v.23 n.2 [2022.09.01 出版]
v.23 n.1 (總號=n.44) [2022.03.01 出版]
v.22 n.2 [2021.09.01 出版]
v.22 n.1 [2021.03 出版]
v.21 n.2 [2020.09.01 出版]
v.21 n.1 [2020.03 出版]
v.20 n.2 [2019.09 出版]
v.20 n.1 [2019.03 出版]
v.19 n.2 [2018.09 出版]
v.19 n.1 [2018.03 出版]
v.18 n.2 [2017.09 出版]
v.18 n.1 [2017.03.01 出版]
v.17 n.2 [2016.09.01 出版]
v.17 n.1 [2016.03.01 出版]
v.16 n.2 [2015.09.01 出版]
v.16 n.1 [2015.03.01 出版]
v.15 n.2 [2014.09.01 出版]
v.15 n.1 [2014.03.01 出版]
v.14 n.2 [2013.09.01 出版]
v.14 n.1 [2013.02.01 出版]
v.13 n.2 [2012.08.01 出版]
v.13 n.1 [2012.02.01 出版]
v.12 n.2 [2011.08.01 出版]
v.12 n.1 [2011.02.01 出版]
v.11 n.2 [2010.08.01 出版]
v.11 n.1 [2010.02.01 出版]
v.10 n.2 [2009.08.01 出版]
v.10 n.1 [2009.01.01 出版]
v.9 n.2 [2008.07.01 出版]
v.9 n.1 [2008.01.01 出版]
v.8 n.2 [2007.07.01 出版]
v.8 n.1 [2007.01.01 出版]
v.7 n.2 [2006.07.15 出版]
v.7 n.1 [2006.01.01 出版]
v.6 n.2 [2005.07.15 出版]
v.6 n.1 [2005.01.15 出版]
v.5 n.2 [2004.07.15 出版]
v.5 n.1 [2004.01.15 出版]
v.4 n.2 [2003.07.15 出版]
v.4 n.1 [2003.01.15 出版]
v.3 n.2 [2002.07.15 出版]
v.3 n.1 [2002.01.15 出版]
v.2 n.2 [2001.07.15 出版]
v.2 n.1 [2001.01.15 出版]
v.1 n.1 [2000.07.15 出版]
v.23 n.2 [2022.09.01出版]
v.23 n.1 (總號=n.44) [2022.03.01出版]
v.22 n.2 [2021.09.01出版]
v.22 n.1 [2021.03出版]
v.21 n.2 [2020.09.01出版]
v.21 n.1 [2020.03出版]
v.20 n.2 [2019.09出版]
v.20 n.1 [2019.03出版]
v.19 n.2 [2018.09出版]
v.19 n.1 [2018.03出版]
v.18 n.2 [2017.09出版]
v.18 n.1 [2017.03.01出版]
v.17 n.2 [2016.09.01出版]
v.17 n.1 [2016.03.01出版]
v.16 n.2 [2015.09.01出版]
v.16 n.1 [2015.03.01出版]
v.15 n.2 [2014.09.01出版]
v.15 n.1 [2014.03.01出版]
v.14 n.2 [2013.09.01出版]
v.14 n.1 [2013.02.01出版]
v.13 n.2 [2012.08.01出版]
v.13 n.1 [2012.02.01出版]
v.12 n.2 [2011.08.01出版]
v.12 n.1 [2011.02.01出版]
v.11 n.2 [2010.08.01出版]
v.11 n.1 [2010.02.01出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
競爭與創造=Competition and Creation [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 |
隨緣=Surrendering to the Conditions [全文]
胡祖櫻 (著)=Hu, Tzu-ying (au.) |
自發功的自我導向學習經驗探討: 一個修鍊過程的案例=Exploration of the Self-Directed Learning on Self-generated Chi Kung: Case Study on the Cultivation Procedure One Has Experienced [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.) |
論宗教的文化旅遊與觀光價值=Discussion on the Cultural and Tourism Value of Religions [全文]
洪淑華 (著)=Hong, Su-hua (au.); 謝登旺 (著)=Hsieh, Deng-wang (au.) |
身與體 :《易經》儒家身體觀所呈現的兩個面向=Body and Embody: The Two Views of Body Philosophy in The Book of Changes of Confucianism [全文]
鍾雲鶯 (著)=Chung, Yun-ying (au.) |
牟子之道及其對儒道佛三家之評價=Evaluating Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism Through Mouzi's Treatises [全文]
曹秀明 (著)=Tsao, Hsu-ming (au.) |
注意力在認知歷程的作用:佛教與心理學的比較研究=The Functions of Attention in Cognitive Processes: A Comparative Study of Buddhism and Psychology [全文]
關則富 (著)=Kuan, Tse-fu (au.) |
v.10 n.2 [2009.08.01出版]
v.10 n.1 [2009.01.01出版]
v.9 n.2 [2008.07.01出版]
v.9 n.1 [2008.01.01出版]
v.8 n.2 [2007.07.01出版]
v.8 n.1 [2007.01.01出版]
v.7 n.2 [2006.07.15出版]
v.7 n.1 [2006.01.01出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
佛教徒如何面對誹謗?=How do Buddhists face the slander? [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
盡在不言中=When you say nothing at all [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
幹細胞研究的佛法反省:以黃禹錫事件為例=Buddhistical reflection on the stem cell researches: the Woo Suk Hwang event as an example [全文]
釋昭慧 =Shih, Chao-hui |
「空」的操作型定義=The operational definition of ''Void'' [全文]
陳家成 =Chen, Chia-chern |
選舉亂象的省思=A reflection on the bewilderment caused by election [全文]
呂萬安 =Lu, Wan-an |
佛經鄰虛塵:最終基本粒子、真空及量子之源?=Buddhistic Linshitron: The Ultimate Fundamental Particle, Vacuum and the Origin of Quantum? [全文]
楊中傑 =Yang, Chung-chieh |
觀看心念:重要的修行方法=Observing the Thoughts in the Mind: An Important Method of Practicing Buddhism [全文]
胡祖櫻 =Hu, Tzu-ying |
對有相修行成績單構建之思索=A Thought on the Construction of the Transcript for Practicing with Form [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen |
佛學與現代物理學之對話:關於物質的實質存在=The Dialogue between Buddhism and Modern Physics: Regarding the Substantial Existence of Matter [全文]
釋見見 =Shih, Jian-jian |
v.6 n.2 [2005.07.15出版]
v.6 n.1 [2005.01.15出版]
v.5 n.2 [2004.07.15出版]
v.5 n.1 [2004.01.15出版]
v.4 n.2 [2003.07.15出版]
v.4 n.1 [2003.01.15出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
台灣禪=Taiwan Zen [全文]
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.) |
愛因斯坦相對論假設可追溯到佛學的「唯心所現」?!=Can Einstein's Relativity Hypotheses be Traced to the "All Phenomena Being Emergence of the Mind" of Buddhism [全文]
王守益 =Wang, S. George |
從網路之電子郵件看信息場之溝通模式=the communication mode of information field from the perspective of internet e-mailing [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen |
從十二因緣談能知與被知的劃分=The boundary between 'the knower' and 'the known'as viewed the twelve from the twelve dependent originations [全文]
胡祖櫻 =Hu, Tzu-ying ; 梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung |
從佛教的觀點談「心」和「物」=The Mind and Matter: From the Buddhist's Point of View [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.) |
「無我」與「有我」的比較、釐清、圓通與整合=he comparison, clear-up, bridging and integration of non-self and self [全文]
王守益 (著)=Wang, S. George (au.) |
臨終照顧:安寧緩和醫療的觀念與佛教徒的想法是否有衝突?=End of Life Care: Is the Concept of Palliative Care in Conflict with What the Buddhists Think? [全文]
陳家成 =Chen, Chia-chern |
「餓鬼臥」的現代醫學研究=Modern medical studies on the Peta recumbency [全文]
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.); 陳高揚 (著)=Chen, Gau-yang (au.); 楊仁鄰 (著)=Yang, Jen-lin (au.) |
生死與度亡=Living, Dying and Rebirth [全文]
梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung |
v.3 n.2 [2002.07.15出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
佛教的「過午不食」=No-food-after-midday precept(Vikala Bhojana Veramani)in Buddhism [全文]
洪敏榮 =Hung, Ming-jung ; 郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang |
佛教的隱憂=The Shadow on Buddhism [全文]
梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung |
申論「信則有,不信則無」之深義=An Inquiry into "Reality Goes after Believing and Unreality Goes after Unbelieving" [全文]
楊中傑 =Yang, Chung-chieh |
EQ與佛法=EQ and Buddhism [全文]
陳家成 =Chen, Chia-chern |
巴米揚大佛不應原址重建=Bamiyan Colossal Buddha Should Not Be Rebuilt at The Same Site [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
一個科學家看靈異風波=A Scientist's View on Spiritual Events [全文]
周成功 =Chou, Chen-kung |
既違常情又違法理的「八敬法」:比丘尼永世頂戴的緊箍=The eight-reverent precepts(Atthagaru-dhamma):prescriptions against sensibility and Buddhist spirit. [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hui (au.) |
摩托車保養與禪修有何相干?:科學技術時代的求道之路=Does motorcycle maintenance have anything to do with Zen? [全文]
蔣勁松 |
與信息場對話=Dialogue with the Spirit [全文]
李嗣涔 =Lee, Si-chen |
The Bauddha Atomism [全文]
Majumdar, Pradip Kr |
v.3 n.1 [2002.01.15出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
以心靈的進出挪移解釋特異功能的發生=The explanation of the occurrence of extrasensory perception by using the in/out shift of the mind [全文]
陳國鎮 =Chen, Kuo-gen |
信息場的競存演化說=On the survival evolution of the information field [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen |
道教對臥姿的主張=Taoism's comments on the position during recumbency [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang ; 陳雲卿 =Chen, Yun-ching |
尋求六根、六塵與九識在佛學與科學哲學上的共同定義=The find the acceptable definitions on the six roots,dusts and conciousnesses between Buddhism and scientific philosophy [全文]
林杜娟 =Lin, Due-jane ; 陳家成 =Chen, Chia-chern |
佛教徒如何對待他人過惡?=How Should Buddhist react to other people's fault? [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
A team of skilled workers is needed=需要團隊工作者 [全文]
Himadri Pai Majumdar |
美國911恐怖事件:通往光明與黑暗的叉路=Terrorist attack on USA : the door to peace or doom [全文]
陳家成 (著)=Chen, Chia-chern (au.) |
佛教徒不會發起聖戰=No Jihad for Buddhists [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
佛教沒有不可培殖人類胚胎的問題=Buddhism has no such problems as to the cloning of human embryos [全文]
郭正典 |
v.2 n.2 [2001.07.15出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
不合時宜的八敬法應早日廢除=The outdated astha guru-dharma should be abandoned as soon as possible [全文]
郭正典 |
探討引發慈濟志業的故事=Exploring the origin of Tsu-Chi missions [全文]
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.) |
手指識字關鍵字與信息場之聯繫模式=The connection model between keywords and information field in finger reading experiments [全文]
李嗣涔 (著)=Lee, Si-chen (au.); 張蘭石 (著)=Chang, Lan-shih (au.) |
靜坐數息對正常人自律神經活性的效應=The effect of breath-counting meditation on theautonomic nervous modulation in normal subjects [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang |
從科學觀點提出哲學本體及其與佛教涅槃之等同=Philosophical ultimate reality and its equivalence to the Buddhist nirvana from scientific point of view [全文]
王守益 =Wang, S. George |
熱力學第二定律與生命現象之探源=The second law of thermodynamics and the phenomena of life [全文]
陳俊霖 =Chen, Jin-lin |
意識、意識流及潛意識的探討 =Consciousness, stream of consciousness and subconsciousness [全文]
林大興 (著)=Lin, Tai-hsin (au.) |
誰是生命的主人=Who is the master of life? [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
從自殺事件看佛教涅槃思想的合理性=Is nirvana another kind of suicide? [全文]
陳家成 (著)=Chen, Chia-chern (au.) |
知識的泉源 -- 遺傳學家芭芭拉‧麥克林托克的啟示=The spring of knowledge: the inspiration of geneticist Barba [全文]
陳昌祈 (著)=Chen, Chang-chi (au.) |
提昇心靈扭轉世界=Enlightening human spirit to harmonize the world [全文]
陳國鎮 (著)=Chen, Kuo-gen (au.) |
尋找靈丹妙藥=Where is the panacea? [全文]
林大興 (著)=Lin, Tai-hsin (au.) |
v.2 n.1 [2001.01.15出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
手指識字之特異色覺與正常色覺的比較 :一個個案研究=Comparison between Normal Color Sense and Extrasensory Perception Color Sense in Color Adaptation Task: A Case Study [全文]
李嗣涔 (著)=Li, Si-chen (au.); 唐大崙 (著)=Tang, Da-ren (au.); 許儷絹 (著)=Hsu, Li-chuan (au.) |
從網路概念看精神宇宙的結構=A Possible Structure of Spiritual Universe as Viewed from the Internet Model [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen |
佛教師子王臥對冠狀動脈疾病患者及孕婦自律神經活性的效應=The effect of Lion King recumbency on autonomic nervous activity in patients with coronary artery disease and pregnant women [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang |
科學和佛教的宇宙論及其與十二因緣的關係=The twelve links in the chain of interdependent co-arising and the relationships between the universes of Buddhism and science [全文]
林杜娟 =Lin, Due-jane ; 陳家成 =Chen, Chia-chern |
從佛學角度觀西方三大物理學之理論層次=Viewing the theoretics among Newtonian mechanics,relativity and quantum theory from Buddhism [全文]
楊中傑 =Yang, Chung-Chieh |
種子與波函數=Seed and wave function [全文]
陳昌祈 =Chen, Chang-chi |
佛法能使人趨吉避凶嗎?=Can we reduce the risks by applying Buddhism to our daily life? [全文]
陳家成 |
評授予宗教學位=A Comment on the conferment of religious degree [全文]
陳國鎮 |
避談死亡如何了生脫死?=How can we achieve moksa if we avoid talking about death? [全文]
郭正典 |
v.1 n.1 [2000.07.15出版]
タイトル |
著者 |
站在巨人的肩膀上=Standing on the shoulders of the giants [全文]
郭正典 |
點化文明的生機=To vitalize the human civilization [全文]
陳國鎮 |
心靈現象的操作型定義=The value of applying operational definitions to the termino [全文]
陳家成 |
由手指識字實驗辨識特殊關鍵字所觀察到的異象=The Observation of Extraordinary Phenomena when Special Keywords were Tested in the Experiment on Character Recognition by Fingers [全文]
李嗣涔 =Lee, Si-chen ; 唐大崙 =Tang, Da-rin ; 陳建德 =Chen, Chien-te |
無過失與佛法=No-fault and Buddhism [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng |
金剛經的數學模型及其解之探討=The Mathematic Approach to Vajra-Praj-naparamita-sutra [全文]
林杜娟 (著)=Lin, Due-jane (au.); 陳家成 (著)=Chen, Chia-chern (au.) |
量子力學的波函數與康德的物自體=Quantum Mechanical Wave Function and the Thing-in-itself of Kant's [全文]
王守益 (著)=Wang, S. George (au.); 王慧琴 (著)=Wang, Hui-chin (au.) |
論法塵和信息波的存在認知=An Inference of the Existence of Dharma and Information Waves Through a Model of Recognition [全文]
陳國鎮 =Chen, Kuo-gen |
從道原經看先秦道家思想對信息的瞭解=An Understanding from Tao-yuan Ching Annotations of Pre-ch'in Taoist Thought Regarding Information [全文]
宋光宇 (著)=Sung, Kwang-yu (au.); 陳國鎮 (著)=Chen, Kuo-gen (au.); 蘇莉華 (著)=Su, Li-hua (au.) |
真實的認識=The Acknowledgment of Reality [全文]
楊新宇 (著)=Yang, Xin-yu (au.) |