
Amstutz, Galen  


已收錄 46 篇著作,其中有28 篇全文  

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Amstutz, Galen Dean



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Ambivalence Regarding Women and Female Gender in Premodern Shin Buddhism Amstutz, Galen Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 2010.01
  Book Review: "A Comparative Study of Adjustments to Social Catastrophes in Christianity and Buddhism: The Black Death in Europe and the Kamakura Takeover in Japan as Causes of Religious Reform," by Kirk R. MacGregor. Amstutz, Galen Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 2016
  Book Review: "Buddhismus, Geschlechterverhältnis Und Diskriminierung: Die Gegenwärtige Diskussion Im Shin-Buddhismus Japans," By Simone Heidegger Amstutz, Galen Religious Studies Review 2010.03.22
  Book Review: "Letters of the Nun Eshinni: Images of Pure Land Buddhism in Medieval Japan," by James C. Dobbins Amstutz, Galen Buddhist Studies Review 2006
  Book Review: "Renegade Monk: Honen and Japanese Pure Land Buddhism", by Soho Machida Amstutz, Galen Dean Journal of Japanese Studies 2001
  Book Review: "The Buddhist Dead: Practices, Discourses, Representations" Amstutz, Galen; Cuevas, Bryan Jare; Stone, Jacqueline I. Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 2008.01
  Book Review: "the Collected Works of Shinran," by Dennis Hirota, Hisao Inagaki, Michio Tokunagaand Ryushin Uryuzu Amstutz, Galen Dean The Journal of Asian Studies 1998.11
  Book Review: "Toward a Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism: Creating a Shin Buddhist Theology in a Religiously Plural World", by Dennis Hirota (ed.) Amstutz, Galen Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2001.10
  Book Review: Charles Taylor, A Secular Age Amstutz, Galen Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 2009.01
  Book Review: Dennis Hirota, Asura's Harp: Engagement with Language as Buddhist Path Amstutz, Galen Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 2010.01
  Book Review: Haruko Nawata Ward, Women Religious Leaders in Japan's Christian Century, 1549-1650 Amstutz, Galen Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 2010.01
  Book Review: Jérôme Ducor, Terre Pure, Zen et Autorité: La Dispute de l'Ére Joo et la Réfutation du Mémorandum sur des Contraditions de la Foi par Ryonyo du Honganji Amstutz, Galen Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 2009.01
  Book Review: Kindai nihon shiso to shite no bukkyo shigaku [The Study of Buddhist History as Modern Japanese Thought], by Orion Klautau Amstutz, Galen Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 2014.01
  Book Review: Rennyo and the Roots of Modern Japanese Buddhism by Mark L. Blum and Shinfya Yasutomi eds. Amstutz, Galen The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2005
  Book Review: War and Faith: Ikkō Ikki in Late Muromachi Japan by Carol Richmond Tsang Amstutz, Galen (評論) The American Historical Review 2009.06
  Book Review: Yume to Jōdokyō : Zendō, Chikō, Kūya, Genshin, Hōnen, Shinran, Ippen no yume bunseki, by Najima Junji Amstutz, Galen The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2011
  Book Review:"Zenkoji and its Icon: a Study in Medieval Japanese Religious Art" Amstutz, Galen Dean Pacific Affairs 1997
  Critical Readings on Pure Land Buddhism in Japan: Volume 1 Amstutz, Galen (編) 2020.06
  Critical Readings on Pure Land Buddhism in Japan: Volume 2 Amstutz, Galen (編) 2020.06
  Critical Readings on Pure Land Buddhism in Japan: Volume 3 Amstutz, Galen (編) 2020.06
  Editors' Introduction: Pure Lands in Japanese Religion Amstutz, Galen; Blum, Mark L. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2006
  From Kyōdanshi to Internationalized Comparative Social History=An Example From Reading Peter Burke on Popular Culture Amstutz, Galen Dean 真宗学=Shinshugaku : Journal of Studies in Shin Buddhism=シンシュウガク 2005.03.18
  Global Communication versus Ethno-Chauvinism: Framing Nikkei Pure Land Buddhism in North America Amstutz, Galen Journal of Religion in Japan 2014.01
  Interpreting Amida: History and Orientalism in the Study of Pure Land Buddhism Amstutz, Galen Dean 1997.04
  Japanese Shugendo: Buddhism, not Syncretism Amstutz, Galen Dean 1986
  Lecture: Kiyozawa in Concord : A Historian Looks Again at Shin Buddhism in America Amstutz, Galen The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2010
  Limited Engagements: Revisiting the Non-encounter between American Buddhism and the Shin Tradition Amstutz, Galen Journal of Global Buddhism 2002
  Materiality and Spiritual Economies in Premodern Japanese Buddhism: A Problem in Historical Change Amstutz, Galen Journal of Religion in Japan 2012
  Missing Hongan-ji in Japanese Studies Amstutz, Galen Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1996
  Modern Cultural Nationalism and English Writing on Buddhism: The Case of D.T. Suzuki and Shin Buddhism Amstutz, Galen Dean Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 1997.07
  Modern Cultural Nationalism and English Writing on Buddhism: The Case of D.T. Suzuki and Shin Buddhism Amstutz, Galen Dean Science of Religion 1997.07
  Nuancing Gender in Premodern Shin Buddhism Amstutz, Galen (著)=Amstutz, Galen Dean (au.) 龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要=Bulletin of Research Institute for Buddhist Culture, Ryukoku University=ブッキョウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ 2008.12.26
  Religious Discourse in Modern Japan: Religion, State, and Shintō Isomae Jun’ichi (著); Amstutz, Galen (譯); Riggs, Lynne E. (譯) 2014.06.06
  REVIEW ARTICLES How Progressive is Pure Land Buddhism? A Review of Melissa Anne-Marie Curley's Pure Land, Real World: Modern Buddhism, Japanese Leftists, and the Utopian Imagination Amstutz, Galen (著) The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2018
  Review of: "Immigrants to the Pure Land: The Modernization, Acculturation, and Globalization of Shin Buddhism, 1898-1941," by Michihiro Ama Amstutz, Galen Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2011
  Sexual Trangression in Shinran's Dream Amstutz, Galen The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2012
  Shin Buddhism and Protestant Analogies with Christianity in the West Amstutz, Galen Dean (著) Comparative Studies in Society and History 1998.10
  Shin Buddhism and Protestant Analogies with Christianity in the West Amstutz, Galen (著) Comparative Studies in Society and History 1998.10
  Shinran and Authority in Buddhism Amstutz, Galen The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1997
  Subjectivities, Fish Stories, Toxic Beauties: Turning the Wheel Beyond “Buddhism?” Amstutz, Galen Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 2017
  Teleologized "Virtue" or Mere Religious "Character"? A Critique of Buddhist Ethics From the Shin Buddhist Point of View Amstutz, Galen (著); Lewis, Stephen J. (著) Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1997
  The Honganji Institution, 1500-1570: The Politics of Pure Land Buddhism in Late Medieval Japan Amstutz, Galen Dean 1992.07
  The Politics of Independent Pure Land in China Amstutz, Galen Dean Journal of Chinese Religions=中國宗教研究集刊 1998
  The Politics of Pure Land Buddhism in India Amstutz, Galen Dean Numen: International Review for the History of Religions 1998
  Toward a Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism: Creating a Shin Buddhist Theology in a Religiously Plural World by Dennis Hirota Amstutz, Galen (評論) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2001
  World Macrohistory and Shinran's Literacy Amstutz, Galen Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 2009