中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal     Go to E-Journal     Journals included

Publisher: 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies Place of Publication: 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] ISSN: 10177132
Frequency: 年刊=Annual Website: http://chinesebuddhiststudies.org/
Journal Title Change:
Journal Description: 《中華佛學學報》每年發行一期,其性質為學術性佛教期刊。內容收錄與佛教有關之文、史、哲、藝術、心理、教育等學術性論文。自第1期(1987年3月)起,提供電子版部分全文,並由臺灣大學佛學數位圖書館提供檢索功能。 本期刊前身為《華岡佛學學報》(Hwakang Buddhist Journal),《華岡佛學學報》停刊後,《中華佛學學報》於1987年3月出版第一期,邀集海內外知名學者五十餘人擔任審稿人及組織編輯委員會,以中、英、日等數種語言,發表重要的學術研究成果。自21期(2008年7月)起改為英文版,每期發行一千本,只刊登以英文撰寫之佛學學術論文,廣由中、美、日、英、德等國內外重要研究機構與圖書館收藏。

n.20 [2007.07.01 Published]

n.19 [2006.07.01 Published]

n.18 [2005.07.01 Published]

n.17 [2004.07 Published]

n.16 [2003.09 Published]

n.15 [2002.07 Published]

n.14 [2001.09 Published]

n.13.2 [2000.05 Published]

n.13.1 [2000.05 Published]

n.12 [1999.07 Published]

n.11 [1998.07 Published]

n.10 [1997.07 Published]

n.9 [1996.07 Published]

n.8 [1995.07 Published]

n.7 [1994.07 Published]

n.6 [1993.06 Published]

n.5 [1992.07 Published]

n.4 [1991.07 Published]

n.3 [1990.04 Published]

n.2 [1988.10 Published]

n.1 [1987.03 Published]

n.20 [2007.07.01Published]

Title Author
 巴、漢〈入出息念相應〉經群比較=A Comparative Study of the Anāpānasati Text Clusters in Pāli and Chinese [Fulltext]
王常蒞 (著)=Wong, Viewkee (au.)
 從巴赫特窣堵波浮雕圖像探討佛塔建築式樣=A Study of Buddhist Stupa Architectural Styles Based on Carvings of the Bharhut Stupa [Fulltext]
盧惠敏 (著)=Lu, April Huei-min (au.)
 《佛說無常經》的傳譯與喪葬禮儀=The Translation of the Sutra of Impermanence as Told by the Buddha and its Relation to Funeral Rituals [Fulltext]
白金銑 (著)=Pai, Chin-hsien (au.)
 南北朝時代的佛性學說 -- 中國佛性思想的濫觴=Formation of the Buddha-nature Teaching in China Buddha-nature Theories of the Fifth and Sixth Centuries [Fulltext]
廖明活 (著)=Liu, Ming-wood (au.)
 天台止觀的「持息念」法門及其在天台佛教中的演變與轉化=Anāpāna-smrti in Tiantai Meditation and its Development and Transformation in Tiantai Buddhism [Fulltext]
賴賢宗 (著)=Lai, Shen-chon (au.)
 天台觀音感應論 — 以《法華玄義》的「感應妙」為中心=The Tiantai Theory of Sympathetic Resonance and Guanyin: The "Profundity in Sympathetic Resonance" Chapter of the Fahua Xuanyi [Fulltext]
釋大參 (著)=Shi, Da-shan (au.)
 華嚴判教論辨微=A Discussion of Huayan Doctrinal Classification [Fulltext]
吳可為 (著)=Wu, Ke-wei (au.)
 清初華嚴念佛思想試析 -- 以續法與彭紹升為例=On the Synthesis of Huayan Thought and Pure Land Practice by Early Qing Dynasty Buddhist Scholars [Fulltext]
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.)
 《大乘要道密集》與西夏、元朝所傳西藏密法 -- 《大乘要道密集》系列研究導論=Research Series on the Dasheng Yaodao Miji: The Dasheng Yaodao Miji and Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism under the Xixia and Yuan [Fulltext]
沈衛榮 (著)=Shen, Wei-rong (au.)
 台南重慶寺的發展歷程與南台灣藏傳佛教發展關係研究=A Study of the Development of Chongqing Temple in Tainan and its Relationship to the Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Southern Taiwan [Fulltext]
羅娓淑 (著)=Lo, Wei-shu (au.)
 The Theravāda Tradition and Modern Pāli Scholarship: A Case of "Lost" Manuscripts Mentioned in Old Pāli Bibliographical Sources=上座部傳統與當代巴利學界 -- 古老巴利書誌所述及的「已佚失」寫本之個案 [Fulltext]
Pecenko, Primoz
 Transmission and Enlightenment in Chan Buddhism Seen Through the Platform Sūtra (Liuzu tanjing 六祖壇經)=《六祖壇經》所見禪宗之傳法與證悟 [Fulltext]
Schlutter, Morten
 Entrance Through the Scriptures: Catalogues and Electronic Text as a New Gate to the Buddhist Tradition=佛教研究的新入口 -- 佛教經目與電子全文 [Fulltext]
Wittern, Christian (著)=維習安 (au.)
 The Relationship of Buddhist Studies and Area Studies: New Perspectives from Humanities Computing=佛學研究和區域研究的關係 -- 從人文科學電腦應用而來的新觀點 [Fulltext]
Germano, David


n.19 [2006.07.01Published]

Title Author
 孤山智圓與其時代 -- 佛教與宋朝新王道的關係=Zhiyuan and His Times: The Relationship Between Buddhism and Benevolent Government in the Song [Fulltext]
蔣義斌 (著)=Chiang, I-pin (au.)
 天臺五停心觀之探討=A Discussion of the Five Types of Calming Meditation in Tiantai Buddhism [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Chen, Ying-shan (au.)
 關於Candrakīrti的二諦說中的幾個問題(上)=Several Issues regarding Candrakīrti's Theory of Two Truths (Part I) [Fulltext]
釋見弘 (著)=Shih, Jien-hong (au.)
 佛教心心所與現代心理學=The Mind and Mental Concomitants in Buddhism and Modern Psychology [Fulltext]
蔡伯郎 (著)=Tsai, Po-lang (au.)
 雲岡石窟題材內容和造型風格的源流探索 -- 以佛傳本生因緣故事為例 =A Study of the Artistic Styles in the Yungang Grottoes and their Subject Matter: Biographies of the Buddha, Jātaka Tales, and Nidāna Tales [Fulltext]
胡文和 (著)=Hu, Wen-he (au.)
 川密造像藝術初探=A Preliminary Study of Sculptural Art relating to Sichuan Esoteric Buddhism [Fulltext]
李巳生 (著)=Li, Si-sheng (au.)
 A Tree in the West: Competing Tathāgatagarbha Theories in Tibet=西方之樹 -- 西藏如來藏理論之爭 [Fulltext]
Magee, William (著)=馬紀 (au.)
 【序】序《楊郁文教授七秩紀念集》=【Preface】Preface to the Commemorative Volume in Honor of Professor Yang Yuwen's Seventieth Birthday [Fulltext]
李志夫 (著)=Lee, Chih-fu (au.)
 【講記】無分別與二諦說=【Lecture】Non-discrimination and the Two Truths [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
 分別與無分別 -- ‘無分別'>‘分別'>‘分別'>‘無分別'‘無分別'=Discrimination and Non-discrimination -- Non-discrimination>discrimination>discrimination>non-discrimination, non-discrimination [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
 關於禪宗牧牛圖的兩個問題 -- 從《增一阿含經》〈牧牛品〉說起=Two Issues with regard to the Chan Ox-herding Pictures: Beginning with the “Ox-herding” Chapter in the ?gamas [Fulltext]
李志夫 (著)=Lee, Chih-fu (au.)
 資訊時代的阿含研究 -- 以《阿含辭典》數位化研究為例=?gama Research in the Information Age: The Digitization of the ?gama Dictionary [Fulltext]
杜正民 (著)=Tu, Aming (au.); 周邦信 (著)=Zhou, Ray Bang-xin (au.); 釋法源 (著)=Shi, Fa-yuan (au.)
 巴利數位文獻資源現況評述與未來展望 -- 兼談「初期佛教聖典多語多本平行語料庫」的幾點構想=A Discussion of the Present Situation and Future Prospects of Pāli Digital Resources: With some Remarks on the "Multilingual Parallel Corpus of Early Buddhist Texts" [Fulltext]
蔡奇林 (著)=Tsai, Chi-lin (au.)
 早期佛教文獻中所載一個典型佛教修行道架構及其來源之探討 -- 以四部漢譯《阿含經》和四部巴利尼柯耶為代表=A Stereotyped Structure of the Path in Early Buddhist Literature: A Comparative Study of the Four Pāli Nikāyas and Four Chinese ?gamas [Fulltext]
越建東 (著)=Yit, Kin-tung (au.)
 當佛教遇見耆那教 -- 初期佛教聖典中的宗教競爭與詮釋效應=Buddhism's Encounter with Jainism: Religious Competition and Hermeneutic Effect [Fulltext]
呂凱文 (著)=Lu, Kai-wen (au.)
 孤山智圓《金剛錍顯性錄》中的山外主張 -- 色不具三千=Gushan Zhiyuan's Off-Mountain Position in his Jin'gang pi xianxing lu: Rūpa does not Contain the Three Thousand [Fulltext]
楊惠南 (著)=Yang, Hui-nan (au.)


n.18 [2005.07.01Published]

Title Author
 Perception, Conceptual Construction and Yogic Cognition According to Kamalasila's Epistemology=蓮華戒認識論中的直接知覺、概念作用和瑜伽行者的認識 [Fulltext]
船山徹 =Funayama, Toru
 印度中期中觀思想家的佛身論 -- 以月稱和清辨為中心=Theories of the Buddha Body Held by Middle Period Mādhyamikā Thinkers -- Candrakīrti and Bhāviveka [Fulltext]
釋見弘 (著)=Shih, Jien-hong (au.)
 初唐時期佛性論爭的兩個相關論題 -- 定性二乘和變易生死=Two Controversial Topics in the Buddha-nature Debates of Early Tang: "Two Vehicles of Determinate Lineage" and "Existence qua Transformation" [Fulltext]
廖明活 (著)=Liu, Ming-wood (au.)
 麥積山133窟10號造像碑的圖像源流與宗教內涵=Pictorial Origins and Religious Content of Maiji Shan Carved Tablet No. 10, Cave 133 [Fulltext]
陳清香 (著)=Chen, Ching-hsiang (au.)
 《傳燈玉英集》卷十四補闕和研究 -- 宋士大夫王隨刪節《景德傳燈錄》之探討=A Study of the Fourteenth Facicle of the Chuandeng yuying ji [Fulltext]
黃繹勳 (著)=Huang, Yi-hsun (au.)
 清代臺灣傳統佛教伽藍建築在日治時期的延續=Traditional Buddhist Monasteries in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty and their Transformation under Japanese Colonialism [Fulltext]
黃蘭翔 (著)=Huang, Lan-shiang (au.)
 A Controversy Unveiled: How Many Sūtra Passages Are Indicated as Requiring Interpretation in Candrakīrti's Madhyamakavatārabhāsya? =爭議之揭示 -- 月稱《入中論自釋》中有幾種不了義之經教? [Fulltext]
Magee, William (著)=馬紀 (au.)
 Techniques for Collating Multiple Text Versions in the Digitization of Classical Texts: The CBETA Taishō Buddhist Canon as an Example=數位化古籍校勘版本處理技術 -- 以CBETA大正藏電子佛典為例 [Fulltext]
王志攀 (著)=Wang, Zhi-pan (au.); 杜正民 (著)=Tu, Aming (au.); 周邦信 (著)=Zhou, Ray Bang-xin (au.); 釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin, Bhikkhu (au.)
 羅什及び玄奘三藏の譯した『般若心經』とその文化的影響=The Heart Sūtra as Translated by Kumārajīva and Hsüan-tsang and its Cultural Influences [Fulltext]
市村承秉 (著)=Ichimura, Shohei (au.)


n.17 [2004.07Published]

Title Author
 《大般若經.第十五會.靜慮波羅蜜多分》的禪修教授 -- 做為佛典「摘要寫作」的一個練習=Meditative Practices of the 15th Assembly of the Prajñāpāramitā-Sūtras [Fulltext]
蔡耀明=Tsai, Yao-ming
 敦煌石室《心經》音寫抄本校釋序說=The Annotation of a Phonetic Transcription Manuscript of the Heart Sūtra from Dunhuang [Fulltext]
萬金川 (著)=Wan, Jin-chuan (au.)
 吳越諸王(893-978)與佛教=The Kings of Wuyue (893-978) and Buddhism [Fulltext]
黃繹勳 (著)=Huang, Yi-hsun (au.)
 神通寺四門塔探源=A Study of the Origins of the Four Gate Pagoda of Shentong Monastery [Fulltext]
陳清香 (著)=Chen, Ching-hsiang (au.)
 太虛、圓瑛二大師與臺灣佛教界=Taiwan Buddhism: Taixu and Yuanying [Fulltext]
釋慧嚴 (著)=Shih, Huey-yen (au.)
 In-laws of the Buddha as Depicted in Pāli Sources=巴利典籍所述佛陀之姻親 [Fulltext]
Sarao, K. T. S. =沙洛
 Expressing the Fallacy from the Viewpoint of a Pervader: Nāgārjuna and the Putative Consequences of SvabhāvaExpressing the Fallacy from the Viewpoint of a Pervader:Nāgārjuna and the Putative Consequences of Svabhāva=從能遍的觀點論證錯誤認知的思維方式 -- 龍樹和虛設自性的後果 [Fulltext]
Magee, William (著)=馬紀 (au.)
 文化的拘束を離れた仏教的宗教性の伝達 -- 東南及び東アジアから全地球時代における転換=Culture-Free Transmission of Buddhistic Spirituality: Global-Era Transformations from Southeast and East Asia [Fulltext]
市村承秉 (著)=Ichimura, Shohei (au.)
 人本的佛法與人本為中心的佛教 -- 論印順導師「人間佛教」之本懷=Buddhadharma for People and Human-oriented Buddhism: A Discussion of the Original Concerns of Ven. Yinshun's "Humanistic Buddhism [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
 論「五味半滿」所建構的天台判教體系=A Discussion of the Tiantai Doctrinal Classification System as Constructed by the "Five Flavors: Mutual Achievement of the Partial and Complete" [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Chen, Ying-shan (au.)
 印順導師之部派佛教思想論(I) -- 三世有與現在有=Ven. Yinshun's Theory of Sectarian Buddhist Thought (I): Existence in the Three Periods and Existence in the Present [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)


n.16 [2003.09Published]

Title Author
 虛雲和尚長時住定經驗之探索=An Inquiry into Master Xuyun's Experience of Staying in Meditative Absorption for Extended Periods of Time [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin, Bhikkhu (au.)
 再檢視日治時代台灣佛教界從事的教育事業=A Further Look at Buddhist Education in Taiwan during the Period of Japanese Rule [Fulltext]
釋慧嚴 (著)=Shih, Huey-yen (au.)
 「獦獠作佛」公案與東山禪法南傳 -- 讀敦煌寫本《六祖壇經》劄記=The "Geliao Becomes a Buddha" Gongan and the Southward Spread of the Dongshan Lineage: Notes on the Dunhuang Version of the Platform Sutra [Fulltext]
張新民 (著)=Zhang, Xin-min (au.)
 愛國僧人釋熙仲和他的佛教編年史《釋氏資鑑》=Monk-Patriot Shi Xizhong and his Buddhist Chronicle Shishi Zijian [Fulltext]
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
 日治時期高雄佛教發展與東海宜誠=Gisei Higashiumi and the Development of Buddhism in Gaoxiong during the Period of Japanese Rule [Fulltext]
江燦騰 (著)=Jiang, Can-teng (au.)
 佛教因果論的中國化=The Sinification of Buddhist Causation Theory [Fulltext]
黃啟江 (著)=Huang, Chi-chiang (au.)
 宗密之援易說佛及其易學圓相圖式述考=A Critical Study of Zongmi's Use of the Yijing in the Explanation of Buddhism [Fulltext]
王仲堯 (著)=Wang, Zhong-yao (au.)
 當代台灣如來藏思想的諍議與回應 -- 印順之後的如來藏學諍議之評議=Controversies and Responses regarding Tathagatagarbha Thought in Contemporary Taiwan:A Critical Evaluation of Controversies regarding Tathagatagarbha Studies after Yinshun [Fulltext]
賴賢宗 (著)=Lai, Shen-chon (au.)
 齋明寺舊藏捲軸佛畫 -- 以三寶佛畫為例=Old Buddhist Scroll Paintings at Zhaiming Temple: The Case of the "Three Buddhas" [Fulltext]
陳清香 (著)=Chen, Ching-hsiang (au.)
 《現觀莊嚴論》綱要書 -- 《八事七十義》之譯注研究=An Annotated Translation of Eight Topics and their Seventy Subtopics: An Outline of the Abhisamayalamkara [Fulltext]
凌格西 (著)=dGe bshes Zangs gling (au.); 廖本聖 (著)=Liao, Ben-sheng (au.)
 突厥佛教雜考=Miscellaneous Notes on Buddhism among the Turks [Fulltext]
楊富學 (著)=Yang, Fu-xue (au.)
 證空的淨土教學研究序說=A Preliminary Study of Shoku's Pure Land Teachings [Fulltext]
凃玉盞=Tu, Yu-chan
 初期佛教之「我」論=The Theory of Self in Early Buddhism [Fulltext]
王開府 (著)=Wang, Kai-fuu (au.)
 佛教的婚姻觀 -- 以《阿含經》為主論=The Buddhist Concepts of Marriage:Based on the Perspective of the Agama Sutras [Fulltext]
陳美華 (著)=Chern, Meei-hwa (au.)
 《阿含辭典》編輯體例說明=An explanation of the principles used in compiling the Agama dictionary [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)


n.15 [2002.07Published]

Title Author
 「轉依」二義之研究=The Two Meanings of "Fundamental Transformation" [Fulltext]
賴賢宗 (著)=Lai, Shen-chon (au.)
 藏本調伏天《唯識二十論釋疏》譯注研究=Translating and Research on Viniitadeva's Commentary(Tibetan Version)of Vasubandhu's Treatise in Twenty Verses on Mind-only [Fulltext]
廖本聖 (著)=Liao, Ben-sheng (au.); 釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin, Bhikkhu (au.)
 淨影寺慧遠的行持, 著述及其顯實宗=Jing-ying Huiyuan's Life, Works and His Xian-shi School [Fulltext]
馮煥珍 (著)=Feng, Huan-zhen (au.)
 汾陽善昭及其禪法=Chan Master Fenyang Shanzhao [Fulltext]
楊曾文 (著)=Yang, Tsen-wen (au.)
 日據時期台灣新佛教運動的先驅--「台灣佛教馬丁路德」林德林的個案研究=A Pioneer of the New Buddhist Movement in Taiwan During the Period of Japanese Occupation--Lin Te-lin:the "Martin Luther of Taiwanese Buddhism" [Fulltext]
江燦騰 (著)=Jiang, Cian-teng (au.)
 天台圓頓止觀之修證 -- 就十乘觀法而論=The Practice and Realization of the Perfect and Sudden Calming and Contemplation in Tiantai Buddhism:In Relation to the Ten Vehicles of Contemplation [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Chen, Ying-shan (au.)
 懷感的往生論=Huaigan's Exposition of the Pure Land Teaching of Rebirth [Fulltext]
廖明活 (著)=Liu, Ming-wood (au.)
 《彰所知論》傳承過程及〈情世界品〉補訂=The Transmission of the Shes-bya Rab-tu-gsal by vPhags-pa and Its Supplementations [Fulltext]
王啟龍 (著)=Wang, Qi-long (au.)
 宗喀巴《現觀莊嚴論金鬘疏》「教授修行及諸諦」釋義=An Exposition of the "Advice on Practice and the Truths" in Tsongkhapa's Golden Rosary, Extensive Explanation of the Ornament for Clear Realization [Fulltext]
釋如石 (著)=Shih, Ru-shi (au.)
 個人, 歷史與宗教 -- 印順法師, 「人間佛教」與其思想源流=Individual, History and Religion: Shi Yinshun's "Humanistic Buddhism" and Its Origins [Fulltext]
陳美華 (著)=Chern, Meei-hwa (au.)
 佛教之生命倫理觀 -- 以「複製人」與「胚胎幹細胞」為例=Buddhist Bioethics:The Case of Human Cloning and Embryo Stem Cell Research [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Huimin, Bhikkhu (au.)
 Gotama Becomes the Buddha:A Study in Nikaaya Traditions=由尼柯耶論喬達摩成佛之道 [Fulltext]
方怡蓉 (譯)=Fang, Yi-rong (tr.); 穆克紀 (著)=Mukherjee, Biswadeb (au.)
 Chih-i's System of Sign Interpretation=智者大師之符號詮釋體系 [Fulltext]
沈海燕 (著)=Shen, Hai-yan (au.)
 佛教在二十一世紀的社會功能及其修行觀念--第四屆中華國際佛學會議開幕典禮主題演說=Buddhism in the 21st Century:Its Social Function and View of Practice--Keynote Address for the Opening Ceremony of the Fourth Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddh [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 新疆佛教寺院遺址研究概況=A General Report on Archeological Research of Buddhist Sites in Xinjiang [Fulltext]
賈應逸 (著)=Jia, Ying-yi (au.)
 對大足寶頂《父母恩重經變》重新研究=A Re-study of the Stone Carving of Parental Love at Paoding, Dazu [Fulltext]
胡文和 (著)=Hu, Wen-ho (au.)
 淺論華夏俗世婦女的觀世音信仰 -- 兼論這位菩薩的性別問題=A Survey on Why the Chinese Females Taking Refugee in Avalokite`svaraa--and on the "Sex" of this Buddhist Bodhisattva [Fulltext]
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)


n.14 [2001.09Published]

Title Author
 《金剛經》的詮釋與流傳=The Inperpretation and Transmittal of the Diamond Sutra [Fulltext]
楊惠南 (著)=Yang, Hui-nan (au.)
 敦煌寫卷中土造經的救贖思想--以《大正藏》第85冊為例=The Essence of Salvation in the Tun-huang Manuscripts-The Chinese Forged Sutra:Taking Ta Cheng Tsang Vol.85 as an Example [Fulltext]
劉滌凡 (著)=Liu, Di-fan (au.)
 法藏《大乘起信論義記》及元曉與見登的相關述記關於一心開二門的闡釋=Fa-Tzang's Interpretation of the Interweaving Between Tathagatagarbha and Vijnaptimatra in his Commentary on Mahayanasraddhotpada [Fulltext]
賴賢宗 (著)=Lai, Shen-chon (au.)
 從「開權顯實」論法華之妙=The Wonderful Qualities of the Lotus Sutra Discussed from the Viewpoint of "Display of the Provisional and Manifestation of the Ultimate" [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Chen, Ying-shan (au.)
 淨土詮釋傳統中的宗門意識 -- 論宋天台義學者對元照《觀無量壽經義疏》之批判及其所造成之反響=Sectarianism in the Pure Land Hermeneutic Tradition:On T'ien-t'ai Exegetes' Ctrique of Yuan-chao's Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra and the Repercussions of t [Fulltext]
黃啟江 (著)=Huang, Chi-chiang (au.)
 《教觀綱宗》緒論=Preface to The Essence of Teaching and Meditation [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 A Bibliotheca Sacra Birmanica in Taipei: The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies Manuscript Collection Summary Catalogue=一批收藏於台北的緬甸聖典 - 中華佛學研究所寫本典藏簡明目錄 [Fulltext]
Filliozat, Jacqueline=費雅珂 ; Nyunt, Peter=牛彼得
 大乘起源與開展之心理動力 -- 永恆懷念是大乘起源與開展的動力嗎? =The Psychological Force Behind the Origin and Development of the Mahayana: Is "Remembering Forever" the Original Force through which the Great Vehicle Came into Being and Grew? [Fulltext]
釋如石 (著)=Shih, Ru-shi (au.)
 漢文電子佛典製作與運用之研究--以《瑜伽師地論》為例=A Study on Creation and Application of Electronic Chinese Buddhist Texts:With the Yogacarabhumi as a Case Study [Fulltext]
杜正民 (著)=Tu, Aming (au.); 周邦信 (著)=Zhou, Ray Bang-xin (au.); 郭麗娟 (著)=Guo, Li-juan (au.); 維習安 (著)=Wittern, Christian (au.); 釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 大足石篆山石門山妙高山宋代石窟與文氏鐫匠世家的關係研究=The Song Dynasty Stone Grottos in Mt. Shizhuan, Mt. Shimen, and Mt. Maogao of Dazu in Relationship to Several Generations of Engravers of the Wen Clan [Fulltext]
胡文和 (著)=Hu, Wen-ho (au.)
 日本帝國在台殖民統治初期的宗教政策與法制化的確立=The Establishment of the Religious Policy and Its Legalization in the Early Period of the Japanese Colonialization [Fulltext]
江燦騰 (著)=Jiang, Cian-teng (au.)
 僧肇思想辯證 -- 《肇論》與道, 玄關係的再審查=New Discourse of the Relationship between Seng-chao's Philosophy and Taoism, New Taoism [Fulltext]
龔雋 (著)=Gong, Jun (au.)
 彌陀淨土信仰對漢儒內心世界的影響=The Influence of Belief in Amitabha's Pure Land on the Inner World of Chinese Literati [Fulltext]
釋慧嚴 (著)=Shih, Huey-yen (au.)


n.13.2 [2000.05Published]

Title Author
 The Development of Peace through the Process of Morality=經由道德進程開展與和平 [Fulltext]
桑蘇達 (著)=Pupatana, Somsuda (au.)
 The Place of Chan in Post-Modern Europe=中國禪在後現代歐洲的地位 [Fulltext]
Crook, John Hurrell (著)=柯魯克 (au.)
 Onto-Epistemology of Sudden Enlightenment in Chan Buddhism=本體知識論與禪學中的頓悟 [Fulltext]
成中英 (著)=Cheng, Chung-ying (au.)
 Lineage and Transmission: Integrating the Chinese and Tibetan Orders of Buddhist Nuns=傳統與繼承 -- 中國與西藏比丘尼傳承之薪火相傳 [Fulltext]
釋恆清 (著)=Shih, Heng-ching (au.)
 The Role and Significance of Korean Son in the Study of East Asian Buddhism=韓國禪在東亞佛教研究裡的角色與地位 [Fulltext]
藍卡斯特=Lancaster, Lewis R.
 Buddhist Studies in the Digital Age=數位化時代的佛學研究 [Fulltext]
維習安 (著)=Wittern, Christian (au.)
 An Assessment of the Highlights in the Milindapanha=《彌蘭陀王問經》重點評析 [Fulltext]
Pachow, W. (著)=巴宙 (au.)
 How to Will Backwards: Time, Forgetting and Repetition in the Lotus Sutra=如何逆流往過去立志 -- 《妙法蓮華經》重覆觀, 忘記觀, 時間觀 [Fulltext]
Ziporyn, Brook Anthony (著)=任博克 (au.)
 Language and Logic in the Lotus Sutra: A Hermeneutical Exploration of Philosophical Underpinnings=《法華經》中的語言與邏輯 -- 在哲學基礎下的詮釋學探究 [Fulltext]
Wawrytko, Sandra Ann (著)=華珊嘉 (au.)
 On the Earliest Path to the Tathagatahood: A Study in Nikaya Traditions=在最早的成佛之道上 -- 對南傳藏經傳統的研究 [Fulltext]
Mukherjee, Biswadeb (著)=穆克紀 (au.)
 Manjusri and the cult of the Celestial Bodhisattvas=文殊師利與神聖菩薩崇拜 [Fulltext]
Harrison, Paul M. (著)=何離巽 (au.)
 Buddha's Love and Human Love=佛陀之愛與人類之愛 [Fulltext]
Ichimura, Shohei (著)=市村承秉 (au.)
 The Nature of Emptiness and Buddhist Ethics=空的本質與佛教倫理 [Fulltext]
Inada, Kenneth K. (著)=稲田亀男ケネス (au.)
 The Taoist Influence on Hua-yen Buddhism: A Case of the Sinicization of Buddhism in China=道家對華嚴宗的影響--中國佛教漢化的一例 [Fulltext]
Oh, Kang-nam (著)=吳剛男 (au.)
 The Kasaya Robe of the Past Buddha Kasyapa in the Miraculous Instruction Given to the Vinaya Master Daoxuan(596-667)=道宣律師所感通的迦葉佛袈裟 [Fulltext]
篠原亨一 (著)=Shinohara, Koichi (au.)
 A Monk's Literary Education:Dahui's Friendship with Juefan Huihong=一個禪師的文學養成教育--大慧與覺範慧洪的友誼 [Fulltext]
雷維霖 (著)=Levering, Miriam (au.)
 Pure Land Hermeneutics in the Song Dynasty: The Case of Zhanran Yuanzhao(1048~1116)=宋代淨土詮釋初探 -- 以湛然元照(1048~1116)為例 [Fulltext]
黃啟江 (著)=Huang, Chi-chiang (au.)


n.13.1 [2000.05Published]

Title Author
 從《佛說善生經》看佛教的家庭倫理觀=The Buddhist View of Family Ethics from the Perspective of the Sujata Sutra [Fulltext]
業露華 (著)=Ye, Lu-hua (au.)
 魏晉佛學思想之開展=The Development of Buddhist Thought during the Wei and Jin Dynasties [Fulltext]
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.)
 西方淨土的宗教學詮釋=Sukhaavatii Interpretated from the Standpoint of Western Religious Studies [Fulltext]
陳敏齡 (著)=Chen, Miin-ling (au.)
 論中國佛教核心思想的建立=The Formation of the Central Philosophy of Chinese Buddhism [Fulltext]
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)
 阿賴耶識之「無明, 愛結, 有識之身」經證考察=An Inquiry in the Canonical Statement between "Alayavijnana" and "Ignorance, Craving, Vijnana-Body" [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 法眼文益的禪教思想=To Unify the Zen and Sutra Discourse in Fayan Wenyi's Thought [Fulltext]
蔣義斌 (著)=Chiang, I-pin (au.)
 永明延壽的心性論=The Mind-Nature Theory of Yongming Yanshou [Fulltext]
楊曾文 (著)=Yang, Zeng-wen (au.)
 「人間佛教」的經典詮釋--是「援儒入佛」或是回歸印度?=Scriptural Interpretation of "Buddhism for this World": Is it "Applying Confucianism into Buddhism" or Returning to Indian Buddhism? [Fulltext]
楊惠南 (著)=Yang, Hui-nan (au.)
 當前東亞佛教的復興情況及其對社會經濟的影響=The Revival of Buddhism in Present Day East Asia and its Influence on Society and Economy [Fulltext]
黃心川 (著)=Huang, Xin-chuan (au.)
 聖嚴法師佛學著述簡介=Introduction to Ven. Sheng-yen's Buddhological Works [Fulltext]
高振農 (著)=Kao, Zhen-nong (au.)
 附錄(一) 聖嚴法師行誼簡介=A Short Introduction to the Life of Ven. Sheng-yen [Fulltext]
李志夫 (著)=Lee, Chih-fu (au.)
 附錄(二) 聖嚴法師簡歷及其著作年表=Ven. Sheng-yen:Biographical and Bibliographical Data [Fulltext]
釋果惟 (著)=Shih, Guo-wei (au.); 釋果徹 (著)=Shih, Kuo-che (au.)
 Appendix: A Short Introduction to the Life of Ven. Sheng-yen=聖嚴法師行誼簡介 [Fulltext]
李志夫 (著)=Lee, Chih-fu (au.)
 陳那的三性思想-在《佛母般若波羅蜜多圓集要義論》中的理解=Dinnaga's Thought of Three Natures:The Understanding in his Prajnaparamita-pindarthasamgraha [Fulltext]
陳宗元 (著)=Chen, Chung-yuan (au.)
 再論《妙法蓮華經》之「十如是」譯文=Another Look at the Translation "Ten Such-Likes" in the Lotus Sutra [Fulltext]
黃國清 (著)=Huang, Kuo-ching (au.)
 《大智度論》略譯初探=A Preliminary Study of the Abbreviated Translation of the Da Zhidu Lun [Fulltext]
周伯戡 (著)=Zhou, Bo-kan (au.)
 刊本大藏經之入藏問題初探=A Preliminary Study on the Question of Which Texts Were Incorporated in the Blockprint Edition of the Tripitaka [Fulltext]
藍吉富 (著)=Lan, Chi-fu (au.)
 楊文會的編藏思想=Yang Wenhui's Concepts of Compiling a Tripittaka [Fulltext]
方廣錩 (著)=Fang, Guang-chang (au.)
 北涼佛教與北魏太武帝發展佛教意識形態的歷程=Buddhist Political Ideology of the Northern Liangand Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei [Fulltext]
古正美 (著)=Ku, Cheng-mei (au.)
 印順長老著述中的真常唯心論 -- 以《大乘起信論講記》為主=The True-Eternalism and Mind-Only Theory in Master Yinshun's Work: With Special Reference to Discourses on the Sastra on the Awakening of Faith in Mahayana [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 「一葦渡江」與「喫肉邊菜」 -- 兩個著名禪宗故事的歷史探究="Using a Stalk of Reed as a Boat to Sail Across the Yangzi River" and "Eating Only Vegetable that Cooked with Meat": A Historical Survey onTwo Well-Known Stories of Chan Buddhism [Fulltext]
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
 西秦佛教述論=Buddhism in the Western Qin Dynasty [Fulltext]
杜斗城 (著)=Du, Dou-cheng (au.)
 審視傳承--陳述禪宗的另一種方式=Looking at Lineage:A Different Way of Presenting Chan Buddhism [Fulltext]
馬克瑞, 約翰=McRae, John R.
 論阿富汗新發現的佉盧文佛教經卷=Buddhist Kharosthi Manuscripts Recently Discovered in Afghanistan [Fulltext]
王邦維 (著)=Wang, Bang-wei (au.)
 宗教融合與教化功能 -- 以宋代兩種華嚴淨土信仰為例=Religious Syncretism and the Function of Conversion: Two Types of Belief in a Huayan Pure Land [Fulltext]
魏道儒 (著)=Wei, Dao-ru (au.)
 回鶻彌勒信仰考=Maitreya Worship among the Uighurs [Fulltext]
楊富學 (著)=Yang, Fu-xue (au.)
 大溪齋明寺的傳承宗風=The Tradition of Zhaiming Monastery in Daxi [Fulltext]
陳清香 (著)=Chen, Ching-hsiang (au.)
 戒從心生=Siila Originates in The Mind [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
 從數息觀論中國佛教早期禪法=The Meditation Methods of Early Chinese Buddhism:From the Perspective of Anapanasati [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Cheng, Ying-shan (au.)
 內觀禪修的探討=A Study of Vipasyana Meditation [Fulltext]
林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chung-an (au.)
 中國佛教義學的形成 -- 東晉外國羅什「般若」與本土慧遠「涅槃」之爭=The Formation of Chinese Buddhology in the Eastern Jin Dynasty:The Clash between the Prajnaparamita Thought Imported by Kumarajiva andHuiyuan's Native Nirvana Concepts [Fulltext]
賴鵬舉 (著)=Lai, P'eng-chiu (au.)


n.12 [1999.07Published]

Title Author
 佛教對於東方文化的影響 -- 海峽兩岸佛教學術研討會議主題演說 [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 漢傳佛教與東方文化=Chinese Buddhism and Eastern Culture [Fulltext]
任繼愈 (著)=Ren, Ji-yu (au.)
 四十二字門考論=A Discussion of the 42 Syllabary [Fulltext]
王邦維 (著)=Wang, Bang-wei (au.)
 佛教辯證思維略析=A Brief Analysis of Dialectic Thought in Buddhism [Fulltext]
呂有祥 (著)=Lv, You-xiang (au.)
 《弘明集》所反映的佛教觀念=Buddhist Concept Reflected in the Hung-ming chi [Fulltext]
宋立道 (著)=Song, Li-dao (au.)
 讀慧海《頓悟入道要門論》隨記=An Essay on Reading Hui-hai's Gateway To The Sudden Enlightenment To Truth [Fulltext]
樓宇烈 (著)=Luo, Yu-lie (au.)
 變文六議=Six Issues Concerning Bianwen [Fulltext]
薛克翹 (著)=Xue, Ke-qiao (au.)
 李通玄的東方智慧論--《新華嚴經論》札記=Lee Tung-hsuan's Theory on Oriental Wisdom: Notes on New Commentary on Avatamsaka Sutra [Fulltext]
潘桂明 (著)=Pan, Kuei-ming (au.)
 從華嚴經學到華嚴宗學=The Study of the Hua-yen Ching and the Development of the Hua-yen School [Fulltext]
魏道儒 (著)=Wei, Dao-ru (au.)
 智者之圓教義及其形成之探討=Chih-i's "Perfect Doctrine" and Its Formation [Fulltext]
李志夫 (著)=Lee, Chih-fu (au.)
 泛說佛教毗曇學與玄學崇有派=The Buddhist Abhidharma and the Taoist "Spirit-being" School [Fulltext]
杜繼文 (著)=Du, Ji-wen (au.)
 論漢地佛教的方術靈神化, 儒學化與老莊玄學化 -- 從思想理論的層面看佛教的中國化=On the Sinicization of Buddhism [Fulltext]
洪修平 (著)=Hong, Xiu-ping (au.)
 大乘菩薩道與儒家倫理=The Mahayana Bodhisattva Path and Confucian Ethics [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Cheng, Ying-shan (au.)
 從台閩日佛教的互動看尼僧在台灣的發展=The Development of the Nuns Order in Taiwan: An Overview from the Perspective of Taiwanese-Hokkien-Japanese Buddhist Interaction [Fulltext]
釋慧嚴 (著)=Shih, Huey-yen (au.)
 煮雲法師的佛教經驗與佛教事業--1949年大陸來台青年僧侶個案研究=The Experience and Buddhist Activities of Chu-yun: a study of a monk who arrived in Taiwan from the Mainland in 1949 as a young man [Fulltext]
丁敏 (著)=Ting, Min (au.)
 臺灣佛教之歷史發展的宏觀式考察=A Macroscopic Study of Taiwanese Buddhist History [Fulltext]
藍吉富 (著)=Lan, Chi-fu (au.)
 唐代宗密及其禪教會通論=The Tang Monk Tsung-mi and His Concept of Harmonization of Meditation and Doctrine [Fulltext]
楊曾文 (著)=Yang, Zeng-wen (au.)
 《淨度三昧經》與人天教=Ching-tu San-mei Ching and the Teaching for Men and Devas [Fulltext]
 佛教典籍的傳譯與中國佛教宗派=The Translation of Buddhist Scriptures and the Schools of Chinese Buddhism [Fulltext]
李富華 (著)=Li, Fu-hua (au.)
 中國佛教的譯場組織與沙門的外學修養--大乘佛教奠基於東亞的兩大要素 [Fulltext]
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
 中國律學源流=The Origin of Chinese Vinaya [Fulltext]
溫金玉 (著)=Wen, Chin-yu (au.)
 道安避難行狀考=Tao-an's Life as a Refugee: A Study [Fulltext]
方廣錩 (著)=Fang, Guang-chang (au.)
 攝論師的師承及其哲理=The Tradition of Teachers Transmitting the She-lun (Mahayanasamgraha) and Their Teachings [Fulltext]
韓廷傑 (著)=Han, Ting-jie (au.)
 日嚴寺考 -- 兼論隋代南方佛教義學的北傳=A Study on Riyan Temple ─ ─ and also on the north spread of southern Buddhist doctrine in Sui Danasty [Fulltext]
王亞榮 (著)=Wang, Ya-rong (au.)
 道教與密教=Taoism and Tantrism [Fulltext]
黃心川 (著)=Huang, Xin-chuan (au.)
 佛教最初傳入吐蕃之探討=A Study of the Earliest Dissemination of Buddhism in Tibet [Fulltext]
尕藏加 (著)=Ga, Zang-Jia (au.)
 達摩事蹟與達摩圖像=Bodhidharma: Historical Facts and Artistic Representation [Fulltext]
陳清香 (著)=Chen, Ching-hsiang (au.)
 安寧療護的佛教用語與模式=Buddhist Terms and Models for Hospices [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 中國佛教與倫理建設 [Fulltext]
 小乘實有論或大乘實相論--分析明末三大師的〈物不遷論〉 解釋立場=Hlnayana or Mahayana? Analyzing the interpretive positions of the three masters of the late Ming on Things Do Not Move [Fulltext]
黃國清 (著)=Huang, Kuo-ching (au.)


n.11 [1998.07Published]

Title Author
 對《妙法蓮華經玄義研究》的看法 [Fulltext]
楊惠南 (著)=楊惠男 (au.)
 Consecrating the Buddha: Legend, Lore, and History of the Imperial Relic-Veneration Ritual in the T'ang Dynasty=奉獻佛陀 -- 唐代帝王奉迎佛舍利的傳說、民俗與歷史 [Fulltext]
Huang, Chi-chiang (著)=黃啟江 (au.)
 中國佛教建築 -- 佛教建築設計發展國際研討會主題演講=The Buddhist Architecture in China [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 瑜伽菩薩戒本之心理與倫理觀=The Psychology and Ethics of the Yogācāra Bodhisattva Precepts [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Ven. Hui-min (au.)
 正法與三十七菩提分法的實踐=Practice of Dharma and 37 Bodhipakṣīyadharma [Fulltext]
林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chung-an (au.)
 四 ~ 六世紀中亞天山南麓的華嚴義學與盧舍那造像=The Study of Hwa-yen Teaching and the Image of Vairocana Buddha on the Southern Side of Mt. Tien-shan During Fourth to Sixth Century [Fulltext]
賴鵬舉 (著)=Lai, P'eng-chiu (au.)
 佛教對中日文化影響之比較=A Comparison of the Buddhist Influence on Chinese and Japanese Culture [Fulltext]
李志夫 (著)=Lee, Chih-fu (au.)
 日本曹洞宗與台灣佛教僧侶的互動=The Interaction Between Monks of Soto Zen in Japan and Buddhist Monks in Taiwan [Fulltext]
釋慧嚴 (著)=Shih, Huey-yen (au.)
 漢月法藏之禪法研究=Han-yüeh Fa-tsang's Teachings on Ch'an [Fulltext]
釋見一 (著)=Ven, Chian-yi (au.)
 人間佛教的遠見與願景--佛教與社會福利的對話=The Vision and the Image of the Humanistic Buddhism: the Dialogue Between the Buddhism and Social Welfare [Fulltext]
王順民 (著)=Wang, Shun-ming (au.)
 古典西藏語文法簡介暨佛典解讀實例 -- 蓮花戒阿闍黎《人修瑜伽》=A Brief Introduction of the Classical Tibetan Grammar and an Example of the Interpretation of Buddhist Sastra [Fulltext]
 解讀「比丘尼」在西方人眼中的隱含=Deciphering "Buddhist Nuns": The Implications in Western Eyes [Fulltext]
陳美華 (著)=Chern, Meei-hwa (au.)
 Gotama Becomes the Buddha ── Reconstruction of the Nikāya Account of the Path =喬答摩成佛--《尼柯耶》(Nikaya)成佛之道的重構 [Fulltext]
Mukherjee, Biswadeb (著)=穆克紀 (au.)
 慧思與智者心意識說之探討=A Study of the Theories of Citta, Manas and Vijñāna by Hui-shih and Chih-yih [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Cheng, Ying-shan (au.)
 Miracle Tales and the Domestication of Kuan-yin =觀音靈驗故事 [Fulltext]
Yu, Chun-fang (著)=于君方 (au.)
 Tangut Chan Buddhism and Guifeng Zong-mi=西夏禪宗與圭峰宗密 [Fulltext]
Solonin, K. J. (著)=索羅寧 (au.)


n.10 [1997.07Published]

Title Author
 依「一心開二門」之思想架構看天台宗「一念無明法性心」之特殊涵義=The Significances of “the One Single Mind Embracing Ignorance and Dharma-nature Simultaneously” in T'ien-t'ai Buddhism ── Examined from the Expositional Framework of “Two-Gates-in-One-Mind” [Fulltext]
尤惠貞 (著)=Yo, Hui-tsen (au.)
 西來庵事件前後台灣佛教的動向 -- 以曹洞宗為中心 [Fulltext]
釋慧嚴 (著)=Shih, Huey-yen (au.)
 天臺三大部所反映智者大師的心靈哲學=Master Chih-i's Mind Philosophy as Reflected in the Three Main Treatises of the T'ien-t'ai Sect [Fulltext]
 圓仁和日本天台宗=En-nin and the Japanese Tendai School [Fulltext]
楊曾文 (著)=Yang, Zeng-wen (au.)
 淺論中國求法僧俗出國前, 後學習域外語文的機緣 [Fulltext]
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
 法華思想與佛教社區共同體 -- 以東魏〈李氏合邑造像碑〉 為例=The Teachings of the Lotus Sūtra and Local Buddhist Communities: The Example of The Li Clan Society Creating Images Stele Inscription dating from the Eastern Wei Dynasty [Fulltext]
顏尚文 (著)=Yan, Shang-wen (au.)
 敦煌遺書中的《妙法蓮華經》及有關文獻=The Lotus Sūtra and Related Texts among the Dunhuang Documents [Fulltext]
方廣錩 (著)=Fang, Guang-chang (au.)
 《中觀論頌 24. 7》在解讀上的幾個問題 [Fulltext]
 戒律與人間淨土的建立 [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 「心淨則佛土淨」之考察 [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 《入菩薩行》初品補注 [Fulltext]
釋如石 (著)=Shih, Ru-shi (au.)
 蓮花戒《般若波羅蜜多心經釋》之譯注研究 [Fulltext]
廖本聖 (著)=Liao, Ben-sheng (au.)
 釋尊時期止觀法門的實踐 [Fulltext]
林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chung-an (au.)
 佛法的人間性與現實性=The "Earthliness" and "Pragmatism" of Buddha Dharma [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
 由「相互主體性」的立場論天台宗幾個基本概念以及山家與山外之爭=What is the Buddha Looking at? The Importance of Intersubjectivity in the T'ien-t'ai Tradition as Understood by Ssu-ming Chih-li(960~1028) [Fulltext]
任博克 (著)=Ziporyn, Brook Anthony (au.)
 從中觀的二諦中道到後中觀的台賢二宗思想對立=From the “Middle Way of the Two Truths” in Mādhyamika to the Confrontation Between T'ien-t'ai and Hua-yen Thought in Post-Mādhyamika Discourse ─ ─With Discussion of the Characteristics of T'ien-t'ai Thought and its Limitations [Fulltext]
傅偉勳 (著)=Fu, Charles (au.)
 Some Observations on theChung-hsü- mo-ho-ti-ching=《眾許摩訶帝經》的幾點考察 [Fulltext]
Mukherjee, Biswadeb (著)=穆克紀 (au.)
 Ambiguity of Avalokiteśvara and the Scriptural Sources for the Cult of Kuan-yin in China=觀音菩薩的經典依據及其名號和其他一些不明問題 [Fulltext]
Yu, Chun-fang (著)=于君方 (au.)


n.9 [1996.07Published]

Title Author
 漢月法藏(1573 ~ 1635)與晚明三峰宗派的建立=Han-yueh Fa-tzang(1573 ~ 1635)and the San Fong Schoolin Late Ming Dynasty [Fulltext]
連瑞枝 (著)=Lien, Ruch-chi (au.)
 明末清初閩台佛教的互動=The Interaction of Fukien's and Taiwanese Buddhism in Late Ming and Early Ch'ing Dynasty [Fulltext]
釋慧嚴 (著)=Shih, Huey-yen (au.)
 法藏之心識觀的特色=The Characteristics of Fa-tsang's View of Mind and Consciousness [Fulltext]
鄧克銘 (著)=Den, Ke-ming (au.)
 從湛然〈十不二門〉 論天台思想之發展演變=On the Development and Evolution of the Thoughts ofTien-tai School--From the Perspective of Chan-jan'sTen Non-dual Doors [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Cheng, Ying-shan (au.)
 從佛教之倫理精神對中國當代社會之反省=A Reflection on the Contemporary Society of China--From the Perspective of Buddhist Ethics [Fulltext]
李志夫 (著)=Lee, Chih-fu (au.)
 緣起之「此緣性(idappaccayata)」="Idappaccayata" in Dependent Origination [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
 A Pre-Buddhist Meditation System and its Early Modifications by Gotama the Bodhisattva (II)=論四禪 -- 喬達摩菩薩如何改定此一佛教前已有的法門(下) [Fulltext]
Mukherjee, Biswadeb (著)=穆克紀 (au.)
 Ch'eng-kuan on the Hua-yen Trinity=澄觀的華嚴三聖觀 [Fulltext]
Gimello, Robert M. (著)=詹密羅 (au.)
 受念住的研究=A Study of Vedana-smrty-upasthana [Fulltext]
林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chung-an (au.)
 竺法護的翻譯初探=A Tentative Study of TranslationWorks of Master Dharmaraksha [Fulltext]
梅迺文 (著)=Mai, Lai-man (au.)
 漢傳「受戒法」之考察=An Inquiry into the Chinese Tradition of Receiving the Precepts [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 論佛教受中土道教的影響及佛經真偽=The Taoist Impact on Chinese Buddhist and the Authenticity of Buddhist Sutras [Fulltext]
蕭登福 (著)=Hsiao Teng-fu (au.)
 太子晃與文成帝 -- 英年早逝的天才父子政治家大力推廣佛教於北魏的功勳及其政治目的=Crown Prince Huang and Emperor Wen-ch'eng--A Study on the Promulgation of Buddhism in the Northern Wei Dynasty by these Young-died Royal Father and Son Genius Statesmen and [Fulltext]
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
 張商英護法的歷史意義 [Fulltext]
黃啟江 (著)=Huang, Chi-chiang (au.)


n.8 [1995.07Published]

Title Author
 美國「禪定與教育」博士論文之剖析 [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 《起信論》與扶南大乘 [Fulltext]
釋印順 (著)=Shih, Yin-shun (au.)
 十善業道是菩薩戒的共軌論 [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 梵本《因明入正理論》-- 因三相的梵語原文和玄奘的漢譯 [Fulltext]
巫白慧 (著)=Wu, Bai-hui (au.)
 禪宗「見性」思想的發展與定型 [Fulltext]
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)
 佛教中國化過程之研究=The Process of Sinification of Buddhism [Fulltext]
李志夫 (著)=Lee, Chih-fu (au.)
 「偽經」與觀音信仰 [Fulltext]
 「障道法」探源 [Fulltext]
 支道林生平事蹟考 [Fulltext]
王曉毅 (著)=Wang, Xiao-yi (au.)
 臺灣佛教史前期 [Fulltext]
釋慧嚴 (著)=Shih, Huey-yen (au.)
 當代臺灣佛教變遷之考察 [Fulltext]
王順民 (著)=Wang, Shun-ming (au.)
 淨影寺慧遠的淨土思想 [Fulltext]
廖明活 (著)=Liu, Ming-wood (au.)
 就《華嚴法界觀門》論華嚴思想之演變 [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Cheng, Ying-shan (au.)
 百年來中國因明學的研究概況 [Fulltext]
 A Pre-Buddhist Meditation System and its EarlyModifications by Gotama the Bodhisattva(1)=論四禪--喬達摩菩薩如何改定此一佛教前已有的法門(上) [Fulltext]
Mukherjee, Biswadeb (著)=穆克紀 (au.)


n.7 [1994.07Published]

Title Author
 中國佛教以《法華經》為基礎的修行方法 [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 《聲聞地》中「唯」之用例考察 [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 《入中論釋》〈初品〉 譯註 [Fulltext]
釋如石 (著)=Shih, Ru-shi (au.)
 論所謂的「喀什本梵文《法華經》寫卷」 [Fulltext]
 《唐故招提寺慧堅禪師碑》考 [Fulltext]
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)
 地論師, 攝論師的判教學說 [Fulltext]
廖明活 (著)=Liu, Ming-wood (au.)
 護法在《成唯識論》的立場之研究 [Fulltext]
 玄奘大師在印度境內遊學與善財童子參學有關地理, 路線及其意義之探討 [Fulltext]
李志夫 (著)=Lee, Chih-fu (au.)
 看話禪和南宋主戰派之間的交涉 [Fulltext]
楊惠南 (著)=楊惠男 (au.)
 中國禪宗在西藏 [Fulltext]
釋慧嚴 (著)=Shih, Huey-yen (au.)
 從禪悟的觀點論海德格, 道元與慧能 [Fulltext]
成中英 (著)=Cheng, Chung-ying (au.); 鄭振煌
 從「真如緣起」到「法界緣起」的進路--「一心」觀念的確立 [Fulltext]
黃俊威 (著)=Wong, Chun-wai (au.)
 錢謙益的佛教生涯與理念 [Fulltext]
 《菩薩所行方便境界遊戲神通說》佛身光喻索隱 [Fulltext]
 The Riddle of the First Buddhist Council -- A Retrospection=佛教第一結集的難題 -- 一個回顧 [Fulltext]
穆克紀 (著)=Mukherjee, Biswadeb (au.)
 Biographies of Eminent Monks in a Comparative Perspective:The Function of the Holy in Medieval Chinese Buddhism=《高僧傳》的比較研究 -- 中古中國佛教聖僧的功能 [Fulltext]
篠原亨一 (著)=Shinohara, Koichi (au.)
 Wu-t'ai Shan during the Early Chin Dynasty: The Tesimony of Chu Pien=朱弁筆下的金國初期的五台山情況 [Fulltext]
Gimello, Robert M. (著)=詹密羅 (au.)
 〈聲聞地〉中「唯」之用例考察 [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)


n.6 [1993.06Published]

Title Author
 從「三聚淨戒」論菩薩戒的時空適應 [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 戒律與禪定 [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 從歷史與文化背景看佛教戒律在華消沈的原因 [Fulltext]
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
 大小兼受戒, 單受菩薩戒與無戒之戒--中日佛教戒律觀的評較考察 [Fulltext]
傅偉勳 (著)=Fu, Charles Wei-hsun (au.)
 略論大乘《大般涅槃經》的傳譯=Some Remarks on the Māhāyana Māhaparinirvāṇasūtraand its Chinese Translations [Fulltext]
王邦維 (著)=Wang, Bang-wei (au.)
 「頻申欠呿」略考 [Fulltext]
 《正理門論》探微 [Fulltext]
 漢魏佛教與何晏玄學關係之探索 [Fulltext]
王曉毅 (著)=Wang, Xiao-yi (au.)
 淨影寺慧遠的判教學說 [Fulltext]
廖明活 (著)=Liu, Ming-wood (au.)
 淨覺及其《「注」般若波羅密多心經》與其校本 [Fulltext]
楊曾文 (著)=Yang, Zeng-wen (au.)
 胡適與印度友人師覺月 [Fulltext]
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)
 湛然理具思想之探討 [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Cheng, Ying-shan (au.)
 《法苑珠林》所引外典之研究 [Fulltext]
陳昱珍 (著)=Chen, Yu-jen (au.)
 阿底峽《菩提道燈》內容研究 [Fulltext]
張福成 (著)=Zhang, Fu-cheng (au.)
 談戒與持戒=Talking about Precepts and Practing Precepts [Fulltext]
格梅茲 (著)=Gomez, L. O. (au.); 鄭振煌
 Attā, Nirattā, and Anattā in the early Buddhist literature=初期佛教文獻中的Atta、Niratta和Anatta [Fulltext]
Mukherjee, Biswadeb (著)=穆克紀 (au.)


n.5 [1992.07Published]

Title Author
 現代台灣佛教的學術研究 [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 再談「浮屠」與「佛」 [Fulltext]
 佛教中的「多聞」概念--佛學與學佛問題的展開 [Fulltext]
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)
 緣起不能破 -- 宗喀巴對中觀緣起學說的肯定=Dependent Arising Cannot be Refuted: Tsongkhapa's Affirmation of the Madhyamika View on Dependent Arising [Fulltext]
王堯 (著)=Wang, Yau (au.)
 初期佛教「空之法說及義說」(下) [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
 宋元時期佛儒交融思想探微 [Fulltext]
賴永海 (著)=Lai, Yung-hai (au.)
 智者的圓頓思想 [Fulltext]
 印度中觀學的四句邏輯 [Fulltext]
吳汝鈞 (著)=Ng, Yu-kwan (au.)
 《觀音玄義》性惡問題之探討 [Fulltext]
陳英善 (著)=Cheng, Ying-shan (au.)
 唐代彌勒信仰與佛教諸宗派的關係 [Fulltext]
 道世與《法苑珠林》 [Fulltext]
陳昱珍 (著)=Chen, Yu-jen (au.)
 《維摩詰經》與中國文人,文學,藝術=The Vimalakirti Sutra and Chinese Literati, Literature, and Art [Fulltext]
王志楣 (著)=Wang, Chih-mei (au.)
 西遊記若干情節的本源十一探 [Fulltext]
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
 The Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch=《六祖壇經》的思想 [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.); 于君方 (譯)=Yu, Chun-fang (tr.)
 The Poetics of Ch'an: Upāyic Poetry and Its Taosist Enrichment=禪詩論 -- 方便善巧的禪詩偈頌及其道家豐富蘊蓄 [Fulltext]
華珊嘉 (著)=Wawrytko, Sandra A. (au.)


n.4 [1991.07Published]

Title Author
 初期佛教「空之法說及義說」(上) [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
 關於緣起思想形成與發展的詮釋學考察 [Fulltext]
傅偉勳 (著)=Fu, Charles Wei-hsun (au.)
 《大藏目錄》與《藍本入藏目錄》比較分析 [Fulltext]
 東晉道安思想析論 [Fulltext]
 唐代彌勒信仰與政治關係的一側面--唐朝皇室對彌勒信仰的態度 [Fulltext]
 延壽的戒律思想初探 [Fulltext]
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)
 十牛圖頌所展示的禪的實踐與終極關懷 [Fulltext]
 《菩提道燈難處釋》探微 [Fulltext]
 A Review of Metaphysics: East & West=東西方形上學的評論 [Fulltext]
Inada, Kenneth K. (著)=稲田亀男ケネス (au.)
 "Structure" and "Communitas" in Po Chü-yi's Tomb Inscription=白居易墓誌銘中的「結構」和「群體」 [Fulltext]
Shinohara, Koichi (著)=篠原亨一 (au.)
 Zen and Western Psychotherapy: Nirvanic Transcendence and Samsaric Fixation=禪與西方精神治療 -- 涅槃超脫與生死固執 [Fulltext]
Wawrytko, Sandra A. (著)=華珊嘉 (au.)
 《蟻垤經》初探 [Fulltext]
 《阿含經》集成與大乘經典源流的研究=A Study of the Collection of Agamas and the Origin of Mahayana Sutras [Fulltext]
林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chung-an (au.)
 印順長老的護教思想與現代社會 [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 譬喻佛典之研究--撰集《百緣經》,《賢愚經》,《雜寶藏經》,《大莊嚴論經》 [Fulltext]
丁敏 (著)=Ting, Min (au.)


n.3 [1990.04Published]

Title Author
 《大乘起信論》義理新探 [Fulltext]
傅偉勳 (著)=Fu, Charles Wei-hsun (au.)
 The Problems of the" `Atyantika` "in Kuei-chi's PPHV(`Prajnapara mita-hrdaya-sutra-vyakhyana`)=窺基所著《心經幽賛》中的「阿顛底迦」的諸問題 [Fulltext]
Yeh, Ah-yueh (著)=葉阿月 (au.)
 Dao-xuan's Collection of Miracle Stories aboutSupernatural Monks (Shen-seng gan-Tong lu): An Analysis of Its Sources=道宣神僧感通錄資料來源分析 [Fulltext]
 The Unifying of Rozogs pa Chen Po and Ch'an=西藏大圓滿教義與中國禪法的融合 [Fulltext]
Barber, A. W
 論陳垣:《中國佛教史籍概論》 [Fulltext]
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
 僧叡思想研究 [Fulltext]
 「發心」在漢藏佛學中之意義及其在宗教實踐上之心理功能 [Fulltext]
 禪的詭論和邏輯 [Fulltext]
成中英 (著)=Cheng, Chung-ying (au.)
 從智顗的《摩訶止觀》看中華佛教對印度禪學的吸收與改造模式 [Fulltext]
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)
 六祖壇經的思想 [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 南, 北傳「十八愛行」之法說及義說 [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
 印度部派佛教的分立與師資傳承的研究 [Fulltext]
林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chung-an (au.)
 試論《俱舍論》在佛教思想史中之價值 [Fulltext]
 「聲聞地」之「資糧論」的三重結構 [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 大乘二十二問 [Fulltext]
釋曇曠; 巴宙


n.2 [1988.10Published]

Title Author
 The Emergence of Ch'an Buddhism--A revisionist perspective [Fulltext]
Swain, C. W.
 契嵩思想研究 -- 佛教思想與儒家學說之交涉 [Fulltext]
 李唐名相姚崇與佛教 [Fulltext]
 李卓吾的生平與佛教思想 [Fulltext]
江燦騰 (著)=Jiang, Cian-teng (au.)
 僧史所載中國沙門堅守戒規或天竺傳統的各類實例 [Fulltext]
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
 TSO-CH'AN=坐禪 [Fulltext]
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
 大乘二十二問之研究 [Fulltext]
巴宙 (著)=Pachow, W. (au.)
 龍樹《迴諍論》中「量」之理論的研究 [Fulltext]
楊惠南 (著)=楊惠男 (au.)
 《月喻經》的研究--以《瑜伽師地論》有關部分為主 [Fulltext]
釋惠敏 (著)=Shih, Hui-min (au.)
 《現觀莊嚴論》初探 [Fulltext]
 以四部《阿含經》為主綜論原始佛教之我與無我 [Fulltext]
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)


n.1 [1987.03Published]

Title Author
 僧肇思想之背景及其淵源 [Fulltext]
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釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
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 涅槃變相研究 [Fulltext]