汪娟 (著)=Wang, chuan (au.)
 敦煌文獻中的北宗禪=The Northern School’s teaching of the Dunhuang Manuscripts [Fulltext]
黃青萍 (著)=Huang, Ching-ping (au.)
 論張議潮功德窟的塔窟組合=On the Combination of Pagoda and Grotto in the Cave Constructed in Honor of Zhang Yichao [Fulltext]
許絹惠 (著)=Hsu, Chuan-hui (au.)
 2006-2016 年臺灣地區敦煌學研究論著目錄=2006-2016 Bibliography of Dunhuang Studies in Taiwan [Fulltext]
蔡忠霖 (著)=Tsai Chung-lin (au.); 張家豪 (著)=Chang, Chia-hao (au.)
 P.2666V「治小兒驚啼方」考=A Study on the Recipe for Healing Children’s Crying of Frightening on the Dunhuang Manuscript P.2666V [Fulltext]
梁麗玲 (著)=Liang, Li-ling (au.)
 敦煌寫本《大乘義章》及其相關研究=Research of Dunhuang manuscripts “Dasheng Yizhang” and Related Issue [Fulltext]
陳淑萍 (著)=Chen, Shu-ping (au.)


n.33 [2017.08Published]

Title Author
 敦煌壁畫的動畫創作研究 ── 以動畫片『九色鹿』為例=A Study of Animation Composition based on the Wall Painting from Dunhuang: with special reference to the Nine Colored Deer [Fulltext]
丁鵬 (著)=Ding Peng (au.)
 釋應之《五杉練若新學備用》上卷與敦煌文獻等「法數」 編輯之比較研究=A Comparative Study on Shi Yingzhi’s the Wushan Lianruo Xinxue Beiyong part One and the Compilation of the Fashu in Dunhuang manuscripts [Fulltext]
王三慶 (著)=Wang, San-ching (au.)
 論講唱活動在敦煌佛教寺院的傳播 ── 以莫高窟三界寺為例=On the Spread of the Activities of Telling and Singing among Buddhist Temples in Dunhuang: A Case Study of the Three-Realm Temple in the Mogao Cave region [Fulltext]
朱鳳玉 (著)=Chu, Feng-yu (au.)
 不空譯《尊勝咒》綜考=A Comprehensive Study on the Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī translated by Amoghavajra [Fulltext]
馬小鶴 (著)=Ma, Xiao-he (au.); 汪娟 (著)=Wang, chuan (au.)
 吐蕃的佛教措施與歸義軍前期的佛教發展=The Buddhist Policy of the Tibetan Regime and the Buddhist Development in the early period of the Guiyijun Governance [Fulltext]
許絹惠 (著)=Hsu, Chuan-hui (au.)
 英法藏敦煌兌廢經寫本研究=A Study on the Disposed Scriptures in the Dunhuang Manuscripts from the British and French Collections [Fulltext]
張長彬 (著)=Zhang, Changbin (au.)
 首都博物館藏《佛說如來八相成道講經文》(擬) 探析=A Study on the Text of Lecturing Scripture on the Accomplishing Enlightenment of the Tathagata’s Eight Marks spoken by the Buddha preserved in the Capital Museum [Fulltext]
張家豪 (著)=Chang, Chia-hao (au.)
 佛教法數類書研究 ── 以《法界次第初門》與《法門名義集》為研究中心=A Study on the Buddhist Compendium of the Fashu Books, with the focus on the Fajie cidi chumen and Famen mingyi ji. [Fulltext]
陳淑萍 (著)=Chen, Shu-ping (au.)
 唐宋之際文殊菩薩的侍從變化考論=An Examination on the Changes of the Attendants to the Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva during the Tang and Song periods [Fulltext]
楊明璋 (著)=Yang, Ming-chang (au.)


n.32 [2016.08.01Published]

Title Author
 《光世音經》在中原與敦煌的傳播=The Spread of the Guangshiyin Scripture in the Central Plain and Dunhuang [Fulltext]
釋大參 (著)=Shi Dacan (au.)
 霞浦文書《摩尼光佛》科冊的儀文復原=Restored Text of Xiapu Manuscript Mani the Buddha of Light [Fulltext]
汪娟 (著)=Wang, chuan (au.); 馬小鶴 (著)=Ma, Xiao-he (au.)
 白澤信仰及其形像轉變之考察=The Baize Cult and Its Changing Images [Fulltext]
周西波 (著)=Chou, Hsi-po (au.)
 敦煌本〈大乘淨土讚〉抄錄狀況與運用探究=A Study on Miscellaneous Copies and Applications of "The Eulogy of Mahayana Pure Land" in Dunhuang Manuscripts [Fulltext]
林仁昱 (著)=Lin, Jen-yu (au.)
 敦煌講唱文辭〈秋吟一本〉之文學意象與說服敘事=A Study on the Literary Images and Narrative Persuasion in Dunhuang Telling and Singing Literature "Qiu Yin Yi Ben" [Fulltext]
林雪鈴 (著)=Lin Xueling (au.)
 敦煌收養文書的內容及其文化內涵=The Content and Cultural Implications of the Dunhuang Manuscripts on Adoption [Fulltext]
洪藝芳 (著)=Hung, I-fang (au.)
 敦煌佛傳文學之特色析論=An Analysis and Discussion on the Features of the Buddha's Biographies in Dunhuang Literature [Fulltext]
張家豪 (著)=Chang, Chia-hao (au.)
 敦煌「小兒夜啼方」中的咒語流變=The Transformation of the Spells in the Dunhuang Manuscript "Method for Healing the Night Crying of Children" [Fulltext]
梁麗玲 (著)=Liang, Li-ling (au.)
 關於北宗禪的研究 ── 五方便門寫本及其禪法=A Study on the Northern School Chan: The Manuscripts of Five Skillful Means and its Dharma Method [Fulltext]
黃青萍 (著)=Huang, Ching-ping (au.)
 文人入聖域 ── 白居易及其詩文的神聖化想像與中、日寺院=Literati entering the Sacred Realm: the Sacred Imgagination in Bai Juyi's Writings and the Chinese and Japanese Temples [Fulltext]
楊明璋 (著)=Yang, Ming-chang (au.)
 敦煌寫本所見「孫元覺」故事考 ── 兼論中國「棄老」故事的來源與類型=The research of "Sun Yuan jue" story in Dunhuang Manuscripts: Also on the source and classifications of China "abandon the old" stories [Fulltext]
劉惠萍 (著)=Liu, Hui-ping (au.)
 從便捷視角審視俗字的書寫心理=An Examination on the Writing Psychology of the Vulgar Characters: A Convenient Perspective [Fulltext]
蔡忠霖 (著)=Tsai Chung-lin (au.)
 敦煌披帽地藏之文本與圖像=The Texts and Images of Hooded Ksitigarbha in Dunhuang [Fulltext]
簡佩琦 (著)=Chien, Pei-chi (au.)


n.31 [2015.03Published]

Title Author
 敦煌《觀音經》題記 節俗齋日抄經文化之考察=A Study on the Sutra-copying Culture during the Feast Holidays and Festivals in the Colophon of the Guanyin Scripture from Dunhuang [Fulltext]
釋大參 (著)=Shi Dacan (au.)
 散藏敦煌寫卷題跋研究發凡=An Introduction to the Study of Colophons of Dunhuang Manuscripts from Miscellaneous Collections [Fulltext]
朱鳳玉 (著)=Chu, Feng-yu (au.)
 八種英藏敦煌文獻殘片的定名與綴合=The Identification and Restoration of Eight Fragments of Dunhuang Manuscripts in the British collection [Fulltext]
郜同麟 (著)=Hao Tongling (au.)
 從敦煌本《唐太宗入冥記》論《西遊記》中「太宗入冥」 故事之運用=On the Adaptation of the Story on “Taizong Entering the Underground World” in the Journey to the West with special Reference to the Dunhuang Manuscript The Record of Taizong Entering the Underground World [Fulltext]
張家豪 (著)=Zhang Jiahao (au.)
 從講經儀式到說唱伎藝:論古代的唱釋題目=From the Rite of Lecturing Scriptures to the Skill of Storytelling: On the Themes of Storytelling and Expanding in Ancient China [Fulltext]
楊明璋 (著)=Yang Mingzhang (au.)
 唐五代時期書信的物質形狀與禮儀=The Materiality and Rites of Letters in the Tang and Five Dynasties [Fulltext]
山本孝子 (著)=Yamamoto, Takako (au.)
 俗字研究瑣議=Reflections on studying Colloquial Characters [Fulltext]
蔡忠霖 (著)=Tsai Chung-lin (au.)
 臺灣敦煌學研究的發展歷程與展望=The History and Prospects of Dunhuang Studies in Taiwan [Fulltext]
鄭阿財 (著)=Cheng, A-tsai (au.)
 《敦煌秘笈》羽-100 號殘卷用途之試探=A Preliminary Study on the Use of the fragment numbered Yu-100 in the Dunhuang miji [Fulltext]
蕭文真=Hsiao, Wen-chen


n.27 [2008.02.01Published]

Title Author
 敦煌異鄉人寫經題記中的「鄉愁與宗教救度」 [Fulltext]


n.24 [2003.06.01Published]

Title Author
 敦煌學論著目錄‧續(1997~2000) [Fulltext]
鄭阿財 ; 蔡忠霖


n.21 [1998.06.01Published]

Title Author
 敦煌變文集新書訂補(一續) [Fulltext]
 三論詞的起源 [Fulltext]
 中國所藏吐魯番文書及其對中古史研究的貢獻 [Fulltext]
 從《金剛經》寫本特色淺談寫本斷代問題 [Fulltext]
 試論敦煌寫本《禮記音》與徐邈音的同異關係 [Fulltext]
 敦煌寫本中人名的文化內涵 [Fulltext]
 台灣地區敦煌寫本的收藏與研究之考察 [Fulltext]
 敦煌學研究論文著作目錄稿(續) [Fulltext]
鄭阿財; 蔡忠霖
 汪娟《敦煌禮懺文研究》序 [Fulltext]
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)


n.20 [1995.12.01Published]

Title Author
 敦煌寫本《金剛五禮》研究 [Fulltext]