佛學研究中心學報=Journal of the Center for Buddhist Studies     ジャーナルリストへ     登録誌ガイダンス

出版社: 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心=The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University 出版地: 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] I  S  S  N : 10271112
刊行頻度: 年刊=Annual ウェブサイト: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntucbs/tjbs/2.introduction.html
内容紹介: 由臺灣大學文學院佛學研究中心出版,每年發行一期,其性質為學術性佛教期刊。內容收錄與佛教相關之文學、史學、哲學、藝術、心理、教育等學術性論文。自第1期(1996年)起,提供電子版全文及檢索功能。

n.13 [2007.06 出版]

n.12 [2006.12 出版]

n.11 [2006.06 出版]

n.10 [2005.07 出版]

n.9 [2004.07 出版]

n.8 [2003.07 出版]

n.7 [2002.07 出版]

n.6 [2001.07 出版]

n.5 [2000.07 出版]

n.4 [1999.07 出版]

n.3 [1998.07 出版]

n.2 [1997.07 出版]

n.1 [1996 出版]

n.13 [2007.06出版]

タイトル 著者
 慧思禪觀思想中之「四念處」=Si nianchu(smrty-upasthāna) in Huisi's Meditation System [全文]
王晴薇 (撰)=Wang, Ching-wei (compose)
 天台宗懺儀與身體=Ritual and Body in the Repentance Rite of Tiantai Budhism [全文]
蔣義斌 (撰)=Chiang, I-pin (compose)
 從「假名施設」與「名言熏習」試論佛教文化哲學--以勞思光教授的部份觀點為討論起點=Cultural Philosophy of Buddhism Based on Prajñapti and Abhilāpavāsanā: Professor Lao Sze-kwang's Views as a Starting Point of Discussion [全文]
郭朝順 (撰)=Guo, Chao-shun (compose)


n.12 [2006.12出版]

タイトル 著者
 論《祖庭事苑》之成書、版本與體例—-以卷一之《雲門錄》為中心=A Study of the Zuting Shiyuan with Special Focus on its Annotation of the Yunmen Lu [全文]
黃繹勳 (撰)=Huang, Yi-hsun (compose)
 漢譯大小乘佛典中「神足飛行」的空間故事=The Narratology of Space on "Flying Paranormal Power" Story in Chinese Translation of Buddhist Scriptures [全文]
丁敏 (撰)=Ting, Min (compose)
 翻譯/權力/差異:試論《般若波羅蜜多心經》的跨語際實踐=Translation/ Power/ Difference: On Chinese Versions of the Heart Sutra [全文]
廖桂蘭 (撰)=Liao, Guey-lan (compose)
 不即不離--高達美與龍樹中道哲學初探=Non-Unity and Non-Separation: A preliminary Inquiry into Philosophy of Middle Way in Gadamer and Nagarjuna [全文]
顏永春 (撰)=Yuan, Yu-chun (compose)


n.11 [2006.06出版]

タイトル 著者
 漢譯佛典《阿含經》神通故事中阿難的敘事視角試探=The Miraculous-power Story Narrative by Bhiksu Ananda in Chinese Translation of the Agama Sutra [全文]
丁敏 (撰)=Ting, Min (compose)
 從兩類《央掘魔羅經》探討聲聞經大乘化的詮釋學策略=How Did Mahayana Buddhism Reform Savaka Sutta?: On Mahayana's Hermeneutical Strategies by two Kinds of Buddhist Paradigms of Angulimala Sutta [全文]
呂凱文 (撰)
 唐代十一面觀音圖像與信仰=Iconography and Faith of the Tang-dynasty Eleven-headed Guanyin [全文]
顏娟英 (撰)=Yen, Chuan-ying (compose)
 從大曆、貞元年間的文化背景看梁肅的維摩詰信仰=A Study on Liang Su's Belief in Vimalakirti Based on Cultural Background during the Dali and Zhenyuan Periods [全文]
何劍平 (撰)=He, Jian-ping (compose)
 《集南山禮讚》之研究=A Study of the Ji nanshan lizan [全文]
汪娟 (撰)=Wang, chuan (compose)
 東坡詩的《圓覺》意象與思想=The Yuan Jue Sutra's Images and Thought in Dong Po's Poetry [全文]
蕭麗華 (撰)=Hsiao, Li-hua (compose)
 楊仁山、章太炎以「唯識」解莊析論--以真心派的唯識之詮釋=Interpretation of Chuang Tzu with the “Consciousness-only Theory” by Yang Jen-Shan and Chang Tai-Yen -- RealMind School's Interpretation of “Consciousness Only” [全文]
邱敏捷 (撰)=Chiu, Min-chieh (compose)
 他空說的系譜與內含--論印順法師對唯識空性說的理解=The Genealogy and It's Content of “the Emptiness of Others”: On Master Yin Xun's Understanding about the Emptiness Theory of Mind-Only School [全文]
陳一標 (撰)=Chen, I-biau (compose)
 1996-2005年佛教哲學論文的學術回顧及其展望——以《國際佛教研究學會期刊》和《東西哲學》為主要依據=Literary Review and Prospect of the Buddhist Philosophical Articles Published during 1996-2005: Mainly Based on the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies and Philosophy East and West [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming


n.10 [2005.07出版]

タイトル 著者
 月稱的「緣起」義=Candrakīrti's Interpretations of Dependent-Arising [全文]
劉嘉誠 (撰)=Liu, Jia-cheng (compose)
 從《瑜伽論記》析論〈真實義品〉「離言自性」的語言哲學及對「說一切有部」語言觀的批判=An Analysis of "nirabhilāpya-svabhāvatā" of the Tattvārtha Chapter and its Criticisum of Sarvāsti-vādin's View of Language [全文]
趙東明 (撰)=Chao, Tung-ming (compose)
 無垢友尊者及其所造《頓入無分別修習義》研究=A Study on Master Vimalamitra and his Cig car 'jug pa rnam par mi rtog pa'i bsgom don [全文]
沈衛榮 (撰)=Shen, Wei-rong (compose)
 理、行兩種佛性說法的形成和演變=The Distinction between "Buddha-nature as Principle" and "Buddha-nature as Practice": Origin and Development [全文]
廖明活 (撰)=Liu, Ming-wood (compose)
 唐宋佛教史傳中的禪師想像—-比較僧傳與燈錄有關禪師傳的書寫=The Conceptions of Chan Masters in the Buddhist Biographies of Tang-Song Dynasty: On the Different Writings between the Monks' Biographies and the Lamp Records [全文]
龔雋 (撰)=Gong, Jun (compose)
 參訪名師--南宋求法日僧與江浙佛教叢林=Searching for Inspiring Masters: Japanese Pilgrims and Buddhist Monasteries in the Jiang-Zhe Region during the Southern Song Dynasty [全文]
黃啟江 (撰)=Huang, Chi-chiang (compose)
 女性禪師的道影—-由「寫真與名言」探析祇園禪師之形象=The Enscribed portrait of a Female Zen Master: A Study on the Image of Qi-Yuan Zen Master through the contrast of the Portrait and Verbal Expression [全文]
蘇美文 (撰)=Su, Mei-wen (compose)
 臺灣近代(1895-1945)佛教史研究之再檢討=A Review of Studies on Buddhist History in Contemporary Taiwan(1895-1945) [全文]
江燦騰 (撰)=Jiang, Cian-teng (compose)


n.9 [2004.07出版]

タイトル 著者
 《長老尼偈》的修辭敘事--兼以對照《長老偈》=Gender Experience and Religious Narrative: the Rhetoric of Women-hood in Therigatha [全文]
李玉珍 =Li, Yu-chen
 「六群比丘」、「六眾苾芻」與「十二眾青衣小道童兒」--論佛典中「數.(群/眾).名」仿譯式及其對漢語的影響=An Example of the Influence of Syntactic Loan in Buddhist Texts on Chinese Grammar: From Indic vagga/sangha/parisa/gana to Chinese Zhong(眾) [全文]
蔡奇林 (撰)=Tsai, Chi-lin (compose)
 石室《心經》音寫抄本校釋初稿之一=An Annotation on the Chinese Transcriptions of the Heart Sutra in the Tun-huang Manuscripts [全文]
萬金川 (撰)=Wan, Chin-chuan (compose)
 略談唐宋僧人的法名與表字=A Brief Account to the Buddhist Names and Styles of the Monks in Tang and Song Dynasties [全文]
周裕鍇 (撰)=Zhou, Yu-kai (compose)
 智慧的女性形象--禪門燈錄中禪婆與禪師的對話=The Profiles of Sagacious Women: The Dialogues of Old Women and Masters in the Collections of Biographies of the Zen Masters [全文]
黃敬家 (撰)=Huang, Jing-jia (compose)
 惠洪詩禪的「春」意象--兼為「浪子和尚」辯誣=The Spring Image in the Zen's Poetry of Huihong: A Defense for His Libertinism [全文]
吳靜宜 (撰)=Wu, Chin-yi (compose); 蕭麗華 (撰)=Hsiao, Li-hua (compose)
 泗州大聖僧伽傳奇新論--宋代佛教居士與僧伽崇拜=Revisiting the Legend of Sengqie, the Great Sage of Sizhou: Lay Buddhists and the Cult of Sengqie during the Song Dynasty [全文]
黃啟江 (撰)=Huang, Chi-chiang (compose)


n.8 [2003.07出版]

タイトル 著者
 禪宗公案之經典化的解釋--以《碧巖錄》為中心=The Orthodox Interpretation of Ch'an Kung-an: From the Perspective of "Pi-yen Lu" [全文]
鄧克銘 (撰)=Deng, Keh-ming (compose)
 地方感與大地僧團——史耐德佛教環境哲學再探=The Sense of Place and Great Earth Sangha: Gary Snyder's Buddhist Environmental Philosophy Revisited [全文]
林朝成 (撰)=Lin, Chao-cheng (compose); 郭正宜 (撰)=Kou, Cheng-i (compose)
 清代以來嘉義市觀音信仰寺廟類型之發展=The Development of Types of Kuan-Yin Temples in Chia-yi City since Ching Period(1704 - 2001) [全文]
顏尚文 (撰)=Yan, Shang-wen (compose)
 記國家圖書館所藏三件金藏佛經=Rediscovery of Three Buddhist Scriptures of the Jin Tripitaka Preserved in National Libary at Taipei [全文]
周伯戡 (撰)=Chou, Po-kan (compose)
 錫蘭佛教記史文獻及中文佛教文獻所呈現的錫蘭早期佛教發展面貌=Waht the Pali Buddhist Documents and Chinese Documents Have Said about Early Sri Lankan Buddhism [全文]
古正美 (撰)=Ku, Cheng-mei (compose)
 解讀有關《首楞嚴三昧經》的四篇前序後記——以《首楞嚴三昧經》相關文獻的探討為背景=Deciphering the Extant Prefaces and Postscripts to the Suramgama-samadhi-Sutra: In the Light of the Study of the Textual Background to the Sutra [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming
 〈宗本義〉與〈涅槃無名論〉的作者問題=The Questions about the Author of "The Essence of Sastra" and "The Namelessness of Nirvana" [全文]
邱敏捷 (撰)=Chiu, Min-chieh (compose)
 淨影寺慧遠判教觀的再考察=Reinquiring in the Idea of "Panjiao" of Jing-ying Huiyuan [全文]
馮煥珍 (撰)=Feng, Huan-zhen (compose)
 從「十重唯識觀」論華嚴宗與唯識思想的交涉=A Discourse of the Relation between Huayen and Yagacara with "Contemplation of Tenfold-Yogacara" [全文]
郭朝順 (撰)=Guo, Chao-shun (compose)


n.7 [2002.07出版]

タイトル 著者
 空行母與藏傳佛教上師傳記=Dākinīs and Their Roles in Tibetan rNam-thar [全文]
劉婉俐 (撰)=Liu, Wan-li (compose)
 儒佛會通方法研議=On the Types of Syncreticism of Confucianism and Buddhism [全文]
林義正 (撰)=Lin, Yih-jing (compose)
 宗密〈原人論〉三教會通平議=On the Syncreticism of the Three Religions(Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism) in Tsung-mi's Yuan Jen Lun [全文]
王開府 (撰)=Wang, Kai-fuu (compose)
 《阿含經》和《說無垢稱經》的不二法門初探=Towards an Understanding of the Dharma-door of Non-duality in the Āgama-sūtra and the Vimalakirti-nirdesa-sūtra [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming
 陳那邏輯理論探析=An Analysis of Dignāga's Logical Theory [全文]
何建興 (撰)=Ho, Chien-hsing (compose)
 「黃門」或「不能男」在律典中的種種問題=A Study of Paṇḍaka(Homosexuality) in Vinaya-pitaka [全文]
楊惠南 (撰)=楊惠男 (compose)
 廬山慧遠的彌陀論=Huiyuan's Idea of Amita Buddha [全文]
陳敏齡 (撰)=Chen, Ming-ling (compose)
 再論獨孤沛之〈菩提達摩南宗定是非論〉=A Re-examination of Du-gu Pei's Definition of the Truth [全文]
陳盛港 (撰)=Chen, Calvin Sheng-gangn (compose)
 另類典範:當代台灣比丘尼的社會實踐=An Other Paradigm: The Social Practices of Buddhsit Nuns in Contemporary Taiwan [全文]
陳美華 (撰)=Chern, Meei-hwa (compose)
 當代台灣旅遊文學中的僧侶記遊:以聖嚴法師《寰遊自傳系列》為探討=Travel Notes of Monks' Travel Literature of Modern Taiwan: Content Analysis of Master Sheng Yen's Series Books about Touring the World [全文]
丁敏 (撰)=Ting, Min (compose)
 評CBETA電子大正藏=Review of CBETA's Electrical Edition of the Taisho Tripitaka [全文]
周伯戡 (撰)=Chou, Po-kan (compose)
 「台灣佛教文獻數位資料庫」的建構與緣起=The Study and Creation of Taiwanese Buddhist Digital Database [全文]
杜正民 (撰)=Tu, Aming (compose)
 藥地愚者大師之詩學源流及旨要論考--以「中邊說」為討論中心=Sources and Major Themes of the Buddhist Master Yaodi Yuzhe's Poetic Criticism: Centering on His Theory of "Center and Margin" [全文]
廖肇亨 (撰)=Liao, Chao-heng (compose)
 六朝僧人的文學成就=Literary Accomplishments of Monks in the Six Dynasties [全文]
孫昌武 (撰)=Sun, Chang-wu (compose)


n.6 [2001.07出版]

タイトル 著者
 1950 年代的反共文學與佛教文學--《佛教小說集》裡的戰爭、愛情與鄉愁=The Anti-Communism Literature and Buddhist Literature in 1950s Taiwan: War, Love, and Nostalgia in the Anthology of Buddhist Short Stories [全文]
李玉珍 =Li, Yu-chen
 佛學數位博物館的建構--從文獻數位化跨向文物數位化的一小步=The Creation of Buddhist Digital Museum: Headed for the Digitization of Buddhist Documents, Images, Geographical and Historical Records [全文]
杜正民 (撰)=Tu, Aming (compose)
 古奧義書(Upaniṣads)與初期佛學關於自我沉淪概念之比較與評論=Comparative and Critical Studies between the Principal Upaniṣads and Early Buddhism in the Self-degradation Conception of Man [全文]
林煌洲 (撰)=Lin, Huang-chou (compose)
 淺析六朝漢譯佛典偈頌之文學特色——以經藏偈頌為主=A Brief Analysis of the Literary Features of Chinese-translated Chi-Songs of the Six Dynasties [全文]
王晴慧 (撰)=Wang, Ching-huei (compose)
 智顗的「三諦」思想及其所依經論=Chih-I's "Triple Truth" Theory and It's Background [全文]
楊惠南 (撰)=楊惠男 (compose)
 吉藏與大乘《涅槃經》=Jizang and the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra [全文]
廖明活 (撰)=Liu, Ming-wood (compose)
 敦煌本《歷代法寶記.弘忍傳》考論=Notes on the Hongren's Biography in the Li-dai Fa-bao Ji from Dunhuang [全文]
楊富學 (撰)=Yang, Fu-xue (compose)
 桑耶論諍中的「大乘和尚見」--「頓入」說的考察=The Hva-san's View in the Debate of Sam Yas: An Inquiry into the Doctrine of Suddenness [全文]
黃敏浩 (撰)=Wong, Simon M. (compose); 劉宇光 (撰)=Lau, Lawrence Y. K. (compose)
 皎然意境論的內涵與意義——從唯識學的觀點分析=The Content and Significance of Chiao-jan's Ambiance Theory: An Analysis from the View of the Dharmalaksana Sect [全文]
彭雅玲 (撰)=Peng, Ya-ling (compose)
 《白居易集》中的北宗文獻與北宗禪師=The Records and Masters of Northern Zen School in the Works of Pai Chue-yi [全文]
簡宗修 (著)=Chien, Tsung-hsiu (au.)
 東坡詩論中的禪喻=The Zen's Metaphor in Su Shih's Criticism on Poetry [全文]
蕭麗華 (撰)=Hsiao, Li-hua (compose)
 論析元代佛教度脫劇——以佛教「度」與「解脫」概念為詮釋觀點=On the Buddhist Tu-t'o Plays of the Yuean: An Interpretation in Terms of the Buddhist Concepts of "Tu" and "Chieh-t'o" [全文]
李惠綿 (撰)=Li, Huei-mien (compose)


n.5 [2000.07出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛學數位圖書館暨博物館--台大與中華佛研所共同開啟的新里程碑=Digital Buddhist Library and Museum: A New Milestone Established by Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies and National Taiwan University [全文]
杜正民 (撰)=Tu, Aming (compose)
 古奧義書(Upaniṣads)與初期佛學關於人的自我(Self)概念之比較與評論=Comparative and Critical Studies between the Principal Upaniṣads(Up.) and Early Buddhism(Eb.) in the Self-Conception of Man [全文]
林煌洲 (撰)=Lin, Huang-chou (compose)
 因材施教與教學上的人我分際--以《論語》、《阿含經》和《大般若經》為根據=Teaching in Accordance with the Students' Aptitudes and the Distinction between Oneself and Others according to "the Analects of Confucius", "the Aagamas", and "the Sutras of the Perfection of Wisdom" [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming
 作為思想史的禪學寫作--以漢語語境禪學研究為中心的方法論考察=Chan's Writing as Intellectual History: A Methodological Inquiry of Chan's Research around the Chinese Context [全文]
龔雋 =Cong, Jiuann
 Changing Principle in the Samantapāsādikā's Commentary on the First Rule of the Defeat Peculiar to the Nuns [全文]
Shih, Juo-hsueh
 從南天烏荼王進獻的《華嚴經》說起--南天及南海的《華嚴經》佛王傳統與密教觀音佛王傳統=The Orissa Redaction of the Gandavyuha: The Avalokitesvara and Avatamsaka Buddharaja Traditions of South India and Southeast Asia [全文]
古正美 (撰)=Ku, Cheng-mei (compose)
 敦煌初唐的彌勒經變=Mural Painting of the Maitreya Paradise at Dun-hung in Early Tang Dynasty [全文]
李玉珉 (撰)=Lee, Yu-min (compose)
 張商英《續清涼傳》與文殊法門=Travels to Wu-tai Shan of Chang Sang-ying which Imply the Mañjuśrī way [全文]
蔣義斌 (撰)=Chiang, I-pin (compose)
 從儒佛交涉的角度看嚴羽《滄浪詩話》的詩學觀念=The Poetic Idea of Yen-yu's "Criticism of Tsang-lang on Poetry": From the Aspect of Confucian-Buddhist Interaction [全文]
蕭麗華 (撰)=Hsiao, Li-hua (compose)
 從印順的人間佛教探討新雨社與現代禪的宗教發展=Inquiry Concerning the Development of "New Rain" and "Zen Now": From Yin-shun's "Buddhism for this World" [全文]
楊惠南 (撰)=楊惠男 (compose)
 藏傳佛教在台灣發展的初步研究=The Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan [全文]
姚麗香 (撰)=Yao, Li-hsiang (compose)
 天臺智者的戒體論與《菩薩戒義疏》=Chiyi on the Precepts(Jieh-Tii) and "the Commentary on Boddhisattva Precepts" [全文]
陳英善 (撰)=Chen, Ying-shan (compose)


n.4 [1999.07出版]

タイトル 著者
 禪宗戒律思想初探--以「無相戒法」和《百丈清規》為中心 [全文]
王月清 (撰)=Wang, Yue-ging (compose)
 《大般若經.第二會》的嚴淨/清淨=Purification in the Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming
 智顗的二諦思想=Zhiyi's Thought of Two Truths [全文]
楊惠南 =楊惠男
 淨土信仰論之研究:世親、曇鸞與親鸞之迴向思想=Study of Theory of Faith in Pure Land School: "Hueixiang"(Transference) in Vasubandhu, Tanluan and Shinran [全文]
賴賢宗 (撰)=Lai, Shen-chon (compose)
 淨土決疑論--宋代彌陀淨土的信仰與辯議=On Solving the Doubts about the Pure Land: The Amitaabha Faith and Its Debates during the Sung Dynasty [全文]
黃啟江 =Huang, Chi-chiang
 儒理與禪法的合流--以大慧宗杲思想為中心的考察=Coalescence of Confucianism and Chan Buddhism: A Case Study of Dahuei Zonggau [全文]
林義正 (撰)=Lin, Yih-jing (compose)
 歷代地藏懺儀析論=Examination of Confession Liturgies of Ksitigarbha [全文]
 道元禪師的佛性思想=Doogen's Theory of Buddha Nature [全文]
釋恆清 (撰)=Shih, Heng-ching (compose)
 弗利爾美術館藏北周石造交腳彌勒菩薩七尊像略考--光背僧伽梨線刻素畫圖相試析之二=A Brief Study of the Northern Zhou Cross-legged Maitreya Group in the Freer Gallery: An Analysis of the Line-carved Samghati Drawing on the Back Side [全文]
林保堯 =Lin, Bao-yao
 試論大足寶頂山柳本尊十煉圖=The Ritual Site of Liu Benzun in Baoding Shan [全文]
黃錦珍 (撰)=Huang, Ching-chen (compose)
 比丘尼受戒法與傳承之考察=An Inquiry Concerning the Lineage of Bhikṣuṇī Ordination [全文]
釋惠敏 (撰)=Shih, Hui-min (compose)
 漢文電子大藏經的製作緣起與作業流程--以「中華電子佛典協會」為例=The Origin and Process of Constructing Chinese Buddhist Electronic Texts: A Case Study of the CBETA [全文]
杜正民 (撰)=Tu, Aming (compose)


n.3 [1998.07出版]

タイトル 著者
 中土比丘尼傳承與西藏比丘尼僧團之重建=The Lineage of Chinese Bhikkhuni Order and the Restoration of Tibetan Bhikkhuni Order [全文]
釋惠敏 (撰)=Shih, Hui-min (compose)
 定義大乘及研究佛性論上的一些反思=Some Introspections on Definition of Mahaayaana and Studies of Buddha Nature [全文]
古正美 =Ku, Cheng-mei
 歐美學界大乘佛教起源地之探討及其論評=Controversy over the Geographical Origins of Mahaayaana: A Criticism [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming
 梁武帝注解《大品般若經》與「佛教國家」的建立=Emperor Liang Wu-ti's Commentary on the Larger Prajñāpāramitā Sutra and the Establishment of a 'Buddhist Nation' [全文]
顏尚文 =Yan, Shang-wen
 張商英〈護法論〉中的歷史思維=Historical Thought as Seen in Chang Sang-ing's "Treatise on Protecting the Dharma" [全文]
蔣義斌 =Chiang, I-pin
 慧思的禪觀思想與首楞嚴三昧=Hui-se's Meditation and the Śūraṅgama Samādhi [全文]
陳英善 (撰)=Chen, Ying-shan (compose)
 智者天台教觀中之心的涵義=The Significance of Mind in Chih-I's View of Buddhist Teaching and Meditation [全文]
鄧克銘 (撰)=Deng, Keh-ming (compose)
 窺基的判教思想=The Pan-jiao Teaching of Kui-ji [全文]
廖明活 =Liu, Ming-wood
 當代如來藏學的開展與問題=Trends and Problems in Contemporary Tathāgatagarbha Studies [全文]
杜正民 =Tu, Aming
 兩首有關台灣僧人抗清的詩作=Two Poems Concerning Taiwanese Monastics' Revolt against the Chin Rule [全文]
楊惠南 =楊惠男
 四川與敦煌石窟中的「千手千眼大悲變相」的比較研究=Comparative Study of the 'Illustrative Paintings' of the Sahasra-bhuja Arya Avalokiteśvara between Sichuan and Dunhuang Caves [全文]
胡文和 =Hu, Wen-he
 The Doctrines of Perfect Teaching in Ch'eng-kuan's Introduction to His Commentary on the Hua-yen-ching [全文]
Hamar, Imre


n.2 [1997.07出版]

タイトル 著者
 晚唐詩僧齊己的詩禪世界=The Poetic Ch'an World of the Monk-poet Ch'i-chi in Late T'ang [全文]
蕭麗華 (撰)=Hsiao, Li-hua (compose)
 蕺山學的儒釋之辨=Chi-shan's Interpretation of Confucianism and Buddhism [全文]
古清美 =Ku, Ch'ing-mei
 智顗對秦譯《法華經》的判釋=Chih-I's Interpretation of the Ch'in Translation of the Lotus Sutra [全文]
楊惠南 =楊惠男
 後秦僧肇的「法華三昧」禪法與隴東南北石窟寺的七佛造像=Seng-tsao's "Fa-hua Samaadhi" and the Seven-Buddha Sculptures of the South and North Shih-Ku Monastery in Lung-tung [全文]
賴鵬舉 =Lai, P'eng-chiu
 當代中國佛教文學研究初步評介以台灣地區為主=A Review on the Recent Studies on Chinese Buddhist Literature in Taiwan [全文]
丁敏 =Ting, Min
 《大乘義章》的佛性說=The Theory of Buddha Nature in the Ta Cheng Yi Chang [全文]
釋恆清 =Shih, Heng-ching
 智儼的「緣起」和「性起」思想=The Ideas of "Dependent Origination" and "Nature Origination" in the Teaching of Zhiyan [全文]
廖明活 (撰)=Liu, Ming-wood (compose)
 評〈從「法性即無明」到「性惡」〉=A Response to "From Dharmataa Being Avidyaa to Evil by Nature" [全文]
陳英善 =Chen, Ying-shan
 呂本中與佛教=Lu Ban-chung and Buddhism [全文]
蔣義斌 (撰)=Chiang, I-pin (compose)
 歐美學界中觀哲學詮釋史略=Madhyamika Philosophy through Western Looking-Glasses: A Review Article [全文]
林鎮國 (著)=Lin, Chen-kuo (au.)


n.1 [1996出版]

タイトル 著者
 《俱舍論.世間品》所記有關「緣起」一詞的詞義對論--以漢譯兩本的譯文比對與檢討為中心 [全文]
 《大般涅槃經》的佛性論 [全文]
釋恆清 =Shih, Heng-ching
 《維摩詰經》中直心,深心及其相關概念的探討 [全文]
 從「法性即無明」到「性惡」 [全文]
楊惠南 =楊惠男
 佛祖統紀中的本迹觀 [全文]
蔣義斌 (著)=Chiang, I-pin (au.)
 北朝佛教社區共同體的法華邑義組織與活動——以東魏「李氏合邑造像碑」為例 [全文]
顏尚文 =Yan, Shang-wen
 論詩禪交涉--以唐詩為考索重心 [全文]
蕭麗華 (著)=Hsiao, Li-hua (au.)
 中國佛教美術研究之回顧與省思 [全文]
李玉珉 =Lee, Yu-min
 Encounter with the Imagined Other: A Yogaacaara-Buddhist Critique [全文]
Lin, Chen-kuo
