全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
"Conversion" : Buddhist and Christian Terminology |
アビト, ルベン=Habito, Ruben L. F. |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
1975.12.25 |
〈法身〉の二種について=On Two Meanings of dharmakaya |
アビト, ルベン=Habito, Ruben L. F. |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
1976.12.25 |
『大乗荘厳経論』と『究竟一乗宝性論』の仏身論=A Comparison of Two Buddha-body Theories (MSA and RGV) |
アビト, R.=Habito, Ruben L. F. |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
1977.12.31 |
1993 Annual Meeting Of the Society For Buddhist-Christian Studies |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1994 |
A Buddhist and Christian on the Way to Carnegie Hall: A Response |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2016 |
A Christian and Zen Self-Critique |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1992 |
Alterity, Friendship, and Solidarity: Buddhists, Christians, and James Fredericks |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2018 |
Annual Meeting Of the Society For Buddhist-Christian Studies |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1993 |
Barmherzigkeit aus der Stille:Zen und soziales Engagement |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
1990 |
Be Still and Know: Zen and the Bible |
Habito, Ruben L. F. (著) |
2017 |
Bodily Reading of the Lotus Sutra: Understanding Nichiren's Buddhism |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1999 |
Book Review: "Buddhist Spirituality", by Takeuchi Yoshinori |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
1996 |
Book Review: "Fire and Water: Basic Issues in Asian Buddhism and Christianity," by Aloysius Pieris |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2000 |
Book Review: "Grounding Our Faith in a Pluralist World—With a Little Help from Nāgārjuna," by John P. Keenan |
Habito, Ruben |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2011 |
Book Review: "Nichiren, der Ausübende des Lotos-Sūtra," by Yukio Matsudo |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2005 |
Book Review: "Original Enlightenment and the Transformation of Medieval Japanese Buddhism", by Jacqueline I. Stone |
Habito, Ruben L. F. (著) |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2000 |
Book Review: "The Ox-Herder and the Good Shepherd: Finding Christ on the Buddha’s Path," by Addison Hodges Hart |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2015 |
Book Review: "Zen Sand: The Book of Capping Phrases for Kōan Practice", by Victor Sōgen Hori |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2004 |
Book Reviews: "The Religious Philosophy of Nishitani Keiji", by Taitetsu Unno, ed. ; "The Religious Philosophy of Tanabe Hajime", by T. Unno and James W. Heisig, eds. |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
1992 |
Buddha-body views in Tendai Hongaku writings (the use or misuse of the Trikaya theory) |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
1991.03.20 |
Buddhist Philosophy As Experiential Path: A Journey Through the Sutta Nipāta |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
International Philosophical Quarterly |
1988.06 |
Buddhist Wisdom and Ecological Awareness: Exploring Horizons of Praxis |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
The Journal of Oriental Studies |
2014.08 |
Buddhist? Christian? Both? Neither? |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2003 |
Buddhist-Christian Dialogue Events |
O'Hanlon, Daniel J. ; Axel, Larry E. ; Mitchell, Donald W. ; Knitter, Paul F. ; Simmer-Brown, Judith ; Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1988 |
Call For Proposals: The Seventh International Buddhist-Christian Conference, "Hear the Cries Of the World" |
Habito, Ruben |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2004 |
Environment or Earth Sangha: Buddhist Perspectives on our Global Ecological Well-Being |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
2007.11 |
Experiencing Buddhism: Ways of Wisdom and Compassion |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
2005.03.30 |
Forging New Horizons of Religious Awareness: Two Reviews of "Buddhist-Christian Dialogue" |
Habito, Ruben L. F. ; Unno, Taitetsu |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1990 |
Healing Breath: Zen for Christians and Buddhists in a Wounded World |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
2006.09.22 |
Healing breath: Zen Spirituality for a Wounded Earth |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
1993.09 |
In Memoriam. |
Muck, Terry C. ; Ingram, Paul O. ; Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2005 |
In Memoriam: Yamada Kōun Rōshi (1907-1989) |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1990 |
International Conference on Religion and Globalization |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2004 |
Japanese Buddhist Perspectives and Comparative Theology: Supreme Ways in Intersection |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Theological Studies |
2003 |
Living Tension: A Five-Point Response |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1994 |
Living Zen, Loving God |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
2004 |
Lotus Buddhism and Its Liberational Thrust: A Re-Reading of the Lotus Sutra by Way of Nichiren |
Habito, Ruben L. F. (著) |
Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 |
1992.07 |
Maria Kannon Zen: Explorations in Buddhist-Christian Practice |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1994 |
On Dharmakaya as Ultimate Reality: Prolegomenon for a Buddhist-Christian Dialogue |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1985.06-09 |
On the Notion of |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Journal of Dharma: The Dharmaram Quarterly Journal of Religions and Philosophies |
1986.10 |
On the Notion of "Dharmakaya": A Study in the Buddhist Absolute |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Journal of Dharma: The Dharmaram Quarterly Journal of Religions and Philosophies |
1986 |
Originary Enlightenment: Tendai Hongaku Doctrine and Japanese Buddhism |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
1996 |
Practice and Internal Dialogue: A Report on the Fourth Annual Conference of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1992 |
Preliminary Statement |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1992 |
Review Article: The Uses of Nichiren in Modern Japanese History |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1999 |
Tendai Hongaku Doctrine and Japan's Ethnocentric Turn |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Pruning the Bodhi Tree: the Storm over Critical Buddhism |
1997 |
The 1994 Annual Meeting Of the Society For Buddhist-Christian Studies |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1995 |
The Burning House Parable and the Contemporary World=日本印度學佛敎學會第三十三囘學術大會紀要(2) |
Habito, Ruben L. F.=アビト, ルベン |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
1983.03.25 |
The Flowing Bridge: Guidance on Beginning Zen Koans |
MacInnes, Elaine; Habito, Ruben L. F. |
2007.09.28 |
The Logic of Nonduality and Absolute Affirmation: Deconstructing Tendai Hongaku Writing |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1995.03-06 |
The New Buddhism of Kamakura and the Doctrine of Innate Enlightenment |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
1991 |
The Practice of Altruism Caring and Religion in Global Perspective |
Habito, Ruben L. F. ; Inaba, Keishin |
2006 |
The Seventh International Buddhist-Christian Conference in Los Angeles, California |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2003 |
The Trikaya Doctrine in Buddhism |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1986 |
Total Liberation: Zen Spirituality and the Social Dimension |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
1986 |
Total Liberation: Zen Spirituality and the Social Dimension [Rev. and expanded ed.] |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
1989 |
Ways of Being Religious in the Lotus Sūtra: Themes for Interreligious Reflection and Dialogue: Honoring Gene Reeves (1933-2019), with Deep Gratitude* |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2020 |
Where There Is Peace, There Is Buddha: The Sublime Attitudes in Daily Living |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Dharma World=ダーマワールド |
2013.07-09 |
Wisdom and compassion as constitutive of Buddhahood -A Mahayana and a Theravada Treatise in Comparative Light- |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
1985.12.25 |
Zen and Human Existence |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
The Many Faces of the Divine |
1995 |
Zen and the Art of Prayer |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
Dharma World=ダーマワールド |
2009.10/12 |
日本仏教の「共生の思想」を求めて |
アビト, R. |
仏教=季刊仏教=ブッキョウ |
1998.04 |
法身と智慧 |
アビト, ルベン=Habito, Ruben L. F. |
佛教學=Journal of Buddhist Studies=仏教学=ブッキョウガク=Bukkyōgaku |
1977.04 |
書評と紹介 TAKEUCHI Yoshinori, Buddhist Spirituality 2: Later China, Korea, Japan and the Modern World |
Habito, Ruben L. F.=アビト, ルベン |
宗教研究=Journal of Religious Studies=シュウキョウ ケンキュウ |
2001.06 |
密教における法身観の背景 -『宝性論』を手がかりとして-=みっきょうにおけるほっしんかんのはいけい=The background of Dharmakaaya in esoteric Buddhism |
アビト, R.=Habito, Ruben L. F. |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
1987.12.25 |
聖書と親鸞の読み方 -- 解放の神学と運動の教学 |
アビト, ルベン ; 玉光順正 |
1989.12 |
解放の仏教学のため - 人間解放の願いをこめて |
アビト, ルベン |
仏教=季刊仏教=ブッキョウ |
1991.04 |
親鸞とキリスト教の出会いから -- 日本的解放の霊性 |
アビト, ルベン |
1989.02 |
仏身論の宗教的意義 |
アビト, ルベン |
宗教研究=Journal of Religious Studies=シュウキョウ ケンキュウ |
1976.03 |
仏身論の展開 -- 三身説の成立をめぐって |
Habito, Ruben L. F. |
宗教研究=Journal of Religious Studies=シュウキョウ ケンキュウ |
1978.09 |
仏教の智慧を現代に生かす |
アビト, R. |
仏教=季刊仏教=ブッキョウ |
1989.05 |
絶対者としての「仏」について |
アビト, ルベン=Habito, Ruben |
宗教研究=Journal of Religious Studies=シュウキョウ ケンキュウ |
1976.12 |