夏荊山藝術論衡=Journal of Xia Jing Shan's Art     ジャーナルリストへ     登録誌ガイダンス

出版社: 財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會 出版地: 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] I  S  S  N : 24126233
刊行頻度: 年刊=Annual ウェブサイト: https://www.xjsacf.com/TW/Showroom02/ugC_ShowroomItem.asp
内容紹介: 本刊每期訂定不同主題,對外徵集與邀請藝術界及學術界之學者專家撰寫投稿,深入探討夏荊山的生平、佛像繪畫、書法藝術、篆刻與藝術美學等

n.12 [2021.12 出版]

n.11 [2021.03 出版]

n.10 [2020.09.01 出版]

n.9 [2020.03 出版]

n.8 [2019.09 出版]

n.7 [2019.03 出版]

n.6 [2018.09 出版]

n.5 [2018.03 出版]

n.4 [2017.09 出版]

n.3 [2017.03 出版]

n.2 [2016.09 出版]

n.1 [2016.03 出版]

n.12 [2021.12出版]

タイトル 著者
 目連救母故事之圖文敘事 ──以「食未入口,化成火炭」情節為例=The Illustrated Narrative of Mulian Rescues His Mother - Case study on the Plot of Food Becomes Coal Before Eating [全文]
廖秀芬 (著)=Liao, Hsiu Fen (au.)
 緣異法同:論徐揚、莊豫德、夏荊山名下的同源羅漢畫作=Variations of the same Teaching: On the shared Origin of Arhat Paintings by Xu Yang, Zhuang Yu-De, and Xia Jing Shan [全文]
王崇齊 (著)=Wang, Chong-ci (au.)
 敦煌壁畫、變文之佛陀「降魔」故事取向析論=An Analysis and Discussion on the Narrative-Oreintation of "Buddha Conquering Māra" in Dunhuang Murals and Bianwen [全文]
張家豪 (著)=Chang, Chia-hao (au.)
 漢代經學視域下的書寫美感和書法藝術=Writing aesthetics and calligraphy art on the horizons of Han Confucian Classics [全文]
馬銘浩 (著)=Ma, Ming-Hao (au.)


n.11 [2021.03出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛教經典智慧與廿一世紀的人類文明 — 以《金剛般若波羅蜜經》為核心的展開=Buddhist Classic Wisdom and Human Civilization in the 21st Century ─ Development with the Diamond Sutra as Its Core [全文]
林安梧 (著)=Lin, An-wu (au.)
 蘇軾與成都大慈寺的因緣=Connection Between Su Shi and The Daci Temple in Chengdu [全文]
黃惠菁 (著)=Huang Hui-Jing (au.)
 初探夏荊山〈羅漢圖〉的藝術特徵 — 兼論佛畫畫樣的幾種傳演方式=A Preliminary Study of Xia Jing Shan’s Arhat Paintings and the Transmission and Adaptation of Buddhist Painting Models [全文]
何嘉誼 (著)=Ho Ka-Yi (au.)
 多重轉化的禪與1950至60年代臺灣抽象繪畫=Zen’s Multi-Transformation and Abstract Painting in 1950s-60s Taiwan [全文]
賴國生 (著)=Lai Kuo-Sheng (au.)


n.10 [2020.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 敦煌文獻圖像整合視閾下的泗州僧伽和尚信仰=Images in Dunhuang Manuscripts on the Worshipping of Monk Sengqie of Sizhou [全文]
鄭阿財 (著)=Cheng, A-cai (au.)
 普賢菩薩行法與夏荊山畫作之中的普賢菩薩=Bodhisattva Samantabhadra’s Practice Method and Samantabhadra in Paintings by Xia Jing Shan [全文]
賴賢宗 (著)=Lai, Hsien-tsung (au.)
 夏荊山觀音畫像與中國觀音信仰的關係=Connection Between Xia Jing Shan’s Avalokiteśvara Portraits and Avalokiteśvara Worshipping in China [全文]
李萬進 (著)=Li, Wan-jin (au.)
 重重帝網:夏荊山水陸畫的人文關懷與美學意蘊=Endlessly Multi-meshed Net of Indra: Compassion for Humanity and Aesthetic Implications in Xia Jing Shan’s Water-Land Ritual Paintings [全文]
余定檉 (著)=Yu Ding-Ching (au.)


n.9 [2020.03出版]

タイトル 著者
 黑水城遺存《父母恩重經》卷首畫研究=A Study on Sutra of Filial Piety Illustrations from Remnant Manuscripts Found in Khara-khoto [全文]
崔紅芬 (著)=Cui, Hong-fen (au.); 文志勇 (著)=Wen, Zhi-yong (au.)
 文以載道:夏荊山晚年鍾馗創作與傳統書畫的對話=Culture as a Vehicle of Moral Instruction: Dialogue Between Zhong Kui by Xia Jing Shan in His Later Years and Traditional Calligraphy and Painting [全文]
王舒津 (著)=Wang, Shu-jin (au.)
 聖與俗的象徵建構 ─ 以夏荊山居士的〈竹林七賢圖〉為分析=Symbolic Construction of The Sacred and the Profane: Analysis Based on Xia Jing Shan’s Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove [全文]
范俊銘 (著)=Fan, Chun-Ming (au.)
 住世護法,佈施福田 ─ 淺談夏荊山〈十八羅漢圖〉的表現 方式與其對貫休「禪月樣」羅漢圖式的繼承與拓展=Safeguarding the World, Giving Brings Blessings: A Preliminary Study on the Mode of Expression on Xia Jing Shan’s The Eighteen Arhats and How He Inherited and Further Developed Changyue Style’s Arhat Imagery [全文]
王超 (著)=Wang, Chao (au.)


n.8 [2019.09出版]

タイトル 著者
 印度佛教偶像起源再探=A Further Inquiry into the Origin of Buddhist Icons in India [全文]
何志國 (著)=He, Zhi-guo (au.)
 北魏關中地區佛教造像風格的多元化=Diverse Buddharupa Styles from Northern Wei Dynasty Guanzhong Area [全文]
常青 (著)=Chang, Qing (au.)
 夏荊山筆下的文殊普賢二菩薩圖像試析=Analysis of Bodhisattvas Mañjuśrī and Samantabadhra Paintings by Xia Jing Shan [全文]
陳清香 (著)=Chen, Ching-hsiang (au.)
 墨韻詩意.禪畫寒拾 ─ 論夏荊山「寒山拾得圖像」之筆墨表現=Zen Painting With Poetic Ink Expressions - on Xia Jing Shan’s Notable Ink Brushwork in His Hanshan and Shide Paintings [全文]
楊偵琴 (著)=Yang, Zhen-Qin (au.)


n.7 [2019.03出版]

タイトル 著者
 武當山道茶之研究:重檢武當山騫林樹、騫林茶的道茶文獻與其丹道實踐=Thesis on Taoist Tea from Wudang Mountains: Reexamining Taoist Tea Literature on Qianlin Tea Tree and Qianlin Tea from Wudang Mountains and Its Alchemic Traditions [全文]
賴賢宗 (著)=Lai, Hsien-tsung (au.)
 達摩祖師形神之美研探 — 以夏荊山居士之畫作為例=Examining the Form-spirit Aesthetics of Bodhidharma – With Case Studies on Xia Jing Shan’s Paintings [全文]
余宥嫺 (著)=Yu, Yow-shyan (au.)
 宗教、政治、藝術競合之效應省思 — 以伊朗禁樂政策為例=Reflection on the Coopetition Effects Between Religion, Politics, Art – With a Case Study on Music Censorship in Iran [全文]
林卓逸 (著)=Lin, Cho-i (au.)
 夏荊山書法藝術探討=Exploring Xia Jing Shan's Calligraphy Art [全文]
陳孟誼 (著)=Cheng, Meng-yi (au.)


n.6 [2018.09出版]

タイトル 著者
 禪與石濤之筆墨表現析論=Analysis on Zen and Shi Tao’s Ink Expressions [全文]
吳恭瑞 (著)=Wu, Kung-jui (au.)
 刻石研究面向之再思:以龍門造像記為例=Reexamining the Studies of Stone Carvings with Case Studies on the Statuary of the Longmen Grottoes [全文]
邱國峯 (著)=Chiu, Kuo-Fong (au.)
 夏荊山居士鍾馗系列畫作藝術探究=Preliminary Studies on Xia Jing Shan's Zhong Kui Painting Series [全文]
邱嘉瑩 (著)=Chiu, Chia-Ying (au.)
 跨界藝術傳達的潛在心理認知:以張大千居士與夏荊山居士之高仕圖(1961 年)為分析=Latent Cognition Conveyed Through Trans-boundary Art: With Case Studies on Paintings of Gentlemen by Zhang Daqian and Xia Jing Shan(1961) [全文]
范俊銘 (著)=Fan, Chun-Ming (au.)


n.5 [2018.03出版]

タイトル 著者
 論佛教文化對於中國戲曲形成之影響=Buddhist Culture’s Impact on the Development of Chinese Opera [全文]
孫玫 (著)=Sun, Mei (au.)
 佛教禪宗與書法 — 禪思神融會書法表現之探討=Zen Buddhism and Calligraphy: On Zen Spirit-Integrated Calligraphic Expressions [全文]
蔡介騰 (著)=Tsai, Chieh-teng (au.)
 夏荊山《莊嚴寶像》題畫文辭探析 — 兼論臺灣古典詩中的題畫之作=Examining Xia Jing Shan’s Dictions of Solemn Deity Inscribed on Paintings and Discussion on Taiwanese Classical Poems Inscribed on Paintings [全文]
顧敏耀 (著)=Ko, Bin-yau (au.)
 從鄭玄與朱熹注「繪事後素」探討孔子的文質觀與人格美學=Examining Confucian's Concept on Form and Quality and Human Aesthetic from Zheng Xuan and Zhu Xi's Takes on the Theory "The paintwork is executed on top of the white background" [全文]
孔令宜 (著)=Kung, Lin-yi (au.)


n.4 [2017.09出版]

タイトル 著者
 書畫茶事=Calligraphy, Painting, and Tea Ceremony [全文]
林進忠 (著)=Lin, Chin-chung (au.)
 中華當代茶道的本體美學及其實踐=The Aesthetics Essence and Practices of Contemporary Chinese Tea Ceremony [全文]
賴賢宗 (著)=Lai, Hsien-tsung (au.)
 釋聖嚴藝術觀點之探究=A Study on Sheng Yen's Perspective on Art [全文]
紀俊吉 (著)=Chi, Chun-chi (au.)
 行雲自在 ─ 夏荊山〈白衣觀音〉對南宋牧谿畫作的承繼與開拓=The Unstrained - Inheriting and Exploring Song Muqi's Paintings in the Southern Song Dynasty by Xia Jing Shan's 'White-robed Guan Yin' [全文]
吳蕙君 (著)=Wu, Hui-chun (au.)


n.3 [2017.03出版]

タイトル 著者
 原型圖像的召喚 ─ 生命蛻變之後的藝術創作救贖歷程以夏荊山佛像藝術價值為例 ─ =Calling of Prototype Image-Artistic Creation and Salvation Process after Life Transformation- A Case Study of Artistic Value of Xia Jing Shan's Buddha Painting [全文]
聶雅婷 (著)=Neih, Ya-ting (au.)
 不「知」不「覺」,淺析中國佛像畫展示的傳播理念 ─ 以夏荊山中國佛像畫為例="Unawareness" and "Unconsciousness"- A study on the Communication Concept of Chinese Buddha Painting Exhibitions ── Examples of Xia Jing Shan's Chinese Buddha Painting Works [全文]
蔡靜野 (著)=Tsai,Ching-Yeh (au.)
 夏荊山與江曉航的觀音佛畫藝術初探=A Preliminary Study into the Guanyin Buddhist Arts of Xia Jing-Shan and Chiang Hsiao-Hung [全文]
楊偵琴 (著)=Yang, Zhen-qin (au.)
 江曉航居士觀音佛像畫的傳承探索=A Study on Heritage and Exploration of Guanyin Painting Works of Master Chiang Hsiao-Hung [全文]
陳孟誼 (著)=Cheng, Meng-yi (au.)


n.2 [2016.09出版]

タイトル 著者
 夏荊山觀音佛畫之研究=A Study on Xia Jing Shan’s Buddhist Paintings [全文]
楊企霞 (著)=Yang, Chi-hsia (au.)
 夏荊山佛教繪畫之「羅漢像」風格淺評=A Brief Discussion on "Arhats Painting" of Xia Jing Shan's Buddhist Paintings [全文]
陳炳宏 (著)=Chen, Bing-hung (au.)
 交匯的新起點:文化x創意 — 以夏荊山書畫藝術為例=A New Convergent Point: Culture x Creativity─ A case study of Xia Jing Shan’s painting art [全文]
陳昱宏 (著)=Chen, Yu-hung (au.)
 發現夏荊山佛畫境界在視覺藝術的創新與明心 =Discovery of Innovation and Insights of Xia Jing Shan’s Buddhist Painting Themes in the Field of Visual Art [全文]
莊麗華 (著)=Chuang, Li-hua (au.)


n.1 [2016.03出版]

タイトル 著者
 夏荊山羅漢圖管窺=A Study on Xia Jing Shan's Arhats [全文]
沈政乾 (著)=Sheen, Jenq-chyan (au.)
 心靈的方向 — 夏荊山佛教書畫賞析=The Direction of Soul and Mind--Appreciation of Xia Jing Shan’s Buddhist Painting [全文]
王俊盛 (著)=Wang, Chun-sheng (au.)
 拜觀夏荊山居士中國佛像畫集有感=Reflection on Viewing Master Xia Jing Shan’s Chinese Buddhist Painting [全文]
黃華源 (著)=Huang, Hua-yuan (au.)
 文化傳承與創新:夏荊山其人其事與佛畫藝術析論=Cultural Restoration and Innovation: The Life Story of Jing-Shan Xia and His Buddhist Painting [全文]
侯皓之 (著)=Hou, Hau-chih (au.)
