法光學壇=Dharma Light Lyceum     ジャーナルリストへ     登録誌ガイダンス

出版社: 法光佛教文化研究所=Fa-kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies 出版地: 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] I  S  S  N :
刊行頻度: 年刊=Annual ウェブサイト: http://www.fakuang.org.tw/FK3.htm
内容紹介: 《法光學壇》刊載與佛教有關之學術文章,臺大佛學數位圖書館提供自第1期(1997年)起的電子版全文及檢索功能。

n.8 [2004.01.01 出版]

n.7 [2003 出版]

n.6 [2002 出版]

n.5 [2001 出版]

n.4 [2000 出版]

n.3 [1999 出版]

n.2 [1998 出版]

n.1 [1997 出版]

n.8 [2004.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛教的心性論及其特色=The Buddhist Theory of the Nature of the Mind and Its Special Features [全文]
林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chung-an (au.)
 滿文《聖除盡一切惡趣頂髻尊勝佛母平安陀羅尼經》譯註=Annotated Translation of the Manchu Enduringge eiten ehe anjin be biretei geterembure giyolongnggo umesi etehe eme ebungge toktobun tarni [全文]
胡進杉 (著)=Hu, Chin-shan (au.)
 格魯派《現觀莊嚴論》注解的傳承與創新 : 從「彌勒是佛或菩薩之諍」的溯源觀察=Tracing the Source of the Dispute Whether Maitreya is a Buddha or a Bodhisattva : An Observation on Tradition and Innovation in the Gelug Commentaries on the Abhisamayālamkāra [全文]
釋永明 (著)=Shih, Yung-ming (au.)
 俄藏敦煌寫卷「Φ142《佛說雜寶藏經》」略考=A Brief Note on the Dunhuang MS Φ142 [全文]
釋章慧 (著)=Shi, Zhang-hui (au.)
 陳進〈釋迦行誼圖〉之研究=A Study of Chen Chin's The Buddha's Work [全文]
徐一智 (著)=Hsu, Yi-chih (au.)
 章嘉宗義書〈中觀派章〉漢譯(上)=A Chinese Translation (Part One) of the Madhyamaka Chapter of lCang skya's Grub mtha [全文]


n.7 [2003出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛教慈善事業的一個範例 : 慈濟整治印尼紅溪河之成效與意義=One Example of Buddhist Charitable Organizations : The Success and Meaning of T'zu-chi's Work in Indonesia [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hui (au.)
 《長阿含經》和《長部》的核心教導=The Core Teaching of the Chang Ahan and the Dighanikaya [全文]
林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chong-an (au.)
 國立故宮所藏《善逝寶經廣示日光目錄》述要=General Remarks on "The Precious Scriptures of the Sugata, Rays of the Sun Illuminating Widely" Catalogue Kept at the Palace Museum in Taipei [全文]
胡進杉 (著)=Hu, Jin-shan (au.)
 明代上天竺講寺觀音信仰之研究=A Study on the Avalokitesvara of the Upper T'ien-chu Monastery during thue Ming Dynasty [全文]
徐一智 (著)=Hsü, Yi-zhi (au.)
 西魯考=A Study on Xilu (西魯) [全文]
隋皓昀 (著)=Sui, Hao-yun (au.)
 意象多重奏【佛經附圖:藏-漢藝術小品】多媒體光碟的設計理念=A Symphony of Imagery : The Concept behind the Development of the "Convergence of Radiance : Tibeto-Chinese Buddhist Scripture Illustrations" Multimedia DVD [全文]
葛婉章 (著)=Ge, Wan-zhang (au.)


n.6 [2002出版]

タイトル 著者
 宗教倫理學的基本原理與中層原則 : 以基督宗教與佛教為主軸的一個探索=The Basic Principle of the Mid-Level Rules of Religious Ethics : An Exploration Centering around Christianity and Buddhism [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hui (au.)
 「往生淨土」的科學玄談="Rebirth in a Pure Land" : An In-Depth Discussion from the Scientific Point of View [全文]
釋如石 (著)=Shih, Ru-shi (au.)
 《瑜珈師地論》和《顯揚聖教論》的內容架構及其編成=The Structure and Composition of the Yogacaryabhumi and Hsien-yang sheng-chiao lun [全文]
林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chung-an (au.)
 西藏學的誕生 : 兼述基督教徒所看的西藏佛教=The Birth of Tibetology and Tibetan Buddhism As Christians Saw It [全文]
許明銀 (著)=Hsu, Ming-yin (au.)
 台灣藏傳佛教發展管窺=A Personal Look at the Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan [全文]
蕭金松 (著)=Hsiao, Chin-sung (au.)
 西夏文刊本《金光明最勝王經》的兩幅扉畫=Two Frontispieces in the Tangut Blockprint of the Sutra of Golden Light [全文]
胡進杉 (著)=Hu, Chin-shan (au.)


n.5 [2001出版]

タイトル 著者
 研究佛法的立場與方法=Studying Buddhadharma in Depth : On Attitude and Method [全文]
釋印順 (著)=Shih, Yin-shun (au.)
 撰寫「佛教倫理學」的「教證」與「理證」 : 以拙著《佛教倫理學》為例=Scriptural Proof and Logical Reason for the Composition of Buddhist Ethics : The Example of My Buddhist Ethics [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hui (au.)
 《西藏度亡經》略究=A Brief Study on The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying [全文]
釋如石 (著)=Ven. Ju-shih (au.)
 永明延壽傳記研究=A Study on the Biography of Yung-ming Yen-shou [全文]
釋智學 (著)=Shih, Jhi-xue (au.)
 「獼猴弄黐膠」覓跡=Tracing the Monkey who Plays with Glue [全文]
高明道 (著)=Grohmann, Friedrich F. (au.)
 緣起 : 傳統的詮釋是錯的嗎?=Dependent Origination:Is the Traditional Exegesis Mistaken? [全文]
莊國彬 (譯)=Chuang, Kuo-pin (tr.); Drummond, Michael S.


n.4 [2000出版]

タイトル 著者
 導師的話 : 論佛學的修學=Cultivating the Study of Buddhism [全文]
釋印順 (著)=Shih, Yin-shun (au.)
 有關受具前階規制之種種 : 沙彌(尼), 式叉摩那與「異學四月共住」規制之研究=On the Regulations Pertaining to the Period before Full Ordination:A Study on the Regulations Regarding Novices, Female Trainees, and Practitioners of Other Creeds Who Have to Li [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hui (au.)
 略論《維摩經》漢譯與收錄=A Brief Study on the Chinese Translations of the Vimalakirtinirdesa and the Relevant Records in the Catalogues of Canonical Literature [全文]
蔣武雄 (著)=Chiang, Wu-hsiung (au.)
 試評吉藏的二諦論=A Critical Study on Chi-tsang's Theory of the Two Truths [全文]
劉嘉誠 (著)=Liu, Jia-cheng (au.)
 《比丘尼傳》研究=A Study on the Bhikshuni Biographies [全文]
吳季霏 (著)=Wu, Chi-fei (au.)
 華嚴教學上的《華嚴經》 : 以《華嚴經探玄記》為中心="Hua-yen Sutra" in the Hua-yen School Tradition with Special Emphasis on the Hua-yen ching t'an-hsuuan chi [全文]
釋證光 (著)=Shih, Cheng-kuang (au.)
 miuaηxmauh管窺=A Look at *miuaηxmauh [全文]
高明道 (著)=Grohmann, Friedrich F. (au.)
 Cultivating the Study of Buddhism=導師的話 : 論佛學的修學 [全文]
釋印順 (著)=Shih, Yin-shun (au.)


n.3 [1999出版]

タイトル 著者
 道在平常日用中=The Way and its Application in the General Affairs of Daily Life [全文]
釋印順 (著)=Shih, Yin-shun (au.)
 毗尼研究方法舉隅 : 個人研律經驗談=How to Study the Vinaya:A Few Personal Experiences in Doing Vinaya Research [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hui (au.)
 島地默雷信教自由論的研究=A Study on Shimaji Mokurai's Theory of Religious Freedom [全文]
陳宗元 (著)=Chen, Tsung-yuan (au.)
 因明與比量 : 關於量論的現象學考察=Hetuvidyaa and anumaana-pramaa.na : A Phenomenological Study on the Lore of Valid Cognition [全文]
蔡瑞霖 (著)=Tsai, Jui-lin (au.)
 《因緣心論頌並釋》三譯校勘會編=A Critical Edition of the Three Translations of The Heart of Dependent Origination, Verses-cum-Commentary [全文]
趙國森 (編)=Chao, Kuo-sen (ed.); 趙國森 (校對)=Chao, Kuo-sen (proofr.)
 禪宗之理的概念與心的關係=The Chan School Concept of li and its Connection to Mind [全文]
鄧克銘 (著)=Teng, K'e-ming (au.)


n.2 [1998出版]

タイトル 著者
 三論宗的傳承及其「空」思想之考察=A Study on the Lineage of the San-lun School and its Understanding of Emptiness [全文]
余崇生 (著)=Yu, Chung-sheng (au.)
 宗密所述北宗及洪州宗教說的探討=A Study on the Teachings of the Northern School and the Hongzhou School as Described by Zongmi [全文]
黃繹勳 (著)=Huang, Yi-hsun (au.)
 從天台判教的立場試論 : 法藏《五教章中對法華的批判》=Fa-tsang's Critique on the Lotus Sutra Contained in His Treatise on the Five Teachings : A Discussion from the Viewpoint of T'ien-t'ai Doxology [全文]
莊崑木=Chuang, Kun-mu
 導師的話:談佛法的宗教經驗--在紐約長島菩提精舍講=The Religious Experience of Buddhadharma : A Lecture Given at the Bodhi Temple, Long Island, New York [全文]
釋印順 (著)=Shih, Yin-shun (au.)
 「以戒為師」之意旨=The Real Meaning of "Taking the Vinaya as One's Master" [全文]
釋昭慧 =Shih, Chao-hui
 試窺印順法師的思想大要(下)=Peeking at the Gist of Master Yin-shun's Philosophy : The Red Thread of Dependent Origination [全文]


n.1 [1997出版]

タイトル 著者
 由抽象繪畫與禪畫試論東、西藝術的差異=A Study on the Differences in the Oriental Art and the Western Art by the Abtract Painting and the Zen Painting [全文]
潘襎 (著)=Pan, Fan (au.)
 「護法 -- 玄奘」一系與真諦一系唯識學的「聞熏習」理論的思想意涵之探討=The Teaching on the Practice of Hearing in the Mind-Only Systems of Dharmapaala / Hsuan-tsang and Paramaartha : A Study in Meaning [全文]
曹志成 (著)=Tsao, Chih-cheng (au.)
 陳那唯識理論的初探 : 以《集量論Pramaanasamuccaya 現量章》為中心=A Prelimianry Study on Dignaaga's Mind-Only Theory Centering on the Pratyak.sapariccheda of the Pramaa.nasamuccaya [全文]
陳宗元 (著)=Chen, Tsung-yuan (au.)
 佛法所以超乎世間法=How Does Buddhadharma Excell Worldly Dharma? [全文]
釋印順 (著)=Shih, Yin-shun (au.)
 結戒原委與制戒原理=The Facts of the Establishment of the Vinaya and the Principles behind Setting the Rules [全文]
釋昭慧 =Shih, Chao-hui
 試析數息法中的「六妙門」=The Six Marvellous Doors of Breathing Meditation : An Attempt at Analysis [全文]
林昭益 (著)=Lin, Jau-yih (au.)
 有關「慈悲」的諸問題=Problems Related to Compassion [全文]
趙淑華 (著)=Chao, Shu-hua (au.)
 漢譯《健孥驃訶》中仙人名試析=The.R.si's Name in the Chinese Ga.n.davyuuha Translations : An Attempt at Analysis [全文]
高明道 (著)=Grohmann, Friedrich F. (au.)
 《寶如來經》和《菩薩十住經》譯者略考=A Short Note on the Translator of the Bao Ju Lai Ching and the Pu Sa Shih Chu Ching [全文]
 略論華嚴別教一乘與同教一乘之異同=A Short Note on the Differences between the Distinct Teaching One Vehicle of the Hua Yen Ching and the Common Teaching One Vehicle [全文]
莊崑木=Chuang, Kun-mu
 努欽.佛智著《禪定目炬》漢譯(第一章) [全文]
 羅什入關以前中國的淨土思想=Pure Land Thought prior to Kumaarajiiva's Arrival in China [全文]
賴鵬舉 (著)=Lai, Peng-chu (au.)
