n.8 [2004.01.01 出版]
n.7 [2003 出版]
n.6 [2002 出版]
n.5 [2001 出版]
n.4 [2000 出版]
n.3 [1999 出版]
n.2 [1998 出版]
n.1 [1997 出版]
n.8 [2004.01.01出版]
n.7 [2003出版]
n.6 [2002出版]
n.5 [2001出版]
n.4 [2000出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
導師的話 : 論佛學的修學=Cultivating the Study of Buddhism [全文]
釋印順 (著)=Shih, Yin-shun (au.) |
有關受具前階規制之種種 : 沙彌(尼), 式叉摩那與「異學四月共住」規制之研究=On the Regulations Pertaining to the Period before Full Ordination:A Study on the Regulations Regarding Novices, Female Trainees, and Practitioners of Other Creeds Who Have to Li [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hui (au.) |
略論《維摩經》漢譯與收錄=A Brief Study on the Chinese Translations of the Vimalakirtinirdesa and the Relevant Records in the Catalogues of Canonical Literature [全文]
蔣武雄 (著)=Chiang, Wu-hsiung (au.) |
試評吉藏的二諦論=A Critical Study on Chi-tsang's Theory of the Two Truths [全文]
劉嘉誠 (著)=Liu, Jia-cheng (au.) |
《比丘尼傳》研究=A Study on the Bhikshuni Biographies [全文]
吳季霏 (著)=Wu, Chi-fei (au.) |
華嚴教學上的《華嚴經》 : 以《華嚴經探玄記》為中心="Hua-yen Sutra" in the Hua-yen School Tradition with Special Emphasis on the Hua-yen ching t'an-hsuuan chi [全文]
釋證光 (著)=Shih, Cheng-kuang (au.) |
miuaηxmauh管窺=A Look at *miuaηxmauh [全文]
高明道 (著)=Grohmann, Friedrich F. (au.) |
Cultivating the Study of Buddhism=導師的話 : 論佛學的修學 [全文]
釋印順 (著)=Shih, Yin-shun (au.) |
n.3 [1999出版]
n.2 [1998出版]
n.1 [1997出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
由抽象繪畫與禪畫試論東、西藝術的差異=A Study on the Differences in the Oriental Art and the Western Art by the Abtract Painting and the Zen Painting [全文]
潘襎 (著)=Pan, Fan (au.) |
「護法 -- 玄奘」一系與真諦一系唯識學的「聞熏習」理論的思想意涵之探討=The Teaching on the Practice of Hearing in the Mind-Only Systems of Dharmapaala / Hsuan-tsang and Paramaartha : A Study in Meaning [全文]
曹志成 (著)=Tsao, Chih-cheng (au.) |
陳那唯識理論的初探 : 以《集量論Pramaanasamuccaya 現量章》為中心=A Prelimianry Study on Dignaaga's Mind-Only Theory Centering on the Pratyak.sapariccheda of the Pramaa.nasamuccaya [全文]
陳宗元 (著)=Chen, Tsung-yuan (au.) |
佛法所以超乎世間法=How Does Buddhadharma Excell Worldly Dharma? [全文]
釋印順 (著)=Shih, Yin-shun (au.) |
結戒原委與制戒原理=The Facts of the Establishment of the Vinaya and the Principles behind Setting the Rules [全文]
釋昭慧 =Shih, Chao-hui |
試析數息法中的「六妙門」=The Six Marvellous Doors of Breathing Meditation : An Attempt at Analysis [全文]
林昭益 (著)=Lin, Jau-yih (au.) |
有關「慈悲」的諸問題=Problems Related to Compassion [全文]
趙淑華 (著)=Chao, Shu-hua (au.) |
漢譯《健孥驃訶》中仙人名試析=The.R.si's Name in the Chinese Ga.n.davyuuha Translations : An Attempt at Analysis [全文]
高明道 (著)=Grohmann, Friedrich F. (au.) |
《寶如來經》和《菩薩十住經》譯者略考=A Short Note on the Translator of the Bao Ju Lai Ching and the Pu Sa Shih Chu Ching [全文]
釋繼彥 |
略論華嚴別教一乘與同教一乘之異同=A Short Note on the Differences between the Distinct Teaching One Vehicle of the Hua Yen Ching and the Common Teaching One Vehicle [全文]
莊崑木=Chuang, Kun-mu |
努欽.佛智著《禪定目炬》漢譯(第一章) [全文]
許明銀 |
羅什入關以前中國的淨土思想=Pure Land Thought prior to Kumaarajiiva's Arrival in China [全文]
賴鵬舉 (著)=Lai, Peng-chu (au.) |