普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal     ジャーナルリストへ     登録誌ガイダンス

出版社: 佛光山文教基金會=Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture & Education 出版地: 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] I  S  S  N : 1609476X
刊行頻度: 雙月刊=Bimonthly ウェブサイト:
内容紹介: 為國際性的佛教學術刊物,內容包括:佛教學術論文、佛教著述書評、佛教學術動態、佛教書目文獻、佛教文摘等。

n.47 [2008.09.01 出版]

n.45 [2008.05.01 出版]

n.44 [2008.03.01 出版]

n.43 [2008.01.01 出版]

n.42 [2007.11.01 出版]

n.41 [2007.09.01 出版]

n.40 [2007.07.01 出版]

n.39 [2007.05.01 出版]

n.38 [2007.03.01 出版]

n.37 [2007.01.01 出版]

n.36 [2006.11.01 出版]

n.35 [2006.09.01 出版]

n.34 [2006.07.01 出版]

n.33 [2006.05.01 出版]

n.32 [2006.03.01 出版]

n.31 [2006.01.01 出版]

n.30 [2005.11.01 出版]

n.29 [2005.09.01 出版]

n.28 [2005.07.01 出版]

n.27 [2005.05.01 出版]

n.26 [2005.03.01 出版]

n.25 [2005.01.01 出版]

n.24 [2004.11.01 出版]

n.23 [2004.09.01 出版]

n.22 [2004.07.01 出版]

n.21 [2004.05.01 出版]

2003年讀後感 [2004.05.01 出版]

n.20 [2004.03.01 出版]

n.19 [2004.01.01 出版]

n.18 [2003.11.01 出版]

n.17 [2003.09.01 出版]

n.16 [2003.07.01 出版]

n.15 [2003.05.01 出版]

n.14 [2003.03.01 出版]

n.13 [2003.01.01 出版]

n.12 [2002.11.01 出版]

n.11 [2002.09.01 出版]

n.10 [2002.07.01 出版]

n.9 [2002.05.01 出版]

n.8 [2002.03.01 出版]

n.7 [2002.01.01 出版]

n.6 [2001.11.01 出版]

n.5 [2001.09.01 出版]

n.4 [2001.07.01 出版]

n.3 [2001.05.01 出版]

n.2 [2001.03.01 出版]

n.1 [2001.01.01 出版]

n.47 [2008.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 安寧療護的佛教倫理觀 [全文]


n.45 [2008.05.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 馬祖綜論 -- 觀於馬祖的經歷、遺迹、禪學、時代及語錄 [全文]
邢東風 (著)=Xing, Dong-feng (au.)
 中國佛教四大名山考 [全文]
釋道昱 (著)=Shih, Dao-yu (au.)
 節孝、修悟與隱跡 — 衹元禪師修行道場胡庵之考述 [全文]
蘇美文 (著)=Su, Mei-wen (au.)
 從三教造像的演進看儒釋道的融合 [全文]
屈直敏 (著)=Qu, Zhi-min (au.)
 大隨求陀羅尼咒經的流行與圖像 [全文]
李翎 (著)=Li, Ling (au.)
 早期佛儒孝道觀的比較研究 [全文]
釋廣興 (著)=Shih, Guang-xing (au.)
 海德格與龍樹 -- 從「語言」概念到實踐內涵之比較(下) [全文]
妙言 (著)=Miao, Yan (au.)
 京都學派久松真一的禪觀 -- 理論與評論(下) [全文]
吳汝鈞 (著)=Ng, Yu-kwan (au.)


n.44 [2008.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 酪、酥和醍醐考源 [全文]
徐時儀 (著)=Xu, Shi-yi (au.)
 從S.1344《鳩摩羅什法師通韻》再論玄奘的正音問題 [全文]
龍晦 (著)=Long, Huei (au.)
 「萬劫不復」與「劫後餘生」 -- 從佛經的「劫」談起 [全文]
高婉瑜 (著)=Gao, Wan-yu (au.)
 安貝卡與其新佛教運動之研究(下) [全文]
釋覺亞 (著)=Shi, Jue-ya (au.)
 京都學派久松真ㄧ的禪觀 -- 理解與評論(上) [全文]
吳汝鈞 (著)=Ng, Yu-kwan (au.)
 「2007年東亞佛教音樂交流暨學術論壇」紀實 [全文]
古仁 (著)=Gu, Ren (au.); 淺草 (著)=Chien, Tsao (au.)
 智慧之道,盡在人心 -- 評陳兵先生的十年力作《佛教心理學》 [全文]
高穎 (著)=Gao, Ying (au.)
 佛經音義「字體」考 [全文]
耿銘 (著)=Geng, Ming (au.)
 合儒釋而會通之 -- 周汝登與佛教 [全文]
趙偉 (著)=Zhao, Wei (au.)
 《迴諍論》的內容及其語言概念之探討 [全文]
釋滿庭 (著)=Shih, Man-ting (au.)


n.43 [2008.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 三通之處的和平使者 -- 佛光山金蓮淨苑 [全文]
滿維 (著)=Man, Wei (au.)
 道元對心常相滅論的批判=道元における心常相滅論批判 [全文]
何燕生 (著)=He, Yan-sheng (au.)
 唐代求法僧攜帶漢本佛典西行考略 [全文]
何方耀 (著)=He, Fang-yao (au.)
 唐代〈驃國樂〉中的十二首佛曲及舞蹈內容解析 [全文]
楊民康 (著)=Yang, Min-kang (au.)
 安貝卡與其新佛教運動之研究(中) [全文]
釋覺亞 (著)=Shi, Jue-ya (au.)
 從敦煌本《通門論》看道經文體分類的文化淵源及其影響 -- 兼論佛經文體和道經文體的關係 [全文]
李小榮 (著)=Lee, Xiao-zhong (au.)
 試論佛教發展中的文化匯流 -- 從《劉師禮文》談起 [全文]
方廣錩 (著)=Fang, Guang-chang (au.)
 千載悠悠 -- 論宋濂對歐陽修、契嵩的接受與超越 [全文]
龔顯宗 (著)=Kung, Hsien-tsung (au.)


n.42 [2007.11.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 中國書道藝術的內在主體性進路 -- 以禪宗精神為中心=The Approach of Inner Subjectivity in the Art of Chinese Calligraphy: with Special Reference to the Ch'an Buddhism [全文]
吳有能 (著)=Wu, You-neng (au.)
 從「三教同源」看梁武帝之政治理念=Politicl Philosophy of Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty: from the Viewpoint of "the Same Origin of Three Religions" [全文]
李曉虹 (著)=Lee, Xiao-hong (au.)
 敦煌佛教藝術之社會性表現=Social Representation of Dunhung Arts [全文]
沙武田 (著)=Sha, Wu-tien (au.)
 安貝卡與其新佛教運動之研究(上)=A Study on B. R. Ambedkar and His Neo-Buddhist Movement [全文]
釋覺亞 (著)=Shi, Jue-ya (au.)
 佛法對世間價值的契合與超越=Buddhist Compatibility and Transceondence for Everyday Valus [全文]
裴勇 (著)=Pei, Yong (au.)
 人世間的星雲傳說 -- 《星雲模式的人間佛教》評說=Legend of Hsing Yun on Earth: An Review on Humansitic Buddhism of Hsing Yun's Style [全文]
希古曲塘 (著)=Xi-gu, Qu-tang (au.)


n.41 [2007.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛佛道同,祖祖相應 -- 讀滿義法師著《星雲模式的人間佛教》=The Same Path Followed by Each Buddha and Each Buddhist Partriarch: On Man Yi's Humanistic Buddhism of Hsing Yun's Style [全文]
林觀潮 (著)=Lin, Guang-chao (au.)
 亞當.斯密「經濟人」思想的佛學考量=On Adam Smith's "Economic Man" from the Viewpoint of Buddhism [全文]
孟領 (著)=Meng, Ling (au.)
 藥師如來十二大願與非營利事業=The Great Ten Vows of Medicine Buddha V.S. Non-profit Organiztion [全文]
永方 (著)=Yong, Fang (au.)
 辨解與開決 -- 《唯識、因明、禪偈的深層探究》一書綜述=On Profound Analysis of Mind-only Philosophy, Buddhist Logic and Ch'an Verses [全文]
趙汝明 (著)=Zhao, Ru-ming (au.)


n.40 [2007.07.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 星雲禪與人間佛教 [全文]
釋學愚 (著)=Shih, Xue-yu (au.)
 星雲大師與人間佛教全球化發展之研究 [全文]
馬西屏 (著)=Ma, Xi-ping (au.); 陸鏗 (著)=Lu, Keng (au.)
 從宗教社會學觀點論析星雲大師的領導法 [全文]
妙牧 (著)=Miao, Mu (au.)
 星雲的教育領導風格初探 [全文]
黃文樹 (著)=Huang, Wen-shu (au.)
 人間藍海的領航者 -- 星雲大師 [全文]
高希均 (著)=Gao, Xi-jun (au.)
 星雲八十「封人」感言 [全文]
裴勇 (著)=Bae, Yong (au.)
 理念與實踐養成的人間佛教 [全文]
劉澤亮 (著)=Liu, Ze-liang (au.)
 星雲大師的人間佛教思想 [全文]
李虎群 (著)=Li, Hu-qun (au.)
 從古印度佛教與耆那教之苦行觀論聖俗關係之演進(下) [全文]
釋心倫 (著)=Shih, Xin-lun (au.); 釋心毓 (著)=Shih, Xin-yu (au.)
 有關宗教法答問 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 星雲對臨濟禪的詮釋 [全文]
麻天祥 (著)=Ma, Tien-hsiang (au.)


n.39 [2007.05.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 人間佛教的戒定慧(下) -- 2006年12月10日講於紅磡香港體育館 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 論作為教派的淨土宗 -- 以普度及其《蓮宗寶鑑》為中心 [全文]
劉霞羽 (著)=Liu, Xia-yu (au.)
 新竹市竹蓮寺歷史調查與研究 [全文]
卓克華 (著)=Zhuo, Ke-hua (au.)
 從古印度佛教與耆那教之苦行觀論聖俗關係之演進(上) [全文]
釋心倫 (著)=Shih, Xin-lun (au.); 釋心毓 (著)=Shih, Xin-yu (au.)
 從文本論《梵網經》之真偽 [全文]
屈大成 (著)=Wut, Tai-shing (au.)
 關於弘一大師繪畫作品的若干答疑 [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 記「二○○七年世界禪茶文化交流大會」 [全文]
范增平 (著)=Fan, Zeng-ping (au.)
 回顧佛光山人間佛教於韓國之實踐歷程 -- 從二○○六年佛光山南韓弘法紀行談起 [全文]
祥和 (採訪)=Xiang, He (inter.); 釋依恩 (整理)=Shih, Yi-en (arr.)
 「破竈墮」與佛教「無神論」 [全文]
陳堅 (著)=Chen, Jian (au.)
 走近真實的法藏 -- 評陳永革《法藏評傳》 [全文]
陳雷 =Chen, Lei
 誓把歡喜布滿人間 -- 讀《星雲模式的人間佛教》有感 [全文]
于國慶 (著)=Yu, Guo-qing (au.); 詹石窗 (著)=Zhan, Shi-chuang (au.)


n.38 [2007.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 「轉型期的敦煌學 -- 繼承與發展」國際學術研討會綜述=Record of "International Symposium on the Transformation of Dunghung Studies: its Succession and Development" [全文]
杜正乾 (整理)=Du, Jeng-qian (arr.)
 佛教五戒與中華民國刑法之比較研究(下)=Comparative Studies of the Five Precepts in Buddhism and Criminal Law in the R.O.C.(II) [全文]
釋妙瑄 (著)=Shih, Miao-xuan (au.)
 「禪與人間佛教學術研討會」紀實=Record of "2007 Academic Conference on Humanistic buddism and Ch'an" [全文]
釋妙力 (整理)=Shih, Miao-li (arr.)
 人間佛教的戒定慧(中) -- 2006年12月9日講於紅磡香港體育館=S la, Sam dhi and Praj of Humanistic Buddhism(II): A Dharma Speech in Hongkong Hung Hom Coliseum in Dec.9,2006 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 略論因明「源唯佛說」=On Buddhist Logic"Orginating form Buddha's Teaching" [全文]
鄭偉宏 (著)=Zeng, Wei-bong (au.)
 楊文會刻經述略=Yang Wen-huei's buddhist Canon Publishing Career [全文]
曹海峰 (著)=Cao, Hai-feng (au.)
 唯識三性與唯識中道=Three Natures and Middle Way in Yog c ra School [全文]
孟領 (著)=Meng, Ling (au.)
 從古文獻記載論《梵網經》之真偽=An Examination on the Factuality of Fang-wang Jing: from the Study of Ancient Classic and Archive [全文]
屈大成 (著)=Qu, Da-cheng (au.)
 慧思《法華經安樂行義》對《法華經》的引用與詮釋=Huei Si's Citation and Interpreyation in the Meaning of Peaceful Pratice from Lotus Sutra [全文]
黃國清 (著)=Huang, Guo-qing (au.)
 《清淨法行經》語詞考辨=An examination on the Phrases of Qin-gjing-fa-xing Jing [全文]
梁曉虹 (著)=Liang, Xiao-hong (au.); 陳五雲 (著)=Chen, Wu-yun (au.)


n.37 [2007.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 水陸法會淵源考=Examing the Origin of Water Land Dharma Function [全文]
釋道昱 (著)=Shih, Dao-yu (au.)
 論達磨像的演變 -- 以達磨傳記為例=The Evolution of Bodhidharma's Protrait: Using His Biography as an Example [全文]
刑東風 (著)=Xing, Dong-feng (au.)
 人間佛教的戒定慧(上) -- 2006年12月8日講於香港紅勘體育館=S la, Sam dhi and Praj of Humanistic Buddhism: A Dharma Speech in Hongkong Hung Hom Coliseum in Dec. 8, 2006 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 第六屆現代生死學理論建構學術研討會報導=The Sixth Conference of the Theoretical Construction of Life-and-Death Studies [全文]
黃珊珊 (整理)=Huang, Shan-shan (arr.); 楊小薇 (整理)=Yang, Xiao-we (arr.)
 古代的傳統佛教教育=Traditional Buddhist Education in Ancient Time [全文]
黃夏年 (著)=Huang, Xai-nein (au.)
 柳田聖山與中國禪宗史研究 -- 深切懷念柳田聖山先生=Yanagida Seizan and His Chinese Ch'an Historical Studies: Mourning over His Death [全文]
何燕生 (著)=He, Yan-sheng (au.)
 馬一浮佛學解釋學芻議=Buddhist Hermeneutics of Ma Yi-Fu [全文]
許寧 (著)=Xu, Ning (au.)
 《百喻經》故事的文學特質(下)=The Literariness of the One Hundred Parables Sutra (II) [全文]
洪梅珍 (著)=Hong, Mei-zhen (au.)
 佛教五戒與中華民國刑法之比較研究(上)=Comparative Studies of the Five Precepts in Buddhism and Criminal Law in the R.O.C.(I) [全文]
釋妙瑄 (著)=Shih, Miao-xuan (au.)


n.36 [2006.11.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 失寵的偶像 -- 二十世紀八○年代以來日本的佛教研究及其困境 [全文]
何燕生 (著)=He, Yan-sheng (au.)
 化世與益人 -- 二○○六年十月國國際佛光會第11次世界大會主題演說=Change the World and Benefit Humanity [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 略論笈多譯《金剛經》的性質及其研究價值=Dharmagupta's Translation of Diamond Sutra: Its Nature and Research Value [全文]
朱慶之 (著)=Zhu, Qing-zhi (au.)
 佛光山「佛教音樂」實踐歷程之研究(下)=The Developmental Process of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Music(II) [全文]
釋妙樂 (著)=Shih, Miao-le (au.)
 回鶻文佛教譬喻故事研究 -- 以吐魯番本回鶻文《折吒王的故事》為例=A Study on Uighur Parables: Using Uighur Version of King Castani Ilig Bag as an Example [全文]
楊富學 (著)=Yang, Fu-xue (au.)
 《百喻經》故事的文學特質(上)=The Literariness of the One Hundred Parables Sutra(I) [全文]
洪梅珍 (著)=Hong, Mei-zhen (au.)
 禪機與境界 -- 王維和蘇軾禪詩比較=A Comparision Study on Wang Wei's Poetry and Su Shi's poetry: Their Chan Activation and Chan Level [全文]
張君梅 (著)=Zhang, Jun-me (au.)
 釋仲殊的人格特徵及其詞成就的取得=Zhong Shu's Personality Traits and his Accomplishments in Poetry [全文]
張若蘭 (著)=Zhang, Ruo-lan (au.)
 藏傳佛教六字觀音像研究(下)=Sadaksari-lokesvara in Tibetan Buddhism and iconographical Study(II) [全文]
李翎 (著)=Lee, Ling (au.)


n.35 [2006.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛光山「佛教音樂」實踐歷程之研究(上)=THe Developmental Process of FoGuang Shan Buddhist Music(I) [全文]
釋妙樂 (著)=Shih, Miao-le (au.)
 〈泰山經石峪金剛經〉的書法藝術=The Calligraphic Art of the "Diamond Sutra Inscribed on the Tai Mountain" [全文]
蔡崇名 (著)=Cai, Chong-ming (au.)
 星雲大師與當代「人間佛教」(五之五)=Grand Mster Hsing Yun and Contemporary Humanistic Buddhism(V) [全文]
釋滿耕 (著)=Shih, Man-kan (au.)
 中國文化與五乘佛法 -- 二○○六年三月十九日講於嶽麓書院=Chinese Culture and Five Vehicles in Buddhism [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 觀音經變與敦煌莫高窟寺院講經之蠡測=The Relationship between the "Avalokitesvara Sutra Painting" and Preaching Activities at Dunhung Mogao Grottos [全文]
鄭阿財 (著)=Zheng, A-cai (au.)
 論黃庭堅書法思想的禪學基礎=Huang Tin-jian's Calligraphic Art and its Ideological Basis of Ch'an Buddhism [全文]
何勁松 (著)=He, Jin-song (au.)
 佛教對「社會問題」的看法 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 略論唐宋時代的「隨求」信仰(下)=Brief Reviews on Maha-pratisarah Worship in Tang-Sung China(II) [全文]
黃陽興 (著)=Huang, Yang-xing (au.)
 藏傳佛教六字觀音像研究(上)=Sadaksari-lokesvara In Tibetan Buddhism: and Iconographical Study(I) [全文]
李翎 (著)=Lee, Ling (au.)


n.34 [2006.07.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 晚唐五代敦煌地區《大般若經》信仰與地方政權的關係=The Worship of Maha-prajnaparamita-sutra and Local Regime in Dunhuang during the late Tang and Five Dynasties [全文]
鄭炳林 (著)=Zheng, Bin-lin (au.)
 東晉襄陽、盧山僧團與士族=Buddhist Orders and Prestigious Clans at Xiangyang and Lushan during the Period of Eastern Jin [全文]
徐清祥 (著)=Xu, Qing-xiang (au.)
 專制王權下的傳統中國佛教制度=Chinese Traditional Buddhist Institution under the Regime of Tyrannic Authority [全文]
李向平 (著)=Li, Xiang-ping (au.)
 紫柏大師與東林黨人=Venerable Master Zibo and Donglin Party [全文]
戴繼誠 (著)=Dai, Ki-cheng (au.)
 花蓮縣第三級古蹟吉安慶修院調查研究=A Survey on the Restoration of Hualian Qingxiu Yuan, The Third Grade National Monument at Jian, Huanlian [全文]
卓克華 (著)=Zheng, Ke-hua (au.)
 星雲大師與當代「人間佛教」(五之四)=Grand Master Hsing Yun and Contemporary Humanistic Buddhism(IV) [全文]
釋滿耕 (著)=Shih, Man-kan (au.)
 從西方歷史、後現代主義與佛教觀點探討意識(中)=Consciousness: Western Historical, Postmodern, and Buddhist View(II) [全文]
釋心毓 ; 金森, 朱迪絲・L.=Jensen, Judith L.
 世紀之交宗教研究的反思與展望=A Retrospective and Perspective View on Religious Studies at the Turn of the Century [全文]
王雷泉 (著)=Wang, Lei-quan (au.)
 人天師範 VS. 轉輪聖王 -- 從釋迦佛陀論出世與入世的抉擇課題=The Teacher for Human and Heavenly Beings VS. Cakra-varti-rajan: A Discussion on Sakyamuni Buddha's Choice between This-Worldly Beliefs [全文]
釋慧開 (著)=Shih, Huei-kai (au.)
 佛教對「環保問題」的看法 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿觀=Shih, Man-guan
 宗教與和平 -- 二○○六年三月廿六日講於國際自由宗教聯盟世界大會=Religion and Peace [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋妙廣=Shih, Man-guan
 荊溪湛然與袁晁之亂=Jingxi Zhanran and the rebellion of Yuan Chao [全文]
池麗梅 (著)=Chih, Li-mei (au.)
 略論唐宋時代的「隨求」信仰(上)=Brief Reviews on Msha-pratisarah Workship in Tang-Sung China(1) [全文]
黃陽興 (著)=Huang, Yang-hsing (au.)


n.33 [2006.05.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 淺論六祖的無相三歸依思想=Discussing the Philosophy of Formless Triple Refuge by the Sixth Patriarch [全文]
馮煥珍 (著)=Feng, Huan-zhen (au.)
 人生百事=One Hundred Tasks of Life [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 佛教對「素食問題」的看法 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋如超=Shih, Ru-chang
 馬祖時期教導方式的轉變=The Teaching Style of Ch'an Master Mazu [全文]
邱環 (著)=Qiu, Huan (au.)
 玄沙師備三句綱宗與薦福承古三玄的比較 -- 禪宗思想在唐宋之際變化的一個例子=Comparison between Xuan-sha Shi-bei's Three Essential Phrases and Jian-fu Cheng-gu's Three Cryptic Doors: An Example for the Transformation of Ch'an Philosophy during Tang and Sung Dynasty [全文]
土屋太祐 (著)=Tsuchiya, Taisuke (au.)
 佛教禪修與身心醫學 -- 正念修行的療癒力量 [全文]
溫宗堃 (著)=Wen, Zong-kun (au.)
 生命的終極關懷 -- 基督教救贖論與佛教解脫觀之比較研究=The Ultimate Concern of Life: The Comparative Study on Soteriology between Christianity and Buddhism [全文]
尤惠貞 (著)=You, Huey-jen (au.); 翟本瑞 (著)=Jai, Ben-ray (au.)
 《普門院經論章疏語錄儒書等目錄》中所載書籍傳入日本的時間之辨疑=An Investigation on the Time when Books Recorded by A Catalogue about the Buddhist Scripture and the Others oh the Universal Gate Temple Were Taken into Japan [全文]
許紅霞 (著)=Xu, Hong-xia (au.)
 星雲大師與當代「人間佛教」﹝五之三﹞=Grand Master Hsing Yun and Contemporary Humanistic Buddhism(III) [全文]
釋滿耕 (著)=Shih, Man-kan (au.)
 唯識繫於人間之基本向度=The Basic Earthly Dimensions of the Mind Only Philosophy [全文]
釋滿紀=Shih, Man-chi
 書評 -- 「藍海策略」先行者‧「人間佛教」第一人=Book Review: "The Pioneer to Blue Ocean Strategy: First in Humanistic Buddhism" [全文]
高希均 (著)=Gao, Xi-jun (au.)


n.32 [2006.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 星雲大師與當代「人間佛教」﹝五之二﹞ [全文]
釋滿耕 (著)=Shih, Man-geng (au.)
 佛教與〈黔之驢〉 -- 柳宗元〈黔之驢〉故事來源補說=Buddhism and “Donkey in Guizhou”: An Addendum of Liu Zong-yuan's “Donkey in Guizhou” [全文]
李小榮 (著)=Li, Xiao-rong (au.)
 以翰墨為佛事 -- 從星雲大師「覺有情」世界墨跡巡迴展論其文化傳道效益=Using Calligraphy as a Way to Disseminate Buddhism: from Venerable Master Hsing Yun's World Tour of Calligraphy Exhibition to Examine the Efficiency of His Missionary Strategy [全文]
釋如常 (著)=Shih, Ru-chang (au.)
 從敦煌遺書存目看中古河西寺院系統的文化群落=From Existing Dunhuang Document Catalogue to Examine the Cutural Groups of Hexi Monastics in Medieval China [全文]
張乃翥 (著)=Zhang, Nai-zhu (au.); 張成渝 (著)=Zhang, Cheng-yu (au.)
 晉唐時期海路交通中往來佛僧的群體考察=An Overview on Sea Route Buddhist Missionary Activities during Jing to Tang Dynasty [全文]
何方耀 (著)=He, Fang-yao (au.)
 栖神幽遐,涵趣寥曠 -- 以大足寶頂第二○號石刻「養雞女」與麥積山第一六五窟泥塑「供養人」為例論宋塑之美及其他=Using the "Chicken-Raising Maiden" Sculpture at Dazu Grottoes and the "Offerer" Figure at Mai-Chi-Shan Grottoes to Examine Aesthetics of Sculpture and Related Issues of Sung Dynasty [全文]
屈濤 (著)=Qu, Tao (au.)
 佛教對全球問題的概觀=How Buddhism Views Global Issues? [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 【當代問題座談紀實】之十七 -- 佛教對「應用管理」的看法=【Seminars Records for Modern Society】Buddhist View on Application Management [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿觀=Shih, Man-guan
 「第七屆人間佛教學術研討會 -- 人間佛教與經濟的永續發展」會議報導=Report on the Seventh International Conference on Humanistic Buddhism -- Humanistic Buddhism and Sustainable Economic Development [全文]
釋覺瑋 (著)=Shih, Jue-wei (au.); 心化 (譯)=Xin, Hua (tr.)


n.31 [2006.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 星雲大師與當代「人間佛教」(五之一)=Grand Master Hsing Yun and Contemporary Humanistic Buddhism(I) [全文]
釋滿耕 (著)=Shih, Man-kan (au.)
 中國禪宗的地方性 -- 從胡適的禪宗史研究說起=Locality of Zen in China: From Hu Shi's Zen History [全文]
邢東風 (著)=Xing, Dong-feng (au.)
 佛教從般若到如來藏、佛性思想的發展及意義 [全文]
蔡宏 (著)=Cai, Hong (au.)
 從三自性理論演變看唯識思想前後期在價值取向上的重要變化 -- 《解深密經》與《成唯識論》之比較=The Important Alteration of Value Preference in Early and Late Thought Only Thinking from the Evolution of Trayahsvabh?va Theory: Comparing Samdhinirmocana-stra and Vijnaptimtratsiddhi-stra [全文]
林國良 (著)=Lin, Guo-liang (au.)
 再論三階教的歷史定位=Reiterating the Historical Significance of Three Stages Sect [全文]
釋妙傑 (著)=Shih, Miao-jee (au.)
 佛教對「政治人權」的看法=Buddhist View on Politics and Human Rights [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿觀=Shih, Man-guan
 弘一大師圖論之十 -- 弘一大師作畫的參照系=Pictorial Commentary on Venerable Master Hung Yi, Part X: Venerable Grandmaster's Pictorial References [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 熊十力與支那內學院派=Xiong Shi-li and China Buddhist College [全文]
肖平 (著)=Xiao, Ping (au.)
 日本の平安時代における「盂蘭盆供」の源流と変遷(下)=日本平安時代「盂蘭盆會」之源流和變遷(下)=Ullambana Functions in Japan during the Heian Period (II) [全文]
李守愛 (著)=Lee, Shou-ai (au.)


n.30 [2005.11.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 洪州禪與中晚唐詩壇=Hongzhou Ch'an Buddhism and Late-mid Tang Poetry [全文]
朴永煥 (著)=Piao, Yung-huan (au.)
 基督新教與人間佛教的現世關懷 -- 經典編纂的比較研究=The Mundane Concern between the Protestant and the Mundane Buddhism: A Comparative Study on Canon Compiling [全文]
尤惠貞 (著)=You, Hui-zhen (au.); 翟本瑞 (著)=Zhai, Ben-rui (au.)
 弘一大師圖論之九 -- 從弘一大師與豐子愷的交往解析弘一大師繪畫作品=Pictorial Commentary on Venerable Master Hung Yi, (9): Analysis on Grand Master Hung Yi's Painting from His Affiliation with Fong Zi-kai [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 宋代士大夫與佛教=Confucian Scholars and Buddhism in Sung Dynasty [全文]
張煜 (著)=Zhang, Yu (au.)
 方便法門 -- 評竺家寧《佛經語言初探》=Skillful Means to Dharma: Commenting on Zhu Jian-ning's Priliminary Exploration of Buddhist Canon Linguistics [全文]
高婉瑜 (著)=Gao, Wan-yu (au.)
 日本の平安時代における「盂蘭盆供」の源流と変遷(上)=日本平安時代「盂蘭盆會」之源流和變遷(上)=Ullambana Functions in Japan during the Heian Period (I) [全文]
李守愛 (著)=Lee, Shou-ai (au.)
 藏傳佛教在臺發展的現況與省思=Introspection on the Current Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan [全文]
鄭志明 (著)=Zheng, Zhi-ming (au.)
 從《摩訶止觀》看「煩惱即菩提」在天臺圓教中的意義 [全文]
戈國龍 (著)=Ge, Guo-long (au.)
 佛教對「家庭問題」的看法=Buddhist View on Family Issues [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿觀=Shih, Man-guan
 佛經音義研討會紀要=Symposium on Pitches and Meanings of Buddhist Canon [全文]
竺家寧 (著)=Zhu, Jia-ning (au.)
 淺論迦留陀夷 [全文]
釋永本 (著)=Shih, Yung-ben (au.)
 值得尊崇的當代佛學泰斗 -- 永懷印順導師=A Respectable Contemporary Authority on Buddhist Study: In Memory of Venerable Yin Shun [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun


n.29 [2005.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 「星雲模式」的人間佛教(四之四)=Humanistic Buddhism of Hsing Yun's Style (4) [全文]
釋滿義 =Shih, Man-yi
 中國大陸二十五年來的惠能研究=Twenty-five Years of Hui Neng Research in Mainland China [全文]
牟永生 =Mou, Yong-sheng
 台灣的「星雲奇蹟」 -- 人間佛教在寧靜中全球興起=Taiwan's Hsing Yun Miracle: The Global Rising of Humanistic Buddhism in Peace [全文]
高希均 (著)=Gao, Xi-jun (au.)
 論「人間佛教」對「社區大學」設立理念的深化與實踐=Influence of Humanistic Buddhism in Deepening the Founding Ideals of Community College [全文]
羅翌倫 (著)=Lou, I-Lun (au.)
 阿姜查語錄之止觀解析與禪宗會通=A ?amatha-Vipa?yanā Analysis with Ch'an Confluence of the Analects of Ajahn Chah Phothiyan [全文]
釋如石 (著)=Shih, Ru-shi (au.)
 「宗教」一詞的文化脈絡比較詮釋 -- 兼論現代宗教教育的定位與取向=Comparative Annotation on the Cultural Lineage of The Word "Religion": Concurrently Discussing the Role and Approach of Modern Religious Education [全文]
釋慧開 (著)=Shih, Huei-kai (au.)
 佛教經典的胚胎生命觀=Viewing Embryonic Life in Buddhist Deepening [全文]
鄭志明 (著)=Cheng, Chih-ming (au.)
 人間佛教與二十一世紀教育的融合之價值與意義=Significance of Merging Humanistic Buddhism to the 21 century Education [全文]
黃連忠 (著)=Huang, Lian-zhong (au.)
 弘一大師圖論之八:弘一大師在青島湛山寺=Pictorial Commentary on Venerable Master Hung Yi, Part Ⅷ: Grand Master Hung Yi at Zhan Shan Temple in Ching Island [全文]
陳星 =Chan, Sing
 從對聯談茶禪的生命觀 [全文]
邱素雲 (著)=Qiu, Su-yun (au.)


n.28 [2005.07.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 書評: 佛家邏輯研究的創新及其體系建立 -- 評黃志強的《佛家邏輯比較研究》=Book Review: The innovation and systemic establishment of research on Buddhist logic: Reviewing Zhi-qiang Huang's "Comparative study of Bddhist logic" [全文]
張成興 (著)=Zhang, Cheng-xing (au.)
 佛教與基督教的孝道論=Filial Piety in Buddhism and Christianity [全文]
釋依淳 (著)=Shih, Yi-chun (au.)
 當東方遇上西方 -- 佛教與天主教、基督教宗教對談 [全文]
釋妙益 (著)=Shih, Miao-yi (au.)
 冥想與幻覺:兩者可能有關聯嗎?=Meditation and Hallucinations: How Are They Possibly Related? [全文]
朱彩方 (著)=Zhu, Cai-fang (au.); 劉雪梅 (譯)=Liu, Xue-mei (tr.)
 佛教對「戰爭與和平」的看法 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿觀=Shih, Man-guan
 道與「罪」? -- 中、英文《聖經》翻譯中本體論和人性論的文化差異=The Cultaral diffrences Between Chinese and English Holy Bible on the Ontology and Human nature [全文]
麻天祥 (著)=Ma, Tien-hsiang (au.)
 從菩提達摩到大慧宗杲 -- 一個禪學認識架構的歷史形成=From Bodhidharma to Da-hui Zong-gao: the historical formation of a Ch'an Epistemological Structure [全文]
林湘華 (著)=Lin, Xiang-hua (au.)
 貝施特和智顗論「惡」的宗教價值 -- 兼談宗教中的「善惡」觀念=Including a Discussion on the Religious Ideals of "Good and Evil." [全文]
陳堅 (著)=Chen, Jian (au.)
 弘一大師圖論之七 -- 弘一大師慈溪之行述論與考辨=Pictorial commentary on venerable master Hung Yi, part Ⅶ: A descriptive examination of Hung Yi's journey to Tze river [全文]
陳星 =Chan, Sing
 「星雲模式」的人間佛教(四之三) [全文]
釋滿義 (著)=Shih, Man-yi (au.)
 推動本土化,不是「去」而是「給」 -- 「去中國化」之我見=The key to promoting localization is not to deny but to give: my view on "de-sinicization" [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun


n.27 [2005.05.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 當代緬甸內觀修行傳統的興起與巴利學界對於「乾觀者」的諍論=The Arising of Insight Meditation Traditions in Modern Burma and the Debate on the Sukkhavipassaka in Pali Schokarship [全文]
溫宗堃 (著)=Wen, Zong-kun (au.)
 「佛教與科學」之回顧與前瞻=Buddhism and Science: Their Retrospection and Prospection [全文]
釋心毓 (著)=Shih, Xin-yu (au.)
 書評 -- 關於《佛典研究的語言學轉向 -- 佛經語言學論集》=Book Review: "Linguistics in Buddhist Canon and its Changing: Wan Jing Chuan's Collection on Buddhist Linguistics" [全文]
朱慶之 (著)=Zhu, Qing-zhi (au.); 萬金川 (著)=Wan, Jin-chuan (au.)
 回應科學主義是中國佛教近代轉向的重要契機=Respondence to Scientism: An Crucial Turning Point for Modern Chinese Buddhism [全文]
梁徐寧 (著)=Liang, Xu-ning (au.)
 佛教的科學分析及佛學、科學的比較研究=Scientific Analysis of Buddhism and Comparative Study on Buddhism and Science [全文]
麻天祥 (著)=Ma, Tien-hsiang (au.)
 《入菩薩行.智慧品》之現代科學解讀=Modern Interpretation of "Prajna Chapter" of Bodhicaryavatara with Scientific Method [全文]
釋如石 (著)=Shih, Ru-shi (au.)
 「星雲模式」的人間佛教﹝四之二﹞=Humanistic Buddhism of Hsing Yun's Style(II) [全文]
釋滿義 (著)=Shih, Man-yi (au.)
 中古漢譯佛經偈頌體式研究=The Styles of Hymns in Mediveal Chinese Translated Buddhist Scripture [全文]
孫尚勇 (著)=Sun, Shang-yong (au.)
 弘一大師圖論之六:四大高僧中的弘一大師=Pictroial Commentary on Venerable Master Hung Yi, Part VI: Venerable Master Hong Yi among the Four Eminent Monks [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 【當代問題座談紀實】之十二 -- 佛教對「殺生問題」的看法=Buddhist View on Killing [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 二○○四年中國大陸佛學會議綜述=A General Discussion on Mainland China Buddhism Conference During the Year 2004 [全文]
黃夏年 (著)=Huang, Xai-nein (au.)
 【特別報導】 -- 佛光山電子佛典的功能與應用=Function and Application of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Electronic Text [全文]
釋永本 (著)=Shih, Yung-ben (au.)


n.26 [2005.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛教對「經濟問題」的看法=Buddhist View on Economic [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 傅偉勳與人間佛教思想研究=Fu Wei-Xun and His Study on Humanistic Buddhism [全文]
李勇 (著)=Li, Yong (au.)
 「星雲模式」的人間佛教﹝四之一﹞=Humanistic Buddhism of Hsing Yun's Style [全文]
釋滿義 (著)=Shih, Man-yi (au.)
 《華嚴經》的形成、漢譯、基本思想及其修行論意義=The Formation, Chinese Version, Basic Philosophy and Practice of Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya-sutra [全文]
楊維中 (著)=Yang, Wei-zhong (au.)
 論佛教中的實在論和反實在論 -- 暨論實體自性與特性自性=Realism and Anti-realism in Buddhism [全文]
林國良 (著)=Lin, Guo-liang (au.)
 六家七宗格義問題與玄學關係之分析=Relationship between the Isogesis and Metaphical Movement during the Wei and Jin Dynasties [全文]
黃寶珊 (著)=Huang, Bao-shan (au.)
 佛教與回鶻講唱文學=Buddhism and Prosimetric Literature of the Ujghurs [全文]
楊富學 (著)=Yang, Fu-xue (au.)
 大乘唯識止觀的研究 -- 以《瑜珈師地論‧菩薩地》為範圍=Study on Tranquility and Insight Practice: "Bodhisattavabhumi" of Yogacarabhumi as an Example for illustration [全文]
釋滿紀=Shih, Man-chi
 弘一大師圖論之五 -- 弘一大師在白馬湖=Ven. Master Hung yi and White-horse Lake [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 惠能禪在海外的傳播與影響=Dissemination of Oversea Southern Ch'an School and Its Influence [全文]
孫亦平 (著)=Sun, Yi-ping (au.)
 關於敦煌藏經洞所出「魏晉寫經」問題 -- 姜亮夫先生《莫高窟年表》魏晉寫經訂補=Reviews on Jiang Liang-fu's Mogao Caves Chronicle [全文]
陳國燦 (著)=Cheng, Guo-tsan (au.)


n.25 [2005.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 以麥積山石窟雕塑藝術為例論北朝佛教人間化傾向=Humanistic Buddhist Inclination of North Dynasty Maijishan Grotto Sculptural Art [全文]
沙武田 (著)=Sha, Wu-tien (au.); 鄭炳林 (著)=Zheng, Bing-lin (au.)
 論豐子愷的佛教思想 [全文]
蔡琇瑩 (著)=Tsai, Hsiu-ying (au.)
 也談寶誌與〈十二時〉 -- 兼與鄭阿財先生商榷 [全文]
李靜 (著)=Li, Jing (au.)
 大化無形的弘法媒介 -- 佛光緣美術館的教育推廣活動 [全文]
釋如常 (著)=Shih, Ru-chang (au.)
 心冥空無 跡寄文字 -- 中唐詩僧靈澈生平及詩歌考論 [全文]
劉衛林 (著)=Liu, Wei-lin (au.)
 中國近代佛教史上的激進與保守(下) -- 以太虛與圓瑛之間關係為中心的歷史考察=Activism and Conservatism in Modern Chinese Buddhism: A Historical Study Focusing on the Relationship between Master Tai Shu and Yuen Yin (Ⅱ) [全文]
何建明 (著)=He, Jian-ming (au.)
 玄奘與中國羅漢造像藝術=Xuan-zhuang and Chinese Arhat Sculpture Art [全文]
王仲堯 (著)=Wang, Zhong-yao (au.)
 說偈子 [全文]
龍晦 (著)=Long, Hui (au.)
 稼軒詞中的佛學情境 [全文]
釋依空 (著)=Shih, Yi-kung (au.)
 佛教對「臨終關懷」的看法=Buddhist View on Hospice Care [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 弘一大師圖論之四 -- 佛教美術的輝煌之作 [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Hsing
 第二屆漢文佛典語言學國際學術研討會紀要 [全文]
釋妙傑 (著)=Shih, Miao-jee (au.)


n.24 [2004.11.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 從衝突到兼容--中古時期傳統社邑與佛教的關係=From Conflict to All-Inclusive:the Relationship between Tradition Shi (社) Association and Buddhism from Jin Dynasty to Five Dynasties [全文]
郝春文 (著)=Hao, Chun-wen (au.)
 永明延壽與中國佛教新趨向的形成=Yong Ming Yan Shou and the Formation of the New Trend in Chinese Buddhism [全文]
陳榮富 (著)=Chen, Rong-fu (au.)
 《盂蘭盆經》系及其註疏與佛教中國化=The Relationship of the Ullambana-sutra System and its Commentary with the adaptation of Buddhism to Chinese Culture [全文]
姚孟君 (著)=Yao, Meng-jun (au.); 鄭阿財 (著)=Cheng, A-cai (au.)
 民初顯密關係論述評 -- 以密教弘傳浙江及其效應為視角=Commentary on the Relationship between Sutric and Tantric Buddhism: Viewing from the Spread of Tantric Buddhism to Zhejiang and its Effect [全文]
陳永革 (著)=Chen, Yong-ge (au.)
 中國近代佛教史上的激進與保守(上) -- 以太虛與圓瑛之間關係為中心的歷史考察=Activism and Conservatism in Modern Chinese Buddhism: a Historical Study Focusing on the Relationship between Master Tai Shu and Yuen Yin (I) [全文]
何建明 (著)=He, Jian-ming (au.)
 「忠」的演進與海外佛教團結的時代意義=The Progress of "loyalty", the Unification of Overseas Buddhism and its Historical Meaning [全文]
王泰鯤 (著)=Wang, Tai-kun (au.); 陳錫中 (著)=Chen, Xi-zhong (au.)
 談佛門師徒=Master and Disciples in Buddhism [全文]
釋慈惠 (著)=Shih, Tzu-hui (au.)
 【當代問題座談紀實】之九 -- 佛教對「民間信仰」的看法=【Seminars Records for Modern Society】Buddhist View on Folk Faith [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 從佛光山美國西來寺看佛教本土化=Localization of Buddhism: Using Fo Guang Shan Los Angeles -- Hsi-Lai Temple as an Example [全文]
釋妙益 (著)=Shih, Miao-yi (au.)
 儒釋道:紛爭與融和=Confucianism, Busshism and Taoism: Dispute and Harmony [全文]
胡軍 (著)=Hu, Jun (au.)
 區域佛教研究的新收穫 -- 評何綿山《福建宗教文化》=New Finding on Regional Buddhist Research: Reviewing Religious Culture of Fujian by He, Mian-shan [全文]
陳石懷 (著)=Chen, Shi-huai (au.)
 弘一大師圖論之三 -- 弘傘法師與寬顏法師影象之辨=Pictorial Commentary by Master Hong Yi, Part III: Distinguishing between the Illustration of Master Hong San and Master Kuan Yuan [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 Humanistic Buddhists and Social Liberation (I)=人間佛教行者與社會解放(上) [全文]
Chappell, David W.=查波, 大衛 ; 釋心倫
 從《肇論》看玄學向佛學的轉變=Examining the Shift from Metaphysics to Buddhism from Seng Zhao's Commentary [全文]


n.23 [2004.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 【学術情報】韓国中世禅宗史の研究動向と課題(上)=【學術報導】韓國中世禪宗史的研究動向和課題(上)=【Academic Reports】The Direction and Themes of the Historical Research on Middle-age Korean Ch'an [全文]
趙明濟 (著)=Zhao, Ming-ji (au.); 李守愛 (譯)=Lee, Shou-ai (tr.)
 佛教對「自殺問題」的看法=【Seminars Records for Modern Society】Buddhist Perspective on Suicide [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 二○○四年中華佛教音樂展演團日記=2004 Chinese Buddhist Musical Tour Diary [全文]
妙有 (著)=Miao, You (au.)
 透析變遷中的民國浙江佛教 -- 評陳永革著《佛教弘化的現代轉型》=A Thought Analysis of the Transitioning Zhejiang Buddhism in the Early Republic of China: Reviewing the Contemporary Transition in Propagation of Buddhism [全文]
陳雷 =Chen, Lei
 自覺與行佛 -- 二○○四年九月國際佛光會第十次世界大會主題演說=Self-awareness and Practicing the Buddha's Way [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; Lee, Raymond
 注重落實的現代人間佛教 -- 星雲大師人間佛教思想新探=Contemporary Humanistic Buddhism with Practical Emphasis: A New Study on Master Hsing Yun's Humanistic Buddhist Philosophy [全文]
繆方明 (著)=Miu, Fang-ming (au.)
 邁向後「文明的衝突」時代,開啟地球文明新紀元=Toward the Era of Post-Civilization Conflict [全文]
裴勇 (著)=Pei, Yong (au.)
 佛教如何在現代社會發展的一點思考=A Thought on the Development of Humanistic Buddhism in Modern Society [全文]
釋廣興 (著)=Shih, Guang-xing (au.)
 佛陀信仰及其社會關懷 -- 當代中國東南沿海佛教徒宗教生活現狀調查報告=Buddhist Faith and Social Concern: Research Report on Contemporary Buddhist life in South-eastern China [全文]
李向平 (著)=Li, Xiang-ping (au.); 耿敬 (著)=Geng, Jing (au.)
 本土化潮流中「弱勢族群」對優良「生活文化」的期許=The Expectation of Disadvantaged Group to Hight Quality Living in the Trend of Localisation [全文]
王泰鯤 (著)=Wang, Tai-kun (au.); 陳錫中 (著)=Chen, Xi-zhong (au.)
 人間佛教對全民教育的影響 -- 以「人間佛教讀書會」為例=The Influence of Humanistic Buddhism to Citizen's Education: Using "Humanistic Buddhist Reading Association" as an Example [全文]
釋覺培 (著)=Shi, Jue-pei (au.)
 弘一大師圖論之二 -- 弘一大師與馬一浮法緣之詳論=A Detailed Discussion on the Dharma Relationship Between Master Hong Yi and Ma, Yi-fu [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing


n.22 [2004.07.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 明代太監與佛教關係考述 -- 尤其以明代北京地區佛教為中心的考察=The Relationship between Ming Eunuch and Buddhism : a Survey on Buddhism Around Beijing Area During Ming Dynasty [全文]
程恭讓 (著)=Cheng, Gong-rang (au.)
 現象學的構成觀與中國古代思想=The Phenomenological Construction and Ancient Chinese Philosophy [全文]
張祥龍 (著)=Zhang, Xiang-long (au.)
 傳教士眼中的中國佛教(下)=Chinese Buddhism in the Christian Missionaries' Perception (II) [全文]
李雪濤 (著)=Li, Xue-tao (au.)
 隋唐初期禪觀對西方淨土法門的影響(下)=The Influence of Dhyana to Amitabha Teaching in the Early T'ang Period (II) [全文]
釋道昱 (著)=Shih, Dao-yu (au.)
 五世達賴喇嘛入覲 -- 兼論清順治至乾隆諸朝冊封達賴喇嘛的問題=On the Fifth Reincarnation Dalai Lama : Including a Discussion on the Confer of Dalai Lama During the Period between Shun Chi and Qian Long of Ching Dynasty [全文]
馮智 (著)=Fen, zhi (au.)
 星雲大師與趙樸老 [全文]
釋滿耕 (著)=Shih, Man-geng (au.)
 試論印光大師與太虛大師之思想差異 -- 以近代佛教面臨之困境及其改革發展為背景=Contrasting the Philosophy of Venerable Master Yin Guang and Tai Xu : A Discussion Based on the Difficulty and Revolutionary Development Faced by Modern Buddhism [全文]
周軍 (著)=Zhou, Jun (au.)
 「佛學與文學的交匯」研討會會議實錄=Academic Conference on "Convergence Between Buddhism and Literature" [全文]
釋心端 (著)=Shih, Xin-duan (au.)
 當代南韓的人間佛教=Socially Engaged Buddhism in Contemporaty South Korea [全文]
夏瑪, 安尼塔=Sharma, Anita ; 釋心倫
 日本の平安末期における「入宋僧」奝然の入宋の事蹟=日本平安末期「入宋僧」奝然之入宋事蹟=Accomplishments of Diao Ran, A Late Heian Japanese Monastic Scholar to China During Song Dynasty [全文]
李守愛 (著)=Lee, Shou-ai (au.)
 我對「世代交替」的看法=My View on Generation Relay [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 佛教對「生命教育」的看法=Buddhist View Regarding Issues on Fate [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 三訪楊仁山居土故里=Three Visits to Mr. Yang Ren Shan's Hometown [全文]
武延康 (著)=Wu, Yan-kang (au.)
 中國佛教哲學研究的里程碑 -- 喜讀方立天新作《中國佛教哲學要義》=The Milestone in Chinese Buddhist Philogophy : Reading The Essentials of Chinese Buddhist Philosophy by Fang, Li-tien [全文]
方廣錩 (著)=Fang, Guang-chang (au.)
 弘一大師圖論之一 -- 弘一大師與西泠印社=A Pictorial Discussion of Venerable Master Hong Yi and Hsi-lin Seal Society [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing


n.21 [2004.05.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 傳教士眼中的中國佛教(上) [全文]
李雪濤 (著)=Li, Xue-tao (au.)
 佛教與臨終關懷 [全文]
鄭曉江 (著)=Zheng, Xiao-jiang (au.)
 試論敦煌壁畫中的佛教環境保護意識=An Attempt to Discuss the Buddhist Environmental Protection Conscious Found in Dunhuang Mural [全文]
胡同慶 (著)=Hu, Tong-qing (au.)
 佛圖澄山西遺跡考 [全文]
溫金玉 (著)=Wen, Jin-yu (au.)
 隋唐初期禪觀對西方淨土法門的影響(上) [全文]
釋道昱 (著)=Shih, Dao-yu (au.)
 羅汝芳與祖師禪 [全文]
趙偉 (著)=Zhao, Wei (au.)
 論《神會語錄》之編集年代及編集者劉澄的背景 [全文]
陳盛港 (著)=Chen, Calvin Sheng-gangn (au.)
 智旭對《周易》「大過卦」的佛學解讀 [全文]
陳堅 (著)=Chen, Jian (au.)
 博學明辨 發覆求真 -- 楊富學著《回鶻文獻與回鶻文化》評介 [全文]
王紅梅 (著)=Wang, Hong-mei (au.)
 海德格的「存在論差異」與大乘之「二諦」論=Heidegger's "Ontological Difference" and Mahayana's "Twi-satyas" Theory [全文]
吳學國 (著)=Wu, Xue-guo (au.); 秦琰 (著)=Qin, Yan (au.); 山野 (譯)=Shan, Ye (tr.)
 悟、破、當下 -- 禪藝術與花藝 [全文]
林谷芳 (著)=Lin, Gu-fang (au.)
 【當代問題座談紀實】之六 -- 佛教對「人生命運」的看法 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義
 秉承佛陀精神,開啟人間佛教的南宗禪 -- 讀〈論《金剛經》人間佛教思想對南宗禪的影響與發展〉 [全文]
 佛教對「人生命運」的看法 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義


2003年讀後感 [2004.05.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 略論佛教哲學在古代文人心理修養中的作用 [全文]
 慈悲觀的心靈療效 [全文]
 《方便心論》是反邏輯的著作 --〈佛經知識論的形成〉讀後 [全文]
 無情有性與生態倫理 -- 「佛教與自然生態」之現代意義 [全文]
 人間佛教與普世倫理的探討 [全文]
 佛教倫理的價值詮釋 -- 讀〈論中國佛教的主要社會功能〉 [全文]
 人間佛教的回顧與前瞻 -- 讀星雲大師〈山林寺院和都市寺院〉有感 [全文]


n.20 [2004.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 「不妄語戒」與人間佛教的實踐 [全文]
釋覺啟 (著)=Shih, Jue-qi (au.)
 神會與初期禪學 [全文]
聶清 (著)=Nie, Qing (au.)
 融攝與對話 -- 佛教與科學關係的兩種表現形式之比較 [全文]
王萌 (著)=Wang, Meng (au.)
 唐代佛教文學與俗曲 -- 以敦煌寫本〈五更轉〉、〈十二時〉為中心 [全文]
鄭阿財 (著)=Zheng, A-cai (au.)
 唐代《道僧格》及其復原之研究 [全文]
鄭顯文 (著)=Zheng, Xian-wen (au.)
 論佛教信仰的理性特徵 [全文]
鄧子美 (著)=Deng, Zi-mei (au.)
 美國佛教研究的近況(下) [全文]
李四龍 (著)=Li, Si-long (au.)
 佛教對「修行問題」的看法 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 青年行佛 走向世界 -- 二○○三年國際佛光青年會議紀實 [全文]
釋滿謙 (著)=Shih, Man-qian (au.)
 評《考證與辨析 -- 西域佛教文化論稿》 [全文]
趙莉 (著)=Zhao, Li (au.)
 詩僧蒼雪 [全文]
孫昌武 (著)=Sun, Chang-wu (au.)
 現代禪與中華信義神學院對話的根本問題與焦點--現代禪教團與中華信義神學院對話初探(下) [全文]
何建明 (著)=He, Jian-ming (au.)
 論佛教弘化的現代轉型與人間佛教思潮 -- 以太虛「人生佛教」思想為中心 [全文]
陳永革 (著)=Chen, Yong-ge (au.)


n.19 [2004.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 當代台灣佛教與基督教間的一場深層次對話 -- 現代禪教團與中華信義神學院對話初探(上)=An In-depth Dialog Between Modern Taiwanese Buddhism and Christianity: a Pilot Study on the Modern Chan Society and China Lutheran Seminary(I) [全文]
何建明 (著)=He, Jian-ming (au.)
 虛雲和尚的禪學思想=Xu-Yun's Ch'an Thinking [全文]
陳兵 (著)=Chen, Bing (au.)
 敦煌寫卷「亡文」的生命教育=Life Education of Dun-Huang Document "prayer to the dead" [全文]
鄭志明 (著)=Jeng, Chi-ming (au.)
 佛教與現代經濟倫理=Buddhism and Modern Economic Ethics [全文]
王覺溟 (著)=Wang, Chueb-ming (au.)
 此音只應天上有 人間哪得幾回聞 -- 觀佛光山梵唄讚頌團表演有感 [全文]
陳惠卿 (著)=Chen, Hui-qing (au.)
 毛澤東與佛教=Mao Ze Dong and Buddhism [全文]
釋滿耕 (著)=Shih, Man-kan (au.)
 詩道在妙悟 [全文]
毛正天 (著)=Mao, Zheng-tian (au.)
 美國佛教研究的近況(上)=Current Situation of American Buddhist Research(I) [全文]
李四龍 (著)=Li, Si-long (au.)
 元代內地畏兀兒僧徒佛事活動輯考=Activities of the Uighur Buddhists in Central China during the Yuan Dynasty [全文]
楊富學 (著)=Yang, Fu-xue (au.)
 樂隨佛光來 -- 述評台灣佛光山梵唄讚頌團在北京的成功演出 [全文]
田聯韜 (著)=Tian, Lian-tao (au.)
 佛教對「宗教之間」的看法=Buddhist View on Inter-religious Issues [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 繼往與開來 -- 佛道音樂學術研討會實錄 [全文]
陳慧珊 (著)=Chen, Hui-shan (au.)
 渡海送梵音 -- 「佛光山梵唄讚頌團」大陸行日記 [全文]
妙軒 (著)=Miao, Xuan (au.)
 執著專業追求的燦然結晶 -- 讀江燦騰《臺灣近代佛教的變革與反思》=Persistence in the Pursue of Professionalism: Reading the Transformation and Introspection on Modern Taiwan Buddhism by Jiang Tsang-teng [全文]
鄧子美 (著)=Deng, Tze-mai (au.)
 12-13世紀南宋.高麗禪宗界的現實對應和思想基礎(下)=12-13世紀における南宋.高麗禅宗界の現実対応とその思想的基盤(下)=Southern Song and Korean Zen Buddhists in the 12th and 13th Centry:How to Cope with Real World and its Interior Basis(II) [全文]
趙明濟 (著)=Zhao, Ming-ji (au.); 李守愛 (譯)=Li, Shou-ai (tr.)
 沒有台灣人 -- 在台灣居住的,都是台灣人 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun


n.18 [2003.11.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 法脈傳承捨我其誰 -- 記國際佛光青年團的歷史沿革及未來展望=The History and Perspective of BLIA Youth [全文]
釋慧傳 (著)=Shih, Huei-chuau (au.)
 「二拍」與佛教=Dailogue on popular Buddhism in Ling Meng-ch'u's(1580-1644)Novelette Collections Erh-p'ai [全文]
李雪濤 (著)=Li, Xue-tao (au.)
 歐陽竟無的孔學論觀 -- 以佛解儒的一個例證=A critical of Ou Yang Jing Wu's Use of Buddhism in Explanation of Buddhism [全文]
蕭平 (著)=Xiao, Ping (au.)
 人間佛教與現代倫理=Humanistic Buddhism and Modern Ethics [全文]
吳洲 (著)=Wu, Zhou (au.)
 佛經譯詞的文化二重奏=A Duet of the Translate Term in Buddhist Scriptures [全文]
萬金川 (著)=Wan, Jin-chuan (au.)
 五台山佛教與《五台山佛教史》=The History of Wu Tai Shan Buddhism [全文]
麻天祥 (著)=Ma, Tian-xiang (au.)
 唯識學認知理論的現代心理學解析=The use of Vujnapti-matrata in the Explanation of Modern psychology [全文]
林國良 (著)=Lin, Guo-liang (au.)
 《圓覺經道場修證儀》「禮懺法」新探=An Investigation on the Praying Etiquette in Etiqutte in Monasteries Practing Yuan Jiao Sutra [全文]
勝凱=Sheng, Kai
 寧夏固原須彌山圓光寺及相關番僧考=An Examination on the Xu-mi Mountain in Ning Xia and Its Foreign Monks [全文]
謝繼勝 (著)=Xie, Ji-sheng (au.)
 論明代佛教孝道觀 -- 以《目連救母勸善戲文》為例=The Buddhist Viewpoints of Filial Piety in Ming Dynasty: With Mu Lien Jiu Mu Quan Shan Xi Wen as an Example [全文]
王月秀 (著)=Wang, Yue-xiu (au.)
 佛教對「女性問題」的看法 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 試探北宋僧佛日契嵩釋儒一貫思想--以高達美哲學詮釋學為進路=An Exploration on the Consistency of Confucianism and Biddhism in the light of Qi Song's (Ming Dynasty, 1007-1072) Philosophy: With Hans-Georg Gadamer's Hermeneutics of as an Approach [全文]
釋妙謹 (著)=Shih, Miao-jing (au.)
 2003年「宗教與當代世界學術研討會」會議實錄=A Summary of the Conference on Religions and the Contemporary World [全文]
釋妙傑 (著)=Shih, Miao-jee (au.)


n.17 [2003.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 人間正道是滄桑 -- 後印順時代的台灣人間佛教=Worldly Right Path is Vicissitudinous: Post Yi-Shun Buddhism [全文]
宣方 (著)=Xuan, Fang (au.)
 論佛教傳播史晚期的音樂本土化 -- 傣族和日本佛教音樂的比較=A Discourse on Music Localization of Late Buddhist Propogation History: a Comparism between Tai Clan and Japanese Buddhist Music [全文]
楊民康 (著)=Yang, Ming-kang (au.)
 從名古屋七寺的兩部疑偽經資料探討疑偽經在漢語史研究中的作用=Examine the role of non-aprocrypha in Research into the History of Chinese Language: Using Information from the Two Non-aprocrypha Found in Nagoya Chi Buddhist Monastery [全文]
梁曉虹 (著)=Liang, Xiao-hong (au.)
 前理解與視域融合 -- 論中國佛教心性論範式的歷史形成=Pre-understanding and Fusion of Horizon: Discussing the Historical Development of Theory on The Mind-Nature in Chinese Buddhism [全文]
楊維中 (著)=Yang, Wei-zhong (au.)
 太虛大師與佛教美學=Grand Master Taixu and Aesthetics [全文]
皮朝綱 (著)=Pi, Chao-gang (au.)
 中國佛教與孝道 -- 從唐代佛教論起=Chinese Buddhism and Piety: A Discussion Begin with Tang Buddhism [全文]
陸永峰 (著)=Lu, Yong-fong (au.)
 帛法祖的譯經及其在隴右的佛教活動=Bo Fa Zu's Translation of Sutra and His Buddhist Activities in Western Gan Shu [全文]
王豔玲 (著)=Wang, Yan-ling (au.); 林太仁 (著)=Lin, Tai-ren (au.)
 敦煌寫本《小法滅盡經》非疑偽經考論=Non-aprocrypha survey to Dun Huang Script of Xiao Fa Mie Jin Sutra [全文]
 「雲水三千」展覽主題及策展理念 -- 星雲大師弘法五十年紀念影像專輯 [全文]
釋如常 (著)=Shih, Ru-chang (au.)
 佛教對「身心疾病」的看法=Buddhist View on Body and Mind Illness [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 九輒法師考=A Research on Venerable Master Jiu Zhe [全文]
藍日昌 (著)=Lan, Ri-chang (au.)


n.16 [2003.07.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 禪宗戒律革命在人間佛教中的意義 [全文]
徐文明 (著)=Hsu, Wen-ming (au.)
 義工教育訓練 -- 以國際佛光會中華總會為例 [全文]
許世雨 (著)=Hsu, Shih-yu (au.); 滕雨方 (著)=Teng, Yu-fang (au.)
 關於土族藏傳佛教信仰的調查研究 -- 以青海省互助縣五十鄉霍爾郡村為例 [全文]
翟存明 (著)=Ti, Tsun-ming (au.)
 人間佛教的實踐與「生活書香化」之展望 [全文]
釋覺培 (著)=Shi, Jue-pei (au.)
 隋文帝發展佛教意識形態背景之探討 [全文]
周雁飛 (著)=Chou, Yen-fei (au.)
 中唐詩學造境說與詩之變 -- 兼論佛教思想之影響 [全文]
劉衛林 (著)=Liu, Wei-lin (au.)
 商品佛教音樂與舞曲大悲咒 [全文]
陳碧燕 =Chen, Pi-yen
 於馬祖處小窺禪宗思想、禪風發展 [全文]
喻娟 (著)=Yu, Juan (au.)
 山林寺院和都市寺院 -- 兼論蘭若比丘和人間比丘 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 佛教對安樂死的看法 -- 星雲大師新加坡醫學座談會紀實 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun ; 釋滿義=Shih, Man-yi
 清代佛教研究現況(一) [全文]
邱高興 (著)=Chiu, Kao-hsing (au.)
 《雲水三千》自序 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 龍門石窟裝飾雕刻中的佛陀人生 [全文]
張乃翥 (著)=Zhang, Nai-zhu (au.); 張成渝 (著)=Chang, Cheng-yu (au.)
 探析民眾宗教意識 解讀中國社會文化 -- 評《世俗與神聖 -- 中國民眾宗教意識》 [全文]
林緒武 (著)=Lin, Hsu-wu (au.)
 論佛教對古代漢語詞彙發展演變的影響(下)=The Impact of Buddhism on the Development of Chinese Vocabulary(II) [全文]
朱慶之 (著)=Zhu, Qing-zhi (au.)


n.15 [2003.05.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛教思想對高行健作品的啟迪 -- 以《靈山》和《八月雪》為例 [全文]
永芸 (著)=Yong, Yun (au.)
 淺評方立天先生的《中國佛教哲學要義》 [全文]
宋立道 (著)=Song, Li-dao (au.)
 論晚明佛學的性相會通與禪教合流 -- 以晚明佛教四大師為例 [全文]
陳永革 (著)=Chen, Yong-ge (au.)
 陶淵明的詩歌創作與晉宋佛教之關係 [全文]
何劍平 (著)=He, Jian-ping (au.)
 唐代僧籍管理制度 [全文]
白文固 (著)=Bai, Wen-gu (au.)
 儒釋之間 -- 朱熹與禪散論 [全文]
劉澤亮 (著)=Liu, Ze-liang (au.)
 唐代的文人與佛教 [全文]
龔鵬程 (著)=Gong, Peng-cheng (au.)
 敦煌寫卷「患文」的宗教醫療觀 [全文]
鄭志明 (著)=Zheng, Zhi-ming (au.)
 《金剛經》和〈畫山水序〉 [全文]
劉道廣 (著)=Liu, Dao-guang (au.)
 「四大名山志」的修撰過程及其宗教意義 [全文]
陳劍鍠 (著)=Chen, Jian-huang (au.)
 佛教叢林語言規範 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 略論人間佛教及其在當代的推展 [全文]
洪修平 (著)=Hong, Xiu-ping (au.)
 中國佛教哲學研究的重大進展 -- 《中國佛教哲學要義》出版座談會紀要 [全文]
李豔輝 (著)=Li, Yan-hui (au.)
 佛光山抄經堂 [全文]
妙懿 (著)=Miao, Yi (au.)
 仏教知識論の形成(上)=佛教知識論的形成(上) [全文]
梶山雄一 (著)=Kajiyama, Yuichi (au.); 楊金萍 (譯)=Yang, Chin-ping (tr.); 蕭平 (譯)=Xiao, Ping (tr.)
 論佛教對古代漢語詞彙發展演變的影響﹝上﹞=The Impact of Buddhism on the Development of Chinese Vocabulary(I) [全文]
朱慶之 (著)=Zhu, Qing-zhi (au.)


n.14 [2003.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 教理、僧制與儀軌 -- 宗派佛教成立的三個因素 [全文]
李四龍 (著)=Li, Si-long (au.)
 印順導師不曾說過禪宗是「梵我外道」 -- 回應慧昭法師與陳英善小姐之「印順法師說」 [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hui (au.)
 僧肇般若學與王弼易學 [全文]
王仲堯 (著)=Wang, Zhong-yao (au.)
 西夏的佛教信仰和風俗 [全文]
史金波 (著)=Shi, Jin-po (au.)
 佛法與現實 -- 太虛大師佛陀現實主義思想論 [全文]
李廣良 (著)=Li, Guang-liang (au.)
 佛教與自然生態(下) [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 漢文佛典語言學國際學術研討會紀要 [全文]
竺家寧 (著)=Zhu, Jia-ning (au.)
 曹溪南華禪寺建寺一千五百周年禪學研討會召開 [全文]
黃夏年 (著)=Huang, Xia-nian (au.)
 漫談印度愛羅拉佛教石窟 [全文]
郭乃彰 (著)=Guo, Nai-chang (au.)
 兩極相遇中的智慧靈光 -- 讀《和尚與哲學家 -- 佛教與西方思想的對話》 [全文]
王覺溟 (著)=Wang, Chueb-ming (au.)
 佛法弘傳的新平台 -- 從「佛光衛視」到「人間衛視」看人間佛教的國際化 [全文]
釋覺西 (著)=Shih, Jue-xi (au.)
 佛、道「修道主題」之關係 -- 以李復言《續玄怪錄‧杜子春》與葛洪《神仙傳‧壺公》為中心之探討 [全文]
邱敏捷 (著)=Qiu, Min-jie (au.)
 《瑜伽師地論‧菩薩地》之修行結構論 [全文]
釋滿紀=Shih, Man-chi
 止觀修習與成象、造境 -- 佛教止觀實踐對中國古代審美體驗方式的影響 [全文]
王德岩 (著)=Wang, De-yan (au.)
 「趙州無」的語言符號解讀 [全文]
歐陽宜璋 (著)=Ou-yang, Yi-zhang (au.)
 北魏都城與佛教 [全文]
王雅紅 (著)=Wang, Ya-hong (au.); 黨燕妮 (著)=Dang, Yan-ni (au.)


n.13 [2003.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 清康熙帝延請五世班禪晉京未遂事件的經過 [全文]
馮智 (著)=Fen, zhi (au.)
 《開寶藏》研究 [全文]
李富華 (著)=Li, Fu-hua (au.)
 慧南與臨濟宗黃龍派 [全文]
楊曾文 (著)=Yang, Zeng-wen (au.)
 華嚴境界與中國美學 [全文]
皮朝綱 (著)=Pi, Chao-gang (au.)
 花山訪古憶支公 [全文]
俞朝卿 (著)=Yu, Chao-ching (au.)
 人間佛教之特性及其思想 [全文]
劉高武 (著)=Liu, Gao-wu (au.)
 <兜率內院疑點探討>之後記 [全文]
釋道昱 (著)=Shih, Dao-yu (au.)
 中國佛教邏輯體系的建立 -- 評沈劍英主編的《中國佛教邏輯史》 [全文]
尹邦志 (著)=Yin, Bang-zhi (au.)
 論《金剛經》人間佛教思想對南宗禪的影響與發展 [全文]
釋慧昭 (著)=Shih, Hui-chao (au.)
 空性智慧、佛教意義治療學與佛教詮釋學的治療學 -- 論佛教的生命關懷與心靈治療 [全文]
賴賢宗 (著)=Lai, Shen-chon (au.)
 略析《佛性與般若》在牟宗三哲學思想進展中的位置 [全文]
程恭讓 (著)=Cheng, Gong-rang (au.)
 佛光山的平安燈會 [全文]
妙仲 (著)=Miao, Zhong (au.)
 新世紀海峽兩岸攜手共育敦煌學新才--「2002年研究生敦煌石窟研習營」活動述評 [全文]
王蘭平 (著)=Wang, Lan-ping (au.)


n.12 [2002.11.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 人間佛教的人文關懷 -- 從臺灣「媒體環保日」與「三好運動」談起=Humanitarian Concerns of Humanistic Buddhism: A Discussion Based on Taiwan's Media Environment Protection Day and Three-Good Movement [全文]
釋滿耕 (著)=Shih, Man-geng (au.)
 2001年中國大陸的佛教研究綜述 [全文]
黃夏年 (著)=Huang, Hsia-nien (au.)
 釋門判教與現代新儒家=Buddhist Classification of Budda's Teaching and Contemporary Neo-Confucianism [全文]
許寧 (著)=Hsu, Ning (au.)
 敦煌寫本「九想觀」詩歌新探 [全文]
鄭阿財 (著)=Zheng, A-cai (au.)
 支遁與玄學 -- 兼論釋道安時代佛教般若學之玄學化 [全文]
章啟群 (著)=Zhang, Chi-chun (au.)
 三武一宗之繼代者的復佛 [全文]
張箭 (著)=Zhang, Jian (au.)
 《中國禪學》創刊 [全文]
吳言生 (著)=Wu, Yeng-shang (au.)
 從《南陽和上頓教解脫禪門直了性壇語》論荷澤神會之教法 [全文]
陳盛港 (著)=Chen, Calvin Sheng-gangn (au.)
 宗教團體與監獄宗教教誨 -- 對佛光山在明德戒治分監活動之實證分析 [全文]
張家麟 (著)=Zhang, Jia-lin (au.)
 兜率內院疑點之回應 [全文]
釋宏印 =Shih, Hong-yin
 元代佛經譯師沙囉巴﹝1259-1314﹞考=On Sha-luo-pa(1259-1314): the Buddhist Translator of the Yuan Dynasty [全文]
王啟龍 (著)=Wang, Qi-long (au.); 李華 (譯)=Li, Hua (tr.)
 一流的清淨社會需要一流的清淨媒體 [全文]
釋覺西 (著)=Shih, Jue-xi (au.)
 才知生命原味香 -- 品覺《人生禪》 [全文]
永悅 (著)=Yong, Yue (au.)
 「自我」與「無我」 -- 從西方心理學的困境談佛教心理治療 [全文]
釋覺培 (著)=Shi, Jue-pei (au.)
 五台山佛教文化國際學術會議綜述 [全文]
周祝英 (著)=Zhou, Zhu-ying (au.)
 從對聯談觀音信仰﹝下﹞ [全文]
邱素雲 (著)=Qiu, Su-yun (au.)


n.11 [2002.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 人間佛教與普世倫理=Humanistic Buddhism and Universal Ethics [全文]
蒲長春 (著)=Pu, Chang-chun (au.)
 從對聯談觀音信仰(上)=Digest: A Discussion of Guan-yin Faith Based on the Studies of Couplets [全文]
邱素雲 (著)=Qiu, Su-yun (au.)
 「禪」問=On Ch'an [全文]
張紅 (著)=Jhang, Hung (au.)
 人間佛教讀書會=Special Feature: Humanistic Buddhism Reading Club [全文]
釋覺全 (著)=Shih, Chueh-chyuan (au.)
 既仁且智之舉 -- 星雲法師發表〈比丘尼僧團的發展〉=Special Feature: An Act of Benevolence and Wisdom: The Development of Bhiksuni Sangha by Venerable Hsing Yun [全文]
楊曾文 (著)=Yang, Zeng-wen (au.)
 2001年中國大陸佛教會議綜述=Academic Report: A General Discussion on Mainland China Buddhism Conferences during the Year of 2001 [全文]
黃夏年 (著)=Huang, Xia-nian (au.)
 論師的時代 -- 對僧傳中六朝義學論師的分析=The Age of Abhidharmika: An Analysis of the Six Dynasty Buddhist Philosophers [全文]
藍日昌 (著)=Lan, Jhi-chang (au.)
 山陰詩友喧四座,佳句縱橫不廢禪 -- 支遁考評=On Zhi-duen [全文]
張琦 (著)=Xhang, Chi (au.)
 本淨、本寂與本覺 -- 論中國佛教心性論的印度淵源=Inherent Purity, Inherent Cessation and Inherent Realization: The Indian Origin of Chinese Buddhist Perspective on Citta-prakrti [全文]
楊維中 (著)=Yang, Wei-jung (au.)
 論隋唐五代至宋初的藥師信仰 -- 以敦煌文獻為中心=A Dissertation on the Medicine Buddha Faith in Suei-Tang and Five Dynasties: A Dung Huang Literature Review [全文]
李小榮 (著)=Lee, Xiao-zhong (au.)
 試論南宋志磐的佛教史觀 -- 以《佛祖統紀》為中心=Nan-Sung Dynasty Chi-ching's Perspective on History of Buddhism: Based on Buddhist Lineage [全文]
宋道發 (著)=Song, Dao-fa (au.)
 兜率內院疑點之探討=A Discussion on Queries Raised Regarding Inner Tusita [全文]
釋道昱 (著)=Shih, Dao-yu (au.)
 佛教興學的往事與未來=A Historical Perspective and Prospects of Buddhist-found Educational Institute [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 關於《中觀論頌》各品結頌的性質 -- 以第十八品為中心的一個探究=The Characteristic of Mulamadhyamaka-karika Verses: A Discussion Centered on the 18th Chapter [全文]
釋覺冠 (著)=Shih, Chueh-guang (au.)


n.10 [2002.07.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 龍門石窟交通遺跡與佛教藝術的歷史聯繫=The Historical Relationship between Traffic Remains in the Long-men Cave and Buddhist Art [全文]
張成岱 (著)=Chang, Cheng-dai (au.); 張成渝 (著)=Chang, Cheng-yu (au.); 張成翥 (著)=Chang, Cheng-chu (au.)
 佛道經典書帖考=A Study of the Buddhist and Dao Scripture Based on Ancient Calligraphy [全文]
龔鵬程 (著)=Gong, Peng-cheng (au.)
 發心與發展 -- 2002 年 4 月國際佛光會第九次世界大會主題演說﹝中、英﹞=To Resolve and To Develop: 9th General Conference of the Buddha's Light International Association [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 大乘起信論的功夫理論與境界哲學="Theory on Practical Activity" and "Philosophy of Mental and Physical State" in the Treatise on the Awakening of Faith [in] the Mahayana [全文]
杜保瑞 (著)=Du, Bao-ray (au.)
 「人間佛教的理論與實踐」會議記實=Conference on "The Theory and Practice of Humanistic Buddhism [全文]
釋永本 (著)=Shih, Yung-ben (au.)
 「國際佛光會世界會員大會特別學術研討會」報導=An Academic Symposium Held during Buddhist Light International Association Annual General Meeting [全文]
釋依昱 (著)=Shih, Yi-yu (au.)
 以人間佛學建人間淨土 -- 談佛光山「四化」=Building Pureland with Humanistic Buddhism: A Discussion on the Four-isations of Fo Guang Shan [全文]
麻天祥 (著)=Ma, Tien-hsiang (au.)
 南華大學=Special Report: Nan Hua University [全文]
南華大學研發室 (編)=Research & Development Center of Nan Hua University (ed.)
 提婆達多之研究=Devadatta [全文]
釋永祥 (著)=Shih, Yung-hsiang (au.)
 《成唯識論直解》觀感漫談=Interpretation of Vijbaptimatratasiddhi-castra [全文]
陳新 (著)=Cheng, Hsin (au.)
 西南古絲路上的石鐘山佛窟=Shi-jon Mountain Cave on the South West Ancient Silk Road [全文]
吳進生 (著)=Wu, Ging-sheng (au.)
 經世佛教 -- 太虛的新佛教運動=Buddhism that Manage the World: Tai-hue's Neo-Buddhist Movement [全文]
林明昌 (著)=Lin, Ming-chang (au.)
 頓悟漸修與魚兔筌蹄=Spontaneous Enlightenment with Gradual Practice and Fishing and Rabat Parable [全文]
賴永海 (著)=Lai, Yung-hai (au.)
 牛頭禪與般若空觀的關涉=The Relationship of Nio-toh Chan and Prajna's Contemplation of Emptiness [全文]
孫金波 (著)=Shung, Ging-pao (au.)
 唐五代禪宗修習的典範 -- 以敦煌寫本《六祖壇經》為考察範圍=Scripture of Chan Practice from Tang and Five Dynasty: A Discussion Based on Dung-Huang's Version of the Six Patriarch Platform Sutra [全文]
張勇=Chang, Yung
 俄藏義淨《西方記》殘卷研究=The Russian Remains of I-jing's Travelogue to the West [全文]
徐曉麗 (著)=Xu, Xiao-li (au.); 鄭炳林 (著)=Jeng, Bin-lin (au.)


n.9 [2002.05.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 回歸‧圓成‧超越 -- 論大乘佛法與現代人生=Returning, Completion and Transcendence: A Discourse on Mahayana Buddhism and Buddhism and Modern Life [全文]
王覺溟 (著)=Wang, Chueh-ming (au.)
 佛教傳俄尋蹤=Russian Buddhism [全文]
李明濱 (著)=Lee, Ming-bing (au.)
 佛光大學=Fo Guan University [全文]
詹素娟 (著)=Jang, Su-chuan (au.)
 兩岸中國佛教文學研究的課題之評介與省思 -- 以詩、禪交涉為中心=Subject of Studying Literature in Taiwan and Mainland China: Focusing on the Theme of Poetry and Chan Buddhism [全文]
林朝成 (著)=Lin, Chao-cheng (au.); 張高評 (著)=Juang, Gau-ping (au.)
 從兩個層面看佛指舍利=Two Perspectives on the Buddha's Finger Relic [全文]
游祥洲 (著)=Yao, Hsiang-chou (au.)
 唯識空觀的研究=A Study on "Emptiness" of the Mind-only School [全文]
釋依昱 (著)=Shih, Yi-yu (au.)
 歷代僧道人數考論=A Historical Investigation on the Size of Sangha [全文]
白文固 (著)=Bai, Wen-gu (au.)
 心學流變與晚明佛教復興的經世取向=The Transition of Xin Xue and the Approach to Management in Late Ming Buddhism [全文]
陳永革 (著)=Chen, Yung-ko (au.)
 晚唐五代敦煌僧人飲食戒律初探 -- 以「不食肉戒為中心」=A Preliminary Investigation on the Dietary Discipline of Tunhuang Monastics in Late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties [全文]
高啟安 (著)=Gau, Chi-an (au.)
 論宋代寺院合法性的取得程序=The Process of Acquiring Legitimacy for Buddhist Monastery in the Sung Dynasty [全文]
 宗喀巴《現觀莊嚴論金鬘疏》「四抉擇分」釋義 [全文]
釋如石 (著)=Shih, Ru-shi (au.)
 悉曇學敘論=On Siddham [全文]
周廣榮 (著)=Zhou, Guang-rong (au.)
 論《大乘起信論》的一心二門=One Mind, Two Gates from Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana [全文]
陳利權 (著)=Cheng, Li-tsuan (au.)
 天台智者的內外之判=The Difference between Interiors and Outsiders: From Ven. Chi-yi's Points of View [全文]
韓煥忠 (著)=Han, Huan-zhong (au.)
 比丘尼僧團的發展 -- 2002 年 4 月 20 日 「人間佛教與當代對話」學術研討會專題演講=The Development of Bhikhuni Community [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 雖不能至,心嚮往之 -- 讀高鶴年居士《名山遊訪記》有感=Kao Heh-nian's "Travelogue of the Journey to Famous Mountain" [全文]
李廣良 (著)=Lee, Guang-liang (au.)


n.8 [2002.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 藏傳佛教在元代政治中的作用和影響=The Function and Influence of Tantric Buddhism on Yuan Dynasty's Politics [全文]
王啟龍 (著)=Wang, Chi-long (au.)
 洞山良价與曹洞宗風=Dong Shan Liang Jie and the Cao Dong School [全文]
徐文明 (著)=Hsu, Wen-ming (au.)
 佛教思想與當代社會=Buddhism and Modern Society [全文]
姚衛群 (著)=Yao, Wei-chun (au.)
 有容乃大:佛教思想一瞥 -- 以敦煌石窟佛教藝術為中心=Seeing Buddhism's Teaching of Magnanimity from Dun Hung Grottos Buddhist Art [全文]
沙武田 (著)=Sha, Wu-tien (au.)
 慧遠大師早期生平尋蹤=On the Early Life of Hui Yuan [全文]
曹虹 (著)=Cao, Hung (au.)
 從秀才天子到皇帝菩薩 -- 論蕭衍的宗教信向與治國歷程=From a Talented Heir Apparent to an Emperor Bodhisattva [全文]
龔顯宗 (著)=Gung, Hsein-tsun (au.)
 從「攜手同圓」理念談佛光青年生命教育的建立 -- 二○○一年國際佛光會青年會議專題報導=Setting up Buddhist Youth's Life Education:2001 BLIA Youth Conference [全文]
釋滿遵 (著)=Shih, Man-tsuan (au.)
 永恆光明的記憶 -- 佛陀成道地菩提伽耶瞻禮記=The Eternal and Radiative Memory: Pilgrimage on Buddha Gaya [全文]
郭乃彰 (著)=Guo, Nai-chang (au.)
 論隋唐佛教的特點 -- 讀《湯用彤全集》第二卷=Book Review: The Characteristic of Buddhism during the Suei and Tang Dynasties [全文]
許抗生 (著)=Xu, Kang-sheng (au.)
 二十一世紀佛教研究的斷想=The Prospective of 21st Century Buddhism [全文]
黃夏年 (著)=Huang, Xia-nien (au.)
 佛光山辦的第一所大學 -- 美國西來大學=Fo Guang Shan's First University: The Hsi Lai University [全文]
陳安曦 (著)=Chen, An-hsi (au.)
 佛教與基督宗教的會合點=Buddhism Meets Christianity: Two Points of Contact [全文]
朱彩方 (著)=Zhu, Cai-fang (au.)
 我們未來努力的方向 -- 講於總統府二○○一年慶祝行憲暨國父紀念月會=The Direction We still Strive towards in the Future: Speech at the President Office on the Constitution Day [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 論中國佛教的主要社會功能=The Primary Social Function of Buddhism in China [全文]
鄧子美 (著)=Deng, Tze-mai (au.)
 佛教史上的改革創見大師(下)=Masters of Reform and Innovation in the History of Buddhism(II) [全文]
釋慈容 (著)=Shih, Tze-jung (au.)
 從天台智者大師的圓頓止觀看病裡乾坤=Extending Tien Tai Master Zhi Yi's Perfect and Immediate Practice into a Healing Process [全文]
尤惠貞 (著)=You, Huey-jen (au.)
 人間佛教的展望=The Future Prospects of Humanistic Buddhism [全文]
楊曾文 (著)=Yang, Zeng-wen (au.)


n.7 [2002.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 九一一事件之後 -- 星雲大師美加弘法報導=Special Feature: After the September 11 Attack--Master Hsing Yun's North America Visit [全文]
釋滿義 (整理)=Shih, Man-yi (arr.)
 佛學新講禪風重振 -- 試評星雲大師《六祖壇經講話》=Book Review: A Comment on Master Hsing Yun's "Commentary of the Sutra of Hui-neng" [全文]
彭肜 (著)=Peng, Rong (au.)
 中國大陸佛教研究的回顧與展望=A Recollection and Prospect of Buddhism Academic Researches in Mainland China [全文]
方立天 (著)=Fang, Li-tien (au.)
 通貫大小 熔鑄古今 -- 評星雲大師的〈從四聖諦到四弘誓願〉=Commentaries: A Link between the Great and Small, A Blend of the Past and Present [全文]
徐文明 (著)=Hsu, Wen-ming (au.)
 讀星雲大師〈中國佛教階段性的發展芻議〉有感=Commentaries: After Thoughts on Reading Master Hsing Yun's "The Sequential Development of Buddhism in China" [全文]
王啟龍 (著)=Wang, Chi-long (au.)
 The Buddhist Perspective on Compassion=佛教的慈悲主義 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 宗教立法之芻議=A Comment on the Law for Religion [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 老莊的心齋靜默與楞伽禪的守心觀淨比較研究=Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzus' Thoughts vs. Lanka Ch'an's Contemplation of Purity and Guarding of the Mind [全文]
徐小躍 (著)=Hsu, Sheau-yueh (au.)
 「Dasein」的含意與譯名(「緣在」理解海德格爾《存在與時間》的線索)=The Meaning and Interpretation of "Dasein": A Trace to the Understanding of Martin Heidegger's Being and Time [全文]
張祥龍 (著)=Zhang, Xiang-long (au.)
 唐代佛教寺院土地買賣的法律文書初探=The Documents of Law for Buddhist Temples from the Tang Dynasty [全文]
鄭顯文 (著)=Jeng, Xien-wen (au.)
 從敦煌吐魯番所出早期寫經看佛教的東傳西漸=An Exploration of Buddhism's Journey into the East and West from Ancient Buddhist Sutras found in Dunghuan, Turpan [全文]
陳國燦 (著)=Cheng, Guo-tsan (au.)
 佛教海上南傳中國之探討=Buddhism into the China via the Path of Sea [全文]
蔡翼倫 (著)=Tsai, Yih-luen (au.)
 佛教史上的改革創見大師(上)=Masters of Reform and Innovation in the History of Buddhism [全文]
釋慈容 (著)=Shih, Tze-jung (au.)
 論中國佛教倫理思想及其現代意義=The Ethical Concept of Chinese Buddhism and Its Impact on Modern Society [全文]
王月清 (著)=Wang, Yui-chin (au.)
 人間佛教在高科技社會的切入點=The Point of Contact between Humanistic Buddhism and the High-tech Society [全文]
陳錫中 (著)=Chen, Shyi-jong (au.)
 念佛禪 -- 一種思想史的讀解=Reciting the Buddha's Name as Practice of Ch'an: An Interpretation of the History of Thoughts [全文]
龔雋 (著)=Gong, Jun (au.)
 弘一大師書信考(四﹞=As Assessment on Master Hung-yi's Letters(IV) [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 佛教與中國音樂=Buddhism and Chinese Music [全文]
田青 (著)=Tien, Chin (au.)
 評《儒釋道與晚明文學思潮》=A Comment on "Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism vs. Literary in the Late Ming Dynasty" [全文]
趙偉 (著)=Jaw, Weer (au.)


n.6 [2001.11.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 《大乘起信論》研究百年之路=Study on Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana for these 100 Years [全文]
黃夏年 (著)=Huang, Xai-nein (au.)
 弘一大師書信考(三)=An Assessment on Master Hung-yi's Letters: Part Three [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 佛教的自我教育與生活實踐 -- 以天台宗二十五方便為例=Self Education and Daily Practice in Buddhism: Illustrated by 25 Expedient Means in Tien Tai School [全文]
釋覺啟 (著)=Shih, Cheh-chi (au.)
 論中國佛教心性本體論的特質=An Exposition on the Chinese Interpretation of the Characteristics of "Mind-Nature and Substance" [全文]
楊維中 (著)=Yang, Wei-jung (au.)
 天台宗是否為中國人最早建立的佛教學派=Was the Tien Tai School the First Buddhist School in China [全文]
藍日昌 (著)=Lan, Rhy-chang (au.)
 名言施設與諸法實相 -- 智顗與三論師假名觀的差異=Between Sayings and the Reality beneath All Things(the Ultimate): The Differences between Master Chih Yi and three Sastra Philosophers [全文]
李四龍 (著)=Lee, Shy-long (au.)
 南北朝涅槃師的判教及其價值意義=The Teaching of the Nirvana School during the South and North Dynasties:Its Values and Significance [全文]
王仲堯 (著)=Wang, Jong-yau (au.)
 我讀《迷悟之間》=My Interpretation of "Between Ignorance and Enlightenment" [全文]
馬遜 (著)=Ma, Xun (au.)
 第四屆海峽兩岸弘一大師德學會議概述=Conference Report: The Fourth Academic Conference on the Importance of Master Hung Yi [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 從對聯談布袋和尚與彌勒信仰(二﹞=An Exploration on the Belief in Matreiya or "Monk with the Big Sac" Based on the Studies of Couplets(II) [全文]
邱素雲 (著)=Qiu, Su-yun (au.)
 人間佛教的藍圖(二)=A Blueprint of Humanistic Buddhism(II) [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 程頤天理論的建構及其佛學的因緣=Cheng Yi's "Tien Li" and Its Affiliation with Buddhism [全文]
何靜 (著)=Her, Jing (au.)
 禪宗與宋代詩歌創作論=Exposition on the Ch'an School and the Origin of Poems in the Song Dynasty [全文]
林湘華 (著)=Lin, Xiang-hua (au.)


n.5 [2001.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 「本生譚」的詮釋=A Mythological View of Jataka [全文]
釋如石 (著)=Shih, Ru-shi (au.)
 人間佛教的藍圖(二之一)=A Blueprint of Humanistic Buddhism [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 人間佛教與佛教的現代化=Humanistic Buddhism and the Modernization of Humanistic Buddhism [全文]
賴永海 (著)=Lai, Yung-hai (au.)
 達摩《易筋經》論考=A Commentary on Bodhidharma's Yi-Ching Sutra [全文]
龔鵬程 (著)=Gong, Peng-cheng (au.)
 敦煌佛教藝術與文化國際學術研討會會議綜述 [全文]
徐曉麗 (著)=Xu, Xiao-li (au.); 鄭炳林 (著)=Zheng, Bing-lin (au.)
 以出世精神,做入世事業 -- 人間佛教的特質與星雲大師的人格 [全文]
孟令朋=Meng, Ling-peng
 Tracing the "Human" in Humanistic Buddhism (II)=討論人間佛教的「人」(二之二﹞ [全文]
Wawrytko, Sandra Ann (著)=華珊嘉 (au.); 釋滿和 (譯)=Shih, Man-ho (tr.)
 道安格義佛教思想述評=A Commentary on Tao An's Reinterpretation of Buddhist Toughts [全文]
釋妙日 (著)=Shih, Miao-ri (au.)
 弘一大師書信考(二)=An Assessment on Master Hung-yi's Letters-Part Two [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 楊文會與近代佛教復興=Yang Wen-hui and the Rejuvenation of Modern Buddhism [全文]
孫永豔 (著)=Shen, Yong-yan (au.)
 「轉法輪經」について(二之一)=關於《轉法輪經》(二之一) [全文]
 「人間佛教」之意義=The Significance of Humanistic Buddhism [全文]
湯一介 (著)=Tang, Yi-jie (au.)
 從對聯談布袋和尚與彌勒信仰(一)=An Exploration on the Belief in Matreiya or "Monk with the Big Sac" Based on the Studies of Couplets [全文]
邱素雲 (著)=Qiu, Su-yun (au.)
 遍佈歡喜的人間佛教 -- 讀《往事百語》=Humanistic Buddhism, Full of Happiness-After thoughts of Reading Hsing Yun's Hundred Saying Series [全文]
余子 (著)=Yu, Zi (au.)


n.4 [2001.07.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 傳統中醫 v.s. 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism and Traditional Chinese Medicine [全文]
胡秀卿 (著)=Hu, Hsiu-ching (au.)
 「人間佛教」是當今世界佛教發展的必然趨勢="Humanistic Buddhism": A Essential Trend for Contemporary Buddhism in the World [全文]
許抗生 (著)=Hsu, Kang-sheng (au.)
 才市念佛詩的止觀解析 -- 念佛法門的止觀次第擬構 [全文]
釋如石 (著)=Shih, Ru-shi (au.)
 弘一大師書信考(一)=An Assessment on Master Hung-yis Letters-Part One [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 《法華經》之弘傳者「法師」的詮義探研=An Investigation on the Significance of the Promoter of the Lotus Sutra-the "Dharma Teacher" [全文]
釋永本 (著)=Shih, Yung-ben (au.)
 六波羅蜜自他兩利之評析=The Six Paramitas: Its Benefit for the Self and Others [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 暗夜明燈 -- 《中國佛教經典寶藏》的編譯=A Light in the Dark: The Compilation of "Chinese Buddhist Sutras" [全文]
吉廣輿 (著)=Chi, Kuang-yu (au.)
 解深入密 -- 指引經典入門的《中國佛教經典寶藏》=The Profound Made Easy-A Gate into the Ocean of Dharma "Chinese Buddhist Sutras" [全文]
葉文綺 (著)=Yeh, Wen-qi (au.)
 佛教的學術研究和大學教育=Academic Research on Buddhism Vs. University Education [全文]
姚衛群 (著)=Yao, Wei-qun (au.)
 Tracking the "Human" in Humanistic Buddhism(I)=探討人間佛教的「人」(二之一) [全文]
Wawrytko, Sandra Ann (著)=華珊嘉 (au.); 釋滿和 (譯)=Shih, Man-ho (tr.)
 論「應」 [全文]
華定謨 (著)=Hua, Ding-mo (au.)
 佛光山叢林學院 [全文]
釋滿遵 (著)=Shih, Man-tsuan (au.)
 佛教と現代倫理 -- 不殺生戒と少欲知足=佛教與現代倫理 -- 不殺生戒及少欲知足=Buddhism and Contemporary Ethics:The Concepts of Not Killing and Contentment [全文]
釋滿庭; 梶山雄一 =Kajiyama, Yuichi


n.3 [2001.05.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛教教學對現代教育的啟悟之探索 [全文]
釋慧開 (著)=Shih, Huei-kai (au.)
 佛教與社會文教事業 -- 以佛光山文教基金會為例=Buddhism as Well as Educational and Cultural Activities in Society: Using the Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education as an Example [全文]
 宗密以後の華嚴宗=宗密之後的華嚴宗 [全文]
釋依昱; 鎌田茂雄
 呂澂對佛學研究人才的培養=Lu Zheng, How He Fostered Talents in the Field of Buddhist Academic Researches [全文]
高振農 (著)=Kao, Zhen-nong (au.)
 佛教入門的金剛寶鑽 佛學研究的無言良師 -- 評《佛光大辭典》=A Diamond that Cuts Open the Gate to Buddhism, and an Essential Companion for the Study of Buddhism: A Comment on the Fo Guang Buddhist Dictionary [全文]
薩爾吉 (著)=Sa, Er-ji (au.)
 人間佛教的女性觀 -- 以星雲大師為主的考察=Feminism in Humanistic Buddhism: an investigation on Ven. Master Hsing Yun [全文]
林素玟 (著)=Lin, Su-wen (au.)
 Humanistic Buddhism for Social Well-being(III): an Overview of Grand Master Hsing Yun's Interpretation in Theory and Practice=人間佛教對社會福利的貢獻 -- 綜觀星雲大師在解行上的詮釋(三之三) [全文]
Guruge, Ananda W. P. ; 釋覺慧=Shih, Chueh-hui
 論佛教民主自由平等的真義 -- 詮釋三皈、五戒及生權的內容 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 論《大乘起信論》對禪思禪詩的影響 [全文]
吳言生 (著)=Wu, Yan-sheng (au.)
 北傳大乘佛教的起點 -- 紀元後西北印以「釋迦佛」為中心的思想、造像與禪法 [全文]
賴鵬舉 (著)=Lai, Peng-chu (au.)
 佛教與中國文化=Buddhism and Chinese Culture [全文]
方立天 (著)=Fang, Li-tien (au.)
 論宋代天台宗山家、 山外之爭 [全文]
董平 (著)=Dong, Ping (au.)


n.2 [2001.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 Humanistic Buddhism for Social Well-being(II): An Overview of Grand Master Hsing-yun's Interpretation in Theory and Practice=人間佛教對社會福利的貢獻 -- 綜觀星雲大師在解行上的詮釋(三之二) [全文]
Guruge, Ananda W. P. ; 釋覺慧=Shih, Chueh-hui
 馬一浮 -- 生平‧佛緣‧佛心=Ma Yi-fu: His Life, His Connection with Buddhism, and His Buddha Mind [全文]
陳星 =Chen, Xing
 佛教的「空」觀念及其在當代社會中的影響=The Buddhist Concept of Emptiness and its Effects on Contemporary Society [全文]
姚衛群 (著)=Yao, Wei-qun (au.)
 基督新教與人間佛教的現世關懷 -- 經典編纂的比較研究=The Mundane Concern between the Protestant and the Mundane Buddhism: A Comparative study on Canon Compiling [全文]
尤惠貞 (著)=You, Huey-jen (au.); 翟本瑞 (著)=Jai, Ben-ray (au.)
 立足本土,胸懷法界 -- 國際佛光會的回顧與前瞻 [全文]
釋慈容 (著)=Shih, Ci-rong (au.)
 值得信賴的法寶 -- 讀《佛光教科書》有感=Thoughts after reading "Fo Guang Textbooks" [全文]
趙民民 (著)=Zhao, Mim-min (au.)
 一部簡明通達的佛教百科全書 -- 《佛光教科書》=A Simple Yet Comprehensive Buddhist Encyclopedia: After reading "Fo Guang Textbooks" [全文]
傅璇宗 (著)=Fu, Xuang-zong (au.)
 唯識法門與心理健康 -- 唯識派心理學的時代意義=Mind-Only and Mental Well-being: Mind: Mind-Only Psychology and its Significance on Time [全文]
鄭石岩 (著)=Cheng, Shi-yan (au.)
 人間佛教是當代佛教的主流=Humanistic Buddhism for Mainstream Contemporary Buddhism [全文]
賴永海 (著)=Lai, Yung-hai (au.)
 建設人間佛教的宗教家 -- 從太虛大師到星雲大師=Pioneers and a Masters of Humanistic Buddhism: On Master Hsing-yun's Work on Humanistic Buddhism after Master Tai-hsu [全文]
林明昌 (著)=Lin, Ming-chang (au.)
 從四聖諦到四弘誓願 -- 論大小乘佛教融和的開展=From the Four Noble Truths to the Four Great Vows: A Beginning to the Integration of Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 基督教「愛觀」與佛教「慈悲觀」的比較 -- 宗教社會關懷的倫理基礎=Christian Love Vs. Buddhist Compassion [全文]
尤惠貞 (著)=You, Hui-zhen (au.); 翟本瑞 (著)=Zhai, Ben-rui (au.)
 關於江泌女子僧法誦出經=A Research on the Authenticity of the Bhikhuni Seng Fa from Jiangmi [全文]
方廣錩 (著)=Fang, Guang-chang (au.)
 謝靈運山水詩的佛學思想=The Concept of Buddhism Portrayed by Xie, Ling-yun's Poetry on Nature [全文]
釋依空 (著)=Shih, Yi-kung (au.)
 曹洞宗歸宗青原一系的原因初析=An Initial Exploration on the Tsao-Dung School's Inclination towards Master Qing Yuen [全文]
徐文明 (著)=Hsu, Wen-ming (au.)
 宋初九僧詩集考述=A Commentary on the Works of the Nine Monastic Poets from Early Song Dynasty [全文]
吉廣輿 (著)=Chi, Kuang-yu (au.)
 佛法與自由 -- 太虛大師佛學思想中的自由觀念=Buddhism and Liberty: The Idea of Liberty Demonstrated in Master Tai-hsu's Concept of Buddhism [全文]
李廣良 (著)=Lee, Guang-liang (au.)


n.1 [2001.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 正法重輝的曙光 -- 星雲大師的人間佛教思想 [全文]
陳兵 (著)=Chen, Bing (au.)
 《普門學報》發刊詞 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 《普門學報》發行緣起與發展 [全文]
釋慈容 (著)=Shih, Ci-rong (au.)
 禪藝合流與石濤畫論的禪美學 [全文]
賴賢宗 (著)=Lai, Shen-chon (au.)
 佛教建築的使用與管理 [全文]
釋慈惠 (著)=Shih, Tzu-hui (au.)
 佛教「福慧雙修」思想的現代性意義 [全文]
郭冠廷 (著)=Guo, Guan-ting (au.)
 韓清淨居士佛教思想之特質析論 [全文]
程恭讓 (著)=Cheng, Gong-rang (au.)
 人間佛教與生活儒學 [全文]
龔鵬程 (著)=Gong, Peng-cheng (au.)
 論惠能大師革新佛教的意義及對佛教中國化的推進=The Impact of the Ven. Master Hui-neng, Sixth Patriarch of Ch'an School, on the Development of Chinese Buddhism [全文]
洪修平 (著)=Hong, Xiu-ping (au.)
 中國佛教階段性的發展芻議 [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
 晚唐五代敦煌佛教轉向人間化的特點 [全文]
鄭炳林 (著)=Zheng, Bing-lin (au.)
 從生命的轉化看中國人間佛教的開展 [全文]
吳怡 (著)=Wu, Yi (au.)
 Humanistic Buddhism for the Social Well-being(Ⅰ):An Overview of Grand Master Hsing Yun's Interpretation in Theory and Practice=人間佛教對社會福利的貢獻(三之一) -- 綜觀星雲大師在解行上的詮釋 [全文]
Guruge, Ananda W. P. ; 釋覺慧=Shih, Chueh-hui
 編藏二十年 [全文]
 《法藏文庫》中國佛教學術論典‧序(附凡例) [全文]
釋星雲=Shih, Hsing-yun
