佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science     ジャーナルリストへ     登録誌ガイダンス

出版社: 圓覺文教基金會 出版地: 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] I  S  S  N : 16072952
刊行頻度: 半年刊=Semiannual ウェブサイト: https://www.obf.org.tw/main/x6/x612.aspx
内容紹介: 內容刊登尋求佛學與自然科學、人文科學對話之相關論文。

v.23 n.2 [2022.09.01 出版]

v.23 n.1 (總號=n.44) [2022.03.01 出版]

v.22 n.2 [2021.09.01 出版]

v.22 n.1 [2021.03 出版]

v.21 n.2 [2020.09.01 出版]

v.21 n.1 [2020.03 出版]

v.20 n.2 [2019.09 出版]

v.20 n.1 [2019.03 出版]

v.19 n.2 [2018.09 出版]

v.19 n.1 [2018.03 出版]

v.18 n.2 [2017.09 出版]

v.18 n.1 [2017.03.01 出版]

v.17 n.2 [2016.09.01 出版]

v.17 n.1 [2016.03.01 出版]

v.16 n.2 [2015.09.01 出版]

v.16 n.1 [2015.03.01 出版]

v.15 n.2 [2014.09.01 出版]

v.15 n.1 [2014.03.01 出版]

v.14 n.2 [2013.09.01 出版]

v.14 n.1 [2013.02.01 出版]

v.13 n.2 [2012.08.01 出版]

v.13 n.1 [2012.02.01 出版]

v.12 n.2 [2011.08.01 出版]

v.12 n.1 [2011.02.01 出版]

v.11 n.2 [2010.08.01 出版]

v.11 n.1 [2010.02.01 出版]

v.10 n.2 [2009.08.01 出版]

v.10 n.1 [2009.01.01 出版]

v.9 n.2 [2008.07.01 出版]

v.9 n.1 [2008.01.01 出版]

v.8 n.2 [2007.07.01 出版]

v.8 n.1 [2007.01.01 出版]

v.7 n.2 [2006.07.15 出版]

v.7 n.1 [2006.01.01 出版]

v.6 n.2 [2005.07.15 出版]

v.6 n.1 [2005.01.15 出版]

v.5 n.2 [2004.07.15 出版]

v.5 n.1 [2004.01.15 出版]

v.4 n.2 [2003.07.15 出版]

v.4 n.1 [2003.01.15 出版]

v.3 n.2 [2002.07.15 出版]

v.3 n.1 [2002.01.15 出版]

v.2 n.2 [2001.07.15 出版]

v.2 n.1 [2001.01.15 出版]

v.1 n.1 [2000.07.15 出版]

v.23 n.2 [2022.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 人之智慧與人工智能,孰勝?=Human Wisdom vs. Artificial Intelligence, Superior in What? [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 陳俊霖 (著)=Chen, Jin-lin (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.)


v.23 n.1 (總號=n.44) [2022.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛法四身=Four Bodies of Buddha [全文]
楊中傑 (評論)=Yang, Chung-chieh (rev.)
 孟子思想與佛教戒律之相關性探討=On the Relevance of Mencius Thought and Buddhism Precepts [全文]
古慧嬋 =Ku, Hui-chan
 以量子力學概念對淨土往生的詮釋=An Interpretation of the Pure Land Resurrection with the Concept of Quantum Mechanics [全文]
周偉倫 (著)=Wai-Lun Chow (au.)


v.22 n.2 [2021.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 量子力學中觀察者效應的運作原理=Operating Principle of the Observer Effect in Quantum Mechanics [全文]
林哲銘 (著)=Lin, Che-ming (au.)
 金庸《天龍八部》中的佛教思想=The Buddhism thoughts in Jin Yong's "Demigods and Semi-Devils" [全文]
黃秀珠 (著)=Huang, Hsiu-chu (au.)


v.22 n.1 [2021.03出版]

タイトル 著者
 天地之心-從《易經》看《金剛經》=Heart of Heaven and Earth: The Diamond Sutra through the Lens of I Ching [全文]
劉君祖 (著)=Liu, Chun-Tsu (au.)
 佛法中的消業與正反物質湮滅=Elimination of Karma in Buddhism and the Matter-Antimatter Annihilation [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 陳俊霖 (著)=Chen, Jin-lin (au.)


v.21 n.2 [2020.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 以光柵原理初探修法者如何轉法輪=Discussion on Grating Principle to Explore How Dharmata Practitioners Turn on DharmaChakra [全文]
梁乃崇 (評論)=Liang, Nai-tsung (rev.); 陳俊霖 (評論); 蘇莉華 (整理)
 佛教的一個人類進化觀點=Light Beings: A Buddhist View on Human Evolution [全文]
姚富全 (著)


v.21 n.1 [2020.03出版]

タイトル 著者
 Mindfulness中譯釐正為覺察之佛學與科學實證檢驗:覺察與正念判準量表之研發=Clarifying the Mandarin Translation of the Word "Mindfulness": Developing the Mindfulness and Positive Thought Criterion Scale [全文]
汪珮渲 (著)=Wang, Pei-hsuan (au.); 賴世烱 (著)=Lai, Shih-chiung (au.)
 外來宗教的漢化:以「觀音女性化」與明教「三清」的出現為例=On the Sinicization of Foreignal Religions: Taking the Transgendering of Avalokiteśvara and the Emerging of "Three Pure Ones" of Manichaeism as Examples [全文]
蔡爾健 (著)=Tsai, Er-jian (au.)


v.20 n.2 [2019.09出版]

タイトル 著者
 靈性覺知與六祖壇經=Spiritual Awareness and The Altar Sutra of Sixth Patriarch [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)


v.20 n.1 [2019.03出版]

タイトル 著者
 心被割裂為毀滅之始 ── 從商業談起=The spirit separated is the beginning of destruction: Start with the business [全文]
梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung
 從生死彼岸到生死一如=From the Dual Sides of Life and Death to the Oneness [全文]
 論證鐘慢效應本為觀測者效應=Proof the Time Dilation Effect is Essentially the Observer Effect [全文]
林哲銘 =Lin, Che-ming
 中國古代搬運術(遁術)的GPS 衛星定位實驗=On the Experiment of GPS Satellite Positioning for Ancient Chinese Magic Art of Carrying [全文]
宮哲兵 =Gong, Zhe-Bing ; 田野 =Tian, Ye


v.19 n.2 [2018.09出版]

タイトル 著者
 創造者是修行人 -- 從工業革命談起=Creators as Practitioners: Start with the Industrial Revolution [全文]
梁乃崇 (評論)=Liang, Nai-tsung (rev.); 陳俊霖 (評論)=Chen, Jin-lin (rev.)
 禪宗初期譜系之形與「退藏於密」之解釋=On the formation of the Leadership Lineage of Early Ch'an Buddhism, and the Explanation of "Retreating to Somewhere... [全文]
蔡爾健 (著)=Tsai, Er-jian (au.)
 壇經對品德教育的啟發=The Revelation of the Altar Sutra on Moral Education [全文]
王立文 (評論)=Wang, Lin-wen (rev.)
 從道佛哲理考述中醫「人氣」的科學性本質=Exploration on the scientific nature of "Human Qi" from the philosophy of Buddhism and Taoism [全文]
楊中傑 (著)=Yang, Zhong-jie (au.); 陽仁達 (著)=Yang, Ren-da (au.)


v.19 n.1 [2018.03出版]

タイトル 著者
 相信靈魂與否,乃文明存亡的關鍵=Believing in the Soul is the Key to the Life of Civilization [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.)
 從臉書的運作理解修行中臣服與參的道理=To Comprehend the Way of Surrendering and Practicing Meditation through the Function of FB [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
 量子世界不是客觀存在的=The Quantum World is not an Objective Reality [全文]
陳俊霖 (著)=Chen, Jin-lin (au.)
 論「左(右)葙(廂)菩薩」:一項術語的考察=On “ The Bodhisattva over the Left (Right) Side” (左 (右) 廂菩薩): A Study on the Terminology [全文]
蔡爾健 =Tsai, Er-jian


v.18 n.2 [2017.09出版]

タイトル 著者
 因緣是測不準的=The Causes are Unpredictable [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 陳俊霖 (著)=Chen, Jin-lin (au.); 蘇莉華 (著)=Su, Li-hua (au.)
 陰陽糾纏的氣場 - 風水的科學根據=The Yin-Yang Entangled Qi Field - the Scientific origin of Feng Shui [全文]
李嗣涔 (著)=Lee, Si-chen (au.)
 論證「觀測者效應」乃唯心所現=The Observer Effect as a Manifestation of the Mind - an Argument [全文]
林哲銘 (著)=Lin, Che-ming (au.)


v.18 n.1 [2017.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 宇宙是否為客觀存在=Is The Universe an Objective Reality? [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 陳俊霖 (著)=Chen, Jin-lin (au.)
 靈界來的訊息:另類的文化交流史=Messages from the Spirit World: Another Kind of History of Cultural Exchange [全文]
蔡爾健 (撰)=Tsai, Er-jian (compose)


v.17 n.2 [2016.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 「三昧」就是「共振」=Samadhi Is the Resonance [全文]
 水晶氣場的物理本質:撓場=The Physical Essence of Crystalline Qi - Torsion Field [全文]
李嗣涔 (著)=Lee, Si-chen (au.); 蔡熊光 (著)=Tsai, Hsiung-Kung (au.); 梁為傑 (著)=Liang, Wei-Chieh (au.)
 探究真心與全部的你二書之融通=Bridging Two Books : The Investigation of True Nature and The Totality of You [全文]
 探究《圓覺經》的教化藝術=A Study on the Art of Edification of “The Sutra of Consummate Enlightenment” [全文]
張佳弘 (著)=Chang, Jia-horng (au.)
 什麼是圓滿的智慧?=On Supreme Buddhism Wisdom [全文]


v.17 n.1 [2016.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 心靈的結構與物理=The Structure and Physics of Mind [全文]
李嗣涔 (著)=Lee, Si-chen (au.)
 試從佛法心靈角度探討疾病的形成=On the formation of disease from the perspective of Buddhist spirit [全文]
胡祖櫻 (著)=Hu, Tzu-ying (au.); 林大興 (著)=Lin, Dai-Shin (au.)
 論藏密賜“隆”的規範化問題=On the Normalization of Bestowing 'Long' in Tibetan Buddhism [全文]
包再德 (著)=Bao, Zai-de (au.)
 從本體、工夫與境界談《圓覺經》的二元分立與超脫=A Study on the Duality and Transcendence of "The Sutra of Consummate Enlightenment" with Ontology, Cultivation and Realm [全文]
張佳弘 (著)=Chang, Jia-horng (au.)


v.16 n.2 [2015.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 量子電腦與《金剛經》=Quantum Computer and the Diamond Sutra [全文]
梁乃崇; 陳俊霖; 蘇莉華
 正念靜坐對提昇國小學童專注力之研究=A Study on the Influence of Mindfulness Meditation on Elementary School Children's Capability of Sustained Attention [全文]
劉長宗=Liu, Chang-chung ; 饒見維=Rau, Jian-Wei


v.16 n.1 [2015.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛不受時間限制=The Buddha Is Open-end in Time [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.)
 觀音的臉書:觀音救苦救難模式與臉書功能=About Guanyin's Face Book: the Connection between Salvation Mode of the Bodhisattva of Compassion and FB Function [全文]
 氣的震盪器:基於水晶氣場與特殊字彙及圖案的交互作用=Qi Oscillator:Based on the Interaction of Quartz Qi Field with Special Words and Patterns [全文]
李嗣涔 (著)=Lee, Si-chen (au.); 高橋舞 (著)=Takahashi, Mai (au.)
 潛能開發的理念內涵與首要途徑=The Conception of Human Potentials Development, the Composition of Human Potentials and the Key of Developing Human Potentials [全文]
 佛教禪坐時環境因子對腦波之影響=The Effects of Environmental Factors on the Brainwaves during Buddhistical Meditation [全文]


v.15 n.2 [2014.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 利用節奏,讓你一心不亂=You may Get Wholehearted Meditation by Making Rhythm [全文]
梁乃崇; 陳俊霖; 蘇莉華
 佛法對相對論之啟示=A Revelation about the Theory of Relativity based on Buddhist Philosophy [全文]
楊中傑 (著)=Yang, Chung-chieh (au.)
 夏威夷療法、佛法與身心醫學=Hawaiian Healing, Buddha dharma and Psychosomatic Medicine [全文]
 論澄觀法界思想=On the Dharmadhātu Thought of Cheng Guan [全文]


v.15 n.1 [2014.03.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 因果律的陷阱=The Traps of The Law of Causality [全文]
楊中傑 (著)=Yang, Chung-chieh (au.)
 淨土經典對社區發展的啟示=The Revelation of Pure Land Sutra on Community Development [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
 試探討如何使用觀看心念啓動疾病的自我療癒=On the Activation of Self-healing of Illness by "Observing Thoughts in Mind" [全文]
胡祖櫻 (著)=Hu, Tzu-ying (au.)


v.14 n.2 [2013.09.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 以「唯心所現」的觀點看待波粒二象性與光速恆定性=Using the Viewpoint of the "Manifestation of the Mind" to Examine Wave-Particle Duality and Light-Speed Constancy [全文]
林哲銘 (著)=Lin, Che-ming (au.)
 富商與碩哲的不二:從成功企業家特質談泰利斯(Thales)、維摩詰與子貢=A wealthy businessman and a Great philosopher can be one: Thales, Vimalakīrti and Zigong [全文]
張佳弘 (著)=Chang, Jia-horng (au.)
 淺析學修藏傳佛法的重心所在=On the Focus of Learning and Practicing Tibetan Buddhism [全文]
包再德 (著)=Bao, Zai-de (au.)


v.14 n.1 [2013.02.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 數學中的佛法奧義=The Mystery of Buddha Dhaarma in Mathematics [全文]
梁乃崇 (評論)=Liang, Nai-tsung (rev.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.)
 大乘中觀對無為法問題的破申:《百論》破常空品釋義=Refusal of the Unconditioned Dharma in the Madhyamaka School: Interpretation of the Chapter on “Refusal of Permanence and Emptiness” in the Śataśāstra [全文]
孫長祥 (著)=Sun, Chang-hsiang (au.)
 身心靈和世界之結構及其主宰與生成機制=The Structure, Systematic Domination and Genesis of the Body, Soul and Spirit and the World [全文]
楊中傑 (著)=Yang, Chung-chieh (au.)


v.13 n.2 [2012.08.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 上帝粒子與夜明珠=The God Particle and The Legendary Pearl [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.)
 無黨政治之世界=A Non-Political Parties' World [全文]
楊中傑 (著)=Yang, Chung-chieh (au.)
 泰卦與復卦給予當代社會的省思=The Pervading and Returning Hexagrams: A Reflection on Contemporary Society [全文]
鍾雲鶯 (著)=Chung, Yun-ying (au.)
 從真原醫的身心觀看理想社會=On Ideal Society from the Body-Mind Concept of Priomordia Medicine [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
 以「唯心所現」的觀點看特異功能=Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis: a Perspective from “Manifestation of Mind” [全文]
林哲銘 (著)=Lin, Che-ming (au.)
 密宗人觀與多瑪斯生命觀對生命教育的啟示=The inspiration of Life Education by Tsung-Mi's Viewpoint of Man and Thomas Aquinas's Viewpoint of Life [全文]
曹秀明 (著)=Tsao, Hsu-ming (au.)
 佛學與科學的異同=Similarities and Differences between Buddhism and Science [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.)


v.13 n.1 [2012.02.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 精進與貪有何不同?=What's the Difference between Diligence and Greed? [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.)
 談先天與後天八卦=Primitive Eight Trigram and Posterior Eight Diagrams [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
 中國古老經典中的《金剛經》=The Diamond Sutra in Ancient Chinese Classics [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.)
 論中國政治史上的高僧:以佛圖澄、八斯巴、姚廣孝為例=On Eminent Monks in the Political History of China: Examples from Fotucheng, Phags-pa, Yao Guangxiao [全文]
張佳弘 (著)=Chang, Jia-horng (au.)
 儒家論「道」的觀點=A Confucian Perspective on Tao [全文]
鍾雲鶯 (著)=Chung, Yun-ying (au.)


v.12 n.2 [2011.08.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 五利使=The Five Afflictions [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.)
 談修行與創造力=On Practicing and Creativity [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
 懺悔的作用與做法=The Function and Method of Confession [全文]
胡祖櫻 (著)=Hu, Tzu-ying (au.); 饒見維
 論知覺與學懂的心靈變化=On Mind Functions in Feeling and Understanding [全文]
陳國鎮 (著)=Chen, Kuo-gen (au.)
 大乘中觀對因果問題的破申:《百論》破因果品釋義=The Dialectic of Causation in Śataśāstra [全文]
孫長祥 (著)=Sun, Chang-hsiang (au.)


v.12 n.1 [2011.02.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 談「行十善、戒十惡」的重要性=The Importance of Practicing Ten Virtues and Avoiding Ten Sins [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華
 不易簡易與自性因緣=Invariability, Simple Principles vs Self-Nature, Causes [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
 重寫易經之卦象:二維易卦方陣=Rewriting the Diagrams of I-Ching: Two-Dimension Quadrate of I-Ching Hexagrams [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
 定慧與「觀看心念」="Certainty" "Wisdom" and "Observing Thoughts in Mind" [全文]
胡祖櫻 (著)=Hu, Tzu-ying (au.)
 佛學與科學對話的不同立場=Different Standpoints in the Dialog between Buddhism and Science [全文]
傅曉 (著)=Fu, Xiao (au.)


v.11 n.2 [2010.08.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 活出生命的光彩與價值=To Reveal the Brightness and Value of Life [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.)
 淺談由牛頓運動定律探討心經之否定式法則=On the Negation Principle in Heart Sutra: A Perspective from Newton's Law of Motion [全文]
古國正 (著)=Ku, Kuo-cheng (au.)
 易經的科學面向與對人生修鍊的啟示=The Revelation of the Scientific Dimension and the Life's Cultivation of I-Ching [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.); 簡婉 (著)=Chien, Wan (au.)
 禪宗公案中的人文主義精神=The Humanistic Spirit in Zen Buddhism [全文]
蕭麗華 (著)=Hsiao, Li-hua (au.)
 孝:儒佛信念在民間會通的基礎=Filial Piety: the Syncretic Basis between Confucianism and Buddhism in Popular Society [全文]
鍾雲鶯 (著)=Chung, Yun-ying (au.)


v.11 n.1 [2010.02.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 競爭與創造=Competition and Creation [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華
 隨緣=Surrendering to the Conditions [全文]
胡祖櫻 (著)=Hu, Tzu-ying (au.)
 自發功的自我導向學習經驗探討: 一個修鍊過程的案例=Exploration of the Self-Directed Learning on Self-generated Chi Kung: Case Study on the Cultivation Procedure One Has Experienced [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
 論宗教的文化旅遊與觀光價值=Discussion on the Cultural and Tourism Value of Religions [全文]
洪淑華 (著)=Hong, Su-hua (au.); 謝登旺 (著)=Hsieh, Deng-wang (au.)
 身與體 :《易經》儒家身體觀所呈現的兩個面向=Body and Embody: The Two Views of Body Philosophy in The Book of Changes of Confucianism [全文]
鍾雲鶯 (著)=Chung, Yun-ying (au.)
 牟子之道及其對儒道佛三家之評價=Evaluating Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism Through Mouzi's Treatises [全文]
曹秀明 (著)=Tsao, Hsu-ming (au.)
 注意力在認知歷程的作用:佛教與心理學的比較研究=The Functions of Attention in Cognitive Processes: A Comparative Study of Buddhism and Psychology [全文]
關則富 (著)=Kuan, Tse-fu (au.)


v.10 n.2 [2009.08.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 生命的靈性與價值=The Reality in Life: Intrinsic, Ultimate & Naked Awareness [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.)
 「三界唯心」與「霹靂說」=Triple Realms Existing Only in Minds and Big-Bang Cosmology [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.)
 圖釋陽明心學=Illustration on Wang Yangming's Philosophy of Mind [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Ling-wen (au.)
 論語與現代社會:古代人才訓練手冊的現代應用=The Analects and Modern Society [全文]
宋光宇 (著)=Sung, Kwang-yu (au.)
 大乘中觀情塵認識問題的破申:《百論》破情塵品釋義=The Dialetic of Cognition in Satasastra's "Breaking Sense & Breaking Objectivity" [全文]
孫長祥 (著)=Sun, Chang-hsiang (au.)
 東西生命哲學對觀:兼論宗密原著人論緣由=The Comparison Between the Oriental and Western Philosophy of Life: Also on the reason of Zong Mi's "On the Original Nature of Man" [全文]
曹秀明 (著)=Tsao, Hsu-ming (au.)


v.10 n.1 [2009.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 面對金融海嘯的反思=The Introspection of Financial Tsunami [全文]
梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung
 探討梁啟超與克里希那穆提論心靈自由之異同=On the Similarities and Differences fo Spiritual Freedom between Liang Qichao's and Krishnamurti's Teachings [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen
 宗教作為文化涵化的要素:一種族群遷移的觀察=Religions as a Fundamental Element of Cultural Acculturation: An Observation on Ethnic Migration [全文]
劉阿榮 =Liu, A-ron
 宗教文化創意產業發展芻議=Discussion on Development of Religious & Cultural Creative Industry [全文]
謝登旺 =Hsieh, Deng-wang
 運用「觀看心念」解決問題=The Application of "observing Thoughts in Mind" to Solving Problems [全文]
胡祖櫻 =Hu, Tzu-ying
 佛教中的「想、受」二蘊與心理學的「認知」和「情緒」=Saññā and Vedanā in Buddhism in Comparison with Cognition and Emotion in Psychology [全文]
關則富 (著)=Kuan, Tse-fu (au.)


v.9 n.2 [2008.07.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 「被知的都是」的牢籠=The Prison of "the Known is True" [全文]
胡祖櫻 =Hu, Tzu-ying
 楞伽經百八句妙證第一義諦=Reaching the First Principle by Way of Understanding the Hundred and Eight Orthodox Sentences in the Lankāvatāra-sūtra [全文]
蔡宗儒 =Tsai, Tsong-ru
 如是認定則如是顯現=What do You See is Related to What Kind of Limitations in Your Heart [全文]
梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung
 佛法中的四相對全球在地文化模式的啟示=The Revelation of Buddhism Four Forms on the Mode of Glocalization [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen ; 孫長祥 =Sun, Chang-hsiang
 大乘中觀對法執問題的破中:《百論》破一異品釋意=The Rebuttal to Being of Dharma by Madhyamaka -- Connotation of Confront Identity and Confront Difference in Satasastra [全文]
孫長祥 =Sun, Chang-hsiang
 由系統動力學管窺緣起法則=A Limited View of Dependent Origination from System Dynamics Viewpoint [全文]
古國正 =Ku, Kuo-cheng


v.9 n.1 [2008.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 食物咀嚼的信息觀=The Information Aspect of Mouth Chewing [全文]
陳國鎮 =Chen, Kuo-gen
 尋找真正無毒的農業:生命動力農法(Biodynamic Agriculture)的實驗=Finding Real Organic Food:An Experiment of Biodynamic Agriculthure [全文]
宋光宇 (註釋)=Sung, Kwang-yu (comm.)
 意識的無所不在說:從愛因斯坦主導的EPR實驗談起=On the ‘Consciousness being Omnipresent' based on Message of Water- to begin with the EPR Experiment of Einstein et al [全文]
王守益 (著)=Wang, S. George (au.)
 人之初的優質教育=The High Quality Education to The Very Beginning of Life [全文]
陳國鎮 (著)=Chen, Kuo-gen (au.)
 葷食增業說=Meat Diet Increases One's Karma [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)


v.8 n.2 [2007.07.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 細胞心靈說=The concept of “The cells have souls” [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.)
 從如來本體層次談幾何光學視覺認知:兼談「見性成佛」的修持=On Vision Cognition from the Noumenal View of Tathagata [全文]
王守益 (著)=Wang, S. George (au.); 王淑琴 (著)=Wang, Shu-chin (au.)
 從康德與佛教知識論看學校課程內涵=Epistemological Disagreement between Kant and Buddhism and Its Implication on Curriculum [全文]
陳利銘 (著)=Chen, Li-ming (au.)
 從時間角度觀看心念=Observing the Thoughts in the Mind from the Viewpoint of Time [全文]
胡祖櫻 (著)=Hu, Tzu-ying (au.)
 從「流體之美」體會佛法一二=To Comprehend the Buddhist Dharma through the Beauty of Flow [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen
 唐代詩僧皎然飲茶詩的茶禪原理=The Principle of Tang Dynasty Poem Monk Jiao Ran Tea poems [全文]
蕭麗華 =Hsiao, Li-hua


v.8 n.1 [2007.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 企業的修鍊=The displine of enterprise [全文]
梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung
 真的是別人的責任嗎?=Should others take the responsibility ? [全文]
胡祖櫻 =Hu, Tzu-ying
 大乘中觀對自我本體與認知問題的破申 :《百論.破神品》釋義=The dialogue of self in Satasastra [全文]
孫長祥 (著)=Sun, Chang-hsiang (au.)
 傳統宗教對當代環境議題的回應:以西方的基督教和台灣的佛教為例=How Traditional Religions Respond to Contemporary Environmental Issues [全文]
朱建民 (著)=Jue, Jien-ming (au.)
 「能知與被知的劃分」在個別心念上的應用=The application of 'setting the boundary between "the knower" and "the known"' to individual thoughts [全文]
胡祖櫻 (著)=Hu, Tzu-ying (au.)
 建構以慈悲為本的道德教育=To Construct A Compassion-Based Model of Moral Education [全文]
陳利銘 (著)=Chen, Li-ming (au.); 陳聰文 (著)=Chen, Tsung-wen (au.)
 和諧共榮:東方思維的啟示=To Be Harmonious and Flourishing with Others: A Teaching of Oriental Thoughts [全文]
蕭麗華 (著)=Hsiao, Li-hua (au.)


v.7 n.2 [2006.07.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 空無及留白的重要性=The Importance of Void and Bland [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 從佛學與科學談同體性=Exploration of Oneness from Both Buddhism and Science [全文]
王守益 =Wang, S. George ; 王淑琴 =Wang, Shu-chin
 從佛法覺察光的本質=Investigation of the Nature of Light: From the Perspective of Buddhism [全文]
孔福龍 =Koong, Fwu-long
 人身無價的省思=A reflection on the priceless life [全文]
呂萬安 =Lu, Wan-an
 親子關係及其改善之道=The relationship between parents and the way to improve it [全文]
胡祖櫻 =Hu, Tzu-ying
 好死不易在台灣=It may not easy to have a good death in Taiwan [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng


v.7 n.1 [2006.01.01出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛教徒如何面對誹謗?=How do Buddhists face the slander? [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 盡在不言中=When you say nothing at all [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 幹細胞研究的佛法反省:以黃禹錫事件為例=Buddhistical reflection on the stem cell researches: the Woo Suk Hwang event as an example [全文]
釋昭慧 =Shih, Chao-hui
 「空」的操作型定義=The operational definition of ''Void'' [全文]
陳家成 =Chen, Chia-chern
 選舉亂象的省思=A reflection on the bewilderment caused by election [全文]
呂萬安 =Lu, Wan-an
 佛經鄰虛塵:最終基本粒子、真空及量子之源?=Buddhistic Linshitron: The Ultimate Fundamental Particle, Vacuum and the Origin of Quantum? [全文]
楊中傑 =Yang, Chung-chieh
 觀看心念:重要的修行方法=Observing the Thoughts in the Mind: An Important Method of Practicing Buddhism [全文]
胡祖櫻 =Hu, Tzu-ying
 對有相修行成績單構建之思索=A Thought on the Construction of the Transcript for Practicing with Form [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen
 佛學與現代物理學之對話:關於物質的實質存在=The Dialogue between Buddhism and Modern Physics: Regarding the Substantial Existence of Matter [全文]
釋見見 =Shih, Jian-jian


v.6 n.2 [2005.07.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 生命無價?=Is Life Priceless [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 祭祖儀式意涵之探索=Exploration of the Significance of Performing Rites in Honor of the Ancestors [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen ; 孫長祥 =Sun, Chang-hsiang
 見與現:從實驗觀點論六塵塵相假=Seeing and Appearing: Falseness of Six-Dusts' Phenomena from the Experimental Viewpoint [全文]
陳昌祈 =Chen, Chang-chi
 出離因果、幫因、與循因=Freeing from cause-and-effect, Helping the Causes, and Backtracking the Causes [全文]
胡祖櫻 =Hu, Tzu-ying
 文明生機蘊涵於演化歷程=The Vitality of Civilization is Contained in the Evolution Process [全文]
梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung
 為什麼佛教可以征服華人而基督教不能?=Why could the Buddhist conquer Chinese and the Christianity [全文]
宋光宇 =Sung, Kwang-yu


v.6 n.1 [2005.01.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 回教的齋戒月與佛教的過午不食=Ramadan of Muslim and no-food-after-midday of Buddhism [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 內心世界的地震、海嘯與瘟疫=Earthquake, Tsunami and Plaque in the Inner World [全文]
陳家成 (著)=Chen, Chia-chern (au.)
 臨終照顧與六祖惠能對圓寂的看法=On the End-of-life Care and the View of 6(superscript th) Patriarch Hui-neng on Parinirvana [全文]
王守益 =Wang, S. George
 從網絡式信息場的觀點看通靈現象=Examining the phenomena of supernatural ability from the viewpoint of information field in the Internet model [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
 文明對話:易經思維與佛教義理的互動=Encounter between civilizations: cross-fertilization of I-Ching traditions and Buddhism ideas [全文]
冉弘毅 (著)=Jan, Hung-yi (au.)
 佛教人類胚胎學=Buddhistic Human Embryology [全文]
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.)
 佛教人類胚胎學=Buddhistic Human Embryology [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng


v.5 n.2 [2004.07.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 用「五依法」化解儒家與佛教的衝突=To resolve the conflict between Confucianism and Buddhism by using five reliances [全文]
梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung
 信息場與隱密物質和隱密能量的可能關聯=The possible connection between information field and dark m [全文]
李嗣涔 =Lee, Si-chen ; 唐大崙 =Tang, Da-ren ; 郭翰 =Kuo, Han
 「臨終八小時」是否為往生淨土的關鍵?=Is “eight hours after death” the key to rebirth to the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism? [全文]
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.); 黃培禎 (著)=Hwang, Pei-jen (au.)
 素食者如何避免被攙葷素食所騙?=How can vegetarians avoid being mocked with animal meats? [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 以暴易暴不會有真和平=Eye for eye will not lead to true peace [全文]
陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang


v.5 n.1 [2004.01.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 《心經》「照見五蘊皆空」的佛學與科學式分析比較探究:並以《楞嚴經》「觀音圓通」作補述闡釋=Comparative studies of “Heart Sutra” with its “Perceiving 5 aggregates into emptiness” : with an illustration of “Bodhisattva Kuanyin's enlightenment” in “Surangama Sutra” [全文]
王守益 (著)=Wang, S. George (au.)
 從十二因緣看學校管理=On the university management from the viewpoint of twelve dependent originations [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
 思惟菩薩造像在魏晉南北朝流行演化之因緣探討=The evolutional causes of the images of Contemplative Bodhisattvas in the Great Division Period of China [全文]
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.); 簡婉 (著)=Chien, Wan (au.)
 佛教的大生與大死=The Grand Birth and Grand Death in Buddhism [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.)
 科學與宗教:一場心靈交會的盛宴?還是二條永不相交的平行線?=Science and religion: the banguet of mind interaction or two non-intersecting parallel lines? [全文]
周成功 (著)=Chou, Chen-kung (au.)


v.4 n.2 [2003.07.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 從心物二元哲學觀點解讀愛因斯坦相對論物理:兼談愛因斯坦對於心物二元的哲學貢獻=Understanding Einstein' s relativity physics from the view-point of mind-matter dualism:stating also about Einstein's contribution to mind-matter dualism philosophy [全文]
王守益 =Wang, S. George ; 王淑琴 =Wang, Shu-chin
 遨遊有形與無形界=Traveling around the visible and invisible worlds [全文]
李嗣涔 =Lee, Si-chen
 般若波羅蜜多心經: 一份禪定境界的科學報告=I Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra:a scientific report of profound meditation [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 論三心不可得及其對禪修的啟示: 安住於真實之存在=Unattainable three minds and its lesson on Zen practicing:living in the real being [全文]
楊新宇 =Yang, Xin-yu
 本來面目與靈魂=The true self and the soul [全文]
 佛教的養生功法 :達摩「易筋經」=The calisthenics of Buddhism: Yi-Gin-Ching of Budhidharma [全文]
呂萬安 (著)=Lu, Wan-an (au.)


v.4 n.1 [2003.01.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 台灣禪=Taiwan Zen [全文]
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.)
 愛因斯坦相對論假設可追溯到佛學的「唯心所現」?!=Can Einstein's Relativity Hypotheses be Traced to the "All Phenomena Being Emergence of the Mind" of Buddhism [全文]
王守益 =Wang, S. George
 從網路之電子郵件看信息場之溝通模式=the communication mode of information field from the perspective of internet e-mailing [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen
 從十二因緣談能知與被知的劃分=The boundary between 'the knower' and 'the known'as viewed the twelve from the twelve dependent originations [全文]
胡祖櫻 =Hu, Tzu-ying ; 梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung
 從佛教的觀點談「心」和「物」=The Mind and Matter: From the Buddhist's Point of View [全文]
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.)
 「無我」與「有我」的比較、釐清、圓通與整合=he comparison, clear-up, bridging and integration of non-self and self [全文]
王守益 (著)=Wang, S. George (au.)
 臨終照顧:安寧緩和醫療的觀念與佛教徒的想法是否有衝突?=End of Life Care: Is the Concept of Palliative Care in Conflict with What the Buddhists Think? [全文]
陳家成 =Chen, Chia-chern
 「餓鬼臥」的現代醫學研究=Modern medical studies on the Peta recumbency [全文]
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.); 陳高揚 (著)=Chen, Gau-yang (au.); 楊仁鄰 (著)=Yang, Jen-lin (au.)
 生死與度亡=Living, Dying and Rebirth [全文]
梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung


v.3 n.2 [2002.07.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 佛教的「過午不食」=No-food-after-midday precept(Vikala Bhojana Veramani)in Buddhism [全文]
洪敏榮 =Hung, Ming-jung ; 郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang
 佛教的隱憂=The Shadow on Buddhism [全文]
梁乃崇 =Liang, Nai-tsung
 申論「信則有,不信則無」之深義=An Inquiry into "Reality Goes after Believing and Unreality Goes after Unbelieving" [全文]
楊中傑 =Yang, Chung-chieh
 EQ與佛法=EQ and Buddhism [全文]
陳家成 =Chen, Chia-chern
 巴米揚大佛不應原址重建=Bamiyan Colossal Buddha Should Not Be Rebuilt at The Same Site [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 一個科學家看靈異風波=A Scientist's View on Spiritual Events [全文]
周成功 =Chou, Chen-kung
 既違常情又違法理的「八敬法」:比丘尼永世頂戴的緊箍=The eight-reverent precepts(Atthagaru-dhamma):prescriptions against sensibility and Buddhist spirit. [全文]
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hui (au.)
 摩托車保養與禪修有何相干?:科學技術時代的求道之路=Does motorcycle maintenance have anything to do with Zen? [全文]
 與信息場對話=Dialogue with the Spirit [全文]
李嗣涔 =Lee, Si-chen
 The Bauddha Atomism [全文]
Majumdar, Pradip Kr


v.3 n.1 [2002.01.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 以心靈的進出挪移解釋特異功能的發生=The explanation of the occurrence of extrasensory perception by using the in/out shift of the mind [全文]
陳國鎮 =Chen, Kuo-gen
 信息場的競存演化說=On the survival evolution of the information field [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen
 道教對臥姿的主張=Taoism's comments on the position during recumbency [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang ; 陳雲卿 =Chen, Yun-ching
 尋求六根、六塵與九識在佛學與科學哲學上的共同定義=The find the acceptable definitions on the six roots,dusts and conciousnesses between Buddhism and scientific philosophy [全文]
林杜娟 =Lin, Due-jane ; 陳家成 =Chen, Chia-chern
 佛教徒如何對待他人過惡?=How Should Buddhist react to other people's fault? [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 A team of skilled workers is needed=需要團隊工作者 [全文]
Himadri Pai Majumdar
 美國911恐怖事件:通往光明與黑暗的叉路=Terrorist attack on USA : the door to peace or doom [全文]
陳家成 (著)=Chen, Chia-chern (au.)
 佛教徒不會發起聖戰=No Jihad for Buddhists [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 佛教沒有不可培殖人類胚胎的問題=Buddhism has no such problems as to the cloning of human embryos [全文]


v.2 n.2 [2001.07.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 不合時宜的八敬法應早日廢除=The outdated astha guru-dharma should be abandoned as soon as possible [全文]
 探討引發慈濟志業的故事=Exploring the origin of Tsu-Chi missions [全文]
郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.)
 手指識字關鍵字與信息場之聯繫模式=The connection model between keywords and information field in finger reading experiments [全文]
李嗣涔 (著)=Lee, Si-chen (au.); 張蘭石 (著)=Chang, Lan-shih (au.)
 靜坐數息對正常人自律神經活性的效應=The effect of breath-counting meditation on theautonomic nervous modulation in normal subjects [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang
 從科學觀點提出哲學本體及其與佛教涅槃之等同=Philosophical ultimate reality and its equivalence to the Buddhist nirvana from scientific point of view [全文]
王守益 =Wang, S. George
 熱力學第二定律與生命現象之探源=The second law of thermodynamics and the phenomena of life [全文]
陳俊霖 =Chen, Jin-lin
 意識、意識流及潛意識的探討 =Consciousness, stream of consciousness and subconsciousness [全文]
林大興 (著)=Lin, Tai-hsin (au.)
 誰是生命的主人=Who is the master of life? [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 從自殺事件看佛教涅槃思想的合理性=Is nirvana another kind of suicide? [全文]
陳家成 (著)=Chen, Chia-chern (au.)
 知識的泉源 -- 遺傳學家芭芭拉‧麥克林托克的啟示=The spring of knowledge: the inspiration of geneticist Barba [全文]
陳昌祈 (著)=Chen, Chang-chi (au.)
 提昇心靈扭轉世界=Enlightening human spirit to harmonize the world [全文]
陳國鎮 (著)=Chen, Kuo-gen (au.)
 尋找靈丹妙藥=Where is the panacea? [全文]
林大興 (著)=Lin, Tai-hsin (au.)


v.2 n.1 [2001.01.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 手指識字之特異色覺與正常色覺的比較 :一個個案研究=Comparison between Normal Color Sense and Extrasensory Perception Color Sense in Color Adaptation Task: A Case Study [全文]
李嗣涔 (著)=Li, Si-chen (au.); 唐大崙 (著)=Tang, Da-ren (au.); 許儷絹 (著)=Hsu, Li-chuan (au.)
 從網路概念看精神宇宙的結構=A Possible Structure of Spiritual Universe as Viewed from the Internet Model [全文]
王立文 =Wang, Lin-wen
 佛教師子王臥對冠狀動脈疾病患者及孕婦自律神經活性的效應=The effect of Lion King recumbency on autonomic nervous activity in patients with coronary artery disease and pregnant women [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng ; 陳高揚 =Chen, Gau-yang
 科學和佛教的宇宙論及其與十二因緣的關係=The twelve links in the chain of interdependent co-arising and the relationships between the universes of Buddhism and science [全文]
林杜娟 =Lin, Due-jane ; 陳家成 =Chen, Chia-chern
 從佛學角度觀西方三大物理學之理論層次=Viewing the theoretics among Newtonian mechanics,relativity and quantum theory from Buddhism [全文]
楊中傑 =Yang, Chung-Chieh
 種子與波函數=Seed and wave function [全文]
陳昌祈 =Chen, Chang-chi
 佛法能使人趨吉避凶嗎?=Can we reduce the risks by applying Buddhism to our daily life? [全文]
 評授予宗教學位=A Comment on the conferment of religious degree [全文]
 避談死亡如何了生脫死?=How can we achieve moksa if we avoid talking about death? [全文]


v.1 n.1 [2000.07.15出版]

タイトル 著者
 站在巨人的肩膀上=Standing on the shoulders of the giants [全文]
 點化文明的生機=To vitalize the human civilization [全文]
 心靈現象的操作型定義=The value of applying operational definitions to the termino [全文]
 由手指識字實驗辨識特殊關鍵字所觀察到的異象=The Observation of Extraordinary Phenomena when Special Keywords were Tested in the Experiment on Character Recognition by Fingers [全文]
李嗣涔 =Lee, Si-chen ; 唐大崙 =Tang, Da-rin ; 陳建德 =Chen, Chien-te
 無過失與佛法=No-fault and Buddhism [全文]
郭正典 =Kuo, Cheng-deng
 金剛經的數學模型及其解之探討=The Mathematic Approach to Vajra-Praj-naparamita-sutra [全文]
林杜娟 (著)=Lin, Due-jane (au.); 陳家成 (著)=Chen, Chia-chern (au.)
 量子力學的波函數與康德的物自體=Quantum Mechanical Wave Function and the Thing-in-itself of Kant's [全文]
王守益 (著)=Wang, S. George (au.); 王慧琴 (著)=Wang, Hui-chin (au.)
 論法塵和信息波的存在認知=An Inference of the Existence of Dharma and Information Waves Through a Model of Recognition [全文]
陳國鎮 =Chen, Kuo-gen
 從道原經看先秦道家思想對信息的瞭解=An Understanding from Tao-yuan Ching Annotations of Pre-ch'in Taoist Thought Regarding Information [全文]
宋光宇 (著)=Sung, Kwang-yu (au.); 陳國鎮 (著)=Chen, Kuo-gen (au.); 蘇莉華 (著)=Su, Li-hua (au.)
 真實的認識=The Acknowledgment of Reality [全文]
楊新宇 (著)=Yang, Xin-yu (au.)
