n.42 [2023.12 出版]
n.40 [2022.12 出版]
n.39 [2022.06 出版]
n.38 [2021.12 出版]
n.37 [2021.06 出版]
n.36 [2020.12 出版]
n.35 [2020.06 出版]
n.34 [2019.12 出版]
n.33 [2019.06 出版]
n.32 [2018.12 出版]
n.31 [2018.06 出版]
n.30 [2017.12 出版]
n.29 [2017.06 出版]
n.28 [2016.12 出版]
n.27 [2016.06 出版]
n.26 [2015.12 出版]
n.25 [2015.06 出版]
n.24 [2014.12 出版]
n.23 [2014.06 出版]
n.22 [2013.12 出版]
n.21 [2013.06 出版]
n.20 [2012.12 出版]
n.19 [2012.07 出版]
n.18 [2012.01 出版]
n.17 [2011.08 出版]
n.16 [2010.11 出版]
n.15 [2009.10 出版]
n.14 [2009.01 出版]
n.13 [2008.06 出版]
n.12 [2007.12 出版]
n.11 [2007.03 出版]
n.10 [2006.04 出版]
n.9 [2004.12 出版]
n.8 [2003.12 出版]
n.7 [2002.12 出版]
n.6 [2001.12 出版]
n.5 [2000.12 出版]
n.4 [1999.12 出版]
n.3 [1999.02 出版]
n.2 [1997.10 出版]
創刊號 [1993.12 出版]
n.42 [2023.12出版]
n.40 [2022.12出版]
n.39 [2022.06出版]
n.38 [2021.12出版]
n.37 [2021.06出版]
n.36 [2020.12出版]
n.35 [2020.06出版]
n.34 [2019.12出版]
n.33 [2019.06出版]
n.32 [2018.12出版]
n.31 [2018.06出版]
n.30 [2017.12出版]
n.29 [2017.06出版]
n.28 [2016.12出版]
n.27 [2016.06出版]
n.26 [2015.12出版]
n.25 [2015.06出版]
n.24 [2014.12出版]
n.23 [2014.06出版]
n.22 [2013.12出版]
n.21 [2013.06出版]
n.20 [2012.12出版]
n.19 [2012.07出版]
n.18 [2012.01出版]
n.17 [2011.08出版]
n.16 [2010.11出版]
n.15 [2009.10出版]
n.14 [2009.01出版]
n.13 [2008.06出版]
n.12 [2007.12出版]
n.11 [2007.03出版]
n.10 [2006.04出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
敦煌密教石窟體用觀初探 -- 以莫高窟14 窟為例看法華密教的開展=A Prelimianry Study on the Idea and Function of a Tantra Cave in Dun-Huang -- A Case Study on No.14 of Mo Kao Cave to See the Development of the Tanaism in the Saddharmapundarika Sutra [全文]
郭祐孟 =Guo, Yo-meng |
窺基《妙法蓮華經玄贊》詞義解釋之研究=The Lexical Interpretation on the Fa Hua Xuan Zan [全文]
黃國清 =Huang, Kuo-ching |
從南安巖主到定光古佛 -- 兼談其與何仙姑之關係=From Nan An Yen Zhu to the Ding Quang Gu Fo: And the Discussion the Relationship with Ho Xian Gu [全文]
王見川 =Wang, Chien-chuan |
外儒內佛 -- 新發現的歸根道(儒門)經卷及救劫勸善書概述=Buddhism Coated in Confucianism -- A General Introduction to the Newly Discovered Gui-gen Dao(Confucian) Scriptures and Moral Exhortation Books [全文]
陳進國 =Chen, Jin-guo |
現代禪宗心性思想研究的幾點評論=The Critical Reviews on the Thoughs of the Mind in Terms of the Morden Chan [全文]
張國一=Chang, Gwo-yi |
初期大乘教團之研究 -- 大乘「佛塔教團」說之考察=A Study of the Early Mahāyāna Orders -- An Investigation on the Stupa Order of the Mahāyāna [全文]
許一系 (著)=Shih, I-shing (au.) |
世親《釋軌論》略探=A Brief Introduction to the Vyakhyāyukti of Vasubandhu [全文]
莊國彬 =Chuang, Kuo-pin |
編撰《臺灣宗教文選》佛教篇的理念與經驗=The Idea and Experience on Editing the Anthology of Taiwan Buddhist Literature [全文]
林淑媛 =Lin, Shu-yuan |
陳那「自證」理論探析 -- 兼論《成唯識論》及窺基《成唯識論述記》的觀點=An Analysis of Dignaga's Theory of “Self-cognition (svasajvedana,svasajvitti)” -- And a Discussion from the Perspective of Cheng Wei Shi Lun and Kuiji's Cheng Wei Shi Lun Shuji [全文]
趙東明 =Chao, Tung-ming |
戰後花蓮地區佛教發展初探=A Study of the Development of Buddhism in Hualian after the World War II [全文]
李世偉 =Li, Shyh-wei |
六世紀中國華北地區的法華「十六王子」信仰=The Belief of ‘the Sixteenth Prience' in the Saddharmapundarika Sutra around the Northern Area of China in Sixth Century [全文]
賴文英 =Lai, Wen-ying |
融通念佛宗簡介 [全文]
野川博之 |
n.9 [2004.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
試論佛教與印度教的種姓倫理觀=On the ethical viewpoints of the Caste System according to the Buddhism and Hinduism [全文]
藍吉富 =Lan, Chi-fu |
石室《心經》音寫抄本校釋初稿之二=A Preliminary Report on the Chinese Transliteration of the Heart Sutra in the Tun-huang Manuscripts Part II [全文]
萬金川 =Uwan, Chin-choa |
清末民初五台山的普濟及其教團=Master Pu Ji and His Religious Order in Wu Tai Mountain in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century [全文]
王見川 =Wang, Chien-chuan |
初探印光法師的觀音信仰 — 兼述李止淨〈觀世音菩薩本跡感應頌〉=An Initial Study of Dharma-Master Yin-guang's Avalokitesvara Faith — With a Discussion on Lee Zhi-jing's Odes to Avalokitesvara’s Manifested Responses to Appeals [全文]
林淑媛 (著)=Lin, Shu-yuan (au.) |
覺意三昧與四句無生門=Bodhy-samādhi and Four Sentence about No-arising [全文]
賴賢宗 =Lai, Shen-chon |
天台圓頓止觀「事修.理觀」雙重奏 -- 以《摩訶止觀》為主=The Symphonic Form of Factual Practice and Doctrinal Insight n Tien-tai School's Complete and Immediate Meditation -- with Emphasis on Mo-ho-zhi-guan [全文]
陳英善 =Chen, Ying-shan |
圓珍天台密教判教觀的發展=Yuan-Jhen's New System of Doctrinal Classification of Tiantai and the Esoteric Teaching [全文]
黃英傑 =Huang, Kind-jauk |
窺基《妙法蓮華經玄贊》科文析論=An Analytical Study of Kue-ji's Miao-fa-lian-hua-jing Xuan-zan [全文]
黃國清 =Huang, Guo-qing |
盛唐佛教造像所蘊含的法華思想 -- 以敦煌莫高窟45窟為中心的探討=The Lotus Philosophy Implied in the Image-Making at the Peak of the Tang Dynasty -- with Focus on No. 45 of the Mo-gao Caves in Dun-huang [全文]
郭祐孟 =Guo, Yo-meng |
晚唐宋初天台宗在吳越地區的發展=Development of the Tian-tai School in the Wu-yue Region During the Late Tang and Early Song Dynasties [全文]
賴建成 =Lai, Jian-cheng |
六世紀後葉法華與淨土觀行之融攝 -- 以南、北響堂石窟為例=The Merger of the Lotus Belief with the Pure-land Practice at the Late of the Sixth Century--with the North and South Xiang-tang-shan Caves as an Example [全文]
賴文英 =Lai, Wen-ying |
n.8 [2003.12出版]
n.7 [2002.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
荷澤神會的心性思想=The Nature of Mind: The Thoughts of Shen-hui from Ho-tse [全文]
張國一=Chang, Gwo-yi |
佛教詮釋學的重省=A Re-examination of Buddhist Ontology and Hermeneutics [全文]
賴賢宗 =Lai, Shen-chon |
唐代莫高窟的多重「華嚴」結構與「中心壇場」的形成=The Central Mandala in the Mo-kao Grottos of the T'ang Dynasty [全文]
賴鵬舉 =Lai, P'eng-chiu |
六、七世紀高昌佛教的淨土禪觀 -- 以吐峪溝禪觀圖為例=The Pure Land Meditation View of Kaochang Buddhism of the 6th-7th Century Based on the Example of the Meditation View Diagram of the Tuyukou Grottos [全文]
賴文英 =Lai, Wen-ying |
《大般若經.第二會》的不動佛法門 -- 嚴淨佛土的一種展現方式=The Teaching of Buddha Aksobhya According to the Sutras of the Perfection of Wisdom:A Manifestation of the Purification of the Buddha Field [全文]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming |
《涅槃無名論》真偽辨=To Distinguish Nirvana is Beyond Knoming's Real Author [全文]
徐文明 =Hsu, Wen-ming |
台北艋舺龍山寺「民間佛教」性格之歷史考察=The Folk Buddhism of Lung Shan Temple in Meng-chia Taipei: Its Characteristics and Historical Changes [全文]
王見川 =Wang, Chien-chuan ; 李世偉 =Li, Shyh-wei |
從「佛教混合漢語」的名目 -- 談漢譯佛典的語言研究 [全文]
萬金川 |
隋唐五代漢文佛典中的助詞「個」=The Function-word "ge" is used in Buddhist Documents of Suei Tang and Wu Tai [全文]
周碧香 =Chou, Pi-hsiang |
趙州公案語言的主位推移與問答結構分析=The Systemic-Functional Grammar Analysis of the Speaking Records of Zen Master Chao-chou [全文]
歐陽宜璋 =Ou-yang, Yi-jang |
漢譯佛典新式標點的問題及其與訓詁的關涉=The Problem of New Punctuation Used in Chinese Translated Buddhist Scriptures and Its Relation to the Explanation of Ancient Texts [全文]
黃國清 =Huang Kuo-ch'ing |
n.6 [2001.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
關河的「般若」禪法=The Kuan Ho Prajna Ch'an Method [全文]
賴鵬舉 (著)=Lai, P'eng-chiu (au.) |
無常 [剎那滅] 說與永遠的佛=Theories of Impermanence [Momentary Destruction] and the Eternal Buddha [全文]
村上真完 (著)=Murakami, Shinkan (au.); 釋性一 (譯)=Shih, Shing-i (tr.) |
正量部的傳承研究 -- 現在劫的劫末意識=A Study on the Transmission of Sammitiya School: The Kalpa-ending Consciousness of the Present Kalpa [全文]
岡野潔 (著)=Okano, Kiyoshi (au.); 許一系 |
有關Jayananda著《入中觀註疏》所引用的〈22種發心〉=The 22 Kinds of Mental Initiation Quotes in Jayananda's "Commentary on Entering the Madhyamakavatarasya Tika" [全文]
磯田煕文 (著)=Isoda, Hirofumi (au.); 釋宗義 |
《八大人覺經》之翻譯與流傳問題 -- 以佛教目錄記載及義理特色為線索=Problems about the Translation and Transmission os The Eight Great Man's Enlightenments Sutra based on the Scriptural Records and Doctrinal Characteristics [全文]
黃國清 =Huang Kuo-ch'ing ; 釋性圓 =Shih, Hsing-yuan |
唐宋關羽信仰初探 -- 兼談其與佛教之因緣=A Study on the Kuan-yu Cult of the Tang and Sung Dynasties and its relationship with Buddhism [全文]
王見川 =Wang, Chien-chuan |
神會早期史事及其在六祖門下的地位=Early Historical Records of Shen-hui and His Position among the Sixth Patriarch's Disciples [全文]
徐文明 (著)=Hsu, Wen-ming (au.) |
由船山易學對佛教的批評看近代以來的儒佛交涉=A Look at the Contemporary Relationship between Confucianism and Buddhism from the Criticism on Buddhism in Ch'uan-shan's Study on the Book of Changes [全文]
林建勳 =Lin, Chien-hsun |
論觀音感應故事敘事結構模式化的原因 -- 一個文學類型的觀察=The Reasons behind the Stylization of the Nattative Structure in the Guanyin Miracle Tales: A Literary Perspective [全文]
林淑媛 =Lin, Shu-yuan |
北傳早期的法華三昧禪法與造像=The "Lotus Samadhi" Ch'an Method in Early Northern Buddhism and Image-making [全文]
賴文英 =Lai, Wen-ying |
n.5 [2000.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
北傳佛教「淨土學」的形成 -- 西秦炳靈寺169窟無量壽佛龕造像的義學與禪法="Pureland Thought" in the Northward Transmittance of Buddhism [全文]
賴鵬舉 (著)=Lai, P'eng-chiu (au.) |
白蓮宗析論=An Analysis of Pai-lien Sect [全文]
釋印謙 =Shih, Yin-chien |
歷代文獻中的慧能「心性」思想探究=An Investigation on Hui-neng Thought of "Mindhood" Through Bibliography [全文]
張國一=Chang, Gwo-yi |
原始佛教的佛陀觀=The Buddha in the Original Buddhism [全文]
元弼聖 =Won, Pil-sung |
《觀世音菩薩普門品》偈頌的解讀:漢梵本對讀所建的問題=An Analysis on Sloka of Samanta-mukha-parivarta [全文]
黃國清 (著)=Huang, Kuo-ching (au.) |
布施概念的變遷(四) -- 般若經中的布施思想=The Transition of Dana Concept [全文]
白石凌海; 許洋主 (譯)=Tzu, Yang-chu (tr.) |
說一切有部無表色功能之探討=The Function of Aivjnapti-rupa of the Mula-sarvasti-vada [全文]
釋宗平 =Shih, Zhong-Pin |
智軍的《見差別》蕃本試譯〔下〕=Chinese Translation of "1Ta ba' i khyad par"(Version of Tun-huang, Pelliot Tibetan NO.814) [全文]
許明銀 |
從龍華教到佛教 -- 光復前台南德化堂的歷史=From Longhua Sect to Buddhism -- the History of Tai-nan Derhua Tang During Japanese Occupation [全文]
王見川 (著)=Wang, Chien-chuan (au.) |
寂護對有部「實在論」以及「有相唯識」與「無相唯識」的「形象」(行相)說之批判的探討=Critique of Shantaraksita on Akara Concept of the Mula-sarvasti-vada [全文]
曹志成 (著)=Tsao, Chih-cheng (au.) |
n.4 [1999.12出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
智藏與寂護的二諦思想以及對唯識思想的收攝之比較 -- 以智藏《二諦分別論》與寂護《中觀莊嚴論》為解釋線索=The Comparative of Two Truths Thought of Jnanagarbha and Santaraksita and its Influences to Mind Only Teaching [全文]
曹志成 (著)=Tsao, Chih-cheng (au.) |
嘉祥吉藏的「十如是」解釋=The "Ten Tatha" Interpretation of Ji-zhang [全文]
黃國清 =Huang, Kuo-ching |
有關阿賴耶識語義的變遷=A Study About the Variation of the Word "Alaya" [全文]
陳一標 =Chen, Yi-biao |
禪宗〈念佛者是誰〉 公案起源考=The Origin of Ch'an School Gong-an:"Who is Chanting?" [全文]
釋印謙 =Shih, Yin-chien |
歐陽竟無先生的生平、事業及其佛教思想的特質=Investigation of Ow-Yang-jing-wu and the Speciality of His Buddhism Thought [全文]
程恭讓 (著)=Cheng, Gong-rang (au.) |
透視故事的背後 -- 略論 「佛教慈濟功德會」 的早期情況(1966-1971)=A Brief Investigation of "The Tzu Zhi Foundation" in its Early Period(1966-1971) [全文]
王見川 (著)=Wang, Chien-chuan (au.) |
清水祖師信仰探索=An Examination on the Ching-sui Patron Saint Believes [全文]
林國平 =Lin, Guo-ping |
日本佛教在日治時期台灣「蕃界」的佈教事業 -- 以真宗本願寺派為中心的考察=The Preaching of the Japanese Buddhism to the Taiwan Native Frontier During its Occupation [全文]
范純武 (著)=Fan, Chun-wu (au.) |
略論日據時期的台南開元寺(1896-1924)=A Brief Investigation on Tai-nan Kai Yen Monastery During the Japanese Occupation(1896-1924) [全文]
王見川 =Wang, Chien-chuan |
佛教與中國寶卷(上)=The Buddhism and Chinese Precious Volumes [全文]
車錫倫 =Cher, Shi-lun |
唐代安西榆林25窟之盧舍那佛=The Rocana Buddha in the 25th An–shi-yu-lin Sculptures of Tang Dynasty [全文]
賴文英 =Lai, Wen-ying |
北涼的彌勒淨土思想及其禪窟造像=The Maitreya Pureland Thought and its Ch'an Sculptures at Bei-Liang [全文]
賴鵬舉 =Lai, P'eng-chiu |
n.3 [1999.02出版]
n.2 [1997.10出版]
創刊號 [1993.12出版]